Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 102: ceremony


Han Chongyuan wished he could kill the woman who dared to seduce his man - even though he had been with Meng En safely for several years, he still couldn't stand Meng En approaching others.

With a cold face, Han Chongyuan immediately walked towards Meng En.

However, when the people around Han Chongyuan and Feng Xuan felt the danger, Ge Linlin didn't feel it at all. Then, she did something to save herself.

"I'm getting married soon, come and attend my wedding when you're free!" Ge Linlin glanced at Meng En, thinking that it would be nice for more people like Meng En to attend her wedding, and Meng En would probably not give red envelopes few.

Han Chongyuan snatched the phone number from Meng En's hand, and then glanced at Ge Linlin. The aura on his body was finally not as scary as before: "Meng En may not be free."

Ge Linlin was a little strange, Han Chongyuan directly took Meng En's hand: "We should go back!"

Of course Meng En would not resist, and obediently followed Han Chongyuan away. Ge Linlin couldn't react for a while, but suddenly remembered what others had said about Meng En being adopted.

"This person seems familiar?" Sun Mingda frowned slightly, Han Chongyuan's appearance...

Of course they are familiar, the chairman of Yuanmeng, although he basically does not accept interviews, and there is no lace news, and occasionally appears in some important meetings, but even so, because of his age and social status, there are still many people. She worshiped him and spread his photos, so naturally she was familiar... Feng Xuan glanced at Sun Mingda, but didn't intend to tell the matter, because she knew that Sun Mingda couldn't accept the relationship between men.

Thinking of this, Feng Xuan took another look at the backs of Han Chongyuan and Meng En. The two were holding hands, and they looked like an unexpected match... Speaking of which, she was really scared when she found out that the person behind Meng En was actually Han Chongyuan. She jumped, because she never thought that such an outstanding person as Han Chongyuan would have a relationship with her classmates.

There is always a difference between a real person and a photo, and it is difficult for ordinary people to think that those unattainable people will really be by their side, so although Sun Mingda was puzzled, he did not recognize Han Chongyuan based on just one meeting and one word, that is, Ge Linlin was somewhat Unhappy: "What adoption, I think it's nurturing at all!" She enthusiastically invited Meng En to her wedding, but Meng En was lucky enough to ignore her completely!

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Feng Xuan glared at Ge Linlin.

Ge Linlin curled her lips and went to another place, and Sun Mingda was still a little angry: "What's the matter with this waiter! She even said that someone else was adopted! Shameless, she is like this, so she thinks everyone else is like this."

"Don't talk about it. Anyway, other people's affairs have nothing to do with us. We just need to know that Meng En is our good friend." Feng Xuan said.

Sun Mingda nodded.

At this moment, Han Chongyuan, who pulled Meng En into the car, had torn the note in his hand to pieces, and almost every piece was less than five millimeters in diameter.

Meng En took out a tissue, motioned Han Chongyuan to put the crumbs on it, then crumpled it up and threw it into the small trash can on the car: "That's my former neighbor, she recognized me, let's chat A few words."

Although Han Chongyuan was unhappy, after tearing off the piece of paper with the phone number written on it, his heart calmed down, and now he just hummed softly: "I don't like her."

"Then I won't talk to her anymore." Meng En stretched out his hand to press Han Chongyuan's leg, and then took the initiative to kiss Han Chongyuan's face—he didn't want to make Han Chongyuan angry.

Han Chongyuan hummed a few words comfortably, then put Meng En's legs on his own, and slowly pressed Meng En up.

The atmosphere between the two of them was very warm, Han Chongyuan pressed and pressed, and the fire started, and he couldn't help but began to wonder whether he should take this opportunity to "taste" Meng En... Maybe he can still persuade Meng En to try it out. same pose

After arriving home, without giving Meng En any time to react, Han Zhongyuan directly hugged Meng En and got out of the car, then rushed upstairs again.

As a result, the two of them almost ran into Qian Mo.

Qian Mo came, and Bai Ri must have failed, Han Chongyuan asked a little unhappy: "Why are you here?"

"Xiao En graduates tomorrow, of course I want to come." Qian Mo smiled, she really sees Meng En as her son now, Han Chongyuan didn't even go to college, so she almost didn't go to Han Chongyuan's college graduation ceremony. You can only participate in Meng En's.

"Just let's go together." Han Chongyuan said, he... cough cough tomorrow.

"It's your business that you are going to give a speech. I will attend as a parent, and it has nothing to do with you." Qian Mo said.

"..." Han Chongyuan was speechless for a moment, he hadn't told Meng En that he was going to give a speech yet!

Meng En was a little embarrassed just now, but now he is much calmer, and he also remembered what Han Chongyuan said earlier that he would surprise him tomorrow, so he was going to speak at their school? Han Chongyuan is now considered a well-known figure. If such a person goes to their school to speak to them, his classmates will probably be very excited.

Qian Mo didn't care about Han Chongyuan, but asked about Meng En's clothes tomorrow, and then took out a SLR from her bag: "Xiao En, mom will take pictures for you tomorrow, and then we will take more pictures." Dot, I will definitely take a good picture of you!"

After Meng En saved Han Chongyuan, Qian Mo asked Meng En to follow Han Chongyuan to call her mother. Meng En was a little embarrassed at first, but Han Chongyuan and Qian Mo insisted, so he called her mother, and later got used to it.

"Thank you Mom." Meng En said, unable to help but think of Li Shuyun.

Li Wen participated in the kidnapping of him, and Han Chongyuan couldn't let Li Wen go, so he is still in prison and his studies have been ruined. Li Wen, who was in prison, was given a card with 500,000 yuan in it.

The 500,000 yuan was used by Han Chongyuan to thank Li Wen for exchanging the drugs for narcotics. He used the money to settle the matter at once, but he was unwilling to owe Li Wen favors.

The Li family was not implicated by Li Wen, and lived well, but Li Shuyun stopped living with the Li family after that.

The Li family knew the ins and outs of Meng En's kidnapping. When they were released by Chen Jingtang, they hated Li Shuyun and Li Wen, but they didn't dare to do anything. They went to jail again, but they vented all their anger on Li Shuyun.

These people tormented Li Shuyun twice, and Li Shuyun tolerated it at first, but later she couldn't bear it anymore, and the kidnapping of Meng En by Li Wen also made Li Shuyun unhappy.

After Li Shuyun knew that Meng Jianjin was in jail, she knew that the money and house she took were probably not compensation from Meng Jianjin for divorce from her, but from Meng En...

Li Shuyun didn't treat Meng En very well, and even used to beat and scold him a lot, but it would be a lie to say that she really didn't have any feelings for Meng En, since Meng En was her son after all.

Her son was kidnapped by Li Wen and almost died, and others blamed herself... Li Shuyun gritted her teeth and ran out of Li's house, lived in her own house, and then found a job as a nanny.

There are some elderly couples in the town who are both retired workers. Their pensions are not low, and their children will give them subsidies. But when they are old, they cannot take care of themselves. Monthly to the nanny thousands of eight hundred.

This money is not much, but Li Shuyun is more than enough to spend alone. She eats with those old people, and sometimes even saves all the money, plus she rents out a vacant house...

Han Chongyuan no longer gave Li Shuyun 3,000 a month for living expenses, but Li Shuyun is still living a good life now. When taking care of those retired old people, she also learned a lot from those old people who are somewhat more knowledgeable than Li's father and Li's mother. Some of my own ideas have also changed.

That's right, didn't her parents say she was a girl, the water thrown by a married daughter? Why have you thrown her out and asked her for money

Thinking about it this way, Li Shuyun is becoming less and less willing to give money to her parents... and her two younger brothers. Now look at these elderly people in their own care...

They have money in their hands, even if their children are not around, they can spend money to let others take care of them. Rather than expecting Li Wen, who kidnapped her son, to provide for her in the elderly, it is more reliable to save more money herself!

Li Shuyun, who has figured it out, is now holding a pension while working as a nanny for others, saving money all the time, but she has completely become an iron cock, and she is no longer willing to give a penny to her parents and younger brothers. Of course, she is also reluctant to part with it. Pay an extra penny.

Meng En knew all these things. He didn't know how to evaluate his mother, but he couldn't deny that he liked a mother like Qian Mo.

At this time, Qian Mo talked about another matter: "By the way, Han Shen split up and sold the Han family."

"Really? It's earlier than I thought." Han Chongyuan said.

"You...why do you have to make trouble with the Han family? Han Xingmiao is already in jail, and the Han family has all fallen into Han Shen's hands. They will definitely give it to you in the future, but you still make things difficult for him. Isn't this just making things difficult for yourself? Is it?" Qian Mo said, although Han Chongyuan made trouble for the Han family, although she did it very covertly, she still knew a little bit, and after knowing it, she felt that her son had a brain problem.

Although Han's is not as good as Huayuan Yuanmeng, it is also a big company, and they push it out when they are about to get it!

"I don't like this company, I don't like it." Han Chongyuan said,

"Forget it, you can do whatever you like." Qian Mo glanced at Han Chongyuan, and didn't plan to continue talking. With her and Han Chongyuan's current wealth, she really didn't think much of the Han family.

It’s just that Han Shen sold the company before the Han family came to a dead end, and the best thing is to split it up and then sell it, which is really unexpected... Some people will choose to sell the company even if they have to sell the company They even signed an agreement to prevent the buyer from breaking up the company, because they already have feelings for the company... Han Shen did the opposite.

Didn't Han Shen say back then that this is the foundation of the Han family, must it be passed on? Now you don't care at all

Although Qian Mo was curious about what Han Shen did, she didn't say much, and soon chatted with Meng En about the graduation ceremony, until Meng En proposed to cook.

A bowl of cold kelp shreds, a bowl of steamed eggplant, a plate of mapo tofu, a steamed meat pie with green soybeans, plus sweet and sour crucian carp. I have already made a big pot of ribs and dried bamboo shoots soup that I didn’t eat at noon. The dishes are all ready, Meng En I ate too much at noon, so I specially pick light kelp shreds and steamed eggplant to eat at the moment.

The steamed eggplant is cut into sections and steamed. The color of the steamed eggplant is not very good, but it is very soft, and it tastes good when dipped in sauce.

Of course, if it was just him and Han Chongyuan, Meng En would often choose to mix the steamed eggplants directly. Although the rotten eggplants made in that way looked a bit disgusting, they tasted really good.

Meng En's cooking skills have improved a lot. Qian Mo praised Meng En while eating, and talked to Meng En for a long time after eating. Fortunately, she also knew that her son's husband and wife life should not be disturbed, so she soon Let Meng En go.

Meng En and Han Chongyuan spent a very warm night together, and then they were woken up early the next morning by the ringing of the phone. The call was from Qian Mo, just to wake them up.

"Come down and eat, I made breakfast!"

"Mom, do you know how to make breakfast?" Han Chongyuan asked in surprise, having almost never eaten Qian Mo's food.

"Of course I will. When I was young, I studied in school, and I had to rush home to cook at noon!" Qian Mo said. She also had a hard time when she was young. Of course she could cook, but later she made more and more money. The more I have, the more I will no longer focus on these small places, and I will almost forget about cooking...

Qian Mo only made a pot of porridge.

Han Chongyuan doesn't like to drink porridge, because he gets hungry after a while, and Meng En naturally knows this: "Mom, let me make some egg pancakes to eat with porridge."

"Okay." Qian Mo closed the door immediately.

After all, he was in a hurry, so Meng En didn't make too delicate ones. He stirred the batter and beat two eggs, put some green onions and mixed well, then put some oil in the pan and poured the batter down to fry until cooked.

This is actually not an authentic egg cake, but it has eggs and cakes, so it can be regarded as barely.

The three of them filled their stomachs and walked towards Z University. After reaching the gate, they separated again.

When Meng En came to the gathering point of his class alone, he heard everyone around him talking about Han Chongyuan.

"Han Chongyuan is coming to our school to speak, do you know?"

"I heard, but he is not from our school, why is he here?"

"Doesn't the school often invite some famous people to speak? It doesn't matter if he is not from our school."

"He didn't even go to college..."

"He can start a big company without going to university, can you do it?"

"I don't have a mother as powerful as him, why can't I do it?"

Some people admire Han Chongyuan, but naturally some people look down on Han Chongyuan. Hearing what those people said, Meng En couldn't help frowning.

Han Chongyuan was the one with the best grades in their school back then, if he was willing to take the university entrance exam... If he had gone to the university entrance examination, then Yuanmeng would not exist!