Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 103: Photograph


Meng En admired Han Chongyuan unconditionally, so naturally he couldn't listen to others saying bad things about Han Chongyuan, but before he could defend Han Chongyuan, someone else did what he wanted to do: "It's fine if you don't have the ability, you just have to Knowing how to be jealous of others is really shameless!"

It was a girl in the class who spoke, and as soon as she opened her mouth, several other girls in the class also spoke: "That's right, you don't know Han Chongyuan at all, and you're still talking nonsense here!"

"Han Zhongyuan's grades were very good when he was in high school. Do you know that he won several national awards? Do you have any?"

"Yuanmeng's technician also said that Han Chongyuan is one of the best people in Yuanmeng's technology. Why do you say that a rich mother can open a big company like Yuanmeng? Why didn't I see it? Do other rich second generations have his skills?"

"Han Chongyuan's Yuanmeng only produced MP3s and MP4s at the beginning. He made Yuanmeng a little bit bigger, and in some people's eyes, it became as long as you have money... I don't ask you to open such a big company, you If you have a job, you can learn programming in your spare time and make your own software!"

After the girls said a few words, the boys didn't dare to speak up, and they also knew that the girls were telling the truth—Han Chongyuan's previous experience was picked up on the Internet, and he is indeed not the kind of ignorant people.

However, some people admire him for not taking the college entrance examination to fight for his own career, but some people can't understand him, thinking that he has set a bad example for others.

Of course, no matter what others think, it is a fact that Yuanmeng has been winning glory for the country. Although foreign companies have developed very useful smartphones, and even several systems that can be used by smartphones have been released. But because the dream mobile phone appeared first and its quality is good, it is still the most popular in the world.

It is the most popular in foreign countries, let alone in China. Obviously this mobile phone is very expensive, but because too many people buy it, it just becomes an arcade-like existence...

Of course, this is also because there are counterfeit phones in China now.

Talking about Han Chongyuan, everyone inevitably talked about the dream mobile phone.

Dream CY series, now the upgraded version 2 of 1 has come out last year, Dream CY2 is a bit bigger than Dream CY1, and together with it, there is also Yuanmeng's new peony series.

The first mobile phone of the Peony series is slightly smaller than the dream CY2, with softer lines and a variety of colors to choose from. Its configuration in some aspects is not as good as CY2, but the camera is very good, and the sound effect for listening to songs It is also very good, so it is very popular with girls.

The two mobile phones of Yuanmeng were launched last year, which undoubtedly set off a wave of panic buying around the world. As for this year... As far as Meng En knows, Yuanmeng is now producing tablet computers.

A tablet computer that is a few models larger than a mobile phone and smaller than a computer is definitely the favorite of those who like to watch movies and play with their mobile phones at home!

Meng En actually already has a tablet in his hand, but since there is no one outside, he can only play it at home.

The graduation ceremony was held in the school's largest auditorium. After going there, Meng En felt intuitively how many people there were in their class.

No matter what kind of ceremony it is, speeches from various leaders are absolutely indispensable. Meng En sat with Sun Mingda and Feng Xuan, watching the principal and the like speak on stage one by one, without distraction at all.

"Meng En, you are so amazing, you can still be so focused and not distracted when listening to these." Sun Mingda said, he couldn't help but look around.

"It's all very reasonable." Meng En smiled. In fact, the more important reason why he listened carefully was that he was waiting for Han Chongyuan to come out.

"But I've heard this many times... so I haven't seen Han Chongyuan come out? Although my major has nothing to do with the mobile phone industry, I still admire him." Sun Mingda said again.

"It should be soon..." Meng En said.

It was indeed coming soon, as soon as Meng En finished speaking, the speaker on the stage invited Han Chongyuan up.

The current Han Chongyuan is a little different from the one Meng En usually gets along with. He has a cold expression and speaks directly without taking the manuscript.

Han Chongyuan had experienced many such scenes in his previous life. He could organize a few speech topics casually, and now he just improvised, which surprised the people around him.

Han Chongyuan has always been taciturn in the eyes of the media, they really didn't expect him to be so talkative!

Although Han Chongyuan was improvising, he said a lot, and even imagined the future. He obviously spoke in a flat tone, but he made some students of some majors talk with enthusiasm. After today, there will be many more in Z University. People regard Yuanmeng as their goal.

"Meng En, this person is very similar to the one who dragged you away yesterday." Sun Mingda said suddenly.

Meng En smiled, thinking that if he and Sun Mingda continued to communicate, Sun Mingda would definitely know Han Chongyuan's identity, and immediately said: "Yes."

As a result, he admitted so quickly, but Sun Mingda didn't believe it: "Stop joking, how could Han Chongyuan be your god-brother?" Judging from what he learned yesterday, Meng En's previous family background was not very good. Although it's not bad, it's not so outstanding that it makes people look at it. In this case, how could Han Chongyuan's parents adopt him

Since Sun Mingda didn't recognize it, Meng En didn't say much, just kept staring at Han Chongyuan, and found that the people around him were also staring at Han Chongyuan like him. Many girls' eyes seemed to be shining, and their hearts fainted. The ground became sour.

He is not as jealous as Han Chongyuan, and at first he always felt that he had no reason to be jealous, so he really didn't feel sour, until now he found that Han Chongyuan is so popular...

Of course, apart from the sourness, he also felt faintly proud - such an outstanding man belonged to him.

Han Chongyuan got off the stage after speaking briskly, but took a deep look at Meng En's direction before leaving.

The two places are far apart, and Meng En was sure that Han Chongyuan couldn't see his appearance clearly, but Han Chongyuan's glance still seemed to see his heart...

There will be awards for outstanding students in the back. Although Meng En's professional grades are very good, it is a pity that he never participates in activities. Naturally, there is no such opportunity. He sat down there blankly, and did not come back to his senses until the phone rang .

"Is your man handsome?" It was Han Chongyuan who sent a text message.

"Yes, you are very handsome." Meng En replied a message with a smile on his eyebrows.

Today is the day of graduation, some people are sad because of the upcoming parting, some people are happily thinking about the future, but Meng En feels like pink bubbles appear on his body.

The one who was also pink and frothy was Han Chongyuan. After he spoke, he was taken to the back office by a department head, and someone served him tea.

The head of the department was very busy, Han Chongyuan looked at him and didn't want to communicate with others, so he just asked his favorite student to look at Han Chongyuan, and if Han Chongyuan had any needs, he would try his best to meet them.

Han Chongyuan didn't want anything, he just played with his mobile phone, and the corners of his mouth curled up as he played.

Ke Jincheng was the one who was arranged to take care of Han Chongyuan. He was from the Department of Computer Science. He was excellent in his four-year university study career. Not to mention he joined the student union. Dream signed a work contract.

Ke Jincheng has always admired Han Chongyuan, but it is a pity that he has never seen Han Chongyuan during the few months of Yuanmeng's internship. Now he is in the same room with Han Chongyuan, and he is inevitably a little uncomfortable until he sees the smile on the corner of Han Chongyuan's mouth .

After being in a trance for a while, Ke Jincheng couldn't help but also smiled, saying that Han Chongyuan had a bad temper, but he seemed... a very gentle person.

"How long will your graduation ceremony be?" Han Chongyuan asked suddenly.

Ke Jincheng was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "It will take about an hour."

"It's still so long..." Han Chongyuan frowned slightly, and then sent a text message to Meng En, asking Meng En to meet in a place with few people. Of course, he will definitely have to make some disguises...

In order to be able to take pictures of Meng En, Qian Mo prepared extremely well. For example, she specially wore a printed T-shirt and hot pants that she would never wear normally, and then put down her usually tied hair, and then put on a pair of The brown toad mirror instantly changed from a strict female entrepreneur to a fashionable middle-aged woman.

Not only that, she also took the initiative to prepare dressing supplies for Han Chongyuan.

Skull T-shirt flower pants, what the hell is this? Can you see the photos taken with Meng En wearing something like this? Han Chongyuan immediately found Qian Mo with Ke Jincheng's eyes on the grounds that he wanted to go shopping alone, and then he was speechless.

"Isn't this great? It's so youthful! I'll help you with your hair again!" Qian Mo said, spraying styling water on Han Chongyuan's head as she spoke, and then reached out to grab Han Chongyuan's hair.

The originally meticulous hairstyle was instantly captured by Qian Mo with a very individual character. Qian Mo was still muttering: "Who told you to expose yourself? Otherwise, you don't need to make such a bad move now."

"But if it is exposed, there is a reason for Meng En to stay with me at home." Han Chongyuan snorted softly.

"Forget it if you die at home!" Qian Mo looked at her son speechlessly. Her son originally liked all kinds of outdoor sports, but now he is getting more and more strange...

Qian Mo, a fashionable middle-aged woman, and Han Chongyuan, a personality young man wearing a pair of glasses, waited for a while before Meng En arrived.

Meng En came here alone, and after arriving, he took photos with them. The campus of Z University was very lively today, so no one noticed them at all, let alone that the person in floral underpants would be Han Chongyuan who was giving a speech on stage with a serious face.

"Ke Jincheng, what are you looking at?" Someone patted Ke Jincheng on the shoulder.

"It's nothing, I saw someone familiar."

"Which person?"

"That's it, it looks a bit like Han Chongyuan." Ke Jincheng pointed to the young man in the distance who was wearing floral underpants and was shoulder-to-shoulder with a young man in a bachelor's uniform.

"It's a bit similar, but it's completely different." Ke Jincheng smiled and said, the man wore sunglasses and looked like a gangster, while Han Chongyuan looked like an elite.

After all, Han Chongyuan was not a very familiar person to them, and Ke Jincheng also felt that he was wrong, and the two left here quickly.

Most of the students will stay in school for a long time today, and there are many who have made appointments to go out to eat together, but Meng En refused the dinner organized by the class and planned to leave early.

"Meng En is too out of gregarious." Sun Mingda couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He is not the kind of person who is very social, but he also knows that it is very beneficial to make friends with his classmates. Help, but Meng En didn't seem to want to deal with people at all.

"He likes this kind of life, and it's nothing." Feng Xuan said.

"That's right, he's not short of money." Sun Mingda was a little emotional, and then remembered something: "By the way, I have something to leave, you wait for me here."

"Go back quickly!" Feng Xuan waved her hand.

Sun Mingda left soon, while Feng Xuan took pictures with a few good sisters in the same dormitory.

Sun Mingda went to find Meng En. A female student came to him before, hoping that he could help send something to Meng En. It turned out that this girl liked Meng En quite a lot, but she hinted several times that Meng En didn't respond at all. They were about to part ways again, and they might not be able to see each other again, so she thought of giving Meng En a gift when she graduated, but Meng En disappeared as soon as he left the auditorium. She couldn't find anyone, so she had to ask Sun Mingda to do it for her.

Sun Mingda carried his things and searched for a long time without seeing Meng En, but accidentally saw Meng En's car.

The car often came to pick up Meng En, and Sun Mingda also knew it. He walked over immediately, but before he got close, he saw three people coming out from the side.

One of the women in the middle sat in the co-pilot seat, and the two young men sat in the back seat together. This was nothing at first, but Sun Mingda clearly saw the young man in the skull T-shirt kissing Meng En.

Standing at the corner, Sun Mingda suddenly remembered what the waiter said yesterday, saying that Meng En was taken care of by someone. He suddenly didn't know how to face Meng En. Meng En said he was allergic to food, but in fact he ate all of it, so he didn't socialize with people and lived outside all the time because...