Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 106: jade pendant


When Meng En knew that Feng Xuan and Sun Mingda had broken up, he was very surprised. Feng Xuan and Sun Mingda had been together for four years, and their relationship had always been very good. He thought they would get married soon.

"What's the matter with you?" Meng En asked puzzledly. He was looking forward to seeing Feng Xuan and Sun Mingda's child. After all, he himself should have no child. When it happened, I asked Han Chongyuan, but Han Chongyuan reprimanded him on the spot.

"What else can I do? I don't agree with each other." Feng Xuan said, she knows that she has many shortcomings, so she will try her best to tolerate some of Sun Mingda's bad habits or things she can't see past, and then remind him to correct them, but Jiangshan is easy to change his nature. After all, she still couldn't really change Sun Mingda.

Sun Mingda is too frugal in some unnecessary places. If she wants to buy ribs, she insists on buying the worst pork ribs from the pig's neck. When the two go out together, he has been holding back his thirst because he thinks water is too expensive. Sometimes it is even more wasteful for him to buy materials for learning, but in Feng Xuan's view, these are all necessary. In addition, Sun Mingda still can't understand some people relying on the strength of others to achieve success. For example, there is a classmate in his class who likes his tutor a lot, and the tutor values him very much, so Sun Mingda inevitably speaks bitter words.

Of course, these things were fine when he was studying, but now that Sun Mingda has gone to work and started to contact the society, some of his situations have become worse.

No matter how everyone is at school, they are actually relatively simple, but at work, he will inevitably encounter many problems. For example, he should share the credit with others, because he can't speak, and others Knowing how to win the favor of the leader, in the end part of his credit was taken away...

If Feng Xuan, she will either learn from her colleagues next time and try to please the leader, or work harder - as long as she performs far better than her colleagues, it is impossible for others to suppress her.

In short, Feng Xuan will find a way to solve the problems, but Sun Mingda only thinks that this society is too dark, and then complains in front of Feng Xuan several times.

Sun Mingda is a very upright person, which Feng Xuan has always liked. Because of the oppression of her life, she has even done things like spying on others, and she likes that the other half can be more upright, but she is always accused by Sun Mingda of being too honest. She can't stand being too tactful and sophisticated.

And about Meng En.

The identities of Meng En and Han Chongyuan are unequal in most people's eyes. Coupled with their gender, they will inevitably be viewed with colored eyes. Sun Mingda would doubt it, but Feng Xuan didn't think it was wrong. .

But Sun Mingda is Meng En's friend! Even if he doubts, after knowing that a friend has encountered such a thing, he should persuade him instead of imagining what will happen to him in private, right

If Sun Mingda went to talk to Meng En honestly, even if Sun Mingda and Meng En's talk collapsed in the end, even if Sun Mingda still couldn't accept men and men together in the end, Feng Xuan would think it was acceptable, after all, she always knew Sun Mingda This person is very conservative, but Sun Mingda doesn't talk to Meng En, unilaterally alienates Meng En, and talks bad things about Meng En behind his back, which makes her a little unacceptable.

In addition, Sun Mingda came to accuse her after hearing what his mother said, which she could not accept.

Feng Xuan didn't tell Meng En about Sun Mingda's evaluation of Meng En. In the end, she only said something like Sun Mingda was not willing to spend anything, even a small refrigerator in order to save money to buy a house, or Sun Mingda's Mother doesn't like things like herself.

That's right, Sun Mingda's mother doesn't like her. Although Feng Xuan didn't hear what Sun Mingda said, she can see it. What's even more ridiculous is that Sun Mingda's mother even reminded her to go to work earlier. Said that Sun Mingda is very tired working alone and raising a family...

She understood what the old lady meant, didn't she just think that she was still studying and was raised by Sun Mingda? However, this is absolutely not the case. Although Sun Mingda also spent money on her, Sun Mingda paid the rent, but in order not to eat vegetables and tofu every day, she paid for food expenses, and sometimes I saw Sun Mingda wearing clothes all day long. For old clothes, she would also spend money to buy him good clothes and shoes... The two actually spent about the same amount on each other.

"So that's how it is..." Meng En nodded. His mother is a difficult person to understand. If Sun Mingda also has a mother who is difficult to understand, it is normal to break up.

Thinking of this, Meng En was extremely thankful that Qian Mo was easy to get along with and never disliked himself.

"Besides, Sun Mingda's mother is worried that Sun Mingda is working too hard here alone, and wants to take care of him. If this is the case, it is impossible for us to live together again." Feng Xuan said, Sun Mingda's mother has nothing to do, and she has to pick things up. How can two people continue to fall in love with Sun Mingda

Speaking of which, Sun Mingda was ambitious about saving money to buy a house before, and I am afraid that he will be hit in the future. Without her help to share the living expenses, and to give to his grandma's family, the money Sun Mingda can save is absolutely limited .

You know, grandma thinks that her son has earned a lot of money after graduating from college. Although she is a bit reluctant to spend it in life, she likes to show off to people in her hometown and then become a boy who spreads money.

Meng En nodded, and then heard the phone ring. It was a text message from Han Chongyuan, asking him to go home and cook.

Han Chongyuan knew about Meng En's whereabouts. He left the pet hospital and had afternoon tea with Feng Xuan in a nearby coffee shop for an hour, which was the limit Han Chongyuan could bear.

Feng Xuan also knew Han Chongyuan's character, so she waved her hand immediately: "You go back quickly, or the big devil will come to arrest you."

After Meng En left, Feng Xuan sat there for a while, then sighed slightly.

Han Chongyuan was in a hurry, because the other two doctors at the pet hospital were not on vacation today, so Meng En simply went back to his and Han Chongyuan's nest.

At noon, Han Chongyuan was willing to go to the pet hospital for dinner, but in the evening, he insisted that Meng En go back to their home.

"You can go to city B with me tomorrow." Han Chongyuan said suddenly.

"Okay, what's the matter?" Meng En asked.

"I'm going to meet some people." Han Zhongyuan said, Yuanmeng is now not only very famous in China, but also internationally, so he sometimes needs to meet some foreign visitors.

Although he can be very dispositional at certain times and then behave perversely and often do things according to his own preferences, but this time he can't.

"Okay." Meng En nodded, calculated the time, and found that the Christmas between him and Han Chongyuan might be in City B.

In fact, this kind of festival was not enough for Meng En in the past, but now that he has his own savings, he is scratching his head and wanting to do something for Han Chongyuan.

After thinking for a long time, Meng En finally decided to go to the jewelry store to choose a piece of jewelry for Han Zhongyuan after arriving in City B, and then engrave his name on it.

The Jade Avalokitesvara that Han Chongyuan gave him has been worn around his neck all the time, maybe he can buy a similar one for Han Chongyuan now

After arriving in City B, Han Chongyuan took Meng En to live in Qian Mo's villa as usual. As soon as he moved in, the nanny who was looking at the house found him immediately: "Young Master Han, your father moved next door."

"Han Shen?" Han Chongyuan frowned and asked.

The nanny nodded immediately: "The house next door has been under renovation for a long time, and then someone moved in half a month ago. I didn't know who it was at first, but later I found out that it was Mr. Han."

"Oh." Han Chongyuan nodded.

When Meng En graduated half a year ago, Qian Mo said that Han Shen was splitting up and auctioning the Han family, and in the past six months, the Han family has been sold out.

The Han family was sold, but Han Shen did not go bankrupt. After all, for such a big company, he can get a lot of money after selling it, and he has been in the business for so many years. He has connections and skills. A comeback or investment can make a lot of money, but Han Xingmiao in the prison, he lost his shares in the Han family. After he is released from prison, he can get a part of the money at most. Maybe the money has depreciated a lot...

Han Chongyuan did not go to see Han Shen, but met Han Shen several times. When Meng En went out, Han Shen stopped him: "Are you Meng En?"

"Yes." Meng En nodded.

"You and him live a good life." Han Shen said, but didn't say anything else.

Meng En told Han Chongyuan about this at night, but Han Chongyuan was a little unhappy: "Of course we will be fine, don't worry about him!"

Seeing Han Chongyuan's attitude clearly, Meng En stopped talking about Han Shen, and went to a nearby jewelry store the next day, intending to buy a pendant for Han Chongyuan.

Meng En didn't know much about jewelry, so he didn't dare to go to small shops to pick up leaks, so he went directly to a well-known shop, and then went to see those pendants worth about 100,000 yuan.

Jade at this price is not bad, at least ordinary people would not buy it, but it is not particularly good either. It's just that for Meng En, he has no money to buy more expensive ones.

After looking at it for a while, Meng En took a fancy to a Jade Guanyin who was a bit like the Jade Guanyin on his neck.

"This Jade Guanyin should be suitable as a gift." The shopping guide said with a smile.

"Can you show it to me?" Meng En asked with a smile.

The shopping guide quickly brought out Jade Guanyin. Although Meng En didn't know how to distinguish jade, he could tell that it was indeed a good piece of jade. He bought it with money, and then asked if he could engrave characters.

"We have professionals who can help you engrave characters." The shopping guide said again.

"Then engrave a word, en." Meng En said, although it seems a little bad to engrave his own name on the gift he gave to others, but he still hoped that the pendant hanging around Han Chongyuan's neck would have his name on it.

Meng En was waiting for the pendant to be carved when two girls suddenly came to the store.

The two girls are very beautiful, and one of them with chestnut curly hair is even more outstanding, especially with a slight sadness on her face, which makes one can't help but feel sorry for her.

Good-looking people take advantage of her. Even if Meng En doesn't like her, he still has a good impression of her. Then, he heard the two girls mention Han Chongyuan.

"Smile, Han Chongyuan liked you so much back then. It was you who kept ignoring him that he didn't contact you. Now if you contact him more, maybe he will change his mind!" said the girl with short black hair.

"Really?" Li Xiaoxiao asked.

"Of course it's true. I think Han Chongyuan still has feelings for you, but his attitude towards you is different."

Of course, Han Chongyuan's attitude towards Li Xiaoxiao was different, he really wanted to kill this person! So on the surface, he was even more honest, and even didn't give Li Xiaoxiao face at all...

"He doesn't like me... and I heard that he likes men now." Li Xiaoxiao lowered her voice, both Han Xingmiao and Shao Hongjin had told her that Han Chongyuan liked men.

Li Xiaoxiao did love Han Xingmiao before, and even now she can't forget Han Xingmiao, but she has always been a very sober person, knowing that she can never be with Han Xingmiao.

But if it wasn't for Han Xingmiao, who could she turn to

The Li family used to be very good, and Li Xiaoxiao was also a young lady, but with the fall of the Han family, the situation of the Li family is getting worse and worse. Li Xiaoxiao’s current friends are worse than those seven or eight years ago. a lot of.

At that time, the Han family was highly regarded because of Hua Yuan, and the Li family was also favored, not to mention that Han Chongyuan liked her very much... Li Xiaoxiao's parents told her to treat Han Chongyuan well at the beginning, but unfortunately she liked Han Xingmiao, so she always liked her. A little resisted, and later, Han Chongyuan didn't know what was going on, so he suddenly ignored her.

Li Xiaoxiao feels it is a pity in retrospect, but she doesn't know how to redeem it. After knowing that Han Chongyuan has a male lover, she feels even more uncomfortable.

She smirked, could it be that she can't even compare with a man

"Even if Han Chongyuan really has a male lover, so what? Can he still marry a man? Smile, you have to hold him tight!" Another girl is still persuading Li Xiaoxiao, if Li Xiaoxiao Xiao Xiao can be loved by Han Chongyuan, so as Li Xiaoxiao's friend, it will be much more convenient for her to find a partner or something else in the future.

Li Xiaoxiao was silent for a moment, then changed the subject: "Aren't we here to buy earrings? Let's take a look together."

Li Xiaoxiao's female partner quickly took a fancy to a pair of stud earrings: "How about the pair of pink diamonds? They're so beautiful!"

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the price, but frowned. That price was nothing to her in the past, but it has become more and more difficult for her family recently... She can buy jewelry for tens of thousands, but she can spend hundreds of thousands. Forget it.

"Xiaoxiao, Han Chongyuan is so rich. If you can become Mrs. Han, you can buy all the things here." The girl who had been persuading Li Xiaoxiao saw Li Xiaoxiao's embarrassment, and encouraged her.

Li Xiaoxiao was also moved. The two companies of Yuanmeng and Huayuan together can leave all other rich people in the country far behind! Anyone with long eyes now knows that Han Chongyuan is definitely the most expensive bachelor in the country.

Meng En's jade pendant was carved, he took the jade pendant and walked out, a little dumbfounded.

Those two girls are also really confident, as if they are willing, Han Chongyuan is willing to be with them... It's just this Li Xiaoxiao... Meng En is sure that Han Chongyuan definitely doesn't like Li Xiaoxiao, this can't be faked - even if he doesn't Confidence, it doesn't make sense to doubt Han Chongyuan's feelings for him now, but seeing Li Xiaoxiao, he is very unhappy for some reason.

Because of this unhappiness, when he gave a gift at night and told Han Chongyuan what he did that day as usual, Meng En specially mentioned it, and even asked Han Chongyuan for the first time: "What is the girl named Xiaoxiao?" What's going on?"

"Don't worry about her, she will get married soon." Han Chongyuan smiled.

He wanted to live with Meng Enchang sweetly and sweetly for a long time, so sometimes he was extra careful not to attack people easily, so as not to be caught by others.

He may have the ability to kill Li Xiaoxiao, but he can't treat everyone else as fools, so he might as well let Li Xiaoxiao suffer a little.

Han Chongyuan specially asked Li Xiaoxiao to be mentioned many times in front of the son of a nouveau riche who was revealed to have special hobbies a few years later. Sure enough, that person noticed Li Xiaoxiao and even wanted to marry Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao... definitely will marry.