Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 42: shopping mall


Both Han Chongyuan and Tan Feiyue are very talented, there is no doubt about it, but they also have shortcomings, for example, they can't do housework at all.

Tan Feiyue used to find housekeepers to solve housework problems when he was abroad. Now he naturally doesn't have the concept of packing things in the company, let alone Han Chongyuan...

Qian Mo trained him very well and taught him a lot of things, but housework was obviously not included in it. In the later years... when he was the chairman of Huayuan, there were two or three nannies in his family. There was no need to do anything. Although there was no nanny when we were together, Meng En worshiped him as a god. How could he pack his things like this

Therefore, in the days before, the second floor occupied by Han Chongyuan and Tan Feiyue has been very messy, and the two of them basically endured it from the beginning, and endured it for two or three weeks. When it’s time to clean up, just pack up the important materials, and then find a part-time worker to clean them up.

Because the two of them put a lot of things randomly, and the hourly workers didn't know how to pack their things, so it was tragic that they had to spend a lot of time tidying up every time the hourly workers cleaned up.

However, that problem no longer exists now that they have Meng En.

Even in the summer vacation, Meng En didn't give up on his studies. He took the questions and memorized very seriously every day, but he couldn't just sit on the sofa and read all the time... After finding out that the floor where Han Chongyuan and Tan Feiyue stayed was very dirty, Meng En I asked Han Chongyuan, and then helped to pack it up.

He has always been cautious in doing things, and this time is of course no exception. He tidied up all the things he knew how to tidy up, and put the things he didn't understand in place. He didn't mess up Han Chongyuan and Tan Feiyue's place at all, but he kept everything in order .

"Meng En, since you came, my life has been so much easier!" Tan Feiyue nestled on the sofa and gnawed on the omelette that Meng En brought him when he came to work in the morning, his face was full of happiness—his breakfast before I bought it nearby. The tragedy is that there is only one steamed stuffed bun shop in the nearby breakfast shop. Not to mention the bad taste, the stuffing of the steamed stuffed buns is not very good.

"I didn't do anything either," Meng En said.

"You have done a lot. This place looks more and more like a home to me, except that there is no place to cook... In fact, the utility room facing north on this floor can be cleaned up and transformed into a kitchen. What do you think?" How?" Tan Feiyue looked at Meng En expectantly, the more Han Chongyuan refused to let him eat, the more he wanted to eat.

"Don't even think about it!" Han Chongyuan pricked up his ears when Tan Feiyue talked to Meng En, and said without hesitation.

"Boss, you can't keep eating food all by yourself!" Tan Feiyue looked at Han Chongyuan sadly.

"Meng En only cooks for me." Han Chongyuan said with a little pride, and at the same time gave Tan Feiyue a demonstrative glance, swearing his sovereignty.

Before Tan Feiyue felt that Meng En and Han Chongyuan were too sticky, now that he noticed Tan Feiyue's expression, his heart was agitated, and he vaguely understood something.

At present, people in China are relatively simple because the Internet is not very popular, but he grew up abroad and has seen the world. Han Chongyuan and Meng En are obviously not right, just look at it Like a couple.

How old is Meng En? Han Chongyuan actually attacked him, it's really evil!

Tan Feiyue saw that Han Chongyuan's expression was not right.

"Meng En, go back to your room and read!" Han Chongyuan turned his head and told him.

"Okay." Meng En nodded, turned and left.

Seeing Meng En leave, Han Chongyuan looked at Tan Feiyue: "Did you see it? My people, you'd better not worry about it!"

"Why does the woman I like miss you... man? But Boss, Meng En is not yet an adult, right? Is it not good for you to do this?" Tan Feiyue frowned, spoiling underage children or something, This challenged his three views a bit.

"He is underage, am I also underage? And he confessed to me first." Han Chongyuan spontaneously took Meng En's diary posted in the window as Meng En's confession to himself.

"Underage?" Tan Feiyue was stunned. Han Chongyuan looked a little tender-faced, but he always thought that this person was at least twenty years old. Even looking at Han Chongyuan's temperament, he felt that this person might have a baby face, but he was already twenty-seven or eighty-eight...

In the end, this person turned out to be underage

"I'm one year older than him, and I'll be eighteen in one year. Of course, I've just turned eighteen on my ID card." Han Chongyuan didn't hide anything. In fact, there was nothing to hide about this matter. Everyone who should know knew it .

Tan Feiyue petrified.

Tan Feiyue looked at Han Chongyuan for the rest of the time with a tangled gaze, and he was absent-minded about his work, so he was scolded by Han Chongyuan unsurprisingly, and finally let him rest.

Sitting on the sofa and reading today's newspaper, Tan Feiyue suddenly stopped Meng En who was sorting out the documents: "Meng En, come here quickly, this is so much fun!"

"What's the matter?" Meng En asked puzzledly when he heard this while boiling water.

"There was an official who had hidden stolen money, and others helped him report to the police, and then the police arrested him instead of catching the thief... Haha, now everyone doesn't care about how much money the thief stole, only cares about him How much money was greedy." Tan Feiyue pointed to a report in the newspaper and couldn't help laughing.

This corrupt official was very unlucky. A group of people around him helped him call the police and find the media, and insisted on telling the world about him. So now he has become the joke of the entire S city, no, the whole country.

"That thief is really powerful! But I think he might not be a thief at all, but a justice messenger like Superman. He probably did that on purpose so that others could catch a moth." Tan Feiyue started gossiping with Meng En, Want to get closer.

Tan Feiyue spoke with great interest, while Meng En held the newspaper in his hand, but his expression became more and more strange.

The things in the newspaper became more and more familiar to him. The address of the house visited by the thief was not the same as the house where Han Chongyuan took him to steal money before? The gold that Han Chongyuan gave him is still hidden under his bed!

It turned out that those were all money embezzled by corrupt officials, no wonder Han Chongyuan wanted to do that... He said that Han Chongyuan would never steal other people's things casually.

Meng En couldn't help but laughed, his eyes full of admiration.

Tan Feiyue saw that Meng En was happy, and said again: "Meng En, I saw you making leek pancakes today, and it smells very good, can you bring me two for breakfast tomorrow morning?"

"Chongyuan won't let me make it for you... In fact, the cakes I make are not delicious. Why don't I buy you two on the way here." He made much better food.

Tan Feiyue looked at Meng En in disappointment, and immediately lost the interest to talk, knowing that his boss was underage, it was already enough to hurt people, but there was no food to comfort him...

Although Han Chongyuan was busy with work, he also paid attention to Meng En, so he naturally found out that Meng En was very happy.

"Are you in a good mood today?" Han Chongyuan asked on the way back.

"Yes, Chong Yuan, the family you went to steal money last time is actually a corrupt official, right?" Meng En asked with a smile.

"Yes." Han Chongyuan admitted.

"You are amazing!" Meng En looked at Han Chongyuan with admiration.

Han Chongyuan sat up straight, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his mood became more and more comfortable.

The two went to the supermarket before returning home. After returning home, Meng En started to cook. His cooking skills were terrible at the beginning, but now he cooks a lot. Vegetables are still prone to some problems... For example, now, he can't fry the purple cabbage until it softens. After frying for a long time, he still doesn't get the taste of fried cabbage... Next time he should honestly buy ordinary cabbage .

Fortunately, no matter how the food he cooks, Han Chongyuan is very supportive.

After eating, Han Chongyuan took a red MP3 the size of two fingers and sat on the sofa playing with it, while Meng En quickly cleaned up the kitchen. his gold.

These days, Meng En and Han Chongyuan are sleeping on the same bed. It is a two-meter-wide bed painted dark red. There are drawers on both sides of the bed for storing things. They want to see the situation under the bed. , you have to lift the palm mattress.

Meng En bent over, supported the mattress with one hand, and fished out the box under the bed a few days ago with the other.

When Han Chongyuan followed in, he saw Meng En pouted, not knowing what he was doing.

Han Zhongyuan suddenly had a fever, coughed lightly, and then couldn't help cursing: "What are you doing? Do you know that this is indecent! Simply, simply..."

The words were merciless, but after finishing speaking, Han Chongyuan found that he seemed to be even more ashamed. What's indecent... The reason he gave is too bad.

"I'm looking for this." Meng En didn't notice Han Chongyuan's strangeness, but just took out the small box in his hand, opened the box, and Han Chongyuan saw a few pieces of gold inside.

"What? Are you planning to use it?" Han Chongyuan asked.

"No, I just take a look... It's good to see it." A look of embarrassment flashed across Meng En's face. He shouldn't have brought such a precious thing as gold, but Han Chongyuan will get married and have children in the future. Can be used as a gift.

"I'll take you shopping in two days." Han Chongyuan glanced up and down at Meng En and made a decision. In his previous life, although he would not go out like a living luxury showcase like some people he knew, he still had a lot of good things, such as various watches.

Meng En can't wear rings or anything like that now, but he can buy a watch, which is also convenient for him to check the time.

After Han Chongyuan made his decision, he contacted Zhao Ying who was still staring at Li Minxue.

The case of Li Minxue caused a lot of trouble, but although he was arrested now, although he caused a lot of trouble in front of ordinary people, he did not make any waves in the officialdom at all. too few people...

The Li family was not affected at all this time, but Meng Jianjin was arrested for offering bribes. Knowing the news, Han Chongyuan was in a great mood. Wasn't the reason why he approached Li Min to learn from Li Min that he could kill two birds with one stone

If Li Min failed in school, Li Xiangyang would have no chance to trouble Meng En in school, and it was even more impossible for Meng Meng to be arrogant.

Han Chongyuan was in a very good mood. After a few days, he took a vacation for himself, and then took Meng En to one of the largest shopping malls in S City.

This shopping mall is next to a plaza. It is a retail company established by the city government of S after foreign supermarkets settled in. It was transformed from the original department store. Of course, it has been converted into a joint stock company in the past two years.

There are commercial streets near the shopping mall. At this time, KFC and Pizza Hut are relatively rare, and they are very lively. In that big shopping mall, the ground floor is jewelry counters, mobile phone counters, watch counters, etc., and the second floor is selling all kinds of food and life. Where supplies are kept, the third floor is home appliances and the like.

After entering, Han Chongyuan took Meng En straight to the watch counter.

Han Chongyuan doesn't like to dress himself up, and he rarely buys anything on his own initiative, but others give him a lot of watches. In the end, he has more than ten watches worth tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and two customized watches worth over one million. , which add up to a considerable value.

This time he wanted to buy something for Meng En, so he thought of this kind of accessories that men could wear.

There are many big foreign brands in the watch counter of the shopping mall, ranging from a few hundred yuan at the lowest to more than one hundred thousand yuan at the highest.

Han Chongyuan took Meng En over, looked at it slowly, and finally chose a watch worth more than 20,000 yuan with a very ordinary appearance. In fact, at first he thought about buying more expensive and better-looking ones, but because he didn't want to make Meng En look too good-looking, he finally gave up on this idea.

Moreover, more than 20,000 watches this year are not bad.

"Two of these watches." Han Chongyuan pointed to the counter.

Meng En accompanied Han Chongyuan to look at the watches, and at the same time privately marveled at the prices of these watches, but he didn't want to hear this suddenly, and immediately asked in surprise: "Why did you buy two?"

"You and me, didn't you say I'll buy you something?" Han Chongyuan said.

"I don't need it, just buy one myself." Meng En said immediately. The price of such a watch is what his mother can earn by working overtime every day for a year!

"I want to send you off, don't shirk!"

"The watch outside is only 20 yuan..." Meng En once bought a watch with the money he bought from the bottle before. It only cost 20 yuan. He has worn that watch for more than two years. Be careful of water damage.

The corner of the salesperson's mouth twitched when he heard Meng En's words. Can the ones worth twenty yuan be the same as those worth twenty thousand yuan? The guy in front of me is not badly dressed, how could he say such a thing

"Are you listening to me or not?" Han Chongyuan glared at Meng En directly, and took out his bank card: "Buy two, swipe the card!"

Is this really a gift? Why does it look like you want to grab something? Seeing Han Chongyuan's ferocious expression and Meng En's look of reluctance, the salesman couldn't understand more.

The appearance of this watch is simple and elegant, and the brand is very good, so there are not a few people who buy it. Naturally, it is in stock at the counter, and Han Chongyuan doesn't need to pack it, just put it on.

"Han Chongyuan?" Just as Han Chongyuan was admiring the couple's watch with Meng En, a voice rang out. Han Chongyuan turned his head and saw a man with half-length hair. It seemed that every strand of hair was carefully taken care of. Shen Hetai.

Speaking of which, Shen Hetai was the first person Han Chongyuan met after he was reborn. In his previous life, this person was one of his best friends before he broke up with him. The two of them can be called close, but he had a lot of things to do before , Changed the phone number again, and the two lost contact.

"Han Chongyuan, it really is you. Where have you been these days? I went to your house several times but couldn't find it." Shen Hetai asked, he had been to Qian Mo's villa several times, but Qian Mo just didn't want to Tell him where Han Chongyuan is, and then his parents suddenly forbid him to find Han Chongyuan.

At that time, he thought that his parents would not let him find Han Chongyuan because he was in his third year of high school, but he didn't expect that it was already summer vacation, and his parents still didn't allow him to go... What happened to Han Chongyuan

Noticing Shen Hetai's worried expression, Han Chongyuan didn't know what to say for a while. Qian Mo fell ill after he went to college, and he has been busy taking care of the company since then, so he needs a good friend who can talk Not many, just two, one of them is Shen Hetai.

Shen Hetai's family runs a supermarket. Although it is not as good as his family, it is not bad. The relationship between the two of them is naturally very good. It's a pity that they parted ways in the last life, and this, speaking of it, has something to do with Li Xiaoxiao.

In his previous life, he liked Li Xiaoxiao wholeheartedly, and he wanted to take out his heart, so when Li Xiaoxiao said that one of her friends fell in love with Shen Hetai, he also helped to introduce him.

He didn't think much about it at the time, and he was busy with work and didn't have time to think about it. He just persuaded Shen Hetai not to be too unsympathetic to that girl on Li Xiaoxiao's face when Shen Hetai complained, but he didn't want Li Xiaoxiao's friend to design Shen Hetai, in the end, Shen Hetai broke up with his girlfriend, and the breakup was fine. Shen Hetai's girlfriend actually died in a car accident...

At that time, Shen Hetai was crazy and wanted to trouble Li Xiaoxiao and her friends. Although he would not protect Li Xiaoxiao's friends, he wanted to protect Li Xiaoxiao. No, in the end Shen Hetai broke up with him.

He regretted it at the time, and regretted it even more later. It was also because of this entangled mood that he hadn't contacted Shen Hetai before.

Looking at Shen Hetai with complicated eyes, Han Chongyuan finally said simply: "I changed my residence."

"Han Chongyuan, how could you change your residence in such a good way? It's as if you disappeared... By the way, something was wrong before you disappeared." Shen Hetai said again.

"I'm fine, but I've had some health problems recently." Han Chongyuan didn't intend to talk about it in detail here, so he changed the subject: "By the way, why did you come here? Don't you hate shopping malls the most?" Shen Hetai's family is As a supermarket owner, his parents put him in the supermarket for him to play by himself since he was a child, and they played all day long, so that in the end he hated shopping malls and supermarkets.

"I came here to buy Yuanmeng's MP4, Yuanmeng, you know, right? Their MP4 configuration is said to be better than those big foreign brands, so I just want to buy it and use it." Shen Hetai said with a smile.