Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 47: shares


Han Guangtao had been keeping his voice down before, not wanting to make things big, but he couldn't stand Han Chongyuan's lack of face like this, and even raised his hand to slap Han Chongyuan.

But how could Qian Mo allow him to beat his son? Seeing him raising his hand, Qian Mo had already stood up, and she called out "Dad", Han Guangtao's hand immediately stopped and did not dare to move, but he couldn't help trembling, and looked at Qian Mo viciously. Mo.

Han Guangtao didn't hit women, but when Qian Mo was with Han Shen, he really didn't give Qian Mo a good look. The Han family was created by Han Guangtao's hard work, and he was naturally reluctant to give away any of the shares of the Han family. He gave shares to the Li family and the Shao family because they could help him a lot.

He has two sons, and the two children may give birth to more grandchildren. If he divides Han's shares equally, will each person's shares become less and less in the future? His Han family was originally very rich because of the Han family, but if it continues to be divided like this, won't it become poorer and poorer

The emperor's old man occupies the world and dare not give up the land to his son, so how will he divide it

It was precisely because of this thought that Han Guangtao made up his mind from the very beginning to give the Han family to his clever elder son. As for the younger son, he hoped that he would join the government and the army, and then get 5% of the shares like his daughter. Worry about eating and drinking.

Han Shen doesn't like to be in politics, he has always been a dictator, he was already a little unhappy, but when he chose a very good wife for Han Shen, Han Shen actually wanted to marry Qian Mo from the countryside...

The wife he chose for Han Shen was the only daughter of a friend of his. His friends admire Han Shen very much. If Han Shen marries that girl, he will directly inherit her family business—even though the company will be under the woman's name for the time being, it won't be his grandson's in the end? How good is it

Han Guangtao thought very well, but Han Shen wanted to marry Qian Mo with all his heart, which naturally made him very angry. It was useless to obstruct him in every possible way. He simply gave him a sum of money, then drove him away, and threatened that the shares would be worthless. Not to Han Shen.

During that time, the Han family treated Qian Mo very badly, but as Qian Mo's business grew bigger and bigger, they no longer dared to despise Qian Mo, but their disgust was not less.

Although Qian Mo made Huayuan big now so that the Han family could have face, Han Guangtao still couldn't treat her—how could he feel better now that a person who was allowed to be manipulated by him had now climbed on top of him? Even though he treats Qian Mo and Han Zhongyuan well on the surface, Han Guangtao doesn't like them in private. Since he doesn't like them, he puts on colored glasses when looking at people.

So Qian Mo gave them something to slap them in the face, Qian Mo refused to agree to some of their demands, and looked down on them, if Qian Mo avoided them and did not come back, it would be even more unfilial to Qian Mo.

Han Guangtao and his wife had such thoughts, so they held Han Shen back as much as possible to prevent him from going back to City S—anyway, both Qian Mo and Han Shen had children, so Huayuan must belong to their grandson no matter what, so they also Don't worry about anything else.

Of course, although Han Guangtao didn't like Qian Mo, he still had a good impression of Han Chongyuan, but what Han Chongyuan did these days made him furious, and the current situation made him want to drive the mother and son out.

But he can't do that.

After staring at Qian Mo and Han Chongyuan for a long time, Han Guangtao finally said: "You are promising, and I will not be your grandson from now on!"

"Okay." Han Chongyuan agreed.

The expressions of Han Guangtao and Han Chongyuan were not right. The people around saw it, but after taking a look, they turned their eyes away wisely.

What happened to the Han family has little to do with them. The Han family is well developed and worth making friends with.

"That brat is getting worse and worse!" Seeing Han Chongyuan leave, Qu Ruqing, Han Guangtao's wife, was annoyed.

Although Han Guangtao didn't like Han Chongyuan very much, at least he still valued his grandson. Qu Ruqing was different. Qu Ruqing gave birth to two sons in her life, Han Yong and Han Shen. She loves these two sons, and even favors Han Shen a little bit. The son doesn't take himself seriously.

What's so good about Qian Mo? Why does Han Shen insist on liking such a woman? Qu Ruqing hated Qian Mo, and she also didn't like Han Chongyuan very much, and this dislike became more and more intense after she personally took care of Han Xingmiao.

Han Xingmiao has been in poor health since he was a child, and he always suffers from one illness today and another tomorrow. His mother, Qu Jingyun, can't take care of it, so he can only rely on Qu Ruqing to help him. After a long time, the relationship between Qu Ruqing and him will naturally grow stronger. the better.

One is the well-behaved and sickly grandson who was brought with her since she was a child and slept with her under the quilt when she was young, and the younger grandson born to a woman she doesn't like. It is self-evident which one Qu Ruqing will like.

Han Shen has been living in the Han family, but Qian Mo is not around. Sometimes Qu Ruqing even thinks that it would be great if Han Shen divorced and married Qu Jingyun, so that her grandson would not be without a father. When Han Chongyuan came back, he could only watch helplessly as their family was reunited and dared not approach them.

This time, the news that Han Chongyuan seemed to like a man came from S City. Han Guangtao was furious, but Qu Ruqing was a little happy. Han Chongyuan doesn't like women, so he can't have children? In this way, everything in the Han family will belong to her grandson in the future, even Huayuan... She will let Han Xingmiao have another child and adopt it to Han Chongyuan.

Qu Ruqing's idea was very good, but she didn't expect Han Chongyuan to ignore them at all... She knew that both mother and son were not good people!

Qu Ruqing and Han Guangtao could be said to be out of breath, but Qian Mo took her son to the side: "Xiaoyuan, have you really decided?"

"Mom, you should be lucky that I didn't go around killing people with a knife." Han Chongyuan said, there are very few people who can take care of him at the moment, only Meng En and Qian Mo. Two people, he believed that he would do something crazy.

When Qian Mo heard her son's words, she could only smile wryly: "When your father finds out, I'm afraid he will be angry again. If it doesn't work, I'll move in with you." There should be someone from the Han family to watch the banquet today. The most suitable ones were Han Xingmiao and Han Chongyuan, otherwise the juniors from relatives would do too, but Han Xingmiao was in poor health and Han Chongyuan never came back, so Han Shen was the last one to greet the guests.

"Welcome." Han Chongyuan said.

"Let's go, I'll introduce you to some people." Qian Mo paused, then took her son out again.

Before the banquet started, all the people who were supposed to come came. Han Xingmiao sat in the corner, watching Qian Mo and Han Chongyuan surrounded by a group of people in the distance, with complicated eyes.

"Xing Miao, why are you sitting here? Are you feeling unwell again?" Shao Hongjin sat down beside Han Xingmiao and asked with a smile.

"No, little cousin, what happened to my request to you?" Han Xingmiao asked.

"When did I perfunctory what you asked me to do? Xiaoyuan, I've already sent people to grab the new product that Yuanmeng is going to release, and I'll send it to you as soon as I get it." Shao Hongjin said.

Recently, Yuanmeng has been very popular on the Internet, and then the company added fuel to the fire and launched a special MP4 model at this time.

The configuration of the special model is roughly the same as that of a previous MP4, but the shape has been changed, with patterns such as roses and dandelions added, and the screen is clearer. Very few, and only sold online.

After receiving a gift from Li Xiaoxiao last time, Han Xingmiao wanted to give her something, but after much deliberation, she still felt that this was the most suitable.

"Thank you little cousin." Han Xingmiao said.

"You're welcome, it's a trivial matter." Shao Hongjin said, he was in pain when it came to his uncle's house, but now when he talked about Yuanmeng, he remembered another thing: "By the way, Xingmiao, I Seeing that Yuanmeng is developing well, do you think we should also get one?"

Shao Hongjin is twenty-four years old this year. He has always wanted to start a business, so he got very close to Han Xingmiao. Unfortunately, after two years of tossing, he invested in coffee shops and clubs. Because of poor management, he not only failed to make money but also lost money.

"I don't understand this part..." Han Xingmiao frowned slightly. It is no longer the era of ten or twenty years when no matter what factory you opened, you can make a lot of money. Although you may make money by doing this, you may also lose money: " But cousin, if you are interested, you can find a way to invest, this kind of company that just came out and can only advertise online may be short of money."

It is very troublesome to set up a factory by yourself, and you may lose a lot. Naturally, Han Xingmiao dare not take risks, so he always recommends his cousin to invest.

"What if I lose money again?" Shao Hongjin frowned.

"Little cousin, in the clubhouse before, there were problems because the people you hired to manage were not good enough. This time, Yuanmeng's management team is good. You just have to wait for the dividends after you invest the money." Han Xingmiao laughed.

"You're right, but I don't have any money now..."

"Little cousin, I still have some, I'll bring them to you later." Han Xingmiao said, Han Chongyuan seemed to be very close to the Li family, of course he had to prevent this person from taking the Shao family away again.

"Thank you, Xingmiao!" Shao Hongjin patted Han Xingmiao on the shoulder.

"Little cousin, you're welcome, as long as I can help... But don't tell me about it, my grandparents give me a lot of pocket money, if my second brother finds out, I'm afraid I'll be angry."

"Angry? Isn't Han Chongyuan too stingy? He has Huayuan's chicken that lays golden eggs, so he's still angry?" Shao Hongjin was seven years older than Han Chongyuan, and she didn't get along with Han Chongyuan much. The impression is even worse.

"It's nothing, he just feels that his family is biased." Han Xingmiao persuaded Shao Hongjin.

"He really has the face to say it! Xing Miao, if he bullies you in the future, just tell me, and I will teach him a lesson for you!" Shao Hongjin said. Now the Han family is under the care of Han Chongyuan's father, and Huayuan is under the care of Han Chongyuan's mother. He doesn't think Han Chongyuan will be treated badly at all, but Han Xingmiao who is in poor health... Looking at Han Xingmiao, Shao Hongjin felt sympathetic again.

Han Chongyuan didn't know that his enemy still wanted to invest in his company. After recognizing a circle of people, he returned to Li Chengjiang's side.

Li Chengjiang saw Han Chongyuan, and immediately greeted him with a smile: "Chongyuan, come here, let me introduce a few people to you."

The people Qian Mo took Han Zhongyuan to meet were basically older people. Some of these people came for the Han family, and some came directly for Qian Mo. The people Li Chengjiang took Han Zhongyuan to meet were different.

The people Li Chengjiang took Han Zhongyuan to meet were all good young people from City B. Speaking of which, if the Han family hadn’t said this time that they would give Han Xingmiao shares at the banquet and then send invitations, these young people might not will come.

"What has Second Young Master Han been doing lately?" Someone asked curiously, as long as Han Chongyuan is promising, what does it matter if he likes a man? Not to mention that I don't know if it's true or not.

"Do some small business." Han Chongyuan said.

Li Chengjiang knew that Han Chongyuan didn't want people to know about Yuanmeng, so he smiled immediately: "Yeah, I did a little business, and I went to help me recently."

Li Chengjiang's attitude was very good, these people naturally saw something, they were more enthusiastic when facing Han Chongyuan, and at this time, the banquet officially started.

There were quite a few programs at the banquet, and there was even dancing. Han Chongyuan didn't bother to pay attention to these, took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and took the glass of wine that he had only touched his lips, and sat down on the sofa next to him. No more talking.

Han Xingmiao has already started dancing with Li Xiaoxiao. This person is not in good health, but he dances very well. He and Li Xiaoxiao cooperate with each other even more tacitly, like a prince and a princess. They look very compatible, and they look at each other even more affectionately.

He was also stupid, he didn't see what the two of them were doing back then, he just thought that Li Xiaoxiao liked him too.

If Li Xiaoxiao really liked him, how could she not want to settle down in City S after marriage? If Li Xiaoxiao really liked him, how could he be running around and unable to go home when he was busy? No wonder at that time Shao Hongjin said that he bullied others and robbed other people's wives.

With strong hostility rolling in his heart, Han Chongyuan closed his eyes and began to recall Meng En's appearance.

In the fifteen years of his previous life, although Meng En was with him, his paralyzed body still made him hate more and more. In the past six months, he has felt a lot more relaxed.

Thinking that Meng En was still waiting for him at home, Han Chongyuan felt even more warm in his heart.

When he calmed down and opened his eyes, Han Chongyuan only saw a girl in a blue dress looking at him with some horror, and then ran away without looking back. As for the arena, the dancing was almost done.

He didn't care about the girl he didn't know at all, so he didn't know that the little girl in the blue dress who was choking with Li Xiaoxiao before originally wanted to ask him to dance, but when she approached, she was too scared to move. He opened his eyes, and the little girl ran away in fright without knowing what was going on...

The banquet was very lively, and now many people were eating the buffet food on the table, and if something was missing, the interspersed waiters would immediately make up for it. At this time, Han Guangtao stood in front of the stage and said that he would give Han Xingmiao shares.

Han Chongyuan had seen this scene in his previous life. At that time, he hadn't felt his grandfather's eccentricity, and he sincerely wished Han Xingmiao. As a result, Han Xingmiao's apology made others feel that he was jealous of Han Xingmiao and dissatisfied with Han Xingmiao's taking so many shares...

He came to Han Xingmiao's birthday party this time, and he also wanted to make a break.

Some of Han's shares were distributed in the early years, and Han Guangtao originally owned 70% of the shares. Of the 70%, the Li family and the Shao family each gave 5%, leaving 60%.

For the 60%, Han Xingmiao now has 15% inherited from his father, Han Shen has 5%, Qu Ruqing has 5% as Han Guangtao's wife, and the rest Thirty percent is in Han Guangtao's hands.

This time, Han Guangtao gave Han Xingmiao 20% of his 30% of the shares, 5% more than he gave at the banquet in his previous life. If there is no accident, it should be stimulated by his previous behavior.

As for why he didn't give it all to Han Xingmiao... Han Guangtao also wanted to save money for the elderly, and he probably wanted to keep Han Shen safe so that Han Shen could continue to help him take care of the Han family.

Han Chongyuan thought about it back and forth, then calmed down and stopped talking. Han Shen showed a little surprised expression, but when he remembered his son's disobedience to his parents before, he sighed and stopped talking.

Han Shen was surprised, and everyone else was also surprised. Han Shen is now taking care of the Han family, but Han Guangtao actually gave Han Xingmiao so many shares... People who know the situation of the Han family did the math, and found that Han Xingmiao could have 100% of the shares in his hand. After thirty-five years, I don't understand what Han Guangtao is thinking.

But thinking of Qian Mo's Hua Yuan, these people felt that Han Guangtao's actions were understandable.

"Grandpa, is it not good for you to give me so many shares? The second brother is also the grandson of the Han family. It would be unfair to him and he would be unhappy." Han Xingmiao said immediately after Han Guangtao finished speaking, and said He looked at Han Chongyuan apologetically.

This behavior is exactly the same as in the previous life... Han Chongyuan originally wanted to hear the words of the man who poured dirty water on him without a trace, but now he suddenly didn't bother to listen: "Han Xingmiao, you don't have to show such a look, I won't be unhappy at all if you take Han's shares."

"Second brother, don't get angry with us..."

"I'm not angry. There are a lot of people here today, so I just want to make it clear that I won't ask for a penny of Han's shares in the future. I won't even ask for my father's offer. I don't like this thing..." " Han Chongyuan stood under the stage with a calm voice, but when he faced Han Xingmiao, there was a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Qian Mo wanted him to get what he deserved, but he was not interested, no, it cannot be said that he was not interested in the Han family, he was actually interested in destroying the Han family.