Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 55: ask for money


Meng En was observing Meng Meng, and Meng Meng was also looking at Meng En. The more he looked, the more angry he became.

Who is Meng En? In Meng Meng's eyes, Meng En was nothing but an annoying guy who was disgusted by her father and gave up, and cringed all day long. This person always wears clothes that seem to be unclean, lowers his head and looks useless, and dare not fight back after being beaten and scolded by her. He is simply the most useless man in the world... But now, this man has become up.

It was the first time Meng Meng discovered that Meng En was good-looking.

This person climbed up to Han Chongyuan, and then, like a flying insect that broke out of its cocoon, it began to shine, which made her wish to strangle him to death.

It's a pity that she can't do that... Lowering her head slightly to hide the resentment in her eyes, Meng Meng's voice also softened: "Meng En, I've been looking for you for a long time, you must help me."

She really had no choice, otherwise she would not have thought of asking for help from Meng En, whom she hated the most. Because she and Li Xiangyang conspired against Meng En, Meng Jianjin met Li Xiangyang's father, Li Minxue, and offered bribes in order to acquire a piece of land... At that time, their family was very proud, but they didn't expect that Li Minxue was arrested after a few days. , and also implicated Meng Jianjin.

Cheng Ningshan and she were immediately terrified, and began to try their best to get in touch with Meng Jianjin, but where could they find a way? What's more, blessings and misfortunes never come singly. Meng Jianjin was found out for many illegal activities such as tax evasion and tax evasion in the past, so that he not only needed to be imprisoned, but also had to pay a huge fine.

Meng Jianjin spent a lot of money to buy the land, not only emptied his savings, but also borrowed a lot of money from banks and some "private institutions".

All properties under the name of Meng Jianjin, including the land, were sealed up by the court, and most of the properties under the name of Cheng Ningshan were given away under the intimidation of those "private institutions"...

Now Meng Meng couldn't help but tremble all over as long as she thought of those vicious people who came to ask for debts.

"Help you?" Meng En looked at Meng Meng puzzled. Meng Meng has been the pride of heaven since he was a child. When he was greedy for meat all day long, Meng Meng hated the crabs in the restaurant. , cut the coat he had just bought for a day into pieces... He didn't think Meng Meng like this needed his help at all.

The doubts on Meng En's face seemed to Meng Meng to be a mockery of herself. She gritted her teeth, clenched her fists tightly and then relaxed, but her voice was a little lower: "Yes, help me, I really can't help it. Now the family has no money at all, and my younger brother has no money to treat the illness, so only you can help me."

"What's the matter?" Meng En looked at Meng Meng puzzled. Isn't Meng Jianjin very rich

Meng Meng always thought that Meng En should know what happened to them recently. If she was Meng En, she would definitely want to show off in front of those who used to look down on her when she suddenly became prosperous, and would pay more attention to the situation of those enemies. ... But judging from the current situation, it seems that Meng En really doesn't know anything

Meng Meng looked at Meng En, her thoughts changed suddenly, and she pressed the resentment in her heart even deeper: "Meng En, don't you know? Dad is in jail, because the Han family is pressing on Dad every step of the way, Dad wants to To develop other industries, I didn’t expect that the official he came into contact with turned out to be a corrupt official, and he was imprisoned... Now that Dad’s company is closed, there are still many people asking for debts, and our life can no longer go on... "

Meng Meng beautifies Meng Jianjin's bribery and tax evasion after the bribery, but Meng En also knows that things are by no means that simple, but no matter what the facts are, he doesn't want to care about them.

Although Li Shuyun always hoped that he could be loved by Meng Jianjin, so he tirelessly sent him to the home of Meng Jianjin and Cheng Ningshan, but Meng En knew that he was different from that family since he was a child, and he even looked forward to being with that family all the time. Drawing Boundaries: "How would you like me to help?"

A gleam of joy flashed in Meng Meng's eyes, but was quickly overshadowed by jealousy: "Meng En, aren't you with Han Chongyuan now? Give us some money to settle down first, and then go beg Han Chongyuan, Let him get Dad out." Why is Meng En the one Han Chongyuan is looking at? if she...

"Are you really out of money? Before the school asked us to go to the bank to deposit New Year's money, and Dad saved 20,000 for you. All these are gone?" Meng En asked.

Of course, it is impossible for Meng Meng and Cheng Ningshan to have no money around them, but this does not mean that Meng Meng doesn't want to ask for money anymore: "Meng En, what do you mean? Doubt us? Where were you when we helped Dad pay back the money? You still come to doubt us now! Do you have a conscience!"

Meng Meng's face was full of accusations, but Meng En was not sure if she really had no money. After a moment of silence, Meng En took out a hundred-yuan bill from her body and handed it to Meng Meng: "I have no money, so I can only give it to you." There are so many, don't come to me in the future, and I won't say anything to Han Chongyuan."

Of course he has more than one hundred yuan, but he doesn't want to give more, and Cheng Ningshan's hometown is not far from S City, one hundred yuan is enough for them to go back by car... As for Meng Jianjin, he knows that Meng Jianjin is not a law-abiding businessman, Therefore, this matter will not be mentioned to Han Chongyuan.

Meng En looked at the one hundred yuan card and pursed his lips slightly. It will be Han Chongyuan's birthday in two days. He originally wanted to use the money he saved to give Han Chongyuan a gift, but now he gave Meng Meng one hundred yuan. Not enough to buy that gift...

Meng En was a little reluctant to part with the money, but Meng Meng looked at the one hundred yuan card, but felt insulted, what could one hundred yuan do? She and her brother went to eat a KFC and they were gone! She lowered her face and begged Meng En, but Meng En was fooling them like this!

Meng Meng snatched the banknote and threw it on the ground: "Meng En, you wear tens of thousands of watches, so just give me this? What do you mean?"

Meng En would give the money only because Meng Meng's appearance made him feel a little sympathetic, but the current situation made his sympathy disappear immediately, but he remembered what happened before—if it wasn't for Meng Meng. How could Han Chongyuan drop out of school if his diary was posted? Meng Jianjin even threatened Han Chongyuan...why would he help these people

After glancing at Meng Meng, Meng En picked up the money and said, "Just forget it if you don't want it."

Meng En is planning to leave? Meng Meng looked at Meng En in disbelief. She never expected that this person would dare to refuse her request, so she immediately chased after him: "Meng En, don't go! If you dare to leave, I will go to your school tomorrow and take the You don't care about father's life and death!"

Meng Meng suppressed her character at the beginning, but now she saw that Meng En was not soft, so she didn't care about anything, and the hatred in her eyes no longer concealed it. It's just that even though she said that, she was a little guilty—I don't know why she couldn't get into Meng En's school at all, otherwise she wouldn't have waited here.

Meng Meng's hands were about to catch Meng En, when a mobile phone flew from a distance and hit her on the face, causing her to cover her face with an "oops". At the same time, Han Chongyuan's figure also disappeared The corners are exposed.