Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 58: Make friends


As Han Chongyuan expected, he went to Shen Hetai's place, and in the next few days, someone who wanted to make friends with him contacted him, and Xue Wenbo was one of them.

Xue Wenbo's father ran a hotel, and chain hotels opened all over the country. Of course, that was seven or eight years later, and their business was still mainly in the south.

Xue Wenbo is five years older than Han Zhongyuan. He has just graduated from university. He has a bold personality and is very playful.

For Han Chongyuan, he originally planned to neither get close nor offend, but what Han Chongyuan said before was called unruly, which was right for him who is still somewhat rebellious now, so he specifically contacted Han Chongyuan early in the morning and asked him to play golf ball.

Han Chongyuan knew that he had a bad temper, and if he really wanted to hang out with these people, he might not be able to say anything, and he would offend others. It would be better not to agree to go to a party together at the beginning, so when he received a call from Xue Wenbo, he directly said Said: "I recently got a small company and I'm busy. I'm afraid I won't be free to play golf."

"Oh, a small company? Didn't you say that you are working as a charterer?" Xue Wenbo asked amusedly. Shao Hongjin was spoiled too innocently. Although he has been supporting this person because of the Shao family, he doesn't like him. He was very happy to see Han Chongyuan choking so hard that he couldn't speak yesterday.

"Do you think I will only be a charterer? Do you want to be said to be Xue Cheng's son for a lifetime?" Han Chongyuan asked back.

"Of course I don't want to!" Xue Wenbo said immediately, he was already thinking about starting a business!

"So, should we find something to do?" Han Chongyuan followed the temptation, and the friendship formed by eating, drinking and having fun together was not as strong as the friendship cultivated by developing a career together

"You still need to teach me?" Xue Wenbo was slightly dissatisfied.

"Of course Young Master Xue doesn't need me to teach this, but I have a good idea here, would you like to listen to Young Master Xue?" Han Chongyuan flipped through the materials in front of him while talking with his mobile phone.

"What idea?" Xue Wenbo was curious.

"Computers are developing very fast now. Everyone is buying computers. Internet cafes are full, but there are few good games." Han Chongyuan smiled.

"Heroes see the same thing! I think so too, and I've already planned to set up a company to specialize in online games!" Xue Wenbo's voice was full of excitement. He had this idea when he was in college, but the people around him didn't agree with it. He is whimsical...

Of course Han Chongyuan knew what Xue Wenbo was thinking. In his memory, Xue Wenbo had been making online games for more than 20 years. It can be regarded as a small fight: "You want to make a game, do you have any good ideas? Are there enough technicians? How is the project going?"

"Ahem... Didn't I just have an idea?" Xue Wenbo was a little embarrassed. Although he wanted to make games, he didn't know much about it to be honest. Computer technology was limited to using plug-ins when playing games. The way, he studied business management rather than computer-related things in college, and he has no interest in C language or anything.

"Making a game is indeed a good idea, but to make a good game, you must have money and time, and you have worked hard to make it, but it may not be loved by netizens. This must be done gradually. "Han Chongyuan said, "Young Master Xue, do you know what the most popular game in China is now?"

"Of course it's a legend and a miracle." Xue Wenbo said immediately, he had already thrown a lot of money into the former, and as for the latter, although he didn't play for a long time, he thought it was more fun than the former. Speaking of which, he wanted to make a game because he hoped that in the future, he would be able to obtain some peerless equipment in his own game as the boss, and be invincible all over the world.

"That's right, it's these two. Which of these two games do you think has a better development prospect?" Han Chongyuan asked again.

"It should be a miracle." Xue Wenbo quickly gave the answer.

"Miracle is not a domestic game, but imported from abroad. The agent of this game in China must be able to make a lot of money."

"You told me so much, do you want me to introduce foreign games?" Xue Wenbo said immediately.

"Introduce foreign games first, raise enough funds as an agent, and then develop our own games." Han Chongyuan gave a more suitable development direction. He remembered that several foreign games were popular in China, and some people even Just by acting as an agent of foreign games, he made himself into the top 100 richest people in the country. Facing the computer every day for several years also learned a lot of information.

Xue Wenbo prefers to develop his own games, but he also knows that this will not happen overnight. He immediately agrees with Han Chongyuan's idea. He feels that he can't explain clearly on the phone, so he asks Han Chongyuan to go outside to continue talking.

Han Chongyuan didn't refuse, and directly asked Xue Wenbo to meet in the cafe outside, intending to persuade Xue Wenbo to recruit some of his peers to join the group, and then he would get involved. In this way, the social circle would naturally expand.

Of course, the relationship network he wants to form cannot rely entirely on this, and other methods can also be used, such as helping people choose investment directions, or helping people avoid some difficulties that their families will encounter.

No one doesn't want money, even the second generation of rich people don't think it's too much money.

Han Chongyuan sorted out his thoughts, and suddenly thought of his idea, it seems that he can make friends with more people.

Let’s just say that he used Li Minxue’s work and computer technology to make friends with the Li family, so he definitely wanted more money, even if the benefits he brought to the other party exceeded the benefits brought by Han’s 5% of the shares , they will be 100% biased towards themselves.

He won't share Yuanmeng, but Yuanmeng is not the only one who makes money in this world.

While pondering, Han Chongyuan packed his things and planned to go to the appointment. Tan Feiyue just listened to it before, and asked immediately: "Do you have friends who want to represent foreign games? Do you want me to recommend some?"

"Of course." Han Zhongyuan said, and then looked at Zheng Qi who was applying a mask and typing on the keyboard quickly: "The technician also needs it."

"I've already found a lot of people for you? Looking for more?" Zheng Qi raised his head and glanced at Han Chongyuan, feeling like he was on a pirate ship.

"You help find someone, and if you invest some money in it, you can also get a part of the shares." Han Zhongyuan said.

"I'll help find someone. I don't care about the shares, I'm too lazy to do it." Zheng Qi said, as a shareholder, he has to worry about this and that. He has good computer skills, and maybe he will be separated from Tan Feiyue by La Zhuangding... He doesn't want to In doing so, he is not short of money anyway.

"You don't want to have your own business?"

"That's up to me. I can still play for a few years now, and I'm afraid I'll go back to take over the family business in a few years." Zheng Qi said, although he looked like a playboy, but he also had doubts about his future. Planning - Now he can play well, but in a few years he will have to go back.

Tan Feiyue has confirmed Zheng Qi's intentions, but he has not given any response. On the one hand, he still can't figure out what he thinks about Zheng Qi, and on the other hand, he is worried that Zheng Qi will not be with him forever. Together. He was even more shocked when he heard Zheng Qi's words now, and he was a little glad that he hadn't said anything before——Zheng Qi went back to take over the family business, what should he do then

"Are you planning to go back and take over the family business?" Han Chongyuan asked subconsciously, Zheng Qi's father didn't intend to give the family business to Zheng Qi... It was only at this time that Han Chongyuan realized that he had forgotten to remind Zheng Qi of this matter.

Zheng Qi didn't know what Han Chongyuan was thinking, but like Tan Feiyue, he thought of how to deal with the relationship between the two: "Yes, I plan to go back and take over the family business, but I think the real estate development prospects in Hong Kong City are limited. We can move to City S for development, and then we can put the office building together." He said while looking at Tan Feiyue, Sima Zhao's heart is well known.

Han Chongyuan looked at Zheng Qi like this and couldn't say anything, but he planned to send Zheng Qi an email immediately after returning to let Zheng Qi know about his father's outside, so that Zheng Qi would not be robbed of everything by his illegitimate son.

Han Chongyuan thought a lot, but Zheng Qi was still busy expressing his loyalty: "Speaking of which, everyone in Hong Kong City likes marriage, but I don't like it. I will only marry the person I like in the future."

Zheng Qi went to see Tan Feiyue again, and Tan Feiyue also looked at him: "Are you sure your parents are willing to let you marry the person you like?" His parents have been abroad, accepting many trendy ideas, and they have several children. One, so they don't care much about his affairs. He has never had a girlfriend and they ignore him. If he has a boyfriend, they may not violently object even if they are dissatisfied, but Zheng Qi is different.

"Even if they were unhappy at first, they can't do anything if I insist." Zheng Qi said, he ran away from home this time, and before he ran away from home, he made his sexual orientation clear in front of his parents and cried One pass, tell them that I am sorry for their upbringing, and just make myself a victim...

Probably because he cried too much before leaving, and when his mother contacted him later to talk about his sexuality, he kept blaming himself for not having sex with his boyfriend. They all started looking for a surrogate for him abroad.

Zheng Qi said with full confidence, Tan Feiyue wanted to ask again, but worried that the question would make Zheng Qi more clingy to himself, so he could only hold back the question, and then started running on the treadmill next to him.

He didn't care about his figure before, but when he saw Zheng Qi looking thin in clothes and taking off his clothes, he was somewhat reconciled, so he started to practice.

Han Chongyuan and Xue Wenbo had a very happy chat. After hearing some of Han Chongyuan's thoughts on the game, Xue Wenbo looked at Han Chongyuan with admiration.

After drinking his fifth cup of coffee in one gulp, Xue Wenbo immediately said, "Chong Yuan, we'll do it this way! The coffee tastes bitter, why don't we find a place to eat?"

Xue Wenbo was already full of coffee, but the cup of coffee in front of Han Chongyuan remained untouched. Looking at the sky, Han Chongyuan shook his head: "I want to go home for dinner."

"Could it be that Mr. Qian set up an access control for you?" Xue Wenbo asked curiously.

"Of course not, but my boyfriend is waiting for me to go back for dinner." Han Chongyuan smiled slightly.

"You are really nice to your boyfriend, so you are not afraid that what he likes is not you but your money?" Xue Wenbo asked again. Many men and women around people like them are here for money. Boyfriend might be one of them, I don't know what happened to Han Chongyuan, he valued his little boyfriend so much.

"He didn't come for my money! And so what if he came for my money? As long as he doesn't leave me." Han Chongyuan said, he knew Meng En's intentions, but he knew what he wanted. Sometimes I always feel uneasy in my heart, wishing to hold Meng En in my palm and drag him all the time.

This is simply love! Xue Wenbo looked at Han Chongyuan in shock, and couldn't help weighing the weight of Han Chongyuan's little boyfriend again.

Even if Han Chongyuan's little boyfriend is actually a vixen, he still has to take care of it when Han Chongyuan values it so much. As for the future, no one knows.

After Han Chongyuan and Xue Wenbo met, they met with other people one after another, and attended a party organized by Xue Wenbo, but they didn't go out to play with these people, and they didn't even eat anything outside. Every time I finish talking about things, I leave.

Of course, Xue Wenbo and the others didn't know that Han Chongyuan was out of his mind at the moment. Seeing that Han Chongyuan would go home for dinner every time it was time to eat, they only thought that his little boyfriend had excellent cooking skills.

"Han Chongyuan used to eat happily in the school cafeteria, but now he doesn't even like such delicious food. Most likely, there are better ones at home." A young man who used to have a good relationship with Shen Hetai and Han Chongyuan will now I am very emotional.

"Sure enough, if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach first. A man who misses the food at home will naturally be willing to go home." The girl who had been interested in Han Chongyuan was thoughtful.

"Lin Chili, are you planning to practice cooking hard? That's right, with your ability to make egg fried rice and put rice in it, you may scare your husband too much to go home in the future." Xue Wenbo teased.

That girl is two years older than Han Zhongyuan. She was one year older when she was studying. Her name was Lin Lanjiao, nicknamed Lin Chili. Her family was from a scholarly family. It is a private school that has everything from kindergarten to high school. It is not only knowledgeable but also rich.

Her family was very strict with her. Originally, it was impossible for her to mix with Xue Wenbo and others, but she had been a good girl in the past ten years and rebelled in the past few years, so she refused to listen to her family.

Lin Lanjiao's parents were only one daughter, and although they were furious at first because of her rebellion, they accepted it after a long time. After all, Lin Lanjiao's so-called rebellion was nothing more than two points at school and one line at home as before. He just likes to go out to play and make friends. After all, he has never done anything illegal, and his grades have not dropped much. Before the college entrance examination, he was admitted to the top universities in S City.

Of course, since she chose medicine as her major and aspired to be a surgeon, her father, who wanted her to enter the education system, would inevitably be furious.

"Xue Wenbo, do you want to die?" Lin Lanjiao happened to have the scalpel she got from her senior sister in her pocket, and she took it out and shook it as a threat.

The quiet girl who always smiled without showing her teeth has disappeared completely, and there is only such a violent girl left... Xue Wenbo gave Lin Lanjiao a sad look, not daring to make fun of Lin Lanjiao Last time I went back to barbecue and burned the meat into black charcoal.

When Han Chongyuan returned home, he ate the food cooked by Meng En, who was considered by others to have excellent cooking skills.

Stir-fried bamboo shoots, stir-fried vegetables, and boiled chicken. Meng En beat two more eggs to make a bowl of egg drop soup with a layer of chicken oil floating in it.