Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 59: remind


Han Chongyuan didn't care about the amount of food, he started to eat it as soon as he sat down, and drank half a bowl of chicken soup with beaten eggs. After eating, he watched Meng En sweeping the bottom.

Meng En eats very frugally, so he made a rule not to eat overnight dishes, so now Meng En always obediently eats all the food.

"I can't eat so much boiled chicken, can I make chicken noodle soup with some leftover chicken soup tomorrow morning?" Meng En cooked half a chicken. Because the chicken was a bit big, two people ate half and left half.

"Yes." Han Chongyuan nodded, and said again: "Before cooking the chicken, you tear off all the thick skin and the chicken fat."

"You don't like chicken skin? You can give it to me." Meng En said immediately, chicken skin is delicious, what a pity to throw it away? Anyway, he didn't mind eating what Han Chongyuan didn't want to eat.

"Eating chicken skin is not good for your health!" Han Chongyuan glared at Meng En, and pointed to the bowl of soup next to him: "I said throw it away, so I will throw it away. Don't make such oily chicken soup in the future!"

Although I think a little oil tastes better, but after Han Chongyuan said that eating it is not good for your health, Meng En immediately agreed, and made up his mind to tear off the thick skin of the chicken before stewing the chicken, such as the neck of the chicken. And so on, the upper layer of skin must not be left.

Han Chongyuan eats the food he cooks every day, and he can't do things that are not good for his body and harm Han Chongyuan's health.

After reaching a consensus on the issue of eating chicken, Meng En went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while Han Chongyuan went into the study to turn on the computer.

After turning on the computer, Han Chongyuan is used to opening the mailbox at the first time, and this time is of course no exception, but after opening his usual mailbox, he thought for a while and opened another mailbox.

That mailbox was newly registered by him, and he didn't do anything else, so he just sent an email to Zheng Qi, anonymously talking about Zheng Qi's father, and after sending it, he was worried that Zheng Qi would find something with his hacking methods. Month is not logged in.

A long time has passed, but today he can see Zheng Qi's reaction.

Han Chongyuan didn't know much about the Zheng family's affairs in the Hong Kong city, so he just told Zheng Qi that his father had an illegitimate child outside and asked him to pay attention, but now, this email has been replied, and the reply only has three words: "Who are you? "

Han Chongyuan didn't intend to answer Zheng Qi's words, so he closed the mailbox immediately, and then used the chat software to contact other people.

Han Chongyuan sent the email just because he didn't want Zheng Qi to be kept in the dark, and he didn't pay much attention to Zheng Qi's affairs, so he didn't know how much shock his email had brought to Zheng Qi.

When Zheng Qi first received the email, he thought it was someone else's prank. After all, his parents had always had a good relationship, and the email about his father's illegitimate child was unclear.

But even so, he still told his mother about it as a joke when he contacted his mother, and then found that his mother's reaction was not right. It turned out that after he explained his sexuality and left home some time ago, his father came home less and less. At first, his mother thought that his father was looking for a little fairy outside because he had a problematic sexuality. If things are not good and his father is against him, he doesn't care much, but if there is really an illegitimate child...

Zheng Qi's mother immediately decided to investigate her husband thoroughly, and it is almost done now.

The next day was Saturday, and Meng En's school only had half a day of class. The students in the class were inevitably thinking about going home, and Meng En was the only one who kept doing homework.

There are more and more homework assigned by the school. Meng En still has to cook and do housework after returning home. Sometimes the homework is often endless. If he doesn't waste a minute at school and works hard on weekends, his grades may be lower. to fall.

As soon as the school bell rang, Meng En immediately put down his pen, then picked up his schoolbag and went out, rushing home to cook.

The rice was cooked in the rice cooker in the morning, and a few small yellow croakers were steamed on it. After Meng En came home, he scrambled eggs with leeks, and cooked a soup with asparagus, black fungus and spinach, and the meal was ready, Han Chongyuan Also went home.

"I'm resting this weekend, do you want to go out and play?" After eating something, Han Chongyuan raised his head and asked. He has never taken a vacation since he went to work. Even during the National Day holiday, he went to discuss matters with Xue Wenbo and the others. He never thought of taking Meng En out for fun, until Qi Anan proposed to organize a trip in the company a week ago. , I took everyone to play again today.

After he and Meng En were together, he never took Meng En to other places except to go to the supermarket together... He didn't want to go on the trip organized by the company, but he could take Meng En alone.

"No, I can't finish my homework." Meng En told the truth. Before he was in the second year of high school, he had been thinking about going to Han Chongyuan's company to help Han Chongyuan on weekends, but now he found that he was thinking too much—he wanted to get a scholarship, and With good grades, he can only go to Han Chongyuan's for half a day on weekends to help with a little cleaning.

"Then I'll help you with your homework." Han Chongyuan immediately said, for him, this is more like traveling than going on a trip—holding Meng En in his arms and giving him lectures or something, just thinking about it makes him feel excited.

"Okay." Meng En nodded immediately, Han Chongyuan's grades were so good at the beginning, presumably all the questions he didn't understand could be answered by Han Chongyuan!

It turns out that Meng En was overthinking again...

Han Chongyuan's English is very good. He can communicate with foreigners by reading the original text, but he has almost forgotten the grammar. He can answer the questions correctly but can't explain why he did it. Yes, who will still do high school comprehensive science papers twenty years after graduating from high school

After realizing that he couldn't point Meng En at all, Han Chongyuan went into the study silently.

Looking at Han Chongyuan's back, Meng En always felt that something was wrong—Han Chongyuan was so smart, how could he not even know how to do such a problem

Is it because he has learned so much now that he has forgotten what he learned before? Thinking that he couldn't understand the code Han Zhongyuan typed into the computer at all, Meng En immediately decided that was the case.

While Han Chongyuan was at home with Meng En doing homework, Yuanmeng's staff went to a nearby scenic spot for a two-day tour.

After Tan Feiyue returned to the country, he was busy working for Han Chongyuan and had no time to go out for a walk. He was very happy at this time, but Zheng Qi was a little restless.

It is mid-October, the weather is cool but not too cold, it is the most comfortable time, and it has been a month since Zheng Qi received that anonymous email.

At first, he didn't believe that his father would cheat, so he didn't show anything on the surface, but last night when his mother contacted him, she told him that his father did have an illegitimate child outside, and he was not young anymore. All this time his father had been teaching the child.

Not only his mother couldn't accept it, but he couldn't accept it either.

When he always thought he had a happy family, it turned out that his father already had another family!

Fortunately, he was full of guilt towards his father because his sexuality was different from ordinary people, he could not marry and have children normally, he could only find a surrogate to conceive a child, but his father had already had another child!

"What's wrong with you?" Tan Feiyue looked at Zheng Qi puzzled.

"I'm fine." Zheng Qi hooked the corners of his mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"If you don't want to laugh, don't laugh." Tan Feiyue said, he wanted to ask, but he didn't say anything because he thought he had no position.

He has a crush on Zheng Qi, but he doesn't think he is worthy of Zheng Qi, and he doesn't think that Zheng Qi's family will agree to be with Zheng Qi, so he just doesn't start.

He is just a technical geek, even if he likes men and wants to find a same-sex partner, he should find someone similar to himself, not to mention that he actually prefers women compared to men.

Zheng Qi stopped laughing, and after a while seeing that Tan Feiyue still didn't respond, he couldn't help asking: "Don't you ask me what happened?"

"You can say what you want to say." Tan Feiyue said.

Zheng Qi originally wanted to talk to Tan Feiyue about the situation in his family, and it would be best if Tan Feiyue could sympathize with him, and then pity begets love, but seeing Tan Feiyue's calm look, and thinking of his father's kindness to him in the past, he really couldn't help it. He knew what to say, but in the end he just followed Tan Feiyue up the mountain.

Zheng Qi has always paid attention to exercise, and his body is very good. Recently, Tan Feiyue has practiced with him for more than a month, and his physique has also improved greatly. The two quickly left the others behind and climbed to the front.

Qi Anan changed the stiletto heels that he usually wears, and walked up panting on the sneakers. Seeing Tan Feiyue and Zheng Qi from a distance, they were getting farther and farther away, and couldn't help being envious and jealous .

When she was with Qian Mo, she didn't have a free day, and after being with Han Chongyuan, she got worse. Recently, she can fall asleep while sitting, and her heartbeat is irregular after drinking too much coffee...

I am simply using my life to make money!

It's a pity that even if she knows that she should ensure sleep and strengthen exercise, she has no time at all, and she also wants to make more money.

Hanging at the end of the line, Qi An'an wiped the sweat off his forehead, feeling the urge to sit down and rest before climbing up.

"Boss Qi!" At this moment, a familiar person approached Qi An'an, and it was Shao Hongjin who had been longing for a stake in Yuanmeng.

"What's the matter, Master Shao?" Qi Anan stood up straight and quickly glanced at his clothes, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he smiled.

"It's okay. I happened to meet Mr. Qi when I came here to play, so I came over to say hello. We are going to climb this mountain, why not go together?" Shao Hongjin said.

"I crawl slowly, there is no need for Master Shao to waste time walking with me." Qi Anan said immediately.

"Slow down, in fact, I also climb very slowly." Shao Hongjin waved his hand, he came here to discuss business with Qi An'an, not really to climb the mountain!

Shao Hongjin is someone Han Chongyuan hates, but Qi An'an doesn't hate him. After all, he is handsome and elegant in speech, and there are very few annoying things. But when Shao Hongjin mentioned buying shares again, she still felt a little stomachache.

She has already rejected it many times, why is this person still relentless? These young masters are so idle that they can pester her for a month

"President Qi, I sincerely want to invest in shares. I have learned about MP4 and MP3. I think it has a great market, and I also think that Yuanmeng has great development prospects. I believe that if you have money, you can expand the scale of Yuanmeng. I don’t think the market share is just that small…”

Shao Hongjin talked about the benefits of expanding the scale again, and even incited Qi Anan to list Yuanmeng in order to collect money. Qi Anan became more and more helpless, and could only say: "Master Shao, our company is not short of money, and even if it is really short of money It's not something I can do, it's the Lord's."

"You can't be the master, you can ask the master to meet and talk with me." Shao Hongjin insisted. After being robbed by Han Chongyuan in that clubhouse, he became more and more determined to make a career. Faith, and Yuanmeng is a starting point for him to be extremely satisfied with - over the past month, Yuanmeng's development momentum has been getting better and better!

"Master Shao, please don't make things difficult for others."

"What is difficult for others? I don't think I am difficult for others at all, but that you don't take me seriously." Shao Hongjin finally became impatient: "I will leave my words here today. I want to invest because I think highly of you. If you still Don’t blame me for being rude if you don’t even come out and keep evading it! I don’t know if Yuanmeng is really clean from beginning to end and can stand the investigation.”

Shao Hongjin didn't intend to do such a thing as bullying, but Qi An'an's attitude finally annoyed him.

Yuanmeng is nothing more than a company started by a group of college students. He is willing to buy shares and pull them over because he thinks highly of them. These people are too ignorant! As Han Xingmiao said, it's time for him to give them some color.

Qi An'an's affection for Shao Hongjin completely dissipated after Shao Hongjin said this, but he had to admit that Shao Hongjin's words threatened the point.

She is sure that everything about Yuanmeng is legal, but if someone keeps checking, Yuanmeng will encounter a lot of troubles and affect the production of goods.

After Shao Hongjin made a threat, he said, "Mr. Qi, think about it carefully. I'll wait for your news." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Qi Anan took a deep breath and called Han Chongyuan.

Han Chongyuan was reading Meng En's textbook when he received Qi An'an's call, planning to learn more when he had time, but immediately frowned after hearing Qi An'an's call: "He really said that?"

He always knew that Shao Hongjin was pestering Qi An'an, but he didn't take it seriously. He only thought that Shao Hongjin would give up sooner or later, but he didn't expect Shao Hongjin to learn to bully others... It is said that although Shao Hongjin has achieved nothing, she is an upright person with passion and loyalty. Now look at her Before coming to him, she had misjudged this person, too, if Shao Hongjin was really so nice, why would she target him indiscriminately

"That's what he said, should we reveal a little bit about the relationship between you or Mr. Qian and Yuanmeng, so that he can quit?" Qi Anan asked, if Shao Hongjin knew that Yuanmeng had something to do with Han Chongyuan or Qian Mo, she would definitely not Will pester again.

"You don't need to talk about this, I have a way to deal with him." Han Chongyuan said. The members of the Li family have already arrived in S City. He visited twice and offered to help them trade stocks, so that the Li family would have a better impression of him. If this is the case, why should he be afraid of Shao Hongjin

The foundation of the Shao family is mainly in City B, but there is no way to reach out to City S. Shao Hong wants to put pressure on Yuanmeng, so she has to ask the Li family for help.

Han Chongyuan hung up the phone and planned to go to Li's house again. On the other side, Qi Anan suddenly realized that he had almost climbed to the top of the mountain without knowing it, and his legs had already started to tremble.

There is nothing interesting to see at the top of the mountain, she should stay halfway up the mountain and have a good rest! It's all because Shao Hongjin walked too fast!

Not long after Han Chongyuan went to the Li family and told about Shao Hongjin, Shao Hongjin also found the Li family.

Both the Shao family and the Li family married members of the Han family, and they usually have a good relationship, so Shao Hongjin went directly to the Li family and asked the Li family to help troubleshoot a small company.

The Li family refused on the spot.