Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 62: will


Li Shuyun is very stingy to herself, but subconsciously uses money to please her parents and two younger brothers—they are the only ones she subconsciously rely on when Meng Jianjin is unreliable.

Because of this, Li Shuyun didn't hide the fact that she had a deposit certificate of 20,000 yuan in her hand, but she didn't say anything about the pension insurance and the house.

Don't talk about insurance, it's because she doesn't know much about it, and she thinks that three thousand a month is very, very much, and she doesn't talk about the house, because she has never had a decent place to live since she was a child, and she looks at the house very much. Very important, subconsciously want to hide well.

She was reluctant to sell the house, and she was also reluctant to rent it out to others. The two younger brothers and their parents had a house, so they simply put it aside and left it alone. They just went to find time to tear the divorce certificate into pieces.

Li Shuyun left Meng Jianjin and those two houses behind, and then lived with her parents. She gave 20,000 yuan to her two younger brothers, and each of them spent 10,000 yuan. Later, she also spent all the 3,000 yuan a month on Li's father and Li's mother, who worked diligently to help with the housework and take care of the children, were completely free nanny who were paying for their money and rushing to serve others.

Of course, that's all for the future, and now Han Chongyuan has just listened to Chen Jingtang's report on Li Shuyun.

"She deserves to live like this. Where is Meng Jianjin?" Han Chongyuan snorted coldly. He didn't have any affection for Li Shuyun, and he gave Li Shuyun money only to prevent Li Shuyun from being poor and relying on Meng En.

Meng En belongs to him alone!

"Meng Jianjin was sent to the prison in Province Z to undergo labor reform. Cheng Ningshan, Meng Meng and others did not go to see him, but left City S." Chen Jingtang added, sometimes he felt that he was not a lawyer now, Instead, he is working as an intelligence officer... Han Chongyuan specially gave him two retired special forces to help him find out the news. What the hell is going on

"He deserves it too!" Han Chongyuan snorted again. Although Li Shuyun didn't do well, she raised Meng En up anyway, and Meng Jianjin really didn't do anything. And if Meng Jianjin hadn't cheated on Li Shuyun when she was pregnant, or if someone outside had treated Li Shuyun better and given Li Shuyun a relatively good environment, Li Shuyun would not have become what she is now—a woman like her is actually not difficult to coax .

As long as life is a little more comfortable, maybe Li Shuyun will spoil her son lawlessly.

Chen Jingtang should neither should nor should not, just as he was at a loss as to what to do, Han Chongyuan said again: "Rename the house in S City to Meng En as soon as possible, and then give me the certificate. As for the money... let me think about what to do first." use."

Han Chongyuan originally planned to use the money to buy some shares for Meng En in the company he planned to register next, but now that the company has not been established yet, let's put it aside for now, after all, he is not good at stocks and the like: "By the way , are you free now? I have registered patents for several new technologies of our company before, but there are still some miscellaneous small projects that have not been registered. Sometimes in China there is not much difference between whether there is a patent or not, but he is not short of the registration fee anyway, so just register.

This doesn't seem to be within the scope of my responsibilities... But compared to filing a divorce lawsuit for someone who has nothing to do with the company, this is at least my company's business... I don't know why, Chen Jingtang always feels that he will probably be busier and busier I feel, but for the sake of salary, he will work hard!

Han Chongyuan didn't feel that he was squeezing people at all. When he took over Huayuan, Chen Jingtang was one of the most useful people. Now he has brought people in ahead of time, and he plans to train people to be as useful as in his previous life.

It's a pity that his relationship with his subordinates in his previous life was not good enough to talk about private matters, and he has always been in love with Li Xiaoxiao and his wife in front of outsiders. Otherwise, Chen Jingtang might be able to help him...

Thinking of this, Han Chongyuan suddenly thought of something, and stopped Chen Jingtang again: "By the way, there is something else I need to do... I want to make a will." My son, if something happens to him suddenly, is it possible that, like in his previous life, all his property will end up in the hands of people he doesn't want to give it to

"A will?" Chen Jingtang looked at Han Chongyuan in surprise. People under the age of twenty want to make a will

Han Chongyuan's expression was flat. People have fate, and he can never predict what will happen next. In order to avoid accidents, he should do everything that should be done. For example, he can leave all his property to Meng Well, if Meng En is gone, then donate all of it.

As for Qian Mo... His mother is one of the richest women in the country.

With the help of Chen Jingtang, it didn't take much time for Han Chongyuan to make the will and notarize it, but the content of this is really amazing, and even Chen Jingtang, who participated in the whole process, was a little bit overwhelmed. He had been thinking about the relationship between Meng En and his boss before, but he didn't expect that the relationship between the two was far better than he imagined... His boss regarded Meng En as the most important person, so he didn't know what would happen in the future. Will not change my mind.

"Okay, the matter is over, you go back by yourself, I will go home for dinner first." Han Chongyuan said to Chen Jingtang and another trusted lawyer he found, and then got into the car driven by Zhao Ying, Chen Jingtang and the others were outside He ate something, but he didn't eat a bite, and he was really hungry now.

Chen Jingtang was used to some of the boss's slightly weird behaviors, so he said to the other person present, "Let's go."

"Mr. Han..." That person is another lawyer that Han Chongyuan hired from Huayuan. He was a little dumbfounded at the moment. The fact that Mr. Qian's son did something unexpected, the will left all the money to an irrelevant person. , doing things differently from ordinary people.

"Han is always a soft-tempered person. He always likes to speak bluntly, but he is a nice person." Chen Jingtang said, although Han Chongyuan left them here, he gave a big red envelope before.

"I think so too." The other person said that a person who would leave all his belongings to a man who was only in love with him could indeed be called a man of temperament.

"Let's take a taxi back to the company." Chen Jingtang said, they had already had lunch, and now they can go back to work at the company. As for the will, they signed a confidentiality agreement, and they couldn't say a word about it.

Han Chongyuan didn't intend to tell the matter about the will, subconsciously he didn't want Meng En to know too much, he just wanted Meng En to stay by his side obediently and rely on himself wholeheartedly.

Even if he knew that his thinking was sick, he couldn't change it, he could only restrain himself as much as possible.

Chen Jingtang went to the company, while Han Chongyuan returned to his residence. Meng En was not at home because he was going to school today, but he left food for him.

Stir-fried lettuce, shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots, and radish ribs soup in the pressure cooker.

Han Chongyuan turned on the gas stove to heat up the soup, and filled the rice cooker with rice. After eating, he called the bodyguard who was on duty nearby: "What has Meng En been doing these days?"

He specially found someone to follow Meng En. Meng En had to understand everything he did. If it wasn't for Meng En's resentment, he would go too far if he broke the bottom line. He even wanted to find someone to follow him all the way.

The bodyguard quickly took out Meng En's itinerary that had been sorted out. He was almost at home at school. He used to go to the supermarket, but after Han Chongyuan said that the bodyguard could go to the supermarket to buy vegetables, he even went to the supermarket. not going.

"Young Master Han, Young Master Meng seems to be excluded at school." Meng En's itinerary was fine, but the bodyguard added a sentence after showing it to Han Chongyuan.

Han Chongyuan was startled. He wanted to ask why, but soon he figured out the reason—Meng En basically didn't communicate with his classmates, and it's strange not to be excluded. But that's okay, if Meng En gets along with his schoolmates, he's not sure if he can bear Meng En going to school: "Did anyone bully him or say anything to his face?"

"That's not true, it's just that their head teacher doesn't seem to like him very much, and his classmates don't talk to him, so he's the only one who comes and goes." The bodyguard said, the classmates are busy studying, and quite a few of them are also busy going abroad. En didn't stay at school except for class, so there were no people who bullied him. It's just that the head teacher didn't like Meng En, so everyone habitually stayed away from him. Sometimes when there was news in school, everyone knew but he didn't. , The teacher assigned homework during evening self-study, but no one told him.

"I see." Han Chongyuan's face was not very good-looking, and then he asked Meng En about some things in school.

The bodyguards all inquired with the school teachers as assistants to Meng En's parents. They didn't know much, so they just said something casually, but even so, Han Chongyuan's face became more and more ugly.

But, how to solve this

He knew very well that it was not difficult for Meng En to have a good relationship with others, but just as he knew how to buy people's hearts but sometimes he just didn't want to do it, he didn't want Meng En to have a good relationship with others.

"Then what should we do?" Han Chongyuan finally couldn't help asking as he tapped his fingers on the table.

"Meng Shao had better make some friends and find something to do." The bodyguard said, if he keeps being squeezed out, he might feel very uncomfortable.

Han Chongyuan frowned slightly, and after a while, he finally relaxed.

When Meng En hurried home from school that day, he found that Han Chongyuan was already there, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"How are you doing at school recently?" Han Chongyuan asked.

"It's pretty good." Meng En smiled. He's living a really good life now. He wears new clothes to attend classes every day. He doesn't have to worry about spending money to buy refills when he runs out, and he doesn't have to keep filling his stomach with water because he's hungry...

"Has anyone bullied you?" Han Chongyuan asked again.

"No." Meng En shook his head directly. The classmates are quite friendly, but he doesn't talk to others very much, so others don't talk to him very much. But even so, it is much better than when he was in Hongyuan before. At that time, because of Meng Meng's presence, sometimes his homework would be deliberately thrown away.

Han Chongyuan glanced at Meng En: "It will be New Year's Day in a few days, and then I will take you out to relax, and then bring Tan Feiyue and Zheng Qi."

Meng En was in a bad mood, so he took Meng En to relax. If he wanted to make friends, he would make friends with Tan Feiyue and Zheng Qi.