Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 66: accident


When Meng En had a crush on Han Chongyuan before, although he didn't dare to get close to Han Chongyuan, he also heard a lot of news about Han Chongyuan. One of the news was that Han Chongyuan had a crush in City B.

This matter is not a secret in Hongcai. After all, Han Chongyuan once used this as a reason to reject other people's confession. After being together, Meng En has never heard any news about the person Han Chongyuan likes.

Could that girl before be the one Han Chongyuan liked before? Walking out of the cosmetics store, Meng En looked around subconsciously.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you keep up?" Han Chongyuan frowned.

Meng En immediately quickened his pace. He wanted to know whether Han Chongyuan would be with him because he was stimulated by a broken relationship, but he didn't dare to ask. After thinking about it, he finally decided to pretend that he didn't know anything.

Didn't Han Chongyuan say he likes him? He should believe in Han Chongyuan, and as long as he can stay by Han Chongyuan's side, he is already satisfied. Since cosmetics can't be bought, Han Chongyuan simply went into a jewelry store, and then bought a thick gold bracelet for Qian Mo—this kind of bracelet is sold by others. Wearing it looks like a nouveau riche, but Qian Mo can definitely control it, and it will give people a sense of elegance and luxury.

After buying a gold bracelet, after thinking about it, Han Chongyuan finally picked out another jade Guanyin for Meng En: "Put it on."

"Ah?" Meng En was intimidated by the price tag of more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and didn't dare to ask for it.

"Put it on if I tell you to." Han Chongyuan forcefully helped Meng En put on the Emerald Avalokitesvara. Seeing Meng En's uncomfortable look, his mood suddenly improved.

The watch before made Meng En's hand not know where to put it, and the jade pendant now made him feel as if a heavy stone was hanging around his neck.

"Don't leave me." Han Chongyuan looked at Meng En, and suddenly had the urge to kiss him.

"What?" Meng En suspected that he had heard wrong.

"It's okay, by the way, Zheng Qi invited us to his house for dinner." Han Chongyuan said suddenly.

After Zheng Qi settled down in his mother's house yesterday, he said that he had friends over. Huo Nanyu inquired about it, and immediately asked Zheng Qi to invite him to his home. Now, Zheng Qi has already driven over to pick him up .

"Boss, throwing me in the hotel alone is what you said to take me out to play?" Zheng Qi picked up Tan Feiyue first. When he was with Zheng Qi, Tan Feiyue was very normal, but when he saw Han Chongyuan, he immediately complained, he looked quite "lively".

It was fine to let him sleep alone in the hotel last night. This morning he went to the apartment and knocked on the door for a long time, only to find that Han Chongyuan and Meng En had already left.

These two people threw off his light bulb and went to the world of two!

"You have no feet?" Han Chongyuan glanced at Tan Feiyue.

Tan Feiyue was speechless.

"Zheng Qi, I didn't expect you to live in such a house. I thought you would live in a mansion like the one shown on TV, with servants like clouds." When he came to Huo Nanyu's house, Tan Feiyue smiled. Not surprising.

Zheng Qi didn't say anything about the value of the house, but just smiled bitterly: "The house I lived in was really a mansion on TV. Unfortunately, my parents are going to divorce, so I was kicked out." Expose his miserable side This is a very useful way to pursue someone you like! When Tan Feiyue heard about his tragic past, he would definitely sympathize with him, and he might fall in love with him after sympathizing with him.

"Divorce?" Tan Feiyue asked in surprise.

"Yeah, my dad cheated and had an illegitimate child, so I'm going to divorce my mom, and I won't be the young master of the Zheng family in the future." Zheng Qi reworked the matter a bit: "In the future, I can't do my job anymore, otherwise Even my mother can't afford it."

Zheng Qi looked sad, and Tan Feiyue's expression became serious: "You are so outstanding, does your father want to drive you away?"

Who made himself like a man? Just as Zheng Qi was about to say something, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't told Tan Feiyue that he was gay because he was afraid that Tan Feiyue would hide from him: "Now he is full of that illegitimate child, how can he care about me? And what happened to me before Something pissed him off."

Zheng Qi, who has always been flamboyant, is now full of loneliness, so that Tan Feiyue doesn't know what to say to comfort him, and he can't help but fall into deep thought - Zheng Qi will annoy his father, maybe it's because of his sexuality

Tan Feiyue was in a daze, so that he didn't notice that Zheng Qi was looking at him secretly, but suddenly felt that his clothes were a little casual.

Today I came to see Zheng Qi's mother, but he was wearing a black down jacket that made him look like a ball...

Zheng Qi had already told Huo Nanyu about the identities of Han Chongyuan and others, so Huo Nanyu was naturally very enthusiastic about his son's colleagues. She didn't know that Zheng Qi liked Tan Feiyue, but she heard Zheng Qi talk about being taken care of by Tan Feiyue abroad, so she became very enthusiastic about Tan Feiyue: "My brat has a lot of strange problems, and he will definitely cause you trouble. right?"

"No, Zheng Qi is actually pretty good." Tan Feiyue said hastily. When he first met Zheng Qi, although he felt that this person had a lot of problems, he really liked him, and even some of Zheng Qi's lifestyles were exactly what he yearned for. of.

"What's wrong with this bastard? He stays at home and picks me up all day long. I can't wait to beat him up." Huo Nanyu laughed.

"But what he said makes sense." Tan Feiyue smiled and chatted with Huo Nanyu.

Although Tan Feiyue looks ordinary, he has a very reliable face and a tall figure, so he is very popular with middle-aged and elderly women. Huo Nanyu chatted with him, and he felt more and more sympathetic, especially in the On topics related to Zheng Qi.

On the contrary, Zheng Qi couldn't understand the situation in front of him. Tan Feiyue actually remembered the two of them getting along so well

Huo Nanyu brought two servants from Zheng's house, so he quickly prepared a table of sumptuous food. Both Tan Feiyue and Meng En ate very happily, and only Han Chongyuan took out the steamed dumplings that Meng En had made before. I ate it with preserved egg and lean pork porridge.

Seeing Huo Nanyu's puzzled face, Han Chongyuan gave a rare explanation: "Meng En made it for me before, and I don't want to waste it."

This explanation is a bit strange, but Huo Nanyu didn't pursue it, but Tan Feiyue couldn't help complaining: "Boss... ahem, boss, why are you so stingy? Since Meng En's food is delicious, you should take it out for us all to taste. taste."

"Meng En made this for me." Han Chongyuan glared at Tan Feiyue, and then stuffed the hardened dumplings into his mouth one by one.

Even Zheng Qi couldn't help but began to wonder if Meng En's cooking was truly peerless and delicious.

Huo Nanyu's house has five bedrooms. After dinner, she invited a few people to sit down, but Han Chongyuan quickly refused. Compared to living in someone else's house, he would rather live in it. He and Meng En packed it out yesterday. Tan Feiyue stayed in the apartment because he didn't want to sleep in the hotel.

"You can sleep in this room, it's next door to me. By the way, we just moved here yesterday, so there may be fewer things." Zheng Qi took Tan Feiyue upstairs, and then opened the bedroom connected to his room with a door the door. Huo Nanyu left him to sleep in the male master bedroom, and the bedroom in front of him is the female master bedroom.

"I think there are already a lot of things." Tan Feiyue said, obviously the servants have already tidied up here, and there is nothing missing at all.

"That's what you think. The aesthetics are too bad. You don't know where you turned out your clothes. It looks like a bear..." Zheng Qi had already had a problem with Tan Feiyue's dress. Now it's finally out.

"..." Tan Feiyue suddenly felt that he should not have heard the person in front of him clearly before.

"And your pants, these pants are obviously too big, you still wear them..."

"Zheng Qi," Tan Feiyue interrupted Zheng Qi, "I found that I really like you."

Zheng Qi was stunned: "What did you say?"

"I'm going to rest." Tan Feiyue shut Zheng Qi out.

This night, Tan Feiyue thought about Zheng Qi's affairs for a long time before falling asleep. Zheng Qi had been struggling to find out whether he should attack at night and finally went to find friends on the Internet to hone his skills. Zheng Xiuping and Huo Nanyu stayed up all night. The two were thinking about the divorce and didn't agree. Even Meng En suddenly dreamed of Han Chongyuan holding the woman who was in the daytime in the middle of the night, and then woke up suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Han Chongyuan asked with concern.

"It's okay." Meng En said, and leaned into Han Chongyuan's arms. Han Chongyuan has been hugging him to sleep, he can often feel that Han Chongyuan has a reaction, but for some reason Han Chongyuan has never touched him, at most it is just a kiss...

Would Han Chongyuan really like a worthless person like him? Meng En, who had been scolded by his mother as useless since he was a child, couldn't believe that Han Chongyuan would like him at all.

Confining Meng En in his arms, Han Chongyuan kissed him a few times indiscriminately, and said in a low voice, "Go to sleep."

"En." Meng En nodded, and began to listen to Han Chongyuan's heartbeat without moving.

Li Xiaoxiao had just returned to City B at this time, and as soon as she walked out of the airport, she saw Han Xingmiao.

Han Xingmiao was wearing a coat with a fur collar, and his face became paler and paler under the long black fur, but he immediately smiled when he saw her.

"It's so cold today, why did you run out?" Li Xiaoxiao asked worriedly when she saw Han Xingmiao's appearance.

"I don't trust you." Han Xingmiao coughed a few times with his right fist on his lips.

"Even if you don't trust me, you can ask someone else to pick me up so you don't suffer from the cold." Li Xiaoxiao was worried, and the anger caused by Han Chongyuan dissipated.

"Xiaoxiao, you are wronged, how can I not see it with my own eyes?" Han Xingmiao said, and asked again: "Xiaoxiao, did you really see Chongyuan in Hong Kong City? He still has this man with him?"

"What could be wrong?" Li Xiaoxiao sneered: "That man's appearance is not surprising, and I don't know what method he used to fascinate Han Chongyuan like that."

"Smile, don't be angry, I will help you out."

"I believe in you." Li Xiaoxiao nodded, looking at Han Xingmiao with admiration in his eyes.

Han Xingmiao took Li Xiaoxiao's hand, and after sending Li Xiaoxiao home, he immediately called Shao Hongjin: "Our plan can start." When he has enough ability and has his own company, Han Chongyuan What is it? The development prospects of MP3 and MP4 are very good, and he believes that he will be successful.

The New Year's Day holiday is only three days, and it is already the third day in a blink of an eye.

Han Chongyuan and Meng En played for another day, and went home that night, but Tan Feiyue and Zheng Qi stayed behind. Zheng Qi stayed because his parents' divorce was not over yet, and Tan Feiyue stayed because Zheng Qi told Huo Nanyu that Tan Feiyue had confessed to him, but Tan Feiyue didn't deny it, so Huo Nanyu regarded him as his own family and stayed. .

"I didn't expect that Tan Feiyue also liked Zheng Qi." Sitting on the plane home, Meng En couldn't help saying, a little envious—the relationship between Tan Feiyue and Zheng Qi was recognized by Huo Nanyu, it's great.

"Zheng Qi is not bad." Han Chongyuan said, he always remembered Zheng Qi's mature and charming appearance more than 20 years later, and Tan Feiyue's vision was really good.

It's just that these two don't know if they will become what they are in the future... Speaking of which, Zheng Qi's parents divorced a few years later in his previous life, and it must be a few years after he and Tan Feiyue got together. They should thank him in this life That's right.

Han Chongyuan happily decided to let the two of them pay off their debts after returning home.

Of course, since Zheng Qi should be worth a lot after the divorce, he can also make some investments with the other party.

Hearing Han Chongyuan's rare praise, Meng En couldn't help feeling a little inferior.

Zheng Qi is indeed very good, very, very smart, he seems to know everything, but he can only study hard, and he may not even get a scholarship.

Touching his chest, Meng En sighed again when he thought of the pendant hanging inside. He remembers all the money Han Chongyuan spent on him, but I'm afraid he won't be able to pay it back for the rest of his life.

Zheng Qi and Tan Feiyue stayed in Hong Kong City for another week. During this week, Huo Nanyu and Zheng Xiuping officially divorced and handed over all their properties.

Zheng Xiuping didn't want a divorce, he kept trying to get it back, but Huo Nanyu kept insisting, and finally used his trump card.

That was when Zheng Xiuping asked Huo Nanyu to come out on the grounds of signing the divorce agreement, but insisted on refusing to sign it. At first, Huo Nanyu insisted on getting a divorce. Later, when she saw that Zheng Xiuping was unwilling, she threw out a copy of her own medical examination Report: "You are looking for a woman outside, who knows if you will catch some disease? Now I feel sick when I see you, and I want to go to the hospital for an examination when I touch you. You still refuse to divorce. Do you want me to die of pain?"

In Huo Nanyu's physical examination report, almost all X diseases were tested, and it was clear that he did not trust Zheng Xiuping, and Zheng Xiuping couldn't hold back his face.

"If you don't sign it, I'll go for another medical examination tomorrow in front of the media. By the way, I'll tell you about our divorce and your illegitimate child, and then find a lawyer to renegotiate," Huo Nanyu said again, "No I know whether you can afford to lose this person."

Of course Zheng Xiuping couldn't afford to lose this man, but he was not reconciled, and even wanted to threaten Huo Nanyu by exposing Zheng Qi's unusual sexuality, but the fact that he had an illegitimate child was irrefutable, and Zheng Qi's private life was still clean up to now amazing.

In the end, Zheng Xiuping still signed his name.

Huo Nanyu left those real estate properties and a small amount of stock funds, and gave the rest to Zheng Qi, so that when Zheng Qi returned to S City from Zhenggang City, he had already become a rich man.

The first thing this rich man did after returning to S City was to buy a house, but before he bought his house, Han Chongyuan called him to the company because something happened to Yuan Meng.

A TV station in a certain province reported a news that when someone was listening to music on Yuanmeng's MP3, the MP3 suddenly exploded and disfigured the user, and this news was reprinted by many media in a short period of time.

At the same time, another brand of MP3 and MP4 suddenly began to be advertised overwhelmingly on TV.

For a while, Yuanmeng was questioned countless times, and the product sales plummeted.