Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 73: future


"Are you really divorced?" Han Guangtao looked at his son in disbelief. He wholeheartedly wanted to grow the Han family and leave endless wealth for future generations, but he didn't expect his son to push the wealth away!

Even if Qian Mo and Han Chongyuan disliked him, Han Chongyuan is Han Shen's son after all, and all of this will belong to the Han family in the future, but if they get divorced, who knows what will happen in the future? After all, Han Chongyuan obviously didn't like them.

"I'm divorced." Han Shen said, he had been caught between the Han family and Qian Mo, he was already very tired, and divorce was a good choice, moreover, Qian Mo let him down too much.

Han Xingmiao was indeed at fault, but he didn't know that Yuanmeng was related to Huayuan when he made Yuanmeng's fake.

"It only took a day, how can the divorce be so fast?" Han Guangtao didn't believe it at all, and even couldn't help but wonder: "Is it because you want to use this to threaten me?"

Han Shen looked at Han Guangtao in shock: "Dad..."

Han Guangtao also felt that he had made a slip of the tongue, and after thinking about it, he knew that Han Shen would not use this to deceive him, so he quickly changed the subject: "What about the property? How will the property be divided?"

"We have been living separately, and the property is divided." Han Shen said, feeling a little uncomfortable. Although he was richer than Qian Mo when he first got together with Qian Mo, Qian Mo has always been richer than him in the past ten years. He once gave him a lot of money and asked him to buy a house and shop in City B and give it to Han Zhongyuan when he was in college. Han Zhongyuan is underage, so those properties worth tens of millions are now under his name, and Qian Mo hasn't returned yet, so he took advantage of Qian Mo.

"How can it be calculated like this? Huayuan was founded by you together!" Han Guangtao was very angry.

"But Qian Mo has always been taking care of it." Han Shen frowned slightly: "Although I don't want to admit it, she is indeed more talented in business than me. Huayuan's success today is mainly due to her."

"So you gave all the money to that woman? Why don't you think about where the start-up capital came from?" Qu Ruqing looked at her son with a full face of hatred, while Qu Jingyun, who was sitting next to her, had a complicated expression.

Qu Jingyun has always liked Han Shen, and naturally she also wished for Han Shen's divorce, but Hua Yuan would be gone after Han Shen divorced, which made her feel a pity, and she also disliked Qian Mo even more.

"Uncle, is it because of me that you divorced? I'm sorry." Han Xingmiao whispered, quickly lowered his head, and also concealed the resentment in his eyes. He had praised Huayuan in front of Han Shen many times before, and said After graduation, he wanted to go to Huayuan for an internship. At that time, Han Shen agreed to everything, and he was also very interested in Huayuan, but now... the gap between him and Han Chongyuan may become bigger and bigger in the future. Can't catch up

"Xing Miao, it's none of your business. In fact, divorce is a good thing, so I can handle Hai Ling's affairs properly." Han Shendao, before he ran around to deal with Hai Ling's affairs, because he and Qian Mo were husband and wife. It was a lot of embarrassment, but now there is no such thing.

The evidence of what Hai Ling has done is convincing, and there is no way to avoid a fine, but if Han Xingmiao really can't let it go, he can change Hai Ling's face.

Han Xingmiao looked guilty on the surface, but he was already regretful in his heart. He didn't know that Han Shen would do this at all. If he had known this, he would not have held onto Hai Ling! But, don't Qian Mo and Han Chongyuan take Han Shen very seriously? Why did they let go of Han Shen so easily

Han Xingmiao regretted it, but Han Guangtao regretted it more than him. How much did Qian Mo respect him back then? It can even be called flattery! If he had taken the opportunity to ease the relationship at that time, how could he not have any shares in Huayuan now? Or if he didn't insist on asking the younger son to come back when the eldest son died, but instead took care of the Han family first, the whole Huayuan might still be under his son's name now.

However, things have come to this point, and there is no way to recover.

At this time, the only thing that makes Han Guangtao feel lucky is that Han Chongyuan's surname is Han.

Qian Mo is a very low-key person, and a company like Huayuan does not need advertisements, so that ordinary people do not know whether the chairman of Huayuan is a man or a woman, even if they know that there is such a person, they will not recognize her , and her marriage and family have never been exposed to the media.

Under such circumstances, the matter of Qian Mo's divorce was naturally not known to the public, and only people in their circle expressed their condolences.

When she received the condolences, Qian Mo had already recovered. She didn't want others to think that she was an abandoned woman, so she simply found Zheng Qi and asked him to design a new image for herself.

Zheng Qi is a man, and he should not know much about women's dress, but he has a mother who is about the same age as Qian Mo.

Zheng Qi, who was dragged by his mother to go shopping as a consultant since he was a child, has a lot of research on middle-aged women's dressing. After recommending suitable skin care products and makeup to Qian Mo, he also asked his mother to buy some jewelry and clothes from Hong Kong City. .

A woman's beauty sometimes depends on cosmetics. Qian Mo is only in her forties. After cleaning up her body, she looks much younger. Suddenly, her charm has greatly increased, and she has attracted many suitors...

Of course, Qian Mo didn't intend to continue to start a family, and she also knew that most of the suitors were based on her status, so she declined them one by one.

In this way, several months passed by.

The summer of 2004 finally arrived, and when people changed their thick clothes and put on short-sleeved shorts, the compensation Hai Ling paid for infringing Yuanmeng's patent rights finally hit Yuanmeng's account. Meng has launched two new products again, and among them, the palm-sized learning machine has become popular all over the country because of the advertisements. Today's students are proud to have Yuanmeng's learning machine.

Of course, because Yuanmeng's learning machine is relatively expensive, and the price is about 1,000, many people are more willing to buy some similar products that are relatively cheap, such as a small-brand learning machine that can be bought for two or three hundred .

"Let's start a company together." After learning about the outside market, Han Chongyuan found Tan Feiyue and Zheng Qi.

A few months have passed, and Tan Feiyue and Zheng Qi's home in S City has been completely renovated. It is a single-family villa in the suburbs of S City. There is a park opposite the community. The environment is very good. After the "Love Cabin", Zheng Qi has been researching what investment to make next these days.

People born like Zheng Qi, when they have money, will never think about saving it in the bank, but only think about using the money they already have to make more money.

It can be said that the mainland is full of business opportunities now, and Zheng Qi is now most optimistic about real estate. These days, he is choosing a real estate company he wants to invest in, but it is not going well.

The big domestic real estate companies do not lack his money at all, and the management of many small ones is too chaotic. After visiting a few construction sites, he dared not give the money easily, so he could only continue to investigate.

"To start a company together?" Zheng Qi looked at Han Chongyuan in surprise: "Don't you have a dream?" If an entrepreneur wants to succeed, concentration is essential. After all, a person's spirit is limited. If you don't focus on developing a company It's just that there are a bunch of companies here and there, and there is absolutely no way to get good results.

Of course, it is different for an investor like him who only intends to invest money for others to get dividends. He cannot put all his eggs in one basket. If he wants to ensure a return, he must invest in a few more companies.

"We started a company similar to Yuanmeng, but produced some relatively low-end products." Han Zhongyuan said that Yuanmeng's future development direction is smartphones, and the company he wants to co-found with Zheng Qi and Tan Feiyue is also.

At that time, Yuanmeng can take the high-quality route and lead the trend of smart phones, and the company he and Zheng Qitan Feiyue co-founded can produce ordinary mobile phones using the most common system—this is what these two people did in their previous lives. Also mixed into the top few richest people in the country.

Han Chongyuan didn't want to let go of a way to make money, and it was also to compensate Tan Feiyue and Zheng Qi.

"Then even if you make money, you can't make much." Zheng Qi frowned. There are many domestic companies that produce products similar to Yuanmeng. Even Han Xingmiao opened another company after Hailing was forced to close down. The profits of these companies are not a lot, but they are obviously not as good as the real estate that Zheng Qi was optimistic about before.

"We won't produce learning machines forever. Our ultimate goal is a mobile phone. In the future, everyone will have a mobile phone." Han Zhongyuan said, and took out a document.

After Zheng Qi read the information, he agreed to Han Chongyuan's plan almost immediately, and Han Chongyuan immediately took out the compensation from Hailing to start a company with Zheng Qi. of a friend.

Zheng Qi's friend was the second son of a family, and he could not inherit the family business and only took a sum of money. After being called by Zheng Qi, he simply invested in the company that was about to be established.

The new company Zheng Qi holds 45% of the shares, Tan Feiyue holds 10% of the shares, Han Zhongyuan holds 30% of the shares, and Zheng Qi's friend holds 15% of the shares. Assignment, as long as there is no problem with the relationship between Zheng Qi and Tan Feiyue, they will always have the right to speak.

It's a pity that neither of them knew anything about the management of the company. In the end, it was Zheng Qi's mother Huo Nanyu who flew from Hong Kong City to help Zheng Qi's friend manage the company, and the company started.

Han Chongyuan has limited energy, so he doesn't pay much attention to this newly opened company, and Meng En doesn't know anything about it.

As the weather got hotter, he began to prepare for the final exam again. This semester his grades improved again, and he was admitted to the top ten of his grade in several monthly exams, so he had a high probability of getting a scholarship.

I have lived with Han Chongyuan for more than a year, and Meng En has grown a lot taller. The handsome appearance and solitary behavior inherited from Li Shuyun have won him a lot of admiration in school—the romance novels and various In this kind of girls' magazine, there will always be a melancholy or domineering beautiful boy who stands alone in school, and then falls in love with the heroine at first sight.

In the eyes of many people, Meng En is just that kind of person, and even many girls think that he is the kind of genius who can get good grades in exams without much effort. After all, he is the only one in the whole grade to arrive at school in the morning. He never stays at school for an extra minute at noon, and for students who do not participate in evening self-study at night, he always takes the top grade.

The first time he knew that others saw him that way, Meng En was both surprised and amused. He was not a genius at all, he was not stupid than others, and his current achievements could not be separated from his hard work.

Although he will spend some time cooking and doing housework, those hours can just give his tense head a rest, so it won't delay many things, not to mention that Han Chongyuan will help him with some housework now.

Thinking of Han Chongyuan, Meng En couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

After Qian Mo's divorce with Han Chongyuan, Han Chongyuan's attitude towards him changed a lot—he always asked him what he wanted, and often chatted with him on weekends.

He knew that Han Chongyuan did this with good intentions, but he didn't know how to accept this kindness at all, so that he was at a loss when Han Chongyuan did these things, and his behavior obviously made Han Chongyuan a little unhappy.

But he really didn't know how to make Han Chongyuan happy. In the end, he could only tell the truth about his previous experience, try to answer every question of Han Chongyuan, and then carefully cook the meals that Han Chongyuan liked to eat, and then became more obedient and obedient.