Well, There’s a Re-report

Chapter 95: rescued


Han Chongyuan knew very well that once on board, it would be more difficult for him and Meng En to be rescued.

He knew how to swim when he was young in his previous life, but he was paralyzed for fifteen years, and since he was reborn he had never been in the water, so now he is probably no different from a landlubber.

As for Meng En, a person born in a city and unable to go to a swimming pool is even less likely to be able to swim.

But it was impossible for him not to get on the boat, the robbers had guns in their hands, and they were still in the hands of these robbers... At this time, he obviously couldn't resist.

Seeing that someone was going to drag Meng En away, Han Chongyuan immediately said, "I'll do it!"

He stretched his handcuffed hands under Meng En's body, and hugged Meng En horizontally.

Meng En also knew that his current image was very bad. He almost subconsciously wanted to leave Han Chongyuan's arms, but after thinking about it, he still pressed against Han Chongyuan's chest tightly so that Han Chongyuan could save a little effort.

He heard Han Chongyuan's heartbeat clearly, and at that moment, his mood suddenly calmed down.

Before boarding the boat, Han Chongyuan took another look at Li Wen. Li Wen shrank behind the kidnappers, not daring to move.

This time, the boat was a small boat. After driving for a few hours, it was already dark, and then they saw a big boat from a distance. A phone call, immediately evoked a smile.

Han Xingmiao arranged a retreat for him, but for the sake of safety, he arranged another escape route himself, this time he used the retreat route he arranged.

Han Chongyuan has already brought the money, so much money, and gold, is enough for him to change his identity to live a good life, why bother to hang out with Han Xingmiao, and maybe he will be pushed out to take the blame in the end

As for Han Chongyuan and Meng En...

"It's the two of you. If you hadn't made trouble, how could my dad die when he hooked up with Li Yinan?" Li Xiangyang looked at Han Chongyuan and Meng En with disgust, and suddenly took out a small box from his body. Taking out an injection from the box, he smiled at Han Chongyuan and said, "It contains high-purity drugs. If you use one, it will definitely make you feel ecstatic."

Excessive concentration of drugs will kill people, as for making people die in ecstasy... The first time you try a non-new drug, it will be uncomfortable, and it will be even more uncomfortable if you overdose.

Li Xiangyang chose this one simply to torment Han Chongyuan!

Han Chongyuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he kicked at the robbers next to him. These kidnappers planned the whole incident far more carefully than he imagined, and made more preparations, so that the manpower he arranged did not have the right time at all. Rescue.

Since he first set foot on the kidnapper's boat and was controlled by the kidnappers until now, they have been on their way, and now they even reached the sea!

The people who saved them may not be able to come, and now they can only save themselves.

Han Chongyuan has learned some fighting skills, and even learned them very well. He also knows how to make gunmen dare not shoot. With guns, you dare not shoot when your own side and the enemy are entangled, because it is very likely to hit your own people.

In the domestic environment where guns are banned, it is obviously impossible for these kidnappers to have enough bullets for training.

However, the place here is too small, and there are many kidnappers. Even if Han Chongyuan has some skills, he was quickly pushed to the ground.

"Gag their mouths." Li Xiangyang said with the injection in his hand, of course giving Han Chongyuan a shot is the fastest solution, but it's too cheap for Han Chongyuan, not to mention, he wants to do it himself.

Li Xiangyang walked towards Han Chongyuan, and was about to plunge a needle into Han Chongyuan's body, when suddenly a person rushed over and slammed into him viciously.

It was Meng En who did it.

Meng En has been locked up by them for three days, and his hands and feet are still tied. The kidnappers have been on guard against Han Chongyuan, but they really didn't take him seriously. shot.

Meng En knocked Li Xiangyang to the ground, grabbed Li Xiangyang's neck almost tightly, and then held the ceramic knife that Han Chongyuan put in his hand against Li Xiangyang's neck: "You let us go!" The rope hadn't been untied yet, but with explosive power, he caught Li Xiangyang unexpectedly, and the injection in Li Xiangyang's hand was also knocked out.

Li Xiangyang's face was full of panic, but the kidnappers obviously didn't take it seriously.

"Joke." The kidnappers laughed: "It's not a bad thing for us that he died."

These kidnappers were all hired by Li Xiangyang, but for them, it was definitely better to take all the ransom money than to only take the hire money from Li Xiangyang.

Li Xiangyang was so anxious that he could even feel blood gushing from his neck: "What do you want to do?!"

Meng En's face was even paler. If these people don't take Li Xiangyang seriously...

"Let us go!" Meng En said in a hoarse voice, and then cut down with a knife, cutting a big gash next to Li Xiangyang's neck.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and just when Meng En was still trying to see if he could threaten those people, they actually shot Li Xiangyang in the head!

Blood splattered, and Meng En's face was also stained a lot. His breathing almost stopped at that moment, and he almost fainted from fright until he saw Han Chongyuan next to him.

Han Chongyuan is still in the hands of those people, he can't let anything happen to Han Chongyuan! Without even thinking about it, Meng En rushed towards them, but unfortunately his feet were still tied and he fell down very quickly.

Thanks to his appearance, those people finally didn't shoot him.

Several leaders of the kidnappers said suddenly; "Throw him and the body into the water."

Meng En was thrown overboard almost immediately.

The temperature of the sea water was very low. The moment he touched the water, he almost subconsciously wanted to struggle, but when he thought of Han Chongyuan, he suddenly calmed down.

Can't struggle, must not struggle, what should he do now

It was true that Meng En couldn't swim, but after hearing that Sun Mingda and Feng Xuan had gone to the swimming pool together during the summer vacation, he specifically found out how to save those who can't swim if they fall into the water.

There are many things in China. Many people say that as long as you don’t struggle, you can float on your back on the water. However, some people say that this is unreliable. In the end, he saw the practice of “jellyfish floating” on a foreign website. .

Meng En did so almost subconsciously. He took a deep breath and hugged his knees with his head down, and then let himself float on his back, taking advantage of the breath in his lungs to allow him to bear it for a while, he also started to use the knife Cut the rope on the leg.

He cut it in a mess, and he cut his own leg, but he also freed his leg.

And all of this, he didn't know how he did it, there was only one thought in his mind at the moment, Han Chongyuan...

He must not let Han Chongyuan die, absolutely not!

With a "plop", Meng En felt that someone beside him fell into the water again. He didn't dare to open his eyes because he couldn't see anything in the water, but he instinctively felt that it was Han Chongyuan.

At that moment, he almost forgot that he was in the water, he subconsciously slid his hands and feet, took a breath when his head emerged from the water, and finally caught Han Chongyuan!

It's just that Han Chongyuan's situation is different from his. Han Chongyuan is struggling, but the strength of his struggle is getting smaller and smaller...

Meng En felt boundless panic in his heart, what happened to Han Chongyuan? For a moment, he almost wanted to hug Han Chongyuan, and then sink into the bottom of the water together with Han Chongyuan.

But soon he felt that it was impossible, maybe Han Chongyuan was still alive

Meng En couldn't see Han Chongyuan's appearance. He touched Han Chongyuan's face and found that Han Chongyuan was lying on his back, so he got under Han Chongyuan's body, put Han Chongyuan's hands behind his back, and used the method of jellyfish to float Floating, when he found that he couldn't breathe, he paddled with his hands and feet, and then he took Han Chongyuan out of the water and took a deep breath. When he had a breath in his chest, he sank under the water again and continued to "carry" Han Chongyuan floating.

He was really fortunate that the buoyancy of sea water was far greater than that of fresh water, and this piece of sea water was very calm, which allowed him to last longer. Of course, there was another reason why Han Zhongyuan was so motionless that he could float with jellyfish. The posture kept Han Chongyuan's head above the water.

He didn't even know how he did all this, but he just felt that Han Chongyuan couldn't die here.

He can definitely hold on!

In a trance, Meng En seemed to recall another scene, which seemed to be in a nursing home, where there were fires everywhere, and Han Chongyuan was still in the fire.

That's the guy he likes, who smiled at him when everyone was making fun of him and insulting him to stay away from him because of his disgusting and ugly mind. The school expelled him, his father didn't want him, his mother beat and scolded him for leaving without saying goodbye...

He was so hungry that he could only rummage through the trash can at the entrance of the elementary school, find out the breakfast that the children hadn't finished and throw away, and eat it. He hated everything about himself and thought of dying. But as long as he thinks that someone once said to him, "Have you been tricked by others? You must be more careful in the future", you will have the confidence to live again.

Even, as long as he thinks about the man who looks like the little prince, he doesn't feel disgusted that he likes men, because what he likes is such an outstanding man.

That wonderful man inherited a great business and went from prince to king without changing his feelings one bit.

Now, his king is in the fire... He wets a quilt, splashes water on his body and rushes into the fire, finds Han Chongyuan who fell to the ground for help, and then wraps Han Zhongyuan tightly in the quilt and rushes out.

Without the quilt to cover him, the fire made his face very painful. He didn't even dare to open his eyes. If he wanted to see the road, he only dared to open them all the time. But for some reason, as long as he thought that the person on his back was Han Chongyuan, he would Suddenly there is infinite courage.

He carried Han Chongyuan out of the fire, and hid Han Chongyuan in his home. Even if he was disfigured, he felt so sweet that he even wanted to jump up happily.

He didn't dare to tell Han Chongyuan that he liked him, and he didn't feel that he was worthy of Han Chongyuan. In fact, as long as he could see Han Chongyuan, he would be very happy, as long as he could be with Han Chongyuan...

"People are here!"