What Comes Around Goes Around

Chapter 41


"Hey? Where's my phone?!"

In the darkness, Cheng Yao finally remembered her mobile phone. She didn't know where it fell and was covered by something after the drop just now. She couldn't even see the light of the flashlight function. For a while, the room was dark, and it was really hard to find.

"Boss, can you call me?"

After groping for a long time, finally, Cheng Yao asked for help from the silent Qian Heng.

Qian Heng ignored her, but at least he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The familiar ringtone rang in the pile of sundries at Qian Heng's feet, and Cheng Yao breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the phone was close to her, Qian Heng bent down to pick it up...

Cheng Yao was still relaxed at first, but when she saw Qian Heng's action, she suddenly thought of something. She tried her best to stand up and pick it up by herself, but her movements were slow due to her sprain. At this moment, Qian Heng had already taken her mobile phone Picking it up, he picked it up subconsciously, and glanced at the lit screen of the phone...

Death Alert Ahead! ! Death Alert Ahead! ! !

At this moment, Cheng Yao only felt that these few lines of big characters flashed in her mind, and felt that something was wrong and the situation was gone...

Sure enough, Qian Heng glanced at the phone screen, then stopped, he narrowed his eyes slightly, with a dangerous expression on his face, he sneered, and stretched out the phone screen in front of Cheng Yao.


Qian Heng's cell phone has not been hung up yet, so Cheng Yao's cell phone is still vibrating.

She looked at the three words "stinking idiot" on the screen of her mobile phone, and only felt that in this scene, she could directly perform a myocardial infarction and die on the spot within three seconds...

"I..." Cheng Yao stammered, "This is my pet name for the boss, and only those who are close to me are so remarked. You see, in the word 'stupid', in fact, if you taste it carefully, do you feel With a touch of pampering and helplessness? Adding the word "smelly" brings a bit of irreplaceable emotion. Although it is "stinky", it is actually "fragrant" in the heart. For example, you can see , many parents call their children "stinky baby", right, the word "stinky" condenses so much love that is hard to express... "

Qian Heng said expressionlessly: "Then you also call your close parents like this?"


"Or do you love me so much that you can't help yourself?"


Rao Cheng Yao usually gags and talks nonsense at will, but at this moment she is also a little at a loss for words, and notes her boss's mobile phone number as "stinky idiot", how can this be whitewashed? ! It really can't be cleaned up!

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, but fortunately Qian Heng finally spoke. This time his mood obviously calmed down, and he didn't have the feeling of being so angry that he was talking to himself just now.

"You go out."


Qian Heng snorted coldly: "The trust law is almost the same, why do you want to stay in my room if you don't go out?"

Can not be done! I do not go! The call hasn't come yet! I will never go back!

Although Qian Heng will definitely chase people away when talking about other topics, he seems to be very devoted to talking about professional things!

Cheng Yao then said: "Boss! It's been a long night without heart to sleep. The trust law is over. Why don't we talk about the impact of the insurance law on the inheritance of family wealth? Talk about the current family insurance policy? And some difficulties in handling cases in family insurance disputes?"

"No, you go out."

As a result, Cheng Yao misjudged Qian Heng's thoughts this time, and he rejected Cheng Yao without hesitation.

"Then let's talk about the dilemma in the practice of inheritance law?"

"Cheng Yao." Qian Heng pursed his lips, "Go back and sleep."

"Boss, the day you are going to move out is getting closer and closer, and the time for me to bathe in your light is getting less and less. I... I wonder if I can sleep in your room tonight?" Cheng Yao bit the bullet, "I'll just sleep on the floor. It's an honor for me to breathe the same air with my boss..."

Qian Heng crossed his arms and said, "Speak humanly."

This is not oil and salt...

Cheng Yao is still struggling: "Boss... I really want to sleep on the floor in your room tonight. The fortune teller said that I have a bloody disaster, and I have to sleep on your floor to resolve it..."

Qian Heng smiled, showing his sharp white teeth: "Cheng Yao, why do you think I will allow you to sleep on the floor in my room? Oh, just because you remarked 'stinky' to me?"


I don't know if it's Cheng Yao's illusion, Qian Heng said the word "this love" word by word, quite a bit like gnashing his teeth...

Regarding this, Cheng Yao could only continue to use her wits in a hurry: "I sprained my foot... I can't walk..."

"Do you need me to carry you out like a sack?"

Qian Heng leaned against the wall, and began to unbutton the cuffs of his clothes, as if doing a big job, picking up Cheng Yao and throwing her out.

She was really afraid of facing the boundless darkness alone, Cheng Yao completely forgot about face in her anxiety, she fell down at Qian Heng's feet with a plop, and hugged his calf.

"I do not go!"

Qian Heng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Cheng Yao to hug her thighs so unscrupulously, literally.

He raised his leg and tried to get rid of Cheng Yao, but he was worried about Cheng Yao's leg injury, so he didn't dare to use any force, so he stuck together, only to be stuck more and more tightly by Cheng Yao.

"Cheng Yao!" Qian Heng's voice gritted his teeth, "If you keep doing this, I will sue you for sexual harassment tomorrow!"

"Let's sue. The rate of successful sexual harassment cases is low, because it is difficult to prove. Anyway, if you want to sue me, there is no evidence."

While refuting Qian Heng, Cheng Yao felt for the first time in her life that studying law is really useful at critical moments!

For Cheng Yao, who also knows how to operate the law, Qian Heng was about to explode, and he said every word: "You, get up, come up!"

"I don't! I'm going to sleep on the floor!"

Looking at the hairy head hugging his leg, Qian Heng felt a headache.

"Boss, don't drive me away, I'm telling the truth!" Cheng Yao wanted to cry, "I watched a horror movie tonight, and I'm afraid of the dark, please! I will stay quietly in the room, just As if it doesn't exist, I'm afraid of ghosts, I don't want to go back to the room alone! I'm willing to work overtime for five days without pay in exchange for the right to sleep on the floor! Really, boss, please!"

In fact, when she told the real reason, Cheng Yao was already ready to be packed and thrown out of the room by Qian Heng, but to her surprise, not only did Qian Heng not throw her, but he actually stopped.

"Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"Afraid! Aren't you afraid?"

Qian Heng's voice was very disdainful: "Don't do anything wrong, for fear of some ghost knocking on the door."

It's not a question of doing something wrong, okay? ! !

Cheng Yao can't wait to roar in her heart, Qian Heng is naturally not afraid, because ghosts like Qian Heng are afraid of seeing him expensive!

"Stop watching feudal and superstitious ghost movies in the future." Qian Heng's voice was still calm, as if he was evaluating whether tonight's dinner was delicious or not, "Okay, get up, I'm going to sleep, you Sleep on this floor on the left."

Hey? ?

and many more…

Qian Heng glanced at Cheng Yao, who was stupefied, and raised his eyebrows, but his expression was a little unnatural: "Your long-cherished wish to sleep on the floor has already been fulfilled, and you still want to make further progress?"

Cheng Yao still couldn't believe it: "Really, really let me sleep on the floor?"

"Do you still want to sleep on the bed?" Qian Heng turned his head, "How can you allow others to snore on the side of the bed? Have you never heard of it? Who gave you the courage to want to sleep with me?"

"..." Cheng Yao scratched her head, "That's not what I meant. In ordinary TV dramas, in this situation, don't men take the initiative to give up their beds and let women sleep?"

"Go to bed early, all the plots you think about are in your dreams."


In any case, with Cheng Yao's perseverance, she finally succeeded in overcoming five trials and got the precious (?) chance to sleep on the floor of the boss's room.

It's a pity that after such a toss, Cheng Yao woke up completely.

She lay on the mattress on the floor, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

On the bed, Qian Heng seemed to be tossing and turning...

Cheng Yao called tentatively: "Boss?"

"What for?"

Sure enough, Qian Heng didn't sleep either. I don't know if it was an illusion at night, but there was a sense of helplessness in his voice.

Cheng Yao cleared her throat: "Since I can't sleep, why don't we chat, we have lived together for so long, it seems that we haven't had a good chat. Didn't you let me enjoy the feeling of making money every day chatting with you? I Wanted to enjoy one last…”

Qian Heng paused for a long time before opening his mouth. His voice sounded a bit dry, but he didn't refuse, just a little unnaturally: "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about your experience and feelings of being a lawyer over the years? Sometimes I really want to know, have successful lawyers like you ever had the same predicament as us little newcomers? How did you overcome it? ?”

After Cheng Yao asked, she felt that something was wrong. Even if Qian Heng shared his professional experience and experience in these years, it might not be of much reference value to him. Same.

Qian Heng was silent for a long time. When Cheng Yao thought he was asleep for so long, she finally heard his voice—

"At the beginning of practicing, it was quite difficult."

Hey? ? ? Cheng Yao regained her energy all of a sudden, she got up from the floor, raised her head, and looked at Qian Heng. This answer is really surprising. In Cheng Yao's mind, Qian Heng seemed to be born so powerful, as if he had never experienced such a predicament...

"I am a lawyer, and my family is against it."

Hmm... So it's the troubles like "If you can't be a lawyer, you have to go home and inherit the family business"... Cheng Yao thought, sure enough, the class is different, even the troubles are different...

"In order to force me to submit, my parents imposed comprehensive economic sanctions on me. I just graduated and didn't have any money. My brother secretly wanted to help me, but at that time, I might not be very smart. I refused." When Qian Heng said this, there seemed to be a little regret in his tone, "In the end, he could only live in the basement, and he couldn't afford snacks in Shaxian County. Once he ate at a roadside stall, and he developed an acute stomach disorder. I suffered from vomiting and diarrhea for a week, just in time to finally get a client, but the client was in another district, and he had to run back and forth to send materials and communicate while having a stomachache, just to keep such a lawyer whose fee was only 5,000 yuan Customers, it's cold, wind and rain... "

! ! !

Qian Heng actually has such a story? ? ? So down and out? ? ? Why does it sound so unreal

"But from what Bao Rui said, boss, you seem to have been very glamorous from the very beginning of your career?"

Qian Heng smiled, and his tone was very indifferent, as if he was not talking about his own affairs: "That's because I pretended to be good. Fortunately, I bought the most expensive suit in advance when I was not sanctioned by my father."

"Actually, life is almost stretched, but every day I wear the suit I bought earlier. No matter what the weather is, no matter what kind of client I meet, I always wear the suit to show people and keep it in the most perfect condition. What a lawyer should present is the most professional and professional And no matter how difficult it is, it doesn’t matter if others despise you, you must value yourself. Because if you can’t even respect yourself, who can you expect to respect you?”

"It's a pity that the lawyer I was teaching at the time thought I was very displeased because of this. He thought that I was wearing a suit and leather shoes all day. My important information, or concealment of some facts and evidence, made me almost lose several lawsuits for this."

Cheng Yao was very surprised, she couldn't imagine that Qian Heng had encountered such a thing.

"This is a big law firm. I don't want to mention the name again. It is very large in the country and has many branches. I went in with great expectations, but found that many lawyers were dissipating their energies into infighting, and office politics soaked their work. Many senior Lawyers, focus on forming cliques and suppressing dissidents, instead of thinking about how to improve your professional ability and professional level." Qian Heng's voice was calm, "At that time, I vowed not to enter this kind of corporate operation again. Instead of becoming this kind of lawyer, it is better to create a boutique small firm with a streamlined staff, but enough unity, a cohesive team, where to fight wherever you want, and to maximize everyone’s professional ability.”

Cheng Yao suddenly realized that this is why the atmosphere inside Junheng is always so good. This is the reason why there is no intrigue among colleagues except gagging. This is the reason why Qian Heng has always shared his professional knowledge with himself without reservation, and is even willing to spend time to improve himself from the level of legal principles.

Because Qian Heng is such a person, professional and magnanimous, although he never speaks for mercy, but his heart is more clean and pure than anyone else.

"The current team of Junheng is the result of our selection. Those who have no real talent, don't want to work hard, and have crooked ways in their hearts have long been dismissed by us."

This kind of working atmosphere is one of the important reasons why Cheng Yao likes Jun Heng, and it turns out that this kind of law firm culture is not accidental, it is also the result of Qian Heng's intentional maintenance.

In the final analysis, whether it is the improvement of professional ability or the good atmosphere of the law firm, the person Cheng Yao should thank is Qian Heng.

Because of people like Qian Heng, she was provided with such a safe, clean, and orderly growth environment, so that she could get out of the shock and frustration of Bai Xingmeng's case, and be able to see the strengths of each colleague, and be able to learn from each other. In the competition, we can catch up, and we can devote all our energy to professional progress without having to deal with complicated interpersonal relationships.

"Then, what happened to the teaching lawyer who pushed you out at the beginning? Did you meet him in court again and beat him to death?"

"Him?" Qian Heng snorted coldly in his nostrils, "I haven't seen it for a long time. This kind of person who spends all day trying to squeeze out newcomers has no ability. How can he survive the big waves? Besides, his vision is really bad." gone."

Cheng Yao was also filled with righteous indignation for a moment, and decided to make a big flattery by the way: "That's right! Tell him to underestimate Qian Par at the beginning! Like Qian Par, a discerning person can tell at a glance that the dragon and phoenix will come out sooner or later! He This is making an enemy for yourself!"

"It's not that kind of vision." Qian Heng's tone was full of dissatisfaction, "Is he blind? How could my temperament and style of conversation be raised by an ordinary wealthy family? He actually thought that I was just an ordinary Xiaokai, It's just unbearable."
