What Comes Around Goes Around

Chapter 80


Cheng Yao has been worried since seeing Deng Ming return to Junheng. According to her understanding of Deng Ming, even if the evidence is forged, he will do other tricks, because he has no real talent, but he is a bit clever. Therefore, he is very good at taking shortcuts by using crooked ways. In order to maintain his so-called undefeated myth and maintain his high standard of lawyer fees, Deng Ming will definitely do some tricks to ensure that Lu Jian's case is foolproof.

It's just that Cheng Yao didn't expect Deng Ming to be so despicable.

Not long after the pre-trial evidence exchange was over, a local marketing V in City A broke the news about a so-called anonymous mass contribution—

"Eating melons: The modern version of Pan Jinlian, wearing a cuckold for her husband, giving birth to an illegitimate child in marriage but not knowing who the biological father is because of the chaos in her private life."

Under this revelation, there is an unmarked photo of Lin Fengjuan. At the same time, there are many snapshots of Lin Fengjuan's intimate behavior with different men.

Soon, some "enthusiastic" people exposed Lin Fengjuan's address, contact number, and Hanhan's photo in the gossip comments, and commented viciously, which man in the photo does Hanhan look more like? .

And compared to these replies that are still written in civilized words, some replies can be described as unsightly.

"Wow, this girl is so flirtatious, if you let me play with her too, brother promises to please her."

"A slut who sleeps thousands of people and rides thousands of people!"

"This little girl is not bad, she has such a strong desire, if she wants so many men, why don't she sell her directly, not only satisfying herself, but also earning her son's medical expenses."

Marketing V’s post is very provocative. It is written in the tone of a friend of Lin Fengjuan’s ex-husband. The lines are full of indignation. surge.

Cheng Yao knew that Deng Ming liked to use public opinion to set the pace, trying to put pressure on the parties and the presiding judge, but he didn't expect that he still didn't make progress after so many years.

After Bai Xingmeng's incident, Cheng Yao was no longer flustered when she encountered such a fermenting public opinion incident. She calmly took screenshots to collect evidence in order to carry out a reputation infringement lawsuit.

It's just that she didn't expect that Lin Fengjuan, who held her hand not long ago and asked her to seek justice for herself and return the child's title, changed her mind two hours later.

When receiving Lin Fengjuan's call, Cheng Yao's first reaction was comforting: "Don't worry, I will send you a lawyer's letter..."

"Lawyer Cheng, I don't want to fight this lawsuit. Please help me withdraw the lawsuit!"

Cheng Yao was very surprised: "What's wrong?"

"I can't win." Lin Fengjuan's voice choked up, "I'm an ordinary person, but I can't fight against someone as powerful as Lu Jian. Have you seen the revelations on the Internet? Since those revelations, people have come to my door , some painted, some sent wreaths and elegiac couplets, some even threw dung... "

Lin Fengjuan said in pain: "I did something wrong, but the only person I'm sorry for is Ah Min. I didn't feel sorry for those netizens. Why do they treat me like this? Those photos of me and different men on the Internet are not real at all. , It’s all faked by PS. The only man in my life, besides Amin, is Lu Jian. If I really did what the revelation said, I, Lin Fengjuan, would be hit and killed by a car today!”

Anyone who encounters such insults on the Internet for the first time will probably be as angry and frightened as Lin Fengjuan, wanting to explain their innocence to the world.

When Cheng Yao thought of her Bai Xingmeng case, she was just as at a loss, and her tone softened unconsciously: "Don't be afraid, I believe in you. I'm afraid Lu Jian's lawyer is responsible for these things on the Internet."

It was just such a simple sentence, but Lin Fengjuan on the other end of the phone finally couldn't help it, and cried out: "Lawyer Cheng, thank you for saying this for me, then I can't drag you down in this case, let's withdraw the lawsuit. We can't beat Lu Jian and his forces."

Cheng Yao was stunned for a moment, and became alert: "Is it implicated?"

Lin Fengjuan did not answer, she changed the subject in a little panic: "In short, in this case, it is considered that Lu Jian forged medical certificates and physical examination records, as long as he has a relationship and asks people from the hospital to help with these forged things, then we will take care of these forms." Check, it’s also true on the surface. Although I know that Lu Jian is definitely fine, we can’t force him to take off his pants in front of the judge. We can’t win, Lawyer Cheng, neither you nor Lu Jian and his lawyer Then there are backgrounds, wrists, and contacts... "

Cheng Yao tried to persuade Lin Fengjuan, but although she obviously had reservations on the phone, her attitude was very firm—she wanted to withdraw the lawsuit and give up the lawsuit, and claimed that this was not only based on practical considerations, but also for the good of herself and Cheng Yao.

"Lawyer Cheng, you won't get much money for my case anyway. Really, don't take it. Use this time to take other more important and richer cases. I won't blame you. I'm already very grateful to you." gone."

When a case has developed to this point, the most sensible way is naturally to push the boat forward and withdraw the lawsuit. After all, first of all, this is just a legal aid case. Once again, this case hits Deng Ming, and the current evidence is biased towards the other party. People with a discerning eye see that this is a case that 99% of them will lose. Not only will there be no sense of accomplishment, I am afraid It will be very frustrating.

It's just that Cheng Yao doesn't want to.

Cheng Yao couldn't make sense on the phone, so Cheng Yao was going to meet Lin Fengjuan directly.

Lin Fengjuan's home is in a crowded urban village. The cramped shanty houses, one next to the other, squeeze the road in the middle into a very narrow one, and the road is dilapidated due to the random dumping of sewage by residents on both sides. Get wet and dirty.

Cheng Yao originally thought that Lin Fengjuan's house would be difficult to find, but she walked along this road for ten minutes and recognized her house at a glance.

A row of small shanty houses, only one door was still splashed with bright red paint.

"Slut", "bitch", "bitch"... Such insults are painted outside Lin Fengjuan's house, and there are naturally neighbors watching the fun pointing around, and Lin Fengjuan silently cleans up under these pointers dirt.

Her hair was not tied up, and hung lifelessly on both sides of her cheeks. When Cheng Yao approached, she found the scar covered by her hair.

Her face was covered with redness and swelling, one eye was completely beaten and she couldn't even open it, her nose was still stained with undried blood, and her cheekbones were swollen. Seeing Cheng Yao, she was a little surprised: " Cheng Lu..." As soon as she spoke, Lin Fengjuan seemed to be involved in some kind of wound, and gasped in pain.

Cheng Yao pursed her lips tightly: "Who beat this? Amin asked someone to beat him?"

Lin Fengjuan held back her tears and shook her head: "No. Ah Min has always been very good, he has been very good from the beginning to the end. Even if he knew that I had done this kind of thing, he just didn't say a serious word, just treated me like a stranger. Same, and then filed for divorce with me calmly."

Lin Fengjuan recalled the happiness that she once had at her fingertips but was destroyed by her own hands, and finally couldn't help crying: "The people who hit me said they couldn't look down on friends or netizens who vented their anger on Amin, but I know that it was definitely not Amin's order. Yes, it’s impossible for Amin’s friend to post that post, he’s not that kind of person, and neither are his friends. Even if I did something like this, he’d just break up with me and wouldn’t make trouble.”

"These people not only beat me, my parents came out to help me, but they didn't even let my parents who were in their 60s go. My mother fainted from anger, and my father just followed the 120 ambulance to take her to the hospital. gone."

Cheng Yao didn't expect the attack on Lin Fengjuan to extend from the Internet to reality. She said seriously: "Is there surveillance here? I'll call..."

Lin Fengjuan smiled wryly and shook her head: "No, look at our environment here, there is no monitoring at all, and it's useless to have monitoring, we can't win the case, Lawyer Cheng, I know they weren't recruited by Ah Min." Lin Fengjuan glanced at the door of the room full of insulting words, "The posts on the Internet, and these, I actually know that they were recruited by Lu Jian. Because after they smashed it, they all said a word, 'I want to be so cheap. It’s not a coincidence if only one wave of people say this, but it’s the last thing to say in every wave…”

Although Lin Fengjuan's derailment in marriage is indeed wrong, but Lu Jian, a male mistress who knows that the other party is married but still has a relationship with the other party, is not innocent. Such despicable tactics of falsifying evidence, adding human flesh, intimidating and beating are very shameless.

"Miss Lin, don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for your case and do my best."

Faced with Cheng Yao's firmness, Lin Fengjuan shook her head: "It's useless to become a lawyer. Lu Jian's family relationship is very hard, and he won't admit Hanhan this time." Lin Fengjuan pursed her lips, "I listen to the rest of the students. Said, because he and his fiancée are going to get married soon, the two are a commercial marriage, the interests involved are huge, and neither of them will let this kind of thing go wrong."

"That Lawyer Deng, I also checked online, he is a very good lawyer." Lin Fengjuan was silent for a moment, then her face turned pale and she resigned, "I see that he is very good at litigation, almost never loses, and he graduated from a prestigious school. , and a lot of experience, not to mention that I am an old acquaintance with the judge... "

What Lin Fengjuan said, she didn't realize it when she said it, but when she thought about it carefully, it was an offense to Cheng Yao. Although she didn't say it clearly, in her heart, she probably didn't recognize Cheng Yao's qualifications.

However, Cheng Yao was not angry, she just looked at Lin Fengjuan: "So you just give up? The people you are sorry for are Amin and their family. You are not sorry for Lu Jian, nor are you sorry for any other bystanders. Why do you To be treated like this?"

"Miss Lin, you advised me to do other lucrative cases on the phone, but for me, whether it is a public welfare legal aid case or a case with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of bids, as long as I accept , then these cases are equally important to me, and your interests are the highest interests to me.” Cheng Yao’s eyes were calm, “You have given up now, and you think you have given up your rights. Han? Han Han deserves to receive support from his biological father, and he should also know his own background."

"I know that I am younger than you, and I am not as experienced as Deng Ming. I am not familiar with Judge Meng, and I will never use Deng Ming's indiscriminate means to achieve my goal." Cheng Yao straightened her back and raised her head. "But I believe in the law, and I believe that the law will not ultimately be on the side of falsifying evidence and intimidating threats."

Lin Fengjuan hesitated: "Lawyer Cheng, I don't want to withdraw the lawsuit directly, I also want to try, but if we continue, not only me, but even you may be retaliated by this so-called 'just man' …”

"I will arrange for you and your parents to temporarily live in a hotel with sufficient security conditions. As for myself, I have a sense of proportion and will protect myself."

"Can… "

"I will pay for the hotel, so you don't have to worry." Cheng Yao smiled, thinking of Qian Heng, "We, Jun Heng, have internal subsidies for legal aid cases."

Lin Fengjuan almost burst into tears: "Thank you so much! I really don't know how to thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank, please thank Junheng's lawyer Qian Heng. The subsidy in this firm was proposed by him."

"Lawyer Qian Heng?" Lin Fengjuan hesitated, "I also saw his information when I checked Lawyer Deng Ming. Didn't he claim to be..." Lin Fengjuan knew she was aphasia, and immediately changed her words, "He doesn't only do super big cases, but also supports A legal aid case?"

"En. He is a very good person." Cheng Yao's eyes were bright, and his tone was firm, "As a lawyer, you should never promise your client that you will win, but please believe me, I will do my best and work hard for you. You win the case."

In life, everyone is not perfect and can make mistakes. Lin Fengjuan cheated in marriage and gave birth to an illegitimate child. She did something wrong. From the perspective of her ex-husband and his family, she is an unforgivable villain, but no one else is qualified to judge her morally, let alone use lynching .

Although Lin Fengjuan is not a good wife, Cheng Yao has seen her look when she looked at Han Han's photo, and her face is still miserable and helpless, but the love and determination in those eyes make Cheng Yao believe that if If Hanhan can have enough money to successfully complete the heart surgery, Lin Fengjuan will definitely do everything she can, no matter how hard and tiring she is, she will try her best to protect her child from growing up.

Compared with Lu Jian, who is powerful and powerful and has Deng Ming helping the tyrant, Lin Fengjuan, who needs to raise Hanhan alone, is a vulnerable group that needs legal assistance and protection.

Cheng Yao is firm and decisive in her heart. When laws are enacted, they can only balance various legal interests to the greatest extent and strive to achieve the greatest degree of fairness. However, in reality, everyone's education level and income are different, which directly leads to legal differences. resource imbalance.

People like Lu Jian can hire the best lawyers, but Lin Fengjuan only has the legal aid provided by herself.

Qian Heng recognizes the maximum degree of fairness in the law. He is mature enough, so he knows that any system has its shortcomings. The law that can protect the maximum degree of fairness naturally cannot achieve absolute fairness in practice. He recognizes and has no intention of changing that.

Cheng Yao used to be a little ignorant about this point. After going through cases with Qian Heng, she subconsciously felt that Qian Heng's views were all right, but she always felt that there were still some doubts lingering in her heart.

And it wasn't until this moment that Cheng Yao suddenly figured it out.

She wants to be that little boy who picks up small fish on the beach and throws them back into the sea after the tide goes out.

Naive, stupid, weak enough to be unable to compete with the big environment, but every little fish cares.

She might be young, she might be impulsive, she might be overly passionate, she might be emotional. She understands the unfairness of legal resources and is powerless to change it. However, she is not ready to simply accept this set of rules. She wants to do her best to make changes within her ability and give more legal remedies like Lin Fengjuan.

For me, this may just be an insignificant case in my future practicing life, but for Lin Fengjuan, it may change the trajectory of her life.

In this case, she must do her best.

It's just that although Cheng Yao has made up his mind in his heart, this kind of thing can't be successful just by having an attitude. After settling Lin Fengjuan's family, Cheng Yao still has no idea of a breakthrough in this case.

It was Tan Ying who called herself: "Cheng Yao, how is the case going? Is the pre-trial evidence exchange going well?"

Cheng Yao briefly talked to Tan Ying, but just as she hung up the phone, Bao Rui called again.

"Cheng Yao, I heard that you met Deng Ming in this case. He has a bad reputation. I see that the Internet has really started to put pressure on the parties, trying to use public opinion to crush your parties and affect the trial. You Is there any difficulty in handling this case?"

If it was just Tan Ying's call and Cheng Yao didn't feel anything, then after Bao Rui's call, Cheng Yao was able to react.

After hanging up Bao Rui's call, Cheng Yao called Qian Heng.

"Didn't you agree to let me handle this case completely independently?"

Although Qian Heng's voice was unnatural, he strongly denied it: "Didn't I let you be independent? Have you asked me about your case so far?"

"Yes, you didn't ask, because you asked Tan Ying and Bao Rui to ask."


After a pause, Qian Heng chuckled lightly like a headache: "These two useless guys sold me out so quickly."

"No, no, they kept their mouths shut, and no one reported on you." Cheng Yao was afraid that Qian Heng would retaliate against Tan Ying and Bao Rui for working overtime, so she immediately explained, "I discovered it myself."


"Because we usually handle cases independently, and we don't intervene in each other's cases."

"Okay, then let them work overtime tonight."

Cheng Yao:? ?

Qian Heng calmly said: "As an old man in the team, he has no team love for newcomers, so he won't even ask for warmth."


There is really no reason to blame, Bao Rui and Tan Ying, I have done my best, and I can only help you here!

"In short, I can handle this case myself."

Qian Heng gave a somewhat unnatural "hmm". Since he had explained a few words about the rest of his work, he ended up going around and talking, and the topic returned to Cheng Yao's legal aid case.

"In this case, I heard that the other party's lawyer is Deng Ming. He does not rely on professionalism to handle the case, but relies on heresy. You should know that if you..." Qian Heng obviously realized that he was paying attention to this case again. Braking, his voice was a little helpless, and there was a bit of embarrassment in the end, "I'm sorry, I'm not like this usually. According to my charging rate, I don't talk so much." Qian Heng paused, "It's just I can't help it."

Although the person is not in front of her eyes, Cheng Yao seems to be able to think of Qian Heng holding the mobile phone, talking on the phone seriously but with reddish ears.

It's cute just thinking about it. Want to tease.

"I know, I am not afraid of him, I will definitely win him."

Qian Heng returned to his usual glamorous and noble state, as if the fleeting embarrassment just now was just Cheng Yao's illusion, he warned: "Don't speculate on Deng Ming from the perspective of a normal lawyer, dealing with him is not just a confident attitude You can win. Don't drink any more chicken soup like 'I am a little lawyer with a conscience and justice, so as long as I work hard, I can take down the big players in the industry'."

Cheng Yao smiled: "I don't drink chicken soup with this formula, I drink the chicken soup of 'I am Qian Par's girlfriend, so I will definitely win'." Cheng Yao covered her hot face, "Why does it sound a bit like 'I'm the big brother's woman'?"


Qian Heng's voice was a little headache and helpless: "Cheng Yao, what are you thinking about all day long?"

Cheng Yao is used to making jokes, and almost without thinking about it, she just said, "I miss you."

Qian Heng wanted to say something at first, but someone called him vaguely from the other end of the phone. He covered the receiver and said something, then turned around and apologized to Cheng Yao in a low voice.

"I have something to do at work, let's talk later."

It's just that Cheng Yao didn't expect that she would meet Qian Heng that night.

When she got off work, as soon as she walked downstairs to the office building, the familiar black Bentley slowly drove towards Cheng Yao. The window slowly moved down.


"Didn't Bao Rui say that it would take two or three days to come back? Why did you come back today?"

Qian Heng pursed his lips, and said calmly: "My efficiency can be done in one day." He glanced lightly at Cheng Yao, "And it's not that you said you missed me." Qian Heng turned his face, "Since you are like this Miss me, if you don’t come back, I’m afraid you will get sick. Isn’t it lovesickness?”

Cheng Yao choked, she thought, next time she should stop molesting Qian Heng casually, because the effect will eventually bounce back on herself.

But just as Cheng Yao was about to open the car door and get in the car, she was interrupted by Bao Rui's voice.

"Hey? Cheng Yao? I happened to be looking for you. Where did you put the list of evidence in the Chen Juan case that you compiled for me last time? Is there an electronic file? Send me a copy."

Cheng Yao nodded: "Okay, I'll send you back."

Bao Rui nodded, and then realized that it was Qian Heng's car. He looked at Cheng Yao curiously: "You and Qian par..."

Cheng Yao hurriedly explained: "I just happened to be on the way home, let's grab a car!"

"That's it, your home and my direction are also on the same road, so let me take a ride together." After Bao Rui said happily, he opened the car door and sat in the Bentley with no winks. To Qian Heng who was in the driving seat, "Thank you Qian par!"

After finishing speaking, Bao Rui glanced at Cheng Yao who was stunned outside the car, and patted the seat beside him: "What are you still doing stunned? Come in."


After getting into the car, Bao Rui was very active: "Hey, don't tell me, this Bentley is just a Bentley, and it drives as stable as an old dog. To be honest, I haven't had the chance to ride in a car that pays par a few times. It's a real honor." He said After boasting and being grateful for a while, I was a little curious again, "Qian par, I said, why have you looked so uneasy since I got in the car? Did you encounter any troubles? Is there anything we can do to help?"

Bao Rui was very enthusiastic: "Although you are the boss, we are a team. I think we have to go on a business trip for two or three days. Why did you come back early today? Did you encounter any trouble? So I would rather Go back to city A in the evening and then fly to city B tomorrow morning?"

Cheng Yao was stunned for a moment: "You haven't finished your work yet? Are you going to City B tomorrow morning?"

Bao Rui did not doubt that he was there, and said without any desire to survive: "Yes." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Qian Heng again, "Hey, Qian Par, why do you look even worse now?"


Bao Rui, whoever pretends to be exposed on the spot will not look good, okay

As a result, Comrade Bao Rui didn't realize the awkward atmosphere at all. He had no doubt that he was the only one emotionally supporting a stand-up comedy show.

"Let me tell you, this time when we go to City B, that client has an underground business besides serious business, just that kind of massage parlor, and then even hinted that we can invite us to experience the supreme massage, saying that many big bosses will patronize, The little girls look very juicy and pure."

Cheng Yao couldn't help it a little: "What? You are invited to go whoring?! Bao Rui, you have a family and a mouth!"

"Yeah yeah, I can't be sorry for your sister-in-law and refused, that client advocated that Qian Par can try it hahaha, it turned out that Qian Par was more direct and ruthless than I refused, he glanced at the pictures of those little girls In the book, he said that he looks much worse than his girlfriend, his face is not as good-looking as his girlfriend, his figure is not as hot as his girlfriend, and he said that he has no interest in anyone other than his girlfriend, hahahahahaha." Bao Rui laughed. "I didn't expect that Qian Par's ability to make up stories is quite strong, and what he said is quite similar."

Cheng Yao glanced at Qian Heng who was sitting in the driver's seat. The other party's face was still sullen, but his ears turned slightly red as expected.

And the client who was betrayed by Bao Rui finally couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

"Bao Rui."

"Hey? What happened to Qian Par?"

"Do you think you haven't worked enough overtime tonight?"


It's a pity that Bao Rui's understanding of current affairs didn't last long, and soon, he opened his mouth again.

"Qian par, it's coming soon. Cheng Yao's place is coming soon. Just turn over there and go in. It seems that Cheng Yao is the first to arrive and get off on our ride."

Just kidding, Qian Heng made a special flight to come back tonight, not to send himself home right now! Just how to answer Bao Rui? Cheng Yao didn't speak, but subconsciously looked at Qian Heng.

Qian Heng cleared his throat: "It suddenly occurred to me that Cheng Yao still has some work to report to me. We will have a meal together later and I will listen to her report. Bao Rui, let me take you home first, don't let me Your wife has been waiting at home for too long."

Qian Heng actually took the initiative to care about himself so much, Bao Rui was very moved with tears in his eyes, but—

"Hey? No, no, Qian par, my wife isn't here. I'm going home tonight and I'm worried about having nothing to eat and ordering takeaway. Since you're eating with Cheng Yao, count me in. I can take part in any case." Let's work together as a staff officer. Didn't you remind me that as a senior, I should pay more attention to the newcomers in the team?"