What Comes Around Goes Around

Chapter 95


Cheng Yao wanted to say something, but was pulled up by Qian Heng. He dragged her: "Let's have a good talk."

When Cheng Yao realized it, the two were already in the small outdoor garden of the restaurant.

"There's nothing to talk about." Cheng Yao tried to maintain composure and composure, "We have different plans for life and the future, breaking up is to let each other go."

"I love you, Cheng Yao."

"But you don't want to get married."

"I can change any of my other principles for you, except not marrying and DINK. I can't change it." Qian Heng frowned. Since falling in love, he has almost responded to Cheng Yao's request, but only in this matter, He was strong and did not give in. "Marriage is really not good, and children are also very troublesome." Qian Heng was really puzzled, "Why can't you think about getting married and having children?"

Cheng Yao was so angry that she split arms: "Because my excellent genes must be passed on, no one will force you if you don't want to marry and have children. I will find better genes to marry and have children together. Don't worry, I won't look for you."

Qian Heng's face was as dark as coal, and he said gloomyly, "Cheng Yao."

Cheng Yao is still not afraid of death: "You have your bottom line and principles, and I have mine. You can't sacrifice your unmarried DINKism for me, and I can't go against my heart to praise unmarried DINK for you. This The contradictions cannot be reconciled, and we will still break up in the end, so please don't come to me again." She looked into Qian Heng's eyes, and said word by word, "Qian Heng, I'll say it again, you've been dumped! I, Cheng Yao, I don't want you anymore! So please restrain yourself and recognize the reality!"

After Cheng Yao finished speaking, regardless of Qian Heng's expression, she turned around and left neatly. She couldn't stay, she was afraid that if she stayed for a minute longer, her bravado would be seen through, and she would become soft-hearted and reluctant.

This time, Qian Heng did not catch up again, the girl in front of him was beautiful and dazzling, and he was not timid in the battle, and Qian Heng also had to admit that what she said was right, and he could not ask her to accompany him to talk about a doomed Love without results is too selfish.

She wanted marriage, but she couldn't give it to her.

At a dinner party, the atmosphere was made weird by Qian Heng. Although the person left, the whole suitcase of gifts was left for Cheng Yao.

During the dinner, Li Chengxuan couldn't hold back his curiosity: "I just want to ask, why did you fall in love with Qian Heng?"

"I didn't think about it for a while."


"However, what does it feel like to fall in love with a cancer like him?" Li Chengxuan was eager to try, "Don't tell me, I'm quite curious, and it's quite touching to think about it..."

"Take two more Niuhuang Jiedu pills."

"To be honest, does he seem to treat you well?" Li Chengxuan asked questions one after another, "Why did you break up? Who broke up? Does he want to get it back? I think Qian Heng was pitiful when he left just now. Why don't you give him another chance? He's so indebted, let me teach you, you first pretend to agree to get back together, then coldly violent him, torture him and beat him hard!"

The more Li Chengxuan spoke, the more excited he became: "He obviously wants to get back together with you, but you will be a lawyer in my team from now on. If Qian Heng wants to see you in the future, he may have to look at my face and flatter me, hahahahaha , He also has today, really relieved hahahaha... If he comes to me, I will let him... Hehehehe... "

"Cough cough cough."

It wasn't until Gu Beiqing interrupted Li Chengxuan's train of thought with a deliberate cough that he finally stopped: "Don't talk about him, come, let's talk about our beautiful tomorrow and eat vegetables!"

Li Chengxuan feels that everything is going well for him recently. Ever since Cheng Yao joined the BRICS, he almost woke up laughing every day when he went to bed. This time, he was really good at digging people. This accident, not only did Qian Heng personally guide him. His apprentice, or his beloved girlfriend! value! It's so worth it!

Cheng Yao did not disappoint him at all, not only stubbornly rejected Qian Heng's request for reunification, but also relentlessly grabbed Jun Heng's case. Half a month after coming to BRICS, she snatched three cases from Junheng like fleece. Two bids amounted to tens of millions, and one bid amounted to nearly 100 million yuan.

Li Chengxuan also heard some gossip about Chengyao, it was nothing more than saying that she relied on Qian Heng to get her position, and resigned in desperation after Jun Heng failed the case. However, lawyers should not listen to rumours, but seeing is believing. Cheng Yao is not only able to grab the source of the case, but also to handle the case. She handled these three cases very well, and even Li Chengxuan couldn't think of some ideas in the first place. It deserves both beauty and strength.

Except for the case-handling style...Although most of the time Cheng Yao communicates with clients very friendly, soft yet strong, and has her own style, but inadvertently, Li Chengxuan found that she unconsciously reveals some of Qian Heng's style …

"Lawyer Cheng, I may have wronged my husband. He told me that it was just a pure friendship with that friend. He explained it to me in tears yesterday. I think it should be true from the way he looks. We don't need to Let’s take evidence of his cheating again... Although it is rare, I also believe that there are still pure friendships between men and women.”

"Pure friendship between a man and a woman?" Cheng Yao said with a blank expression, "That thing only exists between old couples. The rest, if they don't exist, calm down and collect evidence."

"Lawyer Cheng, I only consulted for half an hour, and there is still a charge for this money? I used to work in other law firms, and these consultation fees were free!"

"The 'free experience' at the spa, the 'zero tour fee', and the so-called 'free tasting', are these 'free' things really free?" Cheng Yao glanced at the other party, "Are you really going?" Free' experience, if you don't spend money, you can't get out. Any lawyer will not provide free services. Once it is 'free', it will cost you more later. Do you want to pay me for half an hour now? Consulting fee, or do you want to pay more than ten times the consulting fee in the future?"

Not long after working in BRICS, Cheng Yao had no idea that she had become a famous figure in the legal circle of City A.

That day, she was about to leave after the court session, when she heard other people's discussion at the corner of the stairs.

"Do you know Cheng Yao from BRIC?"


"It was Jun Heng who jumped out in the past, and it was the lawyer who was taught by Qian Heng himself."

"She, I know. I saw her just now. She is in court here. She looks really beautiful, like a star."

"Of course she's beautiful, Qian Heng's ex-girlfriend!"

"So explosive?!"

"Yeah, Qian Heng really likes her. I have a school girl who is an intern at Junheng. She said that after she quit, Qian Heng's face was dark every day. Before she left, there was a case where the original evidence was inexplicably lost. Although later It was resolved, but Qian Heng is now insisting on a thorough investigation to find out how the original evidence was lost."

"However, she not only has a pretty face, but also has a beautiful case. I chatted with Judge Zhang yesterday. Judge Zhang praised her very much, saying that this young lawyer is serious and willing to die, with clear thinking and logical thinking. He is very strong when he goes to court. Blocked the opponent's senior lawyer in his 40s to the point of being speechless... "

"I used to think that she relied on Qian Heng to get her achievements in Junheng. Now that she has gone to BRICS, she has no backstage or background. The cases she has done are getting better and better. It seems that she is really capable."

"I kind of want to get to know each other..."

"Is your thinking too dangerous? Do you dare to touch Qian Heng's woman? Do you think you live too long?"

"Didn't we break up?!"

"My junior sister said that the last time they had a dinner with Jun Heng, she caught a glimpse of Qian Heng's cell phone screensaver or Cheng Yao's photo. Do you think that if you go after someone now, can Qian Heng stab you to death? And they are all with Qian Heng We've been together, can we still see you?"

The group of lawyers in the back were still gossiping about what Cheng Yao hadn't paid attention to anymore, she didn't stay any longer, she walked around the stairs, walked down the hall, and pushed open the door of the courthouse, outside the door was the warm sunshine in winter.

She was bathed in the sunshine, deliberately not thinking about Qian Heng, only talking about work, now she can finally prove herself slowly. At this moment, Cheng Yao only felt a sense of satisfaction and relief surging in her heart.

Without Qian Heng, she can do well, and she will shine. She disdains to be anyone's foil.

Li Chengxuan's side is proud of the spring breeze, but everything is not going well for Qian Heng.

Cheng Yao resigned, her desk was completely vacant, and he always felt that it was also vacant. In the past few days, Junheng has recruited a few newcomers. Sister Zhu from the administrative department originally arranged for someone to sit in Chengyao's seat, but Qian Heng asked someone to change the seat, and Chengyao was gone. I always felt that no one could fill her. Null.

It's just that what Tan Ying said to him made Qian Heng a little wary. Cheng Yao would not make such a low-level mistake as losing the original, there is definitely a problem here.

Tan Yinglai went back and forth about this matter several times: "In short, it was lost for no reason. Cheng Yao left it on the table for a few hours. Let's go out for a meal. It's gone. She and I have searched all over. I also checked the monitoring at the gate of Junheng, and no one from outside came in when we went out for lunch... "

"Where are the people in that institute?" Qian Heng grasped the point sensitively, "So has anyone come in?"

"In the institute..." Tan Ying thought for a while, "It seems that only Liang Par has been in."

Qian Heng pursed his lips. After Tan Ying left, he went to retrieve the surveillance video at the gate of Junheng. According to the time Tan Ying said, he watched it back and forth several times. Cheng Yao and Tan Ying waited for a group of people to go out for lunch together. Afterwards, there was no one in the office until ten minutes later, Liang still hurried into Junheng, and left again in a hurry after a while.

Qian Heng didn't intend to be tactful at all, he entered Liang Yiran's office: "Cheng Yao lost the original case, please explain."

Liang was still stunned, then raised his head, his face stunned: "What's the explanation? In her case, I was not able to guide her well. I didn't pay much attention to her changes in mentality. I should tell her to be more serious, so I have already refunded the client's legal fee. gone."

"I went through the file of this case. She handled it well. It doesn't matter whether I lost the IOU or not. As a partner, I oppose this behavior of conniving at the client and think that the lawyer's fee should not be refunded. As a teacher Lawyer, when a team employee encounters this kind of thing, the more appropriate approach should be to defend the employee more forcefully, rather than calm down."

Liang was still a little embarrassed, and his tone was aggrieved: "But you didn't see the person involved, he was too annoying, and he was swearing all over the place..."

Qian Heng's expression was very calm and cold: "Liang Yiran, you are a partner. If something happens to a team member, it should be the partner's responsibility to the outside world. After the fight is over, the responsibility will be settled internally. This principle needs to be taught by me. You?"

Liang still didn't care about the embarrassment, Qian Heng's voice rang again: "The original that she lost, did you take it?"

Qian Heng's expression was very cold, Liang was still subconsciously flustered, she immediately denied, "How could that be? How could I do such a thing, Qian Heng, I know you like Cheng Yao, but if you don't speak out for her, just Come to question me unjustly, isn’t it a bit too much?”

Qian Heng didn't express his opinion, but put the surveillance footage of the mobile phone remake in front of Liang Yiran: "I checked the time, since Cheng Yao saw the original IOU last time and found that the IOU was missing, there was only a few hours' gap. There are always people at her desk, and the only time she has time to commit crimes is when she and others go out for lunch at noon."

Qian Heng stared at Liang Yiran: "She is young and a little bit dumbfounded, but I'm not stupid. You were the only one going in and out of the office during that time."

Liang still clenched his lips: "Cheng Yao handled this case independently, I have never intervened, and I haven't even seen her responding materials, and I haven't touched it." Her expression is calm, but her heart is Can't stop sinking.

Qian Heng is not a warm person, but he has never been so aggressive. Liang still didn't expect that he would do this for Cheng Yao. She thought that she had a higher status than Cheng Yao no matter what. She was an ex-girlfriend who had already retreated from the battle, and she was a new partner who was now generating income for Junheng. Even if there is no further development with myself, in the future, we will still be colleagues and partners who can't see up and down. How can we get to the point of confrontation over such a small matter? What's more, for some things, it's good to turn a blind eye and close one eye. It's all in the past, so what's the point of pursuing it

"Maybe there is something wrong with the way I handled it, so I must pay attention next time." Liang still succumbed, and smiled, "But now the case has been settled, so there is no need to bother. Don't treat me too much. Xin, Cheng Yao has just joined my team, and her work style may be different from mine, but how could I take away the original IOU?"

"Everything about Cheng Yao is worth my attention. She was transferred from my team to you. I believed in your professional ability to facilitate this transfer. I am very sorry for what she encountered in your team. I should be responsible." Qian Heng's expression was serious, and he stared at Liang Yiran, "I'll ask you for the last time, did you get the original?"

"I don't." Liang Yiran was also annoyed. She was angry at Qian Heng's incomprehensible style, angry at Qian Heng's stubbornness, and also angry at Qian Heng's not forgetting old feelings. For the first time, she lost her composure, "Qian Heng, I I know you're unhappy about breaking up, but you can't vent your anger on me. Cheng Yao resigned. She didn't handle the case by herself. She couldn't stay in Junheng anymore. It's not my problem, it's her ability. !" Liang was still flushed and aggrieved, "You are also a senior lawyer, you have to provide evidence for everything you say, and if you need my cooperation to verify anything, I will cooperate, and I will prove my innocence!"

After saying this, Qian Heng really didn't speak any more. Liang still breathed a sigh of relief. She was just about to find a new topic to ease the atmosphere, but Qian Heng spoke again—

"You haven't even touched the response materials, have you?"

Liang still had no doubt about him: "Yes."

"Are you willing to cooperate with self-certification?"

"That's right."

"Then let's do a fingerprint test." Qian Heng said calmly, "Since I haven't touched it, there should be no fingerprints on the case files. I know a friend who does this test. When you have time, come with me. "

Liang still looked at Qian Heng in disbelief: "You want to do this for her? Treat me directly as a criminal suspect? Qian Heng, no matter what the result is, when you and I made this request, did you know that we You have torn skin between them, and you will not be able to maintain a good cooperative relationship with colleagues in the future? Have you thought about the consequences of your doing so?"

All of a sudden, grievances, jealousy, unwillingness, and anger swept Liang Yiran, and her heart was resentful and gloomy: "Did Cheng Yao say something to you? She definitely won't say anything nice to me!"

Qian Heng pursed his lips: "She is not this kind of person."

"Then what kind of person is she?! She is so perfect in your heart? Qian Heng, how long have you known her? It hasn't been a year? But how long have we known each other? It's been eight years since college. Eight years won’t be worth a few months to her?!” Liang still stared at Qian Heng, pouring out all the grievances and bitterness since he joined Junheng, “What’s more, the loss time of the original document you’ve concluded is based on Cheng Yao’s On the one hand, have you ever thought that she may have lied to you? The last time she saw the original was not that time, nor was it when she found out that the original was lost. She might really have lost the original, and she was subconsciously afraid of being scolded. Shirk responsibility?"

Just when Liang still thought that Qian Heng was moved by all these words, he heard Qian Heng paused, and said very lightly: "You are my classmate for eight years, but she is my woman, the most basic thing to be a man The principle is to trust your own woman at critical moments." He stared at Liang Yiran, "I believe in Cheng Yao, trust her unconditionally."

This sentence was like a fuse that completely ignited the explosives in Liang Yiran's heart. She finally couldn't maintain that calm surface, and completely lost control of her emotions.

"Yes, I did it! I just don't like her!" Her voice was sharp, her expression could not hide her jealousy, "What's so good about her, that you miss her so much, you broke up, and you still defend her everywhere? Because you are young and beautiful? Qian Heng, I didn’t expect you to be so superficial! You just like this kind of person! You only like the fresh feeling! If someone seduces you deliberately, you will be really fooled... "

"I was the one who chased her. Liang Yiran, show her some respect."

"You all broke up! Qian Heng! Divided up! What's wrong with her?! You said it!"

"I just know what's good about her. There's no need to explain to you, and she doesn't need you to like her. It's enough for me to like her."

Liang still almost cried: "Qian Heng, is your heart dead? Do you know that I..."

"I don't want to know." Qian Heng interrupted her without emotion, "Liang Yiran, since you also admitted that you took away the original documents, although the outcome of the case will not be affected, your behavior has no professional ethics at all. Especially as a member of Junheng, using such low-handed means to his own lawyers does not meet the standards of words and deeds of a partner at all."

"You resign yourself."

Liang still couldn't believe his ears: "What did you say?"

"You resign yourself, apologize to the customer, explain the truth, and return the original IOU. I will notify and deal with this matter through group emails."

At this time, Liang still calmed down, and she sneered, "Qian Heng, I won't admit it. You have no evidence at all, and you can't force me to do fingerprint identification..."

"I've recorded it." Qian Heng's voice was cold, "I've recorded all the conversations since I entered the office just now."

Liang still looked gloomy: "You never believed me, you already presupposed that I was a criminal suspect." She looked at Qian Heng, "Do you know that once such an internal announcement comes out, I am in the legal circle of City A, Both will be discredited and it will destroy my career!"

"A lawyer's flaws in handling a case in her life will not destroy her career. It will be stubbornness and stubbornness." Qian Heng glanced at Liang Yiran, "Apologize, eliminate the influence, make good corrections, and never repeat the crime. Liang Yiran, you still have a long career path in the future, think about it carefully."