What Do I Want to Do with This Magnificent Beauty?

Chapter 34: The sky is filled with flowers, and who's heart is disturbed


There was endless tenderness in Grandma Zhang's eyes, like a pure stream flowing in Xiao Mo's heart.

This familiar scene made Xiao Mo slightly startled. She seemed to have returned to those carefree days.

The sky is blue, the trees are green, and the flowers are red, and he is sitting next to him in green clothes. His eyes always have the warmest spring color, forcibly capturing this vigorous spring scene. Compared.

A nightingale-like voice flowed beside his ears. Faced with his willfulness and rogueness, he would always smile softly, tuck the broken hair on his forehead behind his ears, and feed himself sweet-scented osmanthus cake like a child.

This familiar feeling makes people really greedy...

Grandma Zhang sent Xiao Mo to the gate and watched Xiao Mo's leaving back gently until she gradually disappeared from sight.

Flowers all over the sky fell to the ground, and who was disturbed

Xiao Mo came to the most luxurious jade jewelry store in the city based on the memory of the original owner.

The four powerful words "Yujin Pavilion" are written on the ancient wooden plaque. Under the antique decoration, there is a heavy and simple atmosphere.

Looking at the people coming and going around, Xiao Mo was very interested. It was a bit interesting. Maybe she could find what she wanted here.

The interior is dominated by ancient architecture, and the exquisite calligraphy and painting and exquisite jade carvings attract the attention of countless people.

Xiao Mo closed her eyes happily and absorbed the pure spiritual energy comfortably. She could feel how fast the spiritual energy in her body was moving. She felt that if she continued to develop at this rate, she would soon reach the middle stage of Qi training.

"Dear customer, what can I do for you?"

"Can I see the jade jewelry you have here?"

"Of course, please come this way."

The woman took Xiao Mo to the display window and introduced this year's new products one by one to Xiao Mo.

The young man's flawless face looked particularly soft under the light, and her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, adding a bit of melancholy to her face, making people want to give up the most precious treasure in the world just to get the young man to look back and smile.

Liu Zhen couldn't help but wonder if it was because the young man's vision was too high, and she couldn't look down on any of these jade ornaments.

Although Xiao Mo's clothes were all from street vendors, they couldn't bear the natural noble aura about her. Coupled with the beautification of her sacred halo, everyone now regarded Xiao Mo as a rich kid who didn't want to attract attention. .

Everyone was talking to each other about which family raised such a person who walked out of the painting. Some people silently speculated in their hearts whether this person might be from the Imperial Capital. After all, there were rumors that the person was coming to City A. .

In short, everyone present agreed that "this person must be a good friend." Even the bolder people were already eager to try. After all, if this boy really had a relationship with that person, he would be able to reach the sky in one step.

In short, it is always right to spend money to buy peace of mind.

At this time, Xiao Mo didn't know the little calculations in their hearts. She now felt that she was a poor person.

Being penniless, she felt that maybe she should consider picking up rags or finding a part-time job, otherwise her world would be filled with only the word "poor" in the future.

The jade jewelry here is indeed exquisitely crafted, meticulous and transparent, but well, its price is indeed worthy of its workmanship.

Xiao Mo looked at the long string of zeros under the jade stone and fell into silence.

She can't afford what she likes, and she can't afford what she doesn't like. Money is a good thing, but she doesn't have it.

Finally sent the contract...

I have been busy for almost a month in order to sign the contract.

Worried about one's own IQ

(End of chapter)