What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 124: I regret not doing that


Of course, having it is one thing, but using it or not is another matter.

After returning to Haoyue Peak, Lin Fan summoned the guardian disciples who were not in seclusion, gave each of them a jade sound transmission talisman, and then carried out the test according to his previous idea.

It turned out that it was just as Awu said, there was no problem at all!

At least for now, everyone holding a 'Jade Terminal' can communicate freely without restrictions and without errors.


Lin Fan discovered another problem.

"There is no address book!"

He closed the door and began to think.

The so-called address book, to put it simply, is probably the "friend function" of Fetion, or in other words, the user list.

Of course, he could learn about it through A Wu, but ordinary users couldn't see it at all. Unless they knew in advance who had the jade talisman and could communicate, otherwise the users would be completely in the dark. Who knew who could be contacted and who couldn't? !

Of course, they could test them one by one, such as contacting Mo Daolin... If they couldn't get in touch with him, they would naturally know that the other party didn't have the jade talisman.

But this is too troublesome, isn't it

"It seems that the next version will have to be upgraded."

"It shouldn't be difficult to see the 'Friends List'. Simply put, leave a little space on the jade talisman and carve a miniature formation to store information."

"In this way, users can leave their 'ID', 'personal signature', 'personal information' and so on."

"Other users can then call up this information through their own 'terminals' and see who is in it."

"As for privacy... at worst, we can just give them an option to make the information public, which is not difficult."

"After adding the address book, it will be much more convenient to contact others. How about... adding another status?"

"For example, 'online', 'invisible', 'please QQ me', 'do not disturb in retreat', etc..."

"Tsk, I'm so clever!"

“Wait a little longer…!!!”

"Since we can already have address books and status, why not also have a Moments app? The current functionality is very close to QQ and Fetion."

Thinking of this, Lin Fan instantly began to beam with joy!

What a great idea!!!

What is Moments

This is definitely a great way to retain users!

What's wrong with immortal cultivators? Immortal cultivators are also human beings, and they also have various emotions...

Imagine if everyone in the holy land could access the Internet, had their own 'account', and could add each other as friends.

Then on this day, a leader of a certain sect was out, and on a whim, he posted a message on WeChat Moments.

A certain big shot: Well, I just came out for a walk, but a blind man showed up and killed a Tribulation Crossing Dragon to show it to my friends.

Next, there was a 'selfie' of a certain big shot and a dragon.

Then, what would his friends or enemies think when they saw it


Still not convinced? You kill the flood dragon, and I kill the real dragon

Or, a big shot expressed his love to another big shot in the circle of friends, attracting many friends and juniors to watch and make a fuss...

“It’s exciting just thinking about it!”

"That's it. The next step is to improve it. At least we need to get the personal information, friends, and friend circles features out first, and then start the second test."

"When the time comes, hehehehe..."

In the world of immortal cultivation, where entertainment facilities and means are extremely scarce, what does the emergence of 'KuKu' represent

Recall the past.

When QQ was at its most popular, how many men and women stayed up all night just to chat

Never underestimate the charm of QQ.

Perhaps later, with the rise of Fetion and various games and short videos, QQ gradually fell into obscurity, but before that, QQ's glory was unmatched~!

So, when I really come up with the Xiuxian version of QQ... it will definitely be a hit, for sure!!!

Lin Fan immediately began to think about it.

In fact, the formation that leaves information is just the most basic formation, there is no other, so it is not difficult. The slightly difficult part is how to carve multiple formations on one formation, and make them complement each other... But since they are all simple formations, the difficulty is not great.

Very fast progress!

City C, home.

Qi Zixiao lay happily on the sofa and turned on the TV.

In the past two days, she learned to use the set-top box to search and watch dramas, but since she didn't know many dramas, she could only think of one after thinking about it.

"DP Sky!"

"I wanted to watch it before, but before I could, Zhou Na called me out. Now that I have time, I'll take a look first."

"Just based on the name, it should be pretty good, right?"

Search and play, all in one go.


"Isn't this male protagonist too feminine?"

"My skin isn't as white as this guy's, but I look much more feminine than this guy..."


Qi Zixiao's face was full of disgust, but that was not the point. She had originally come to watch the various high-end moves in the drama in order to find some inspiration, so it was not that she could not tolerate the characters.


The plot is too much!!!

When seeing a group of former 'Fighting X' men riding horses on an 'expedition' to the Soul Palace, Qi Zixiao's expression was like this: Σ(⊙▽⊙ "a

“… riding… riding a horse, and a normal one at that?!”

Mounts naturally exist in the world of immortal cultivation.

And there are creatures like horses, but in the world of immortal cultivation, the "mounted horses" are not ordinary people. The "horses" of normal cultivators must be horse demons or even celestial horses, right

In addition to these, various powerful monsters, ferocious beasts, divine beasts, alien species and their offspring are the truly powerful mounts.

"Although I don't know what the fighting power level of the so-called Douqi Continent is, it's too much for all of you cultivators, regardless of your level of cultivation, to ride ordinary horses!!!"

"Could it be that a powerful person who has transcended the tribulation wants to kill a young cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage and needs to find a horse that is faster than the young cultivator and catch up with him before he can kill him?!"

What a psycho!

The soul of complaining in Qi Zixiao's heart instantly burned fiercely.

My expectations for DP Sky were instantly reduced to freezing point...

And the expression on the protagonist’s face after he ate the divorce letter was like this: (⊙o⊙)? ?

The whole person was stunned!

"What the hell is this?!"

It was so shocking that Qi Zixiao immediately picked up the remote control and quit the show. He heaved a sigh of relief and even felt that he was "lucky"!

"What a waste of such a good name!"

She couldn't help feeling depressed, and then...

I thought of Lin Fan.

"That guy was born and raised on Earth. If it's him, he should know a lot about TV dramas and stuff, right?"

"Why don't you just ask him to introduce me to some exciting ones?!"

"Yes, let's do it~!"

Afterwards, Qi Zixiao began to leave messages.

After recording the video, she couldn't help but think of Lin Fan's current situation, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth involuntarily.

"That guy should have given up by now, right?"

"The Sky Mirror and the Gold of Nature... How can they be obtained so easily? Even I have no way to do it."

"That's good. Only in this way can he behave himself for a while."

"Next... Let's play Mahjong with Zhouna."

“This time, we must win!!!”

When Lin Fan came through, he had only one feeling...


"What the hell was that tiger bitch doing with my body? Why is he so sleepy?!"

Lin Fan felt that he could hardly open his eyes, but the phone in front of him was still on, currently displaying a web page with an article on it.

The title is…

"'Blood Battle Techniques from Beginner to Mastery'?!!!"

Lin Fan was dumbfounded: "What the hell?"

"She... Oh my god?! She's fallen!"

"This is truly depravity. It's my fault. It's my fault!!!"

So sad!

At this moment, Lin Fan had only one thought: regret! It was an immense regret...

"I actually forgot about this. How could I let her play mahjong?! This mahjong thing... ah!!!"

How attractive is mahjong

Lin Fan couldn't say for sure, but he could be sure of one thing, that was, Qi Zixiao must have fallen!

Maybe he was so frustrated by the loss that he stayed up all night studying the so-called "techniques". Otherwise, why would he be so tired, as if he hadn't slept at all

"I… "


He sighed quietly.

"It's definitely my fault. I took so many precautions, but I forgot this. It's so sad..."

Resisting the sleepiness, I clicked on the video and left a message.

In the picture, 'Qi Zixiao', or 'myself', was beaming with joy.

"I have more than twenty fake spirit stones, but it's still not enough to get started. It should be enough next time I come."

"Also, are there any TV series similar to 'A Mortal's Journey to Immortality'? If so, remember to tell me about it."

"Oh, right, Zhou Na asked me to play mahjong, and I went. If she asks you out again, don't let it get away with it. Learn first. I'm already an expert now! Don't go and get beaten to a pulp. It's too embarrassing."

"… "

"If you are a master, I will eat my phone!"

Lin Fan rolled his eyes.

If you are an expert, do you still need to read the "cheat book" from "beginner to mastery"

"But then again, I thought Qi Zixiao was self-taught, but it turns out that Zhou Na introduced her to the art. This..."


But considering Zhou Na's identity as a landlady and her usual "doing nothing" style, it's quite normal for her to ask people to play mahjong together!

“I regret it so much!!!”

Sigh, what else can I do except sigh

As for Qi Zixiao asking himself to learn how to play mahjong...

How could Lin Fan not know this

He estimated that he would have no problem beating Qi Zixiao, at least he could beat her when playing mahjong!

"Okay, next I'll make some jade muscle cream and send it to Qin Ya, and then try to set up a simple spirit gathering array to grow herbs."

This is Lin Fan’s plan for the next three days.

There's really not much that can be done in three days.


Wouldn't it be better to let our power leveler do it