What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 128: Qi Zixiao, how dare you disturb my Dao heart?!



It was their first time playing mahjong, and except for Qi Zixiao, the other three had an exceptionally novel experience.

In the world of cultivating immortals, where can one find such an entertainment model

What's more, three of them were enemies, yet they were sitting together playing mahjong and building the 'Great Wall'... Dan Chengzi even felt that he couldn't even say a word.


The dice spun rapidly. The four of them were disdainful and did not use any of their true energy or spiritual consciousness to assist them. They just watched the dice fall like ordinary people.

"Seven o'clock."

“This way!”

Qi Zixiao reached out and took four cards, and said, "Follow my example and take the cards in turn. There are only four cards."

When the three heard this, except for Dan Chengzi who kept nodding, the other two did not comment and followed suit.

In the first fight, the three of them were very unfamiliar with it, so Qi Zixiao naturally had to say more to give guidance.

After finally drawing all the cards, with Qi Zixiao's explanation, they had a certain understanding of the cards and began to "assemble the cards" according to their own ideas.

Dan Chengzi was a bit careless. His cards were arranged in a mess. He was too lazy to even put his cards together. He just memorized his cards in his mind and waited impatiently for Qi Zixiao to play his cards.

"Remember what I just said? Knocking on a card means there is a missing door!"

Qi Zixiao took out a card on his own initiative and held it in front of him.

"The so-called lack of one thing means that life is not perfect and there will always be regrets of one kind or another. As the saying goes, chess is like life. Although it has not really begun, the experience of life has already begun."

Qi Zixiao just said something...

Dan Chengzi was about to nod in approval, but was suddenly stunned and felt that it made sense.

Isn't it true that a person's life is difficult to be perfect

For example, among all the tens of millions of disciples in the Holy Land, no one can compare with me in terms of alchemy talent. Even my master has now let go and allowed me to figure it out.

With this kind of talent, he is definitely top-notch in the entire world of cultivation.


In terms of spiritual practice, I am just mediocre.

In terms of age, he is more than ten years older than Qi Zixiao, but in terms of cultivation, he is three major realms lower than Qi Zixiao!

Is this because I haven’t worked hard enough in my practice

Perhaps there is such a reason, but at the same time, his training speed must be slower than that of the other three people at the table.


Dan Chengzi sighed: "Life is indeed difficult to be perfect."

"It's the same for ordinary people, and for those of us who practice immortal cultivation."

Upon hearing this, the Holy Son pondered and held up a card, but snorted coldly: "On the road to becoming an immortal, you must first follow the will of heaven, and then go against it."

"Since I have decided to go against the will of heaven, how can I not be perfect? If I lose something, I can find it back when I have enough cultivation in the future!"

"This Holy Son does not believe this."

Qi Zixiao chuckled in his heart when he heard this.

Don't believe it

If you don't believe me, why are you so anxious to refute me

It's obvious that he believed it, but he just didn't want to believe it.

As for the Snow Girl...

He silently put down a card without saying anything.

Life can't be perfect

Isn't it?!

Her understanding was undoubtedly the most profound. Once upon a time, she thought she was the first and only candidate for the contemporary saint. Unfortunately...

As the four people were thinking about their own things, the first game of mahjong officially began!

Although three of them were rookies among rookies, as cultivators, they had excellent memories and remembered the rules clearly, so they didn't make any random moves.


After only three rounds, Qi Zixiao found that they all made the same mistakes that rookies often make.


When Qi Zixiao played a three-tube card, the Son of God touched it first. He even became very excited, as if touching Qi Zixiao's card would give him the upper hand over Qi Zixiao.


The Son of God thought for a moment, frowned, and played a four-tube.

In the next round, a five-tube card came out.


One and two tubes also came out.

Qi Zixiao saw it and smiled in his heart.

It is easy for novice players to make these mistakes when playing cards. It is clearly a combination of one, two, three, or three, four, and five, but because of carelessness, they touch a three of a tube, leaving four cards, which is a bit embarrassing.

In fact, it is not too embarrassing. At least the four and five tubes can still be kept. What if there is a six tube

But it was only the first time, how could the Son of God possibly understand so much

In the end…

A 70,000-dollar ticket successfully fired~


"Yes, it's not a big deal, just two rounds, so I'll give you 20,000 spirit stones."

At this moment, Qi Zixiao smiled brightly.

The feeling of being abused...

That's great~

What's more, I can win spirit stones from the pretentious Saint Son. Is there any other way to vent my emotions? Is there anything more joyful than this

The Son of God's face turned green.

Lost just like that?!

He was a little bit unbelievable. In his opinion, he played very well, so why did he lose


He turned over his cards: "In your words, I haven't made a bid yet, so I have to pay a total of 30,000 spirit stones."

Although he was very unhappy, the Holy Son still used his actions to show that he would never steal or shirk his debts? !

It should be how much it is!

"That's thirty thousand spirit stones."

Qi Zixiao nodded and looked at Dan Chengzi and Xue Nu.


They also turned over their cards, and then... silently took out the spirit stones.

No one called out.

Soon, a large pile of spirit stones appeared, totaling 50,000 pieces. Qi Zixiao smiled calmly: "Chen Cheng!"

"Your Highness!"

Chen Cheng came over with a look of surprise on his face.

"Collect the spirit stones!"

"Remember to count them, lest anyone default on their debt."

Qi Zixiao, who had experience of living on Earth, knew one thing very well: one must always be on guard against others~!

Although a sweep with spiritual sense can tell roughly how many spirit stones there are.

Everyone was speechless after hearing this: "..."

Who can't afford to lose


She looked at the three people at the card table.



The sound of mahjong rubbing began again.

The Holy Son simply refused to admit defeat. In his opinion, he had always been better than Qi Zixiao, so how could he lose now? !

Dan Chengzi was a playful person and found it very interesting, so naturally he wanted to continue.

Snow girl

She didn't want to lose to Qi Zixiao even more.

She lost in the spiritual practice.

How can I lose in this game of chess? !

While building the Great Wall, Qi Zixiao said earnestly: "So, although Mahjong is simple, it contains countless great principles. Have you... understood it?"

What the hell!

Isn't it just an ordinary game? Where is the avenue

The Son of God was speechless and remained silent.

The Snow Girl frowned slightly...

Although they were rivals, Xue Nu felt that with Qi Zixiao's pride, it was impossible for him to use such a trick to deceive her, not to mention that the Holy Son was also there. If he was really lying, wouldn't he be exposed soon

But she still didn't realize the truth...

As for Dan Chengzi, that’s easy.

Fatty Dan narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and shook his head repeatedly: "Your Highness, Dan Chengzi is stupid and has never realized the great truth. I wonder if Your Highness can explain my doubts?"

"It's really stupid."

Qi Zixiao spoke, but glanced at the Son of God imperceptibly.

I thought to myself: You too.

Then, she explained: "What does chess mean like life?"

"People face countless choices in their lives. Isn't it the same when playing cards or chess? Every card you play is like a choice in your life."

"One wrong move leads to another. A winning hand may end in failure because of your one choice."

"Human greed is like a snake swallowing an elephant. This can describe your actions just now."

"For this first one, I will teach you how to choose!"

Qi Zixiao originally wanted to trick them into continuing to play cards, so that they wouldn't run away halfway, but as he talked, he even felt that it made sense and believed it without a doubt...

“What is the trade-off?”

"Take cards as an example, Snow Girl. Just now, I saw you play the cards, and the last card you dealt. You must want to play with the same color, right?"


The Snow Girl frowned and responded, "So what?"

"Just as you said, chess is like life. Cultivating immortals is to go against the will of heaven. Naturally, we must strive to be the best and seek immortality!"

"It's not wrong, but it's not right either."

Qi Zixiao sighed: "Your cards are not very good, they are quite messy, but you try to make them all the same color. What is the result?"

"After I won the game, your cards were still in disarray. Not only did you not call, you didn't even play the same suit."

"If you regard this as your life, and regard me as your mortal enemy, have you already died and your path to immortality is cut off?"

The Snow Girl's expression suddenly changed.

Qi Zixiao continued: "For example, you have two techniques, both of which can be practiced. One of them is very stable and advances quickly, but the combat power is not high. But the other one has an invincible combat power at the same level...

According to your approach, you should choose the second one, right? "

"But why is this second door invincible at the same level? Because it requires ten or a hundred times the training time, resources, luck, and talent of the first door..."

"If you misjudge yourself and don't know how to make choices, the final result will be like the first game of mahjong."

"If you know how to make choices and don't force yourself to make a single suit, even if you can't win, you shouldn't be unable to make a bid."

The Snow Girl was extremely frightened, her expression changed drastically, and she looked dazed.



The Snow Girl slammed the table, broke out in a cold sweat, and shouted angrily: "Qi Zixiao, how dare you mess with my Dao heart?!"

"Whether it is or not, you know it in your heart."

Qi Zixiao said quietly: "The way of choosing and giving up has been said since ancient times, but many people just don't see it clearly."

"I am just using the 'chess game' to talk about the art of choice. If you think I am trying to ruin your moral integrity, then just think so. Then you... are nothing more than that."

Upon hearing this, the Snow Girl fell silent.

Dan Chengzi was delighted and submitted, exclaiming: "Your Highness, this is a brilliant idea. It has suddenly become clear to me!"

The Son of God was also very frightened!

How to make a choice

He couldn't help but ask himself, have I made a similar mistake? !

Qi Zixiao saw that the time was almost right, so he asked, "Are you still coming?"


The Snow Girl was the first to speak: "Let me show you whether I know how to make choices!"

Qi Zixiao was delighted when he saw this.

Is this your mentality

The truth to be told in the second game is here~

Stay calm when encountering things, and don't let anger blind your eyes~!

This saint is indeed smart.


On the Haoyue Peak, the Holy Son, the Holy Daughter, and two of the ten great disciples were playing chess together, and the news spread quickly.

But... what no one knows is that, except Qi Zixiao, the wealth of the other three people is constantly decreasing~

Lost ten games in a row!