What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 138: Would you like to sleep in the same bed with me?


Lin Fan's thoughts raced.

What on earth is Lu Yao, the Saint of Yao Chi, here for

I don’t know!

A troublemaker

It doesn't look like it, because the disciples behind her are not as good as Lu Yao in cultivation. They are probably at the level of guardian disciples such as Chen Cheng.

If you really want to cause trouble, at least you should bring a few big shots to "protect you", right

"… "

"No matter what she does, we must not lose our momentum! Besides, I really don't believe she is here to make friends."

Not knowing Lu Yao's intention, Lin Fan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Miss Lu, you are so kind. I am one or two years older than you, so I will call you Sister Lu."

"Sister Lu, you are truly a beauty and extremely cute~!"

This guy's words are a bit sarcastic.


Because when the looks are equally good, cuteness is nothing compared to sexiness~!

Judging from the current figures of both parties, Qi Zixiao is obviously the sexier one!


Lu Yao did not react in anger, but instead said happily: "Really? Sister Zixiao, do you really think so?"

"Forehead… "

What a psycho!

Lin Fan secretly complained in his heart: "She is a saint in the world of immortal cultivation. Even if she is not as naive as Qi Zixiao at the beginning, she will not have much experience. How can she understand the twists and turns of those green tea girls on Earth?"

"Wait, the key point is why do I understand?!"

This is so...

"Of course it's true."

Although she was depressed in her heart, she smiled brightly on the surface: "Sister Lu, you have come from a far distance and are not familiar with the Purple Mansion Holy Land. So please take my flying boat. I will take you to visit the Purple Mansion Holy Land."

"That would be disrespectful."

As they talked and laughed, the two flying boats merged together, and Lu Yao and her accompanying disciples boarded the flying boat under Lin Fan's feet.

"I've long heard that Sister Zixiao is extremely gifted and has unrivaled talent and talent. Seeing her today, I can see that she is indeed extraordinary."

As soon as they got on the flying boat, Lu Yao walked straight forward, held Lin Fan's hands, and spoke sweet words to him.

"Here it comes, here it comes, I knew it!"

Lin Fan was secretly alert: "Don't be fooled by this kind of sugar-coated bullet. If it were Qi Zixiao, he would definitely not be able to resist it~!"

"But why did she hold my hand?"

"Don't mention it, it's quite slippery..."

This guy patted the back of Lu Yao's hand and said, "Sister, you are really good at talking. How can I be as good as you say?"

"I'd better take you to visit the Purple Mansion Holy Land first."

The underlying message is obvious. Want to get close to her? No way!

Just do your business!

But then again, how can I call myself a sister so calmly

Depend on!!!

Lin Fan was secretly worried.

I don't know when I became so familiar with the identity of a woman? This, this, this... It's uncomfortable!

"Everything is up to my sister."

Lu Yao was very obedient and behaved very well, which made Lin Fan even more alert.

"There must be a ghost!"

"We must be extremely alert!"

He secretly warned himself not to relax.

The two men stood side by side on the flying boat, with the guardian disciples of both sides behind them. At this moment, they were staring at each other, and although they didn't say anything, neither of them wanted to be at a disadvantage.

The tour begins!

Lin Fan did nothing but let Chen Cheng drive the flying boat around the Purple Mansion Holy Land...

For example, take a look at the Zifu Palace from afar, visit some of the more distinctive mountains, and introduce the local customs and culture.

Welcome ceremony

Immortal cultivators don’t have so many twists and turns.

You are a saint coming here, and I am also a saint receiving you. I have given you enough face, there is nothing wrong with it.

Throughout the whole process, Lin Fan remained vigilant.

It wasn't that he was worried that Lu Yao would launch a sneak attack on him, but he was worried that she would suddenly make a move and trap him.


Unexpectedly, Lu Yao behaved very properly along the way, even "childish". When she saw the strange peaks with black and white rocks, she exclaimed in amazement.

Seeing the purple bamboos all over the Zizhu Peak, I exclaimed how beautiful it is...

Seeing the densely packed spiritual herbs on Yaofeng, he was shocked and said that even in Yaochi Holy Land, there were not so many spiritual herbs...

Everything looks so normal!

It was so normal that it seemed very strange to Lin Fan.

This made him even more alert, and he firmly believed that Lu Yao would definitely make a move.

However... until they walked around and it was almost dark, Lu Yao didn't make any moves.

At this moment, not only was Lin Fan a little confused, but even the guardian disciples of both sides looked at each other in bewilderment, unable to understand the situation.

What is going on here

Logically speaking, this so-called "friendly exchange" is either coming with a mission from the master, or something more direct, coming to cause trouble or bully others!

But no matter which situation it is, it is different from Lu Yao's performance, right? !

He was unwilling to travel thousands of miles to the Holy Land of Zifu. He neither showed off nor paid a visit to the higher-ups and elders of Zifu, nor did he find a few fellow disciples to beat up.

Instead, he traveled with the Saint of Purple Mansion

Are you really here to visit? But you are not neighbors!

Are you crazy?!

Chen Cheng and Zhou Yining were stunned, and so were Lu Yao's guardian disciples...

After thinking it over, Lin Fan decided to wait and see the situation first!

At worst, we can just fight back when the enemy comes and block when the water comes.

So, after visiting a mountain with a nice view and watching the scorching sun set over the mountain, he sighed, "Although the sunset is beautiful, it's a pity that it's almost dusk."

"Sister, it's getting late. How about I arrange a place for you to stay and we can continue our sightseeing tomorrow?"


Lu Yao exclaimed: "It's so late?"

"Sure enough, happy times always pass quickly, but... Sister Zixiao and I hit it off right away, so why bother?"

"How about sleeping in the same bed with my sister tonight and talking all night long?"

Lin Fan: “????”

What the hell!

He was stunned.

What the hell, he wants to sleep with me? No, he wants to sleep with Qi Zixiao? !

So are you the legendary lily, or are you possessed by a man's soul and want to take advantage of him? !

He looked at Lu Yao deeply and said, "Since my sister is interested, how can I refuse?"

No matter what the hell is going on with you, with the Sky Mirror in my hand, how can I be afraid of you? !

I’ll see you inside and out in a moment!

Counter each move with a countermove!

This was the 'instructions' given by Qi Zixiao.

Now that she has made her move, let's move on...

Lin Fan agreed.


A group of people arrived at Haoyue Peak together. The guardian disciples were all waiting outside, watching Qi Zixiao and Lu Yao enter the room and close the door.

"Haoyue Peak is not small!" Zhou Yining looked at Lu Yao's guardian disciples and said calmly, "Don't barge in recklessly. It would be a pity if you cause a fatal disaster."


The other women snorted coldly: "We will follow the Saint Lady and never leave her side!"

"That's best."

Chen Cheng responded from the side, and then stood guard at the door with Zhou Yining, ready for action.

The other party was not to be outdone. They sat cross-legged nearby, waiting with their eyes wide open.

Inside the house.

Lu Yao chuckled: "Sister's boudoir is so beautiful, can I take a look at it casually?"

"Just take a look, of course."

Lin Fan spoke.

In his opinion, if he just looked at it but didn't touch it, there would be nothing wrong with it, right? Qi Zixiao wouldn't be so stingy, right

"Thank you, Sister Zixiao."

Lu Yao began to walk around the house.

Lin Fan reached for the Sky-viewing Mirror at his waist, and at the same time, he sent a telepathic message: "Sister Wu?"

"What is it?"

"Just now, did you notice anything unusual about Lu Yao and her group? Especially Lu Yao herself, did she show any signs of being possessed by someone else?"


Ah Wu responded definitively: "Her soul is perfectly intact, there is no problem, but... there is a man in her team."


Lin Fan blinked.

What's going on

The team is obviously full of women, right? So...

"A woman dressed as a man?"

"That's interesting."

"The Saint of Yao Chi always has a 'law-protecting disciple' disguised as a man by her side. What's going on? Is this her lover?"

"But what does this have to do with her coming to the Purple Mansion Holy Land?"

For a moment, Lin Fan was confused.

Judging from the experience of the past half day, Lu Yao is definitely not here to show off or to compete.

But what is her purpose

Lin Fan couldn't see clearly at all.

"Well, let's wait for her to show up herself."

Can't guess? Then don't guess, so as not to waste brain cells.

Anyway, she will definitely tell it herself when the time comes, so all I have to do is to be on guard.

Even if Lu Yao was really possessed by a male cultivator, or even in the same situation as herself, what would it matter

Lu Yao hasn't broken through to the realm of refining emptiness yet. She is no match for him at all. Why should he be afraid of her

After making up his mind to remain unchanged in the face of ever-changing circumstances, Lin Fan gradually calmed down...

At this time, Lu Yao came back after a walk, and the surprise on her face was even more obvious.

"Sister's boudoir is so beautiful. I'm so envious."

Lin Fan: “…”

He just wanted to ask, is it embarrassing

Don't you feel embarrassed

This is so...

Seeing that Lin Fan did not respond, Lu Yao might have felt embarrassed, so she smiled to hide her embarrassment, and then waved her hand to set up a soundproof barrier.

Lin Fan's eyes narrowed as well.

"My sister is being presumptuous."

However, when Lu Yao opened her mouth, there was still nothing wrong with her. She actually started to apologize directly!

"I am sorry to come to your holy place. Actually, I want to ask you for a favor."

"What's the matter?"

Lin Fan responded dimly.

"I would like to ask you, sister, to find me a friend who can be an inner disciple in your holy land. For this, Lu Yao is willing to agree to one condition from you, sister. As long as he does not betray his master and does not violate morality, I can agree to it."

"If I can make my friend a true disciple, I will owe you a huge favor."

"… "

Oh my god?!

Lin Fan rolled his eyes and gradually understood.

That's it? That's it?!

I was wondering what you were going to do. Not only did you follow me around as my supporting actor for the whole day, but you also shamelessly asked to sleep with me, and finally you even boasted about how beautiful Qi Zixiao's boudoir was.

That's the result?!

"Is that the man in your team?"

Now that he knew the reason, Lin Fan naturally would not sit idle any longer, and he went straight to the point as soon as he opened his mouth!