What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 32: The saint jumped into the lake and committed suicide?


The Dharma Protector disciples may seem a little pitiful at first glance, just like the menial disciples who serve tea and water to the Saint Lady and do odd jobs.

But in reality, this is not the case.

Although they did have to handle various things for Qi Zixiao, they also had six groups of people taking turns, so they could still practice most of the time.

Besides, who can become a saint? Who is not a genius with great luck? !

There are naturally many benefits to following the Saint...

Moreover, even the status and position of a Dharma Protector disciple is much higher than that of an ordinary inner disciple, so this position is very popular.

Chen Cheng and others had to work very hard to become Dharma protectors.

But now, the Saint wants to test us

Could it be that the Saint is a little angry because she sees that we are practicing too slowly

In this case, if one's cultivation experience is not written well enough, wouldn't it be possible that one will be kicked out of the ranks of Dharma protectors


Thinking of this, Chen Cheng and Zhou Yining, who were on duty this month, felt their scalps tingling instantly...

It has to be completed as quickly as possible and without any mistakes.

They made the decision immediately and also passed the message to the other ten Dharma protectors who were practicing at the time.

Then, the twelve guardian disciples of the Saint began to get busy.

Inside the room, Lin Fan was lying on the bed, crossing his legs, looking relaxed and comfortable.

"Sure enough, most of the time I'm pretty smart."

"If we use this method, can't we get something for nothing? We can get their cultivation experience, methods of controlling true essence, etc. By then, we will be half a cultivator~"

“It’s delicious.”

The more I think about it, the happier I am.

Bored of staying indoors all the time

It's boring, but what can we do? We have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. If we are too reckless, it will easily lead to accidents.

When you need to hide, you have to hide.

At the same time, in the modern world, Qi Zixiao got into a taxi.

Feeling the interior space which was completely different from that of a bus, Qi Zixiao was not so surprised. He was just more curious about how this car worked.

It would be nice if we could make some in the Purple Mansion Holy Land, right


Seeing that the passenger didn't say anything for a long time, the driver looked confused.

“Swan Lake.”

Qi Zixiao woke up as if from a dream and told his destination.

She plans to try to practice water body skills in Swan Lake.

Soon, they arrived at Swan Lake. She tried to scan the code for the first time and found that she could get off the bus with just a beep. This made her think of a lot of things.

“So it’s that simple?”

"If I want to buy some clothes..."

Shaking his head and putting these thoughts aside for the time being, Qi Zixiao strolled along the shore of Swan Lake.

Swan Lake is an artificial lake in City C. There are no swans living here. It is surrounded by trees and the water is clear.

There are many people fishing by the lake.

Qi Zixiao watched for a while, but did not agree with their idea.


Climbed up the guardrail.

“Oh my god!?”

A fellow fisherman spotted Qi Zixiao and couldn't help but exclaimed: "What are you going to do, little brother?!"

The fishermen around him all looked over.


"You swim without taking off your clothes?!"

"Shit, he's going to commit suicide!"

They all became anxious, dropped their fishing rods, ran over and kept trying to persuade them.

"Little brother, life is not always satisfactory, but as long as you are alive, there is tomorrow and a bright future!"

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, if anything happens, we brothers will find a way for you..."

"Come down first..."

They were running wildly, and they were almost halfway through the two hundred meters.


Qi Zixiao turned around and glanced at them, feeling a little surprised.

Who are these people shouting and yelling about

Someone wants to commit suicide

Seeing Qi Zixiao looking back, the fishermen became more excited, but Qi Zixiao frowned slightly.

"If you want to commit suicide, then commit suicide. Cultivation is more important."

She decided not to delay any longer, turned around, and jumped...



In the eyes of many fishing friends, a young man was gone in an instant, sinking directly into the water without even struggling.

“What the hell!!!”

"So decisive?"

"Is this a heart-breaking thing?!"

"What should we do? Who is good at swimming and can go and save them?"

"Call the police!"

"You call the police, I'll go down first!"

There are many kind people...

Amidst the anxiety and exclamations, some people called the police, while others began to take off their clothes and prepared to climb over the guardrail to jump into the water to save people.

In just a moment, three people went into the water with a "plop".

However, they dived for nearly a minute but didn't even see a human figure!

"What the hell, where are the people?!"

"It won't sink to the bottom of the lake, will it?!"

"Damn, it is said that the bottom of this lake is dozens of meters deep..."

"He's been diving for almost two minutes and hasn't shown up yet. I'm afraid..."

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom.

In their opinion, the young man must be dead...

For an average person, it's considered amazing if they can hold their breath for one minute, but two minutes? Unless they practice professionally, not many people can do it.

In other words, the young man is most likely dead.

"Don't give up, try again!"

Someone encouraged...

The three of them dived again desperately, but still found nothing...


They slapped the water and looked very unhappy.

On the shore, a fellow fisherman said solemnly: "Brothers, come up first. It seems that the young man really wants to die..."

"Come up first. It's basically too late to save him now. Let's wait until the police arrive..."

Soon, the police arrived.

After learning more about the situation and checking nearby surveillance footage, they discovered that someone had indeed jumped into the lake to commit suicide, and immediately began organizing people to come for "rescue."

It is called rescue, but in fact everyone knows that it is more appropriate to say "body recovery".

Then the salvage ship arrived and the ambulance came.

Call it symbolic or humanitarian, at least, it's all there.

Salvage begins...

However, after searching for half a day, they still found nothing.

The police were all stunned!

"Where's the person? If he's alive, I want to see him. If he's dead, I want to see his body, right?"

"Strange... I just can't get it out!"

"It must have sunk to the bottom of the lake. It's impossible for the salvage ship to salvage everything so quickly. What a pity for such a young man."

"Yeah, well, let's send the ambulance back first. Even if we get it out, it's already cold..."

"We are guarding here. It's just an artificial lake. I don't believe we can't fish it out!!!"

On the lake, salvage ships were working in full swing.

At the bottom of the lake, Qi Zixiao controlled Lin Fan's body and sat cross-legged, like a statue that had already stopped breathing, allowing the water to wash over it and the fish to touch it.


A net swept over and covered it directly!