What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 34: If you don't want to sit, you have to pay extra



Wang Laosan's mouth twitched, and he just wanted to say: Damn, can't you afford to play? !

In fact, he himself doesn't believe in the existence of water ghosts. The reason he says this is naturally to make money.

As for the mysterious thing… can you explain the underwater things clearly? It is mysterious to begin with, and they all have their own skills. If they can't fish it out now, it means they didn't put enough effort. If they pay enough money, they can fish it out naturally.

He originally thought that he could just fool the police. What would happen to them? He had fooled the police before, and it worked.

But now…

These policemen are obviously not easy to fool!

The old man frowned and puffed on his cigarette.

If we really pump the water, there's no way we can get it out.

But he did not give up. Pumping water was indeed a solution, but Swan Lake was not small, and there were countless fish, shrimps and crabs in it. Not to mention other things, just pumping water would take a lot of time, energy and money.

In addition, we have to find a way to deal with the pumped water. Where can we get water to fill the gap after pumping it out? We can't just put it in the tap, right

"I guess the harsh words like pumping water are just talk."

"They should be preparing to increase manpower and material resources to salvage it, but they may not be unable to salvage it. When they are at their wits' end, I will say one more thing..."

Wang Laosan's mind was clacking with calculations, but at the same time, he was a little confused.

My own salvage boat... why the hell did it suddenly leak

What was that human-like figure just now? A fish

He has been in the water many times in his life and has seen many strange things, but they are all explainable by science. He has also never seen a water ghost or anything like that, so he is naturally relatively calm.

In his opinion, it should be some big fish, a ferocious one, which had been caught in the net before and came back to take revenge after escaping.

Looks like a humanoid

Reflection on the water surface.

No one knew that Wang Laosan, who seemed to be talking about water ghosts, was actually the most "materialistic" one. Instead, the others were scared.

Although they were scared, the police were not idle. They made various arrangements at the first opportunity and seemed determined to get the person out.

However, their efforts were doomed to be in vain, as Qi Zixiao had already quietly landed on the other side.

"Unfortunately, there is no true essence..."

Qi Zixiao felt very uncomfortable as his whole body was wet, but without true energy, he couldn't dry himself quickly, so he could only endure it temporarily.

He met a lot of people on the way, but they all ran in another direction in a hurry, and Qi Zixiao ignored them.

But when she took out her cell phone again, she found that it was dripping, and there was no response no matter how she pressed the buttons.

"… broken?"

"Ordinary people's belongings are really unreliable."


Qi Zixiao wanted to stop a taxi, but then he changed his mind... This is not right!!!

"My phone was broken, so I couldn't use the QR code to pay, and the guy said I had to pay for the ride."

How can I take the bus without money? How can I get back home without taking the bus

Run back

The key is that I don’t even know the way, I only know the address!

How about...

Qi Zixiao's eyes lit up: "Let's do it!"

"He told me not to steal things, but he didn't tell me not to..."

At the end of the road, an idle taxi drove by, and Qi Zixiao waved to stop it...

Then, the driver stuck his head out and saw that Lin Fan was soaked. He couldn't help but frowned: "Dude, you are soaked all over. Look, your trouser legs are dripping with water."

"This is not a good way to take a car!"

"Can't sit?"

Qi Zixiao frowned slightly: "Don't you all do things for money?"

The driver was also very quick, grinning, and then said very seriously: "You have to pay extra!"

"Then add it."

Qi Zixiao nodded immediately, not caring at all.

Add money

But I have to have money to join, right

"Well, since I'm going to give you a ride, my car won't be able to run any business today, so I'll charge you 500. Isn't that a good deal?"

The driver was happy.

Five hundred... is basically my daily income. I can take him with me to wash the car, and then find a place to have tea, play cards or something. Isn't that great


Qi Zixiao got on the car...

The driver stepped on the accelerator and asked: "Where are we going?"

"Qingshan Town."


Vehicle in motion...

The driver was quite proud of himself, and as for worrying... there was no need.

Isn't it just a "drowned chicken"? What's the big deal? He has even been a "drunk chicken". As long as he is paid enough, what can't he do

Qi Zixiao was also very calm, but despite her calmness, she kept staring out the window.

It wasn't until more than half an hour later that the scenery in the distance gradually became familiar...

"Right now!"


The car door opened and Qi Zixiao walked out.

This set of movements is as smooth as flowing water, and it only takes two seconds in total...

“What the hell!!!”

The driver's scalp tingled instantly: "Is this guy committing suicide?"

He braked and stopped the car on the side of the road, then got out to check, praying in his heart that the other person was not dead. However, he did not see a single person, only the traffic whizzing past from behind.

driver:"… "

“Where are the people?!”

A gust of wind blew by, and his back felt cold...

"Shit, is this a ghost?!"

Once this thought appears, it will be like a maggot on the tarsal bone and cannot be shaken off.

Especially when I think of how the other person was soaking wet and dripping with water, and his face was icy cold...

"Nima, is he really a water ghost?"

"Who the hell did I offend?"

The driver almost peed himself...

Unfortunately, the problem was that the car radio played a timely message at this moment.

"The latest news is that today, a young man committed suicide by jumping into the lake in Swan Lake. The police are currently organizing the recovery of the body. The follow-up work is proceeding in an orderly manner. This station will continue to follow up on this matter..."


Swan Lake, a man committed suicide by jumping into the lake, and I just happened to pull a soaking wet person...

Isn’t this the water ghost

Oh my god!

The driver let out a strange cry, got in the car, and immediately sped away.

In the woods nearby, Qi Zixiao brushed off the dirt on her body and fixed her makeup...

“It worked.”

"They didn't tell me not to steal, but they didn't tell me not to jump out of the car."

How can such a trivial matter stump me, the Saint

After the taxi left, Qi Zixiao left the woods and headed towards a slightly familiar place in his sight.

However, I walked for half a day, and even when my clothes were dry, I still hadn't found a place to live. I looked around, but where was the familiar place

"I'm... lost?"

Qi Zixiao's eyelids twitched and he was a little confused.