What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 688: They have millions of immortal cultivators, some of them are extremely powerful


With fangs exposed, Mousse's purpose is very clear, to prove that he is a vampire~!

Look, my fangs are all here, and you still say I'm not a vampire? At this moment, he was not afraid anymore.

Screw you God projection!

You're just a noob. Even the dazzling holy light can't hurt me at all... Why should I be afraid of you?!

Then... our ancestors are awesome!!!

Flower of God is awesome!

God's projection, right? You want to kill me with a holy light, right? You are nothing! If that damn Chinese cultivator hadn't robbed our ancestors, I would fight you to the death right now!

Mousse was extremely excited, but he dared not show it.

After all, the other party is a projection of God.

Although the holy light didn't kill me, it was just a holy light. I might not be able to withstand those divine arts and weapons!

Um, okay, it’s not that I didn’t kill myself, but I didn’t feel anything at all. I even felt quite comfortable.

But even so, you can't be too reckless and have to be a little cautious, otherwise what if you get killed

It’s just that I also want to know where my limits are!

Even this guy has an impulse...

That is, I can't beat that damn immortal cultivator from China, so how can I beat you? ! When I first saw that immortal cultivator, I couldn't help but kneel down, but when I saw you, I didn't react at all, which proves that you are not as good as that immortal cultivator from China!

So is God's projection so weak

He suddenly swelled up...

"God's projection is bullying a small vampire like me. The first attack hasn't worked yet. I don't think the almighty God will launch a second attack, right?"

Mousse spoke in a sarcastic tone, which made Jehovah embarrassed and angry at the same time.


I, Jehovah, took action, but failed to kill this guy with one strike

What is going on

He was very angry and wanted to attack again to kill this guy, but the damage was 0 under the holy light, which was too much!

How could the vampires have no reaction at all

There is obviously a problem, and if there is a problem, it must be solved, so now... you should put aside your anger and solve the problem!

Jehovah makes the decision.

But even he himself did not notice that his style of doing things was much more cautious than before.

If it were in the past, not to mention too long ago, just half a day ago, if I encountered this situation, I would have killed this Mousse without saying a word!

If the Holy Light can't kill it, is there no other way? It's just a small creature that looks like a vampire. Who cares what you are? Judging from the energy fluctuations in your body, you are far from being a match for this god!

But now, after experiencing that horrific investigation, Jehovah has become countless times more cautious.

This thing doesn't look like a vampire!

He is not afraid of Holy Light, so what on earth is he? !

Jehovah frowned and snorted coldly as the projection of God: "Shut up, heretic, you have no right to speak here."

"Besides, what kind of vampire are you?"

He opened his mouth to scold, but didn't say a word.

Blood clan

You are a blood clan with a hammer! How can a blood clan not be afraid of my holy light? Unless you are stronger than me, but are you stronger than me with your head

However, Mousse was unhappy when he heard this.


He grinned, revealing a pair of sharp teeth, and laughed, "I'm not a vampire, are you? God's projection doesn't even have this much vision..."

I fucking kill you!

The Lord cursed in his heart.

I can be a vampire? But you can't be a vampire either. If you are a vampire, the damage of holy light is 0

If you show your teeth, you become a vampire

There are so many races with fangs, and I still said you were a werewolf!

Wait, that’s not right. Werewolves are also afraid of holy light, but they don’t have as strong restraint over vampires. So what the hell is this thing

"Where are your wings?"

Jehovah appeared very calm and indifferent, as if he had no emotion at all.

"Double Wings..."

Mousse's expression changed slightly.

He has a hammer's wings!

And this is also the pain of their entire "blood clan". No one in their lineage is born with wings. None of them have wings.

It would be fine if everyone was like this, but a few vampire races just appeared a while ago. The key is that those races have wings...

This is so damn embarrassing!

Fortunately, Mousse and his men had been "awakened" for a longer time and were stronger, so they directly devoured those vampire families and tore off their wings in the process.

This way everyone is the same, is that okay

But in their hearts, the topic of wings is still a "pain point". After all, without wings, people think they are not real vampires.

This is a bit embarrassing!

He also discussed this with those scientists and had a guess, which was that they were not transformed by other vampires, but used scientific means to extract the Flower of God from the saliva of the "ancestors", and then cultivated and injected it.

Maybe the virus that transformed them into vampires wasn't just the Flower of God, there were other viruses as well, but they ignored it at the time, which led to them not being "perfect" in reality

Of course, they are stronger than those vampires!

It just doesn't look so perfect, without the vampire wings.

This is how they comfort themselves.

But when being mentioned by the 'Projection of God', Mousse was unhappy, and he flew directly into the air, floating in the air about one meter above the ground, looking at each other coldly.

"I can fly by myself, why do I need wings?!"

"Do you think they are those unknown bird people?!"

What wings do you want

I can fly by myself now!

Mousse comforted himself in this way.


Jehovah frowned slightly, but of course, no one else could see it.

His mind raced, with many thoughts on his mind.

Can you fly by yourself? This is not uncommon. Wuneng is a superpower, or in the God Court, anyone with a certain strength can fly. Only the weak must rely on wings to fly.

But here comes the problem.

This guy isn't very strong and doesn't have wings, so how can he fly

Moreover, he is clearly a Westerner, so why are his pupils black

No, it's not completely black either, there's a yellow circle around it...

What kind of pupil is this?!

Jehovah was slightly stunned.

Westerners, on the other hand, have mainly black pupils, but with a yellow ring around the edges? They have fangs, suck blood, and can infect others...

Even though he lacks strength, he can still fly and is not even afraid of his own holy light


Jehovah's expression changed, then he raised one hand and hooked it lightly.

Then, in the Vatican restaurant, several pure silver knives broke through the air in an instant, pierced through several walls, and then stabbed Mousse in the back with lightning speed.

Ding, ding, ding, ding...

A series of sounds rang out.

The sterling silver knife that was strong enough to pierce a wall only pierced through the clothes behind Mousse's back. The moment it came into contact with the skin, it was like the collision of steel!

Sparks flew and all the table knives broke into several pieces!

Of course, these knives were not protected by Jehovah's divine power, otherwise, his divine power alone would be enough to stab Mousse to death.

But whether or not one can be stabbed to death is one thing, and whether or not the silverware is used to stab the person to death is another...

Amid Mousse's surprise and anger, Jehovah understood everything and said in a deep voice: "You are not a vampire at all, you are... a zombie!"

"Eastern, zombies!"

When these words were spoken, not only others but even Jehovah himself was shocked.

Oh shit, zombies from the East?!

How the hell did this thing appear

And they even came to Western countries to bully others? This is not right!!!

But it does make sense. No wonder they have no wings, no wonder they are not afraid of holy light, and no wonder their other habits are not much different from those of the vampires!

Zombies and vampires have many similarities, but those are just the similarities. The gap between the two is simply huge.


In shock and anger, Mousse yelled: "You are the zombie, your whole family is a zombie! What the hell are zombies? I am a vampire, a noble vampire!"

Bob and the others were already dumbfounded. At this moment, they had almost no chance to speak.

But Bob still said, "My Lord, what kind of zombies are you talking about?"

Jehovah: “…”

Not even one zombie knows. No, not even one. Looking at their expressions, none of them know?

Another one...well, as a zombie, he doesn't know how lucky he is and insists on saying that he is a vampire. What the hell is this zombie

What the hell is wrong with this world?!

We haven't had any contact for hundreds or thousands of years. Has the world gone so crazy now

You seem to be ashamed of being a zombie

Proud of vampires and ashamed of zombies

Fuck you.

Do you know the legend of the four zombies back then? Which one of them was not fierce? Cain, the ancestor of the blood clan, was awesome, right

He thinks he is great, and when he heard about the existence of zombies, he was full of disdain.


Those vulgar things without wings are worthy of sucking human blood? Look at me, I'm going to kill them!


And then Cain was gone!

It is said that he didn't even see the four big zombies or anything like that, but just encountered a hundreds-year-old zombie named Old Master Ren or something, and was sucked alive by him!

The kind that even sucks away the soul!


Why were there no zombie legends in the West

It's very simple. There were vampires in the West. In fact, it is said that there was also a zombie that drifted to the West. It was a zombie from the Qing Dynasty or something.

It seemed that it had stayed in an African tribe for a while, but it didn't bite anyone or suck blood, nor did it infect other people.


It is said that this is because that person thinks Westerners are too smelly, their pores are too big and the smell is too strong...

How the hell do I say this

Human zombies are also picky eaters!!!

I don't even bother to bite you!

You said that you could be transformed into a zombie, and it would be fine if you were unhappy about it, but you even looked down on others. What the hell is this

Damn, with your current strength, even Cain would be envious and jealous, right

Maybe Cain was stronger than you are now, but you are not afraid of holy light, sunlight, silver, garlic, or the cross? What the hell is that...

In the West, they are completely arrogant!

You don’t know how lucky you are!

You're so ungrateful after getting such an advantage!

At this moment, Jehovah suddenly remembered these proverbs and idioms.

After all, he has been spreading the faith for a long time and has some understanding of Chinese culture. As for why he knows things that happened one or two hundred years ago...

At that time, the power of my faith had not yet been completely cut off, so I could understand it a little.

But now and then...Alas, it’s hard to put it into words.

As for why I didn’t think of the word “zombie” at the first moment, it’s very simple. No Westerner has ever turned into a zombie before!

Naturally, I never thought about it in that direction, but now I see, what the hell is this if not a zombie

The identity is clear.

But now, should we kill it

Jehovah frowned deeply, and was a little undecided for a moment. It was not that he did not have the means and strength, but this was a damn zombie!

They are the descendants of those horrible vampires in the East.

I don't know how much stronger they are than the vampires. Cain of the vampires was no weaker than me in the same period, but he was a piece of trash in their hands.

I don't know who this zombie's 'elder' is. If I kill him, his elder will come to take revenge, and he will be more powerful than me...


Be careful.

Jehovah quickly made a decision and decided not to kill the zombie for the time being.

Well, in order to avoid beating the younger ones and then getting the older ones, those things in the East are not easy to deal with. Besides, I have just arrived and have no information. I don’t know what kind of strong people there are in the East, not to mention that unknown terrifying existence...

Low-key, well, low-key.

Jehovah never expected that when he first arrived on Earth, he should have been extremely high-profile and directly and forcefully plundered the faith.

But I was almost scared to death. Now I can only stay here cautiously and low-key to get some information first...

However, even if I can only live in poverty, I cannot lose face. I have to have a nice explanation for this matter.

His eyes rolled and he got it!

"Humph, you don't know how lucky you are!"

It happened so fast that his thoughts were in a flash. It was only a moment after Mousse finished speaking that Jehovah snorted coldly, "How foolish!"

"Forget it, I'll spare your life and wait and see what happens next!"

"It's really interesting that a zombie would bite a pure Westerner like you!"

"Let's see if you will disappoint me in the future. Go away!"

Is there anything wrong with this

I'm not afraid of anyone, nor am I unable to kill you. I just think it's fun, so I'm going to spare your life. Isn't that great

Hmm...it seems not enough!

As his mind raced, Jehovah waved his hand gently.


A terrifying gust of wind came from nowhere, and instantly swept up the confused Mousse, and then threw him who knows how far away!

If words alone are powerless, then take action!

Holy light, silver, garlic, cross, etc. cannot restrain you, but I have some means, but just based on the gap in strength between the two sides, killing you is like killing a dog.

“Lord, you are so wise!”

Bob and others quickly knelt on the ground and kissed their feet.

At the same time, they were extremely excited.

That’s so awesome!

With just a flick of his hand, he threw the domineering guy Mousse away. Did he not kill him just because he thought it was fun

So domineering!

Not worrying about the opponent's counterattack and growth at all, this is our most powerful and strongest Lord~

At this moment, Bob and the others were sincerely convinced, and they themselves couldn't figure out why they were so pious...

But to Jehovah, it is nothing short of normal.

Do you really think that I, the God, would send down my divine power for no reason to help you improve


I'm helping you improve, and at the same time brainwashing you subtly. It's reasonable and normal, right

"No need to be polite. You are all my messengers in the world and my spokespersons."

Jehovah's 'projection' spoke in a deep and calm voice, as calm as an ancient well, without any waves of emotion, just like a deity in the sky, overlooking the world.

No matter how amazing the development and changes in the world are, in his eyes, it is nothing more than this.

"However, you did have many difficulties at the beginning of the Earth's spiritual energy recovery. I could understand a little from your prayers, but I am not completely clear."

"Come and tell me what difficulties you are facing and what the current situation of the earth is like."

"Tell me everything you know, tell me everything."

"Anyway, I have already lowered the projection, and it will last for a while. If there are any difficulties, I can just solve them all at once."

His voice seemed to have a magical power that could convince people and make them do what he said unconsciously.

At the same time, he deliberately did not say how long his "projection" would exist.

Anyway, it depends on the specific situation.

It can exist as long as it can, who knows, it might just die afterwards.

Soon, they "shifted their positions". While Bob and others blocked the news, they took the shining holy light of Jehovah to the headquarters of the Capitalist Profit Protection Union.

Then, let Jehovah take the throne and explain the current situation in the world one by one.

"China is the only country that has a large population, and there are at least a million cultivators?"

Jehovah was so frightened that he almost bit his tongue.

Oh shit!

These three words popped into his mind in an instant.

What the hell

Damn it!

Millions of immortal cultivators

Even more than a thousand years ago, there definitely weren't so many immortal cultivators in China. Is the spiritual energy just revived

This is China in its heyday, right?!

Fortunately, after his questioning, I gradually understood...

It turned out that most of them were those who had just entered the realm and had very weak combat power, but there were also quite a few open foundation-building cultivators.

Especially the Purple Bamboo Academy. Judging from the information we have received so far, every one of them is very strong...

How strong is it exactly? Bob and others couldn't tell.

But Jehovah felt relieved in an instant.

What's there to be afraid of in the Foundation Establishment Stage? My current strength is roughly equivalent to that of a cultivator in the Void Refining Stage. Killing a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator is like butchering a dog!

It’s no use no matter how many more come!

As for the strongest one...

It is a bit strange. Can one have "super strong power" when the spiritual energy is exhausted and can also lead the revival of spiritual energy

We need to pay close attention to this. Reviving spiritual energy is not something that ordinary people can do. It might be that terrifying powerful person who did it.

If it's really him...

China, don’t touch it!

As for other forces~ha, do whatever you want. If you can't get whatever you want, your own name will be written backwards.

"Can you describe the strength of the strongest person in China?"