What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 706: Nine Dao Immortals, Nine Dao Ancients!


So, if we, or the thief, are really the ones who will be afflicted with the sixth kalpa, then what should we do

Split the sky and earth

Or should we find some dragons, phoenixes, unicorns or something and kill them

Or will they have a bloody battle with the remaining descendants of the two races of warlocks and liches

Or maybe he could be deified again or something

No matter how you think about it, it feels too exaggerated. What's more, even his original body is just a "little cultivator" who is going through the tribulation. He is still far from the immortal stage. What's more, who is the one who is destined to lead a tribulation? !

This doesn't make sense!

Who were the big guys who had to endure the disaster before

Take Journey to the West, for example, and the three masters and apprentices of Sun Wukong.

The person who should be robbed is obviously Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, because he is the one who causes the most trouble. Jin Chanzi seems to be the protagonist, but he is actually a supporting role.

What is Sun Wukong's strength

At least Daluo Jinxian! It is many realms higher than Xiantai.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that Sun Wukong in the TV version is extremely weak and is easily suppressed by Tathagata. He even cannot defeat many monsters and needs to call for help.

But in the original Journey to the West, Sun Wukong was extremely ferocious. No one could stop him when he went to Heaven to kill his way there. If Tathagata had arrived a little later, the Jade Emperor would have been beaten to death by the monkey.

Even if Tathagata came, he definitely wouldn't be as relaxed and carefree as in the TV series where he could just suppress the Wukong with ease. Instead, he broke all five of his fingers before he could 'barely' suppress Sun Wukong under the Five Finger Mountain.

Pay attention, it’s really just a stretch!

It took the effort of cutting off fingers and barely suppressing the monkey, and it was only with the help of later calligraphy that the monkey was suppressed for five hundred years.

The most important thing is that after Tathagata returned, he sat in meditation and even his relics came out. It was just that after the meditation, he was "reborn".

To put it simply.

Even the Tathagata at that time had to pay the price of his life to barely suppress the monkey. Do you think the monkey is strong

Even such a powerful person as Sun Wukong, as the one who was destined to be calamity, could only be plotted against and arranged by others from beginning to end.

It's me and my own thief who's been replaced


Lin Zixiao was speechless for a while.

No matter how I think about it, it seems unlikely.

What kind of calamity would require these two minions? And generally speaking, how could someone tell someone that you are the one who will be calamified

Even if it happens many years later, when both of us are very strong, you guys should be planning something behind the scenes instead of just jumping out and telling me everything, right


There is more doubt.

Lin Zixiao is not stupid, so he naturally won't believe everything others say, but there is one thing...

That is, as soon as the empress saw herself, she knew who she was? She also asked herself whether she was her dog thief or "Qi Zixiao".

This shows that the empress at least knows something, and it is a secret!

Thinking of this, Lin Zixiao frowned slightly, looked at the empress, and asked, "You all said that I am the one who should be robbed."

"What? Or is it the legendary calamity? Then can you tell me? What kind of calamity should I face?"

"In this catastrophe, what should I do?"

"And you? Why are you telling me this?!"

The empress slowly shook her head. Her originally calm and indifferent expression turned a little worried at this moment: "I don't know either."

"Liang Jie, this statement is too 'high'."

"Even for us, we only know the fact but not the reason. It's just that we have some sense of it, and Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng are very good at deduction, so we know something."

She sighed: "But haven't you realized that everything you do is subversive."

"The spiritual energy of the ancestral land is revived. In fact, we can do it now, but why didn't we do it? You may think it's selfish, but at the same time, it's also 'destiny'."

"This matter should not be done by us, but by you!"

Lin Zixiao: “…”

It sounds very high-sounding, but it’s the same as saying nothing.

She said nothing, just watched and listened quietly.

"There is also Kunlun. In our time, we have heard countless legends about Kunlun. The First Emperor once searched everywhere for it at all costs, but in the end, there was no trace of it."

"And your existence has allowed Kunlun to reappear in the world, which is enough to explain a lot."

"...How can I be sure that it is me who makes Kunlun reappear?"

"Besides you, is there anyone else in the entire ancestral land, or even the Earth, who has this qualification?"

Lin Zixiao was choked by these words.

It seems that there really isn't.

If there is, it can only be the dog thief in my own family, but strictly speaking, both myself and the dog thief in my own family are actually the "same person".

At the same time, she is unwilling to reveal her true identity.

Although the Empress did not look like she wanted to harm him, the saying "one should always be on guard against others" was always true!

In short, there is definitely no harm in being more careful.

It was unknown whether the Empress had seen through Lin Zixiao's thoughts, as she had not said anything. She continued, "There is still some time before the catastrophe. No one can predict what will happen next."

"In fact, since the moment the spiritual energy of the ancestral land revived, the future of the entire cultivation world has changed!"

"The First Emperor once ordered someone to create a history book."

"But from that moment on, this history book could not record the past, preserve the present, or reflect the future!"

"Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng can no longer predict any future related to you."

"The secret of heaven is also obscured..."

"If there was only one thing, it might be a coincidence, but now that so many things have come together, it can't be just a coincidence."

Lin Zixiao: “…”

If what the empress said is true, this really can't be a coincidence.

In fact, all monks know one thing.

When all coincidences come together, it is inevitable!

Where are so many coincidences

Almost everything seems to be a coincidence, but in fact, there is a destiny in the dark, but the people involved just don’t know it.

In other words, am I really the one who is destined to face the calamity, and will I have to face that kind of horrific massacre in the future

"If everything is as you say."

Lin Zixiao frowned: "Before I activate the spiritual energy revival, I can still get a glimpse of the secrets of heaven and the future, right?"

"Is it possible to determine what kind of calamity the calamity is?"


The Empress shook her head: "The Calamity is related to the countless lives in the vast universe. Even the legendary saints cannot escape unscathed in the Calamity."

"How can this matter be calculated casually?"


Well, speechless!

Lin Zixiao had an even bigger headache, so he asked back, "Then what are you going to do?"

Then, he looked at the snake girl and asked, "What are you going to do now?"

"Tell me that I am the one who should be robbed?"

“That doesn’t make sense!”

"If I am really the one who is destined to face the calamity, then you should not say anything and let me know nothing. Only in this way can I face the calamity most 'willingly' and in the most 'natural' state, right?"

"Tell me, aren't there many variables?"

The empress said softly, "We have considered this for a long time, but finally decided to tell you."

"It would be fine if you didn't know, but now that you know, you have to keep it!"


"Although there will be some variables, there are endless variables in the calamity. One more is not too much, and one less is not too little!"

"What's more, the calamity is a disaster, but it is also an endless opportunity!"

"After the first catastrophe, the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribes prospered. After the dragon, phoenix and unicorn catastrophe, the wizard and lich tribes prospered and became the rulers of heaven and earth."

"Afterwards, Nuwa created humans. After the great calamity of the witches and liches, the human race prospered!"

"From then on, whether it was the Conferred God Tribulation or the Journey to the West Tribulation, the human race has always been the ruler of heaven and earth..."

"But later, for some reason, the saints could no longer hide, and even those top masters did not leave many legends. Even Kunlun disappeared..."

"You ask me what the next kalpa is. I can't answer you."

"But I know that this catastrophe is of vital importance!"

"Three times is enough..."

"The human race prospered after the witch-lich catastrophe, prospered after the Conferred God catastrophe, and prospered again after the Journey to the West catastrophe. Up to now, it has been at the peak for three catastrophes."

"If we infer this, I'm afraid the next catastrophe will be unfavorable to the human race. Therefore, we cannot miss any opportunity."


Lin Zixiao blinked.

This is even more exaggerated. Why does it feel like the fate of the entire human race is on me at once

At this moment, her head was buzzing.

At the same time, the original sense of superiority completely disappeared without a trace.

Originally, she thought that there shouldn't be many masters in the world of cultivating immortals and the world of truth on Earth, and maybe there wouldn't even be many to be found in Xiantai.

As for those legends, they are probably just legends.

But what about now

A female emperor "jumped out", and it was obvious that she was already an emperor of the eighth level of the immortal stage.

Judging from the meaning of her words, there might be more than one emperor? !

Oh my god!

What kind of world is this

The world of immortal cultivation has not produced a great emperor for millions of years. In this world of immortal cultivation, there is actually more than one 'Tianshu Star Region'? !

Not to mention, judging from what the Empress said, those ancient legends were probably true. If that was the case...

Compared with this place, what is the world of immortal cultivation

I originally thought that since I was the Saint of Purple Mansion, I would always have some advantages over my own dog thief, at least in terms of cultivation...right

I can definitely be a qualified substitute player.

But now look

Something is wrong!


Lin Zixiao frowned faintly.

"So, we will tell you everything clearly." The empress did not hide anything and said bluntly: "We will tell you everything we know."

"I will also do my best to train you!"

"But at the same time, you must also keep moving forward according to your own ideas and thoughts."

"If there is a life-or-death crisis, we will take action."

"But if not, no one will help you."

"You should also know that flowers that are cared for by others will never truly grow. Only after experiencing wind and rain can they be of great use."

Do you know

I know it. I know it very well. I don’t know how many times I have heard this truth.

Whether it is the world of immortal cultivation or the earth, there are similar "truths".

But the problem is, I always feel like something is wrong!

But Lin Zixiao couldn't tell what was wrong for the moment, which made her even more confused.

Then, her gaze turned to the snake woman.

"And you?"

“I don’t know.”

The snake girl slowly shook her head: "I don't have many memories, and I have never seen other members of the tribe. I only know that the first person I see is the one who will be robbed."

"Then, there is something I need to tell you."


Lin Zixiao perked up, perhaps this sentence was the clue

"Nine immortals, nine ancients, nine demons, nine devils, nine gods, nine ghosts, nine spirits, nine witches, and nine unnameable ones. This is... the foundation of the Heavenly Dao."

Lin Zixiao: “???”

What is this?!

Lin Zixiao was confused.

He looked at the empress again, only to find that she was also a little confused.

So many nine paths, added up to the foundation of the Heavenly Dao

"Ninety-nine eighty-one?"

Lin Zixiao asked: "What is the foundation of the Heavenly Dao?"

However, just as she finished her words, she realized something was wrong, because the snake girl stood there, her expression calm but with a hint of twilight, and she was getting older.


“Be careful!”

The empress waved her hand and wrapped Lin Zixiao and Zhou Xiaona with amazing true energy, making the two retreat rapidly. At the same time, she soared into the sky and blasted out the most powerful blow belonging to the great emperor!

However, it's useless!


A bolt of lightning descended from nowhere, tearing everything apart. Even the attack from the emperor level was not enough. It instantly cut through the endless distance and accurately hit the snake girl.


The ground cracked.

A huge pit emerged, the empress retreated, and the snake girl... there was no sound at all. An extremely old, charred corpse emerged after the smoke and dust cleared, lying in the middle of the pit, completely silent.


Lin Zixiao showed a look of surprise: "Who is taking action?"

The empress approached quickly, with a vigilant look on her face, and protected him behind her: "He is not a human!"

“It should be…”

She narrowed her beautiful eyes and looked up at the sky.

Lin Zixiao reacted quickly.

Heaven's Way?!

"If the Heavenly Dao takes action to kill the snake girl, could it be..." Lin Zixiao guessed.

"I'm afraid that statement has a very important origin!" The Empress said solemnly, "The Nuwa clan should not have many descendants, not to mention that she survived until today, perhaps because she was sealed in Kunlun with a secret method."

"Don't be sad. If I'm not wrong, her mission is to tell you that."

"She told us this, which caused dissatisfaction from the heavens and brought disaster upon us. This should have been calculated..."

Lin Zixiao: “…”


When they met for the first time, the two sides exchanged only two or three sentences, and they were not really that sad or grief-stricken about the snake girl's death.

But this is unclear, what does it mean?!

"Even if you are the Empress, you don't know the meaning of that sentence?"

“Never heard of it…”

"The foundation of heaven..."

The empress whispered, but in an instant, thunder rumbled in the sky, as if these four words alone were a "taboo" and no one was allowed to speak casually.

The empress stopped talking immediately, and only felt a little relieved when the thunder died down.

The emperor is indeed very powerful.

But the way of heaven is stronger!

If you are not even an immortal in this mortal world, how can you compete with the way of heaven

According to legend, even a saint can only entrust his true spirit to the Way of Heaven. As long as the Way of Heaven is immortal, the saint will be immortal.

Of course, that is the 'perfect' way of heaven in ancient legends.

Nowadays, the ancient world is no longer visible, and the way of heaven here should not be that terrifying. However, the empress knows that compared with the legendary saints, what is she

If you can avoid provoking someone, then don't provoke them.

Otherwise, there is only one result: death!

"Just keep it in mind. One day, this matter will become clear."

Lin Zixiao: “…”

She nodded without saying anything more.

What else can I say? Even if I have a million doubts, I can only keep them in my heart. Otherwise, if another thunder strikes, everything will be over.

Perhaps I can take a risk, but if the body of our bastard is destroyed...how can he come back

"What will you do next?"

The empress asked.

"..." Lin Zixiao thought for a moment and shook his head slowly: "Keep going."

"Looking for my chance!"

It would be fine if I didn’t know these things, but now that I know, I must develop and become stronger as quickly as possible!

What a catastrophe!

Even if what they said was biased, even if I was not the one who was destined to suffer the calamity and they were the ones trying to trick me, I had to become madly stronger, the stronger the better!

Because during a catastrophe, all cultivators may suffer from the catastrophe.

What's more, they have found me. Either I am the one who is destined to be doomed, or they want to use me, right

No matter which possibility it is, improving one's strength is necessary.

And there is no time to lose!


The empress smiled slightly: "That's how it should be."

"As for your business, just keep it in mind, and everything else should remain the same."

"Neither I nor anyone else, whether openly or secretly, will interfere with you, unless you are really in a life-or-death crisis."

"And now?"

Lin Zixiao asked back.

"That's it."

The empress said softly, "I am also very interested in Kunlun. Now that I am here, I will walk around and take a look."

“Maybe there will be some opportunities that will be useful to me.”

"Then let's say goodbye."

"Wait a minute."

The empress took out a jade talisman and said, "I give this to you. If you have any questions, you can contact me."

"At the same time, it can also die for you once. Just drop a drop of its blood and refine it."


Lin Zixiao put away the jade talisman and secretly curled his lips.

Sound transmission jade talisman

This thing is not easy to use. I miss my magic machine!

I wanted to introduce some mobile phones to the empress, but then I thought, well, these things can't be used in Kunlun now, let alone the Tianshu star field.

It only works on Earth, there is no signal anywhere else!

Otherwise, when you have the strength and opportunity in the future, you can spread the signal to the Tianshu star field and earn the aliens' spirit stones

It seems worth a try...

But the product is still good. Although the sound transmission function is a bit backward, it can be used as a substitute!

This thing is something that my original self in the world of immortal cultivation does not have, so it is perfect for using it to protect the thieves.


The empress chuckled and then disappeared on the spot.


Lin Zixiao was silent for a long time before looking at Zhou Xiaoran: "Xiaoran, do you think I should believe her?"