What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 714: It's good luck to gamble


The sea of consciousness is a very magical place, which can be said to be an independent world, but the size of this world is directly related to the strength of its owner.

For example, the sea of consciousness of a Jindan cultivator and the sea of consciousness of a Yuanying cultivator are very different in size.

The divine calculator is already in the middle stage of the Void Refining Realm, his sea of consciousness is not small, and generally speaking he can withstand the test, but a temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees? ! ! !

Although I don't know what the unit "degree" means, I know it sounds scary, right

And the high temperature...

Isn't that your highness's invincibility technique

If this blew up my sea of consciousness, I would turn into an idiot in a matter of minutes!

The fortune teller was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat: "Can we be a little more cautious?"

"I think this ball is quite big." Qi Zixiao curled his lips: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to break it with ordinary attacks."

"Let's try it first, let's try it first."

The fortune teller wiped his cold sweat...

Then, there was a series of attacks.

The main attack method of the divine fortune teller is actually "close combat". There is no other way, this guy has cultivated a glass body, and every punch and kick of his is much more powerful than ordinary spells.

Qi Zixiao is closer to a combination of AP and AD.

It has both magic and physical attacks, and its power is far greater than that of the divine fortune teller.

With everyone working together, the huge ball of light was quite resistant, but after about half an hour of bombardment, it finally exploded.


Fire splashed everywhere, and in an instant, the divine fortune teller's sea of consciousness turned white.

Qi Zixiao turned his head and saw that this guy was already covered in sweat and his face was pale.

You must know that this is a 'spiritual body', not a physical body!

Can soul bodies break out in cold sweats

Obviously, this deduction was a huge burden for the divine fortune teller.

It was at this moment that the "result" hidden in the light ball emerged, and a not-too-blurry picture appeared in front of the two.

That is a starry pasture...

But suddenly, a 'comet' passed by at an extremely fast speed.

The picture moves, 'chasing' the comet all the way forward, it is unknown how far it flew, and finally, it exploded in front of a huge world!

However, an extremely faint figure "survived" from the exploding comet and "low-key" disappeared into this world.

Then, it began to lie dormant.

This figure changes in many ways and is colorful. Sometimes it turns into stone, sometimes into trees and weeds, and sometimes into birds and beasts.

But no matter what it turns into, it always does one thing.


When it turned into stone, it devoured the essence of the sun and the moon; when it turned into grass and trees, it devoured the spiritual energy of the mountains; when it turned into birds and beasts, it devoured other small animals.

The aura it exudes is very strange.

The picture is like a quick tour.

Just like this, who knows how long it had been? This figure finally turned into... a person!

And then? It's killing!

Its strength increased rapidly, especially after it turned into a human.

Until this day, it came to a village, transformed into a demon, and devoured everyone's spirit, energy, and blood...


It roared excitedly, then turned into an unknown creature and flew away.

That’s Lujia Village!

Qi Zixiao and the pale-faced fortune teller both saw clearly that the village that was just massacred was the former Lujia Village.

Although only broken walls and ruins remain in Lujia Village now, there are still some places that can be used as reference.

Is this enough for them to confirm? The village being massacred in the picture is undoubtedly Lujia Village.

It was at this moment that both of them held their breath.

Obviously, now has come to a critical moment. That thing that changes a lot? What the hell is it? It is impossible to draw a conclusion now.

But? Where did that ghost thing go after the massacre of Lujia Village

Can you get the result? It depends on now!

The picture flashes quickly, like walking and viewing flowers.

The two discovered that after leaving Lujia Village, the thing did not stop or retreat!

Because he changes so quickly and in so many ways, even if someone has seen him, they wouldn't know what the hell he is, let alone what he does.

Lujia Village is just the beginning!

One village after another, and later on, they even began to attack towns where immortal cultivators were stationed, and the fluctuations emanating from their bodies became stronger and stronger.

Obviously, it was rapidly growing stronger as it continued to devour.

After an unknown amount of time, the ghost in the picture seemed to have finally eaten enough, and found a secret place. It sprayed light from its mouth to form an eggshell, and covered itself in the eggshell.

This is where the screen ends.


Qi Zixiao guessed.

"That should be it." The fortune teller touched his forehead and said, "Your Highness, let's go out. We have to find it as soon as possible without delay."

"This ghost thing is very evil, and it changes in many ways. If it evolves again, no one knows how many tricks and magical powers it has. It is better to find it as soon as possible and kill it."


Qi Zixiao nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

Afterwards, the two regained consciousness.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she was met with Lu Ming's expectant gaze.

Qi Zixiao looked at the divine fortune teller and asked, "What do you say?"

"Your Highness, please let me speak. I will take this opportunity to recover." The fortune teller bared his teeth, "The backlash this time is not small."

"It's a big loss."

"..." Lu Ming felt a little ashamed: "Brother, I..."

"Listen to his nonsense, one hundred thousand spirit stones are enough for him to recover." Qi Zixiao laughed and scolded, then said: "I figured it out."

"That thing should still be there, but we are not very familiar with the territory of Zhongzhou, so I can't tell you exactly where it is at the moment."

"at the same time···"

She glanced at the sky: "That thing came from outer space."

"Outside the sky?"

Everyone was stunned.

Only Gou Sheng frowned slightly: "What does your highness mean?"

"It doesn't belong to the world of immortal cultivation." Qi Zixiao nodded, which surprised several people. Fatty Dan shouted, "This...isn't it said that the barriers of the world are extremely strong, and even the emperors can hardly pass through it?"

"Could that thing be above the Great Emperor?!"

“It’s not that exaggerated.”

After Qi Zixiao roughly described the scene he saw, he guessed: "It may have been very powerful originally, but after descending to the world of immortal cultivation, it became very weak."

"But it is also getting stronger. According to the last image, we must find and kill it before it completes its evolution. Otherwise, by the time it completes its evolution, I'm afraid it will no longer be something we can deal with."

There are some things Qi Zixiao didn't say.

Because it's pure speculation.

She was thinking, could that ghost thing be some big shot from another world

For some reason, he couldn't survive in his own world, or his own world collapsed, so he had to run to Xingchen Muye and find a way to enter other worlds, and then he happened to come to the world of immortal cultivation

Then, that thing’s strength was actually not greater than that of the emperor, or it was seriously injured, but no matter what, the other party had a secret method to sneak into the world of immortal cultivation.

But after sneaking in, it’s like being reborn or something, with strength, realm, and cultivation all very low, and he needs to devour everything to grow

It can't be the reincarnation of the emperor, right

She had some doubts in her heart, but felt that the possibility was not high. The rebirth of a powerful man was possible, but the rebirth of an emperor... was a bit exaggerated.



Lu Ming hesitated when he heard this.

How big is the world of immortal cultivation? Zhongzhou is so big. Not to mention the whole Zhongzhou, even if it is just a corner, if you search aimlessly, you can find someone dead.

Although Qi Zixiao also mentioned some "reference objects", those were all mountains and rivers, and the immortal world was not short of these things.

How to find someone if I don’t have any acquaintances

"What is this?"

Gou Sheng said in a nauseous tone, "Call out your Princess Yaoyao. She is the 'landlord'. If we don't know the way, how could she not know it?"

Qi Zixiao nodded immediately: "Good idea."

Lu Ming: “…”

"Not so good, huh?"

"I'll help you call." Qi Zixiao took out the magic trick.

Lu Ming watched eagerly.


"Brother, what should we do now? Are we going back to the sect like this?"

Behind Jiang Tao, a female cultivator asked.

"The mission has been completed, so it's okay to go back." Jiang Tao wanted to agree, but he felt a little unhappy.

They are all disciples of the holy land, who is worse than who

The Saint is amazing?!

If I didn't see that I couldn't beat you...

He snorted coldly, "But, we can gain merits by slaying demons and monsters! I heard that many villages and even towns nearby have been attacked, and the people inside have been annihilated!"

"If I hadn't encountered it, it would be fine. But now that I have encountered it, how can I just stand by and watch?!"

"But Brother, Qi Zixiao and the others..."

Jiang Tao stared: "The village just now is the hometown of their Purple Mansion disciples. Could it be that other villages are also their hometowns?"

"If we can't find it there, we can go somewhere else!"

"Brother is wise..."

They are all young and energetic cultivators, and as elite disciples, even if they are not geniuses, they are all people with excellent talents.

Otherwise, how could one become an elite disciple of the Holy Land

No one was convinced after being bullied by the Saint Maiden Squad just now, and now they were all ready to vent their anger.

Therefore, they are very motivated.

Soon, according to their information, they arrived at another destroyed village...

"Junior Sister Zihui, it's up to you."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Tang Zihui, who smiled and said, "Please rest assured, brothers and sisters. Zihui may not be good at other things, but when it comes to tracking skills, I am quite confident."


"Are you free?"

Lu Yao's avatar woke up from her cultivation state and looked at the message from Qi Zixiao with some surprise: "Is there something wrong, Sister Zixiao?"

Qi Zixiao quickly responded: "We are in Zhongzhou, and your lover brother is also here."


The girl blushed: "Sister Zixiao, please don't tease me."

"I'm not kidding you. This silly boy is ready for revenge, but he needs your help as the host."

"Brother Lu Ming..."

Lu Yao was surprised and delighted: "I'll be there right away!"

Qi Zixiao: "I'll send you a location."




This function is not surprising, after all, it is still open. Although everyone is an "ancient", as a cultivator, they are not slow in accepting new things.

Lu Yao immediately set out from the Yao Chi Holy Land and rushed to the location.


She was a little confused.

"Isn't this Lujia Village?"

I know my way home!

Does Sister Zixiao really think I’m a little fool that I don’t even know the way home

Woo woo, so sad.


In the evening.

The fortune teller woke up, touched his shiny forehead, and after learning why he hadn't set out yet, he couldn't help but say, "Actually, I can tell you one more fortune."

"No money." Lu Ming waved his hand quickly.


Qi Zixiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly and chuckled, and Lu Ming blushed instantly.

What no money

Sure enough, what the Earth said was true---men are all pigs!

I clearly want to meet your Princess Yaoyao, but I pretend to be embarrassed. Now I'm exposed, right

What do you mean you don't have money? People have said that your top-grade spiritual weapon is enough to count dozens of times~

Funny big pig's trotter.

Or my dog thief...

Bah, the bastard is more honest.

Thinking of this, Qi Zixiao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Don't say it, I'm used to seeing you every three days, and after half a month, I miss you so much.

call out!

In the sky, a streak of light was approaching rapidly.

The originally honest Lu Ming suddenly felt uneasy and nervous. He rubbed his hands together, not knowing where to put them to feel comfortable.

Lu Yao is here!

After landing, he came to Qi Zixiao with a smile on his face and hugged her tightly: "Sister Zixiao."

"You've grown taller."

Qi Zixiao also hugged her, chuckled and nodded.

Unexpectedly, the girl had a strange look on her face and whispered in Qi Zixiao's ear: "Sister Zixiao, what are you hiding on your chest? It makes me feel weird."

Qi Zixiao was stunned, then his face turned black.

This girl is teasing me

When he pushed her away, he found that the girl was blushing very hard. She looked at his chest deeply, and then showed a look of sudden realization.

Qi Zixiao then realized that she was not teasing him, but she really didn't understand.

Immediately following.

Lu Yao's face was full of envy. She lowered her head to look at her own lotus roots which were just beginning to emerge. She couldn't help but look sad and suddenly became unhappy.


Little girl.

Qi Zixiao smiled slightly.

"Yao, Yaoyao..."

At this moment, Lu Ming couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Lu Ming."

Lu Yao came out of her previous sadness, ran over happily, held his hand, and asked about his well-being.

She spoke like a girl next door, and the people who heard her rolled their eyes.

The dog food is enough to satisfy your hunger!!!

The bachelors ate so much that they ate too much.

Even Qi Zixiao felt an unpleasant taste in his mouth, and the happiness he had just felt suddenly disappeared.

Instead, Lu Ming was provoked and his face turned red, feeling very embarrassed.

After a brief reminisce, we got down to business.

When Qi Zixiao and the divine fortune teller both described the scene they had seen, Lu Yao frowned slightly.

"I'm not familiar with that place either, but...my fellow apprentice sisters are all from Zhongzhou, so someone should know about it."

"Let me ask!"

It is easier to get things done if you have someone in the court.

This is not the imperial court, but there are enough acquaintances here, so it is not difficult to get some information.

Soon, Lu Yao asked.

It is in a mountain area tens of thousands of miles away from here.

There are many ferocious beasts there, but their levels are relatively low, so not many people get involved, because low-level ferocious beasts are not worth hunting.

"There's no time to lose. Now that we know the location, let's go!"

No one has any objections.

A group of eight people rushed there quickly.


Tens of thousands of miles is naturally an extremely long distance for ordinary people. Even if you take a plane, it will take a long time. But for a group of cultivators whose weakest are at the Nascent Soul stage, it is really nothing.

What’s more, the mount, the Green Scaled Eagle, is a Mahayana-level demon beast

After landing in this area, Qi Zixiao and Shen Suanzi used their spiritual sense to sweep around and found a familiar place. It was the place they had seen in the picture.

"Right here, follow me."

The divine fortune teller stretched out his hand and pointed, jumping off the Green Scale Eagle first, and the others followed suit.

"Go hunt on your own."

Qi Zixiao let the Green Scaled Eagle find food by itself, while the eight of them tried their best to restrain their breath and move forward in the mountains according to the place they had seen in the divination picture before.


Suddenly, Qi Zixiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and his spiritual sense discovered six figures.

"Someone was ahead of us."

"It turned out to be those guys?"

"Those people from Dayan Holy Land." The divine fortune teller was also a little surprised: "They do have some tricks..."

Through spiritual sense, among the six disciples of Dayan Holy Land, there was a female disciple who was holding a compass and had a mouse-like spirit beast lying on her shoulder. She was constantly adjusting her direction as she moved forward.

And the direction they were heading was exactly where the "ghost thing" was hiding!

"There's no need to meet for now. Let them explore the way first."

Qi Zixiao whispered.

Everyone nodded.

Nothing happened along the way, but Qi Zixiao was thinking about one thing, that is... can the eight of him handle this matter

Judging from the strength of that thing seen in the previous picture, it should be enough.

But no one knows how much that thing's strength has increased during this period of evolution.

However, Qi Zixiao finally felt that there was no need to worry too much.

The reason is that this lineup is really good.

Moreover, according to her understanding, the Heavenly Dao is a very "magical" but also very "protective" existence.

Simply put, the way of heaven is actually somewhat "biased".

Those that Heaven likes, such as the 'children of destiny' and so on, are the 'protagonists', favored by Heaven, liked and supported in every way.

To be specific about something, when you encounter danger, you cannot die no matter how hard you try. Instead, you will break through in the face of danger.

Being chased by someone and forced to enter a desperate situation, with no chance of survival

Oh, he happened to come out alive and even got a huge opportunity!

Jumping off a cliff and meeting an extraordinary old man are common operations!

Simply put, he is a natural born protagonist.

And at this moment, how many protagonists are there in the team

'Crouching Dragon and Phoenix' and 'Lu Yao' of Dionysus Peak must be counted as one of them. As the Saintess of Yaochi, the number one person in the contemporary world, there is no reason why she would not be favored by heaven.

I should be considered one too, even if not as exaggerated as the three golden rings of merit of the original deity, but at least I can get a "piece of the pie".

The other few people don’t seem to have such good luck, but it’s definitely not too bad.

Moreover, even if one's luck is bad, that is only 'relatively speaking'.

For this "ghost thing" that comes from another world and whose origin is unknown, who will the heaven favor

That must be because he favors his own children!

What's more, there are several protagonist templates in this team of our own kids

If that's the case, then why are you so cowardly? !

Reinforcements? Call elders?! They are still busy fighting the life restricted area. For such a small matter, it's just a matter of luck.