What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 718: Foreigners? Must register!



Zhou Xiaoran's face turned pale: "I feel like something is wrong here."

The valley is huge and boundless.

In the past few days, Kunlun has grown at an alarming rate and is almost catching up with the Earth, but the distance between the two sides is also increasing.

The valley before us was not only huge, but also full of ruins.

In fact, during the past few days in Kunlun, apart from encountering some dangers and finding some elixirs, what we encountered the most were various relics and ruins.

But there was something wrong with the ruins before him, because there was no trace of human life at all. Instead, they looked like the remains of some giant creature.

A huge cave with a diameter of over 100 meters, an unbelievably large, broken stone table...

What kind of person can be so tall

"Well, let's be careful."

Lin Zixiao nodded slightly, his expression solemn.

Kunlun is the hometown of all gods. The "god" here does not only refer to the gods of the "human race", but also many other beings that originated from Kunlun!

She even speculated and wondered, if Kunlun continued to grow as it is now, over time, wouldn't it become the legendary prehistoric world? !

After all, a place resembling the Wuzhuang Temple appeared here, and there was even a snake girl from the Nuwa clan. It looked like an intrusion into the ancient world!

Of course, this is just speculation and cannot be true.

But based on what is known so far, this alone is enough to explain many problems.

for example···

Other creatures that belong to the prehistoric world like Wuzhuang Temple and Nuwa clan, even "gods and demons"!

Lin Zixiao felt that even if a Golden Crow or a Donghuang Taiyi suddenly jumped out in front of her, she would not be too surprised.

Of course, it’s not the mantis eel in the pesticide, but the king of the demon clan!

"Let's be careful and walk around this valley. Maybe we will find something unexpected."


Zhou Xiaoran nodded heavily, glancing at the huge cave from time to time.



Now it is even more confusing.

The Earth at this moment is almost twenty times larger than before!

The growth rate is terrifying.

The reason why it has such a terrifying speed is due to the unclear relationship with the external "supplements".

If there were no big boss on Earth, the alien visitors one after another would inevitably cause chaos on Earth, and it is even possible that all living things would be destroyed.

With the current technological and cultivation capabilities of various countries, it is really difficult to compete with those powerful aliens.

But there are no ifs in this world.

With the Empress in power, the entire earth is as solid as a rock!

Of course, the empress generally doesn't care about the affairs of other countries, because that is not the ancestral land of China at all.

But the "coincidence" is that the alien visitors are basically cultivators, and the place they choose to settle down is in Shenzhou.

Because the spiritual energy in Shenzhou is the richest and the feng shui is the best.


Those who want to cause trouble? They all end up in misery.

What can’t be handled by Long Jiu Bureau? Then ask Zizhu Academy for help directly? What can’t be handled by Zizhu Academy? Then let Ye Qingcheng take action.

What if she still can't handle it

---Your Majesty? It's your turn.

This guy makes a move? No matter how awesome you are, you are not as awesome as me! Kill with one thought? Just treat it as a tonic.

In this way, the accumulation of spiritual energy on the earth is changing with each passing day...

Of course? This means that the empress restrained herself? She never practiced? She was just "cultivating Taoism".

Otherwise, if she takes a breath, the entire earth will be sucked into a vacuum, without even a trace of spiritual energy left!

But not all alien visitors are killed in a flash, they are treated as supplements and nutrients.

Some people who were cautious by nature or could not make it in other places decided to try their luck in the ancestral land of China after receiving the news. However, after arriving, they did not do anything reckless.

Those who cannot control themselves, treat ordinary people as grass, and act recklessly, will all end up in disaster.

Another part, those who understood the situation and rules honestly, survived.


Longjiu Bureau, 'Exit and Entry Administration Hall'.

Line up.

A young lady in charge of registration had a stern face and a look of professional alienation. She pouted as she looked at the line of people in strange costumes in front of her.

"Oh, I have to be busy again today."


Helplessly, she stretched lazily and said in boredom: "I ask, you answer, do you understand?"


The person at the front of the team was a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe that looked quite elegant.

"Can you understand these words?"

The young lady pointed to the blackboard behind her where some commonly used simplified Chinese characters were written.

"Um... I understand a little bit."

"What about this?" Pointing to another blackboard with traditional Chinese characters.

“Very good!”

"Well, here you go."

Swipe, and a traditional Chinese form is handed to him: "There's a pen over there, fill it all out and give it to me, next!"

The middle-aged Taoist was stunned, then frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

I took the form and looked at it carefully, only to find that it was to fill in personal information. From name, gender, age, cultivation level, controlled weapon registration, native place, current residence... to how many acres of land you have at home, how many cows you have on the land...

He was overwhelmed by the details.

What the hell!

This person's name is Hu Zhipeng, an "old monk". Although his cultivation is not very high, he has a lot of experience.

I have visited at least eighty cultivation planets, if not a hundred.

There is no other way. As a casual cultivator, I have no foundation and no master to support me. I can only go with the flow and go wherever I hear it is easy to get along.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to the Earth where the spiritual energy has just revived. The reason he came here is that he hopes it will be easier here and he can feel more comfortable.

But now Hu Zhipeng is really at a loss.

What the hell is this

I've been to so many cultivation planets in the past, and none of them were like this. What the hell are you doing?!

I come here to practice, you can accept it if you want, and you can choose not to accept it if you don't want. Why make it so complicated? !

There are so many required options on this form, it's really giving me a headache, right

At this moment, Hu Zhipeng really wanted to leave.

However, it took a lot of hard work and many dangers to get here, and I even saw many people die tragically on the way...

Scenes flashed through his mind and Hu Zhipeng got scared.

Just fill it out and see.

Hu Zhipeng started filling out the form with his head down. This ballpoint pen was strange to him and it was not easy to use. He had a lot of complaints.

It's not just Hu Zhipeng.

Others were equally confused after receiving the form.

After all, not everyone has such a 'good' temper.

People who practice Taoism are used to freedom and are even more used to the idea of strength being respected and the law of the jungle. At this moment, every one of the "official staff" here is much weaker than himself, but there are so many troubles. How many people can accept it calmly? !

Just complaining in your heart is already very respectful. Those with a quicker temper will just start cursing directly.

"Damn it, this is outrageous!"

"What the hell is this? I won't fill it in! You're still asking if I'm a man or a woman. Can't you tell if I'm a man or a woman?"

"Exactly. You're asking me how old I am? What the hell is my age got to do with you?"

"What the hell is place of origin?!"

"How many direct relatives are there in my family? Who are they? I have forgotten how many wives I have married and how many children I have had in my life. And you want me to write them all down?!"

"What on earth do you mean?!"

"Are you making fun of us monks?"


After one person spoke, everyone's dissatisfaction exploded, and they started shouting angrily, some even swearing directly.

Some of the more direct ones even smashed the forms in their hands to express their dissatisfaction and glared.

But no one took direct action.


However, the lady at the front desk was very domineering and glared at her and scolded her.

Although her realm was just at the foundation-building stage, she was not afraid at all.

"Can't you see the slogan on the wall?"

"Be quiet, orderly, and queue up consciously!"

"This is your first stop on Earth. If you want to officially live and practice on Earth, you must fill out a form and register!"

"Otherwise you are breaking the law by sneaking across the border. Do you understand sneaking across the border?"

"I quit!"

"A mere foundation-building expert dares to be so arrogant in front of us. This is simply outrageous! I won't fill it, what can you do to me?"

"Smuggling? Ha, such a weak official dares to brag, and even says that there is an ultimate existence that can kill all those who don't obey. I don't obey, why don't you kill me and try?"

Some people sneered and looked disdainful.



The next moment, his entire body exploded and turned into ashes, and the spiritual energy around him suddenly increased significantly...

"what happened?!"

"Who is attacking us?"

"Did anyone see how that person did it?"

The noisy crowd was horrified and retreated far away, everyone was as if facing a great enemy.

Cold sweat dripped down everyone's forehead. At this moment, they were really scared.

This is fucking terrifying!

No one could see clearly what happened, but it happened just like that. A cultivator at the peak of the Void Refinement Realm was directly turned into powder and turned back into the purest and most primitive energy in the world.

What the fuck

Don't be so scary!

Hu Zhipeng also took a deep breath...

Looking at the group of terrified people, he said to himself: "Fortunately, I am cautious by nature and did not make a fuss with them, otherwise..."

"Damn it, this is hell."

"I thought that on a planet like this where the spiritual energy has just revived, a cultivator like me who has transcended the tribulation can be the king, but when I got here, I found that there are many cultivators in the transcending the tribulation, refining the void, and even the great perfection stage."

"The person who made the move just now must be on the immortal platform!"

"How can this be a planet that has just revived its spiritual energy? This is clearly a perverted planet for cultivation!"


How many cultivation planets are there in the cultivation world? This number changes every day.

But many planets are actually quite weak.

A Mahayana monk can occupy several weak planets and become the "planet leader".

The big boss of Sendai is even capable of ruling an entire region.

Only those extremely powerful planets will have a large group of big guys practicing there.

But here comes the question, this is just a newly revived planet, how can it be so terrifying? !

I can’t afford to offend you! I can’t afford to offend you!

It was at this moment that the front desk lady looked at the noisy guys coldly and asked, "What do you say?"

"Fill out the form, leave immediately, or become a tonic for our Earth?"


“Fill out the form!”

"Give me one!"

"I'll fill it out!"

"Leave? Why leave? Ahem, this place has beautiful scenery, it's unique, it's the only one in the world of cultivation. Eh? By the way, what were you guys making such a fuss just now?"

"I don't understand either. You are filling out this kind of form, right? Wait a moment, girl. I'll fill it out quickly..."

After a brief silence, everyone's tone changed in unison.


That must be filled.

There’s no way, I’m afraid of death!

They are used to freedom, but they are also more accustomed to the law of the jungle. Now it is obvious that there are at least strong people above the fairy platform in this ghost place. If they still refuse to obey, isn't that courting death


"I knew it would be like this again. Every day there are a few people who are not afraid of death..."

The lady at the front desk curled her lips.

When everyone heard her words, they felt horrified.

How many every day?!

Oh my god!

Before, I thought that what those people said was a lie, and they just wanted to make people like me feel more at ease.

But now it seems that it’s all damn true!

Those who are disobedient have become supplements and nutrients!

"I've filled it out."

Hu Zhipeng handed over the completed form respectfully and no longer dared to disrespect the lady at the front desk.

Even if she is just an ant? !

They have a big boss behind them, so they can be so boastful!

"You have to swear to prove that you have not lied." The young lady emphasized.

"Okay!" Hu Zhipeng did not refuse at all, nor did he hesitate.

"Okay then, here is a book of rules and laws, you must read it and you must follow it 100%!"

"The consequences of breaking the law are also written here. You can break the law if you want, but first consider whether you can bear the consequences!"

"Sure, sure."

Hu Zhipeng nodded repeatedly and took the "Complete Law" specially formulated by the Department of Residents' Happiness and Life for outsiders like them.

After watching for a while, he was shocked!

This is the law?!

This is simply an extremely perverted restriction!

Unless ordinary people take the initiative to take action, you can't take action against ordinary people. Otherwise, you will have to do the same to ordinary people? !

What? What should I do if I get scolded by ordinary people

You can curse back! You can curse ten times more harshly than him, but you cannot take the initiative to fight unless there is a special reason.

For example, if someone steals your things, you have to have a reason to take action!

Well, not just ordinary people.

The same is true for the monks on Earth.

Taking the initiative for no reason, just one word, cool!

You have to queue up to buy things, pay for meals, and everything needs to be exchanged at an equal value...

I'm fucking crazy!

As a cultivator, I have to queue up to buy things and eat on Earth, just like ordinary people and ants


Hu Zhipeng felt that his three views had been overturned.

Not only him, but others also felt confused after reading this "law".

Looking at the world of immortal cultivation, there are countless planets for cultivation, and even in the entire Tianshu star field, there is no such weird planet and no such weird laws!

However, as a casual cultivator, Hu Zhipeng has been hanging around at the bottom for a long time, and has seen a lot.

After the initial shock and confusion, he quickly reacted.

“In fact, this is the most ideal state, right?”

"With a super strong person in charge, everyone needs to abide by the rules. No one will act recklessly. It's not like other cultivation planets where ordinary people can lose their lives at any time, and some weak cultivators can only survive."

"If a child has good spiritual roots and a strong physique, it is extremely easy for him to be snatched away or possessed by others. It is a chaotic situation, and countless people die tragically every day."

"But if we look at it from the perspective of the laws here..."

“No wonder, when the divine sense scans them, even ordinary people often reveal happy and calm smiles.”

“When they see a strong person, there is not much fear in their eyes, but more curiosity and exploration.”

"Perhaps it may be a little hard for outsiders like us to accept, but this place is more suitable for human survival!"

"If I follow their rules..."

"Then I should be able to stabilize myself as well."

Hu Zhipeng understood!

This place is great!

With a big boss in charge, there is someone tall to hold up the sky even if it falls.

You just need to live within the rules, isn't that great

It is no wonder that there are so many tall buildings, some unfamiliar airplanes and cars, and various products that have never been heard of or seen on other cultivation planets.

As he was thinking, the receptionist spoke again: "If you have any unnecessary things, you can exchange them for RMB."

"Here, spiritual stones and other things are not commonly used."

"Spiritual stones are not universal?"

After hearing this, the aliens' heads began to buzz again.

What the hell is this place? Spiritual stones are not universal?!

"I'll change!"

Hu Zhipeng was much calmer: "Miss, can I ask you one more question, can I do you a favor?"

"You are quite clever."

The lady at the front desk was a little surprised: "Sure, but it needs to be assessed. So-and-so, take him there."

Hu Zhipeng left with someone.

More than half an hour later, he came out.

Changed into a brand new uniform.


security guard!

A cultivator in the Tribulation Crossing Stage stood at the gate, and the feeling instantly changed.

Of course, there were also people who sneered at him.

A cultivator in the Tribulation Crossing Stage, working as a security guard or gatekeeper

But Hu Zhipeng was quite satisfied. He was a casual cultivator and had seen too much darkness. He had nothing else to ask for if he could find such a relatively "fair" place.


Eagle Country, the mysterious Area 51.

A group of researchers, who were no longer gray-haired, were staring at hair of various colors, looking energetic, and conducting in-depth research on the alien spacecraft.

But suddenly, the spacecraft shook violently!

"What's going on?!"

"what happened?"

"Oh my God, the spaceship is moving?!"

"After all these years, you still have the motivation?"

"But why is it moving?!"


"We have detected a strange frequency and electromagnetic wave that has penetrated all our shielding measures. We are currently trying to decipher it."


Everyone was shocked.