What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 742: Breaking one's word


After all, he was a strategist, and his brain worked much faster than that of ordinary people. With a quick analysis, even if it was only less than a second, he had already thought of what everyone was thinking.

In this situation, even if I tell them to do it to the sky, they will definitely not stop.

Be it a long-standing grudge, a spying on the Fifth Clan's belongings, or some other reason, it no longer matters at this moment.

They just want to kill me, Diwu Zhongmou, and destroy the Fifth Clan.

This time, it just gave them an opportunity...

"Plan before you act, man can conquer nature..."

Terrifying waves came from all directions. Feeling the threat that he could not resist at all, Diwu Zhongmou laughed miserably.

"Old Ancestor, you always remember your ancestors' teachings and have always believed this, but in this situation, tell me, how can man conquer nature?"

"All the plans were disrupted, none of the backup plans could be used, and even the Fifth Clan was implicated..."

"I see..."

He looked up at the sky and gave up even the thought of resisting.

"It turns out that there is something true."

"In the face of absolute strength, all strategies are vain."


The arrogant and scheming Fifth Zhongmou, who was feared by many First Sequence people, was beaten into a cripple just like that...

This is because everyone showed mercy and held back at the last moment, otherwise, how could there be any disabled people left

It's already a complete corpse!

No, it should be said that not even a hair will be left.

At this moment, Diwu Zhongmou's breath was extremely weak, and he couldn't even stand. He lay on the ground like a sickly person who had been paralyzed for many years.

However, he still did not put up any resistance and did not fight bare-chested...

"It can be considered that this saves the adviser's face?" Qi Zifan said in a low voice.

"Is this considered saving face?" Su Ye expressed his dissatisfaction: "All my plans are useless? I am being targeted by you, how can I save face?"

"There is no first in literature, and no second in martial arts." Qi Zifan shook his head and said, "It's still the same sentence? Who dares to claim to be invincible, who dares to say that he is undefeated?"

"Is this true for immortal cultivators? Is it true for counselors as well? No one can stay number one forever, and he, the Fifth Counselor, can't possibly be the best in strategy among all people."

"Can you accept failure calmly? Go into battle bare-chested and hold on despite fear of death? That's already a bit of dignity left."

“···”Su Ye remained silent.

After all, there is nothing wrong with saying this.

"How sad." Lu Yao exclaimed.

“Even a figure like Diwu Zhongmou, who had schemed for everything in the world and was feared by countless First Sequence members, could only end up like this.”

"The Abyss of All Realms? That's really... unreasonable."

"Change your fear? Just do fearless things." Qi Zifan said calmly, "But it's true that you can't be careless."

As for the miserable situation of Diwu Zhongmou now? Qi Zifan didn't feel that sad.

To conquer the world

He also didn't realize how powerful Diwu Zhongmou was. He just heard it from others.

But since everyone is afraid of Diwu Zhongmou, then he must have real skills, right? It's a pity that Qi Zifan has never seen it. Since he has never seen it and has not experienced it personally, he naturally wouldn't feel any emotion.

Oh? The only time they met, Diwu Zhongmou was defeated~

Lan Cai'er also thought of this and couldn't help but whispered, "Are you the natural nemesis of Diwu Zhongmou?"

"Over the years, I have heard a lot about Diwu Zhongmou's glorious deeds, but I have never heard of him being humiliated."

"It's a pity that every time I met you, I was repeatedly defeated, and now it's even more..."

"After that, maybe even the whole family will be in trouble."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Qi Zifan was happy: "I am not anyone's calamity."

"It's just that I don't believe in evil."

During the chat, new changes had already occurred in the venue.

Diwu Zhongmou was deposed and was on his last breath.

Qi Mozi was jumping around happily, but in the end, he had nothing to do with it. Nearly two hundred first-sequence people came from the Nine Heavenly Palaces.

Once they stood there, others would not dare to approach them casually.

However, Qi Mozi expressed his dissatisfaction: "You nine great heavenly palaces want to monopolize the foundation of the heavenly way?!"

"We all contributed this time, so everyone deserves to know!"


Lan Cai'er also said firmly: "I was the one who proposed both ideas. Otherwise, you might still be hesitating or even have given up on attacking Diwu Zhongmou. I should have a share of this news!"

She didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said.

Although it was Qi Zixiao who proposed it, he was the one who took the blame. Now that it has come to this, he will take the blame forever.

What's more, you can benefit yourself while taking the blame, which is not a loss at all.

Then, people began to express their dissatisfaction one after another.

"Even if you are from the Nine Heavenly Palaces, you can't be so domineering, right?!"

"We all contributed, there's no reason for you Nine Sects to deal with the Fifth Zhongmou!"

"It's time to make the news public!"


Almost everyone was giving way and releasing their momentum, appearing aggressive.

Nearly 1,800 people against 200 people, a gap of almost ten to one. At this moment, even the nine disciples of the Heavenly Palace felt a little scared.

Their Nine Heavenly Palaces are indeed high and mighty, and they can ignore all other forces, but they are independent!

What’s more, in the Abyss of All Realms, the Nine Heavenly Palaces can’t help them, so they can only play by themselves.

If you piss these people off, they will attack you in droves...

Isn’t this the fate of the Fifth Zhongmou

If it weren't for Diwu Zhongmou's miserable condition, they might have used more force to force him, but at this moment, everyone was a little scared.

Looking left and right, a disciple of the Supreme Wuji Palace listened to the opinions of the other eight Heavenly Palace disciples and announced to the public: "Don't worry!"

"Everyone, we captured the Fifth Zhongmou together, so naturally the news should be shared by all of us."

"Let's wait until we have searched the soul before we make the news public."


"You need to take an oath!"

"Yes, you must swear an oath and not hide anything!"



have no choice.

Being stared at by so many people with covetous eyes, the disciples of the Nine Heavenly Palaces have to be timid. Even if they are extremely unhappy and unwilling, a wise man will not suffer a loss in front of him.

They swore an oath, and the next second, something unexpected happened.

"The Fifth Zhongmou wants to commit suicide!"

"Quick, stop him!"

"Tian Zhen, I have a pill of Great Resurrection Pill here. Even if a cultivator of the third level of the Immortal Stage still has a trace of soul left, he can save his life."

"Want to commit suicide? After I search your soul, I will kill you with my own hands."

"It's a pity that I lost a pill of the Great Rejuvenating Pill!"

The Tiangong disciple who was speaking had a painful look on his face...


Deep in the Silent Valley.

There was a woman in a yellow dress sitting cross-legged under a dead tree. On her side, there were amazing Taoist principles and divine patterns flying, making her look extremely extraordinary.

At this moment, she had already entered the state of enlightenment for a long time, and it seemed as if she had no breathing or signs of life.

It seems that, with the Tao, they have merged into one


"I see!"

Otherwise, the Heavenly Palace disciple who was searching the soul would suddenly realize and then show a look of shock.

"This fifth clan actually holds such a secret? If their guesses and predictions are true..."

"Hurry up and tell me!"

Qi Mozi jumped up and down.

"Don't interrupt, tell me quickly, don't forget, you have already sworn an oath to the Heavenly Dao!" Li Xiuyuan first scolded Qi Mozi, and then scolded the Heavenly Palace disciples.

Then, others started to speak up...

"Don't worry."

The Tiangong disciple smiled a little tiredly and said, "What the Fifth Zhongmou knows is too complicated. Let me sort it out for a moment."

Everyone: “…”

"Don't try any tricks!"

"Tell me quickly!"

However, just as they were urging them, the other nine Heavenly Palace disciples suddenly froze, and then, carrying the Heavenly Palace disciple who was searching the soul, they rushed towards the Silent Valley at a rapid speed...


Everyone was stunned.

Lan Caier stood up instantly: "What's the matter? Don't they want to live anymore? How dare they go against the oath to the Heavenly Dao?!"


Qi Zifan suddenly realized: "They did swear not to hide it, but they didn't say when they would tell me!"

This fucking...

Are you disciples of the Nine Heavenly Palaces here trying to fix a bug? !

"Hurry up and follow me!"

Although I don’t know what the other party found out after searching my soul, but... just follow him!


Qi Zifan, Lan Caier and the other four reacted very quickly, and the others were not far behind. In just a moment, nearly two thousand people entered the Silent Valley one after another...

The originally silent Silent Valley is still silent at this moment.

The 'silent law' that had existed for who knows when did not change with the entry of nearly two thousand people.

As for the Fifth Zhongmou...

Immediately after the soul search was over, he was beaten into thin air by the people from the Nine Heavenly Palaces. Not even a piece of his body was left. It was so "heartless".

After all, everyone is afraid that he has some treasure that can bring him back to life. It would be easy to kill such a pervert.

After getting out? Even the fifth clan was destroyed, it was no big deal.

But if Diwu Zhongmou is allowed to continue living in this abyss of all worlds, who can feel at ease among those who have attacked him

You must die, and your bones must be turned into ashes.

A young strategist whose name shook the world, just like that, became history and dust in the abyss of all realms.


"What on earth are they going to do?"

Qi Zi, Fan and the other five followed closely behind nearly two hundred people from the Nine Heavenly Palaces. Zou Hu spoke in confusion.

However, he found that no one else paid any attention to him.

After a slight pause, he remembered that this place was the Silent Valley and that sound could not be transmitted at all. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, and asked again using his spiritual consciousness.

"Whatever you do, just keep up."

Qi Zifan emphasized again and analyzed through telepathy: "From their eager look, it seems to me that it's a bit of a 'first come, first served' approach."


Lan Cai'er's eyes turned: "If that's the case, we might try to surpass it."

"We can't do it with just a few of us. We have to find some workers, otherwise we won't be able to handle the people from the Nine Heavenly Palaces."

“That’s right.”

Soon, Lan Caier's consciousness wavered over a wide area...

At this time, it's all just guessing. It's first come first served, so there's no need to worry about it getting out. There are nearly two hundred people ahead of us anyway. If we don't tell others, we still can't overtake them.

If that’s the case, why hide it

Almost at the next moment, Qi Mozi, Li Xiuyuan and other powerful people all had their eyes drooped slightly, and then accelerated immediately, as if they wanted to surpass the nine heavenly palace disciples.

Although none of them knew the way, this was a valley!

There are no branch roads, there is only one road. Since it is possible to go on a first-come, first-served basis, just go through it.

However, they did not believe it completely, and most of them communicated with each other through telepathy.

"How credible do you think the first-come, first-served principle is?" Although Qi Mozi and Li Xiuyuan did not like each other, at this moment, they seemed to have something in common.

Communication also takes place between these two people.

"It's just a guess. It may not be true, but it's possible."

"Really? Not necessarily? If it was really first come first served, why would Diwu Zhongmou make the news public?!"

“That doesn’t make sense!”

"It does make some sense, but after the people from the Nine Heavenly Palaces learned the reason, they ran away and went deep into the Silent Valley. If you say it has nothing to do with first come first served, it also doesn't make sense~"

"That's true. I don't know what's going on. The Nine Heavenly Palaces are so dishonest!"

"We are stronger than them. It's because the Nine Heavenly Palaces are too strong. Otherwise, I would have wanted to instigate them and stop them, just like I did with the Fifth Zhongmou."

Qi Mozi: “…”

You are really so brave. Am I the son of the devil, or are you the son of the devil

"But you have to say, in this situation, this trick is really useful. I even have a hunch that after the first sequence after us enters the Abyss of All Worlds, I'm afraid that the 'rules' will change a little bit..."

"Maybe, but for now, we should surpass them first!"

"Okay, then speed up!"

The speed of the two increased dramatically. At the same time, many first-sequence warriors were also not idle.

Although everyone was skeptical and had their own ulterior motives and no one completely believed Lan Caier, the foundation of the way of heaven was too important and it was worth their gamble.

What's more, the actions of the nine celestial palace disciples really seem to be based on 'first come, first served'.

Otherwise, why are they running?!

However, just when Qi Mozi and other faster people were about to catch up with the two hundred people from the Nine Heavenly Palaces, suddenly, lights of various magical powers and secret arts appeared in front of them.

Some people even used treasures.

For a moment, all kinds of divine lights were flying in pieces, and treasures stirred up the wind and clouds, sweeping across the entire valley, almost cutting off the road!

"The disciples of the Nine Heavenly Palaces have taken action."

Qi Zifan's eyes were dim: "Now it seems that the saying of first come first served has been confirmed. Let's attack together, break through, and rush forward!"

They are taking action.

The others were not idle either. On the contrary, everyone became more excited.

Because this means that the disciples of the Nine Heavenly Palaces really don't want to be surpassed. Why don't they want to be surpassed? First come, first served seems to be the only reason that can explain it.

Interest surges!

The divine consciousness is flying everywhere...


"Humph, don't think you can be so arrogant just because you are from the Nine Heavenly Palaces. If we attack together, you will also suffer the consequences!"

"The reason why I haven't taken action until now is to give face to the Nine Heavenly Palaces, not to you!"

"Tell me the reason. At least you should be worthy of the oath you made!"


However, under the scolding of the crowd, the people of the Nine Heavenly Palaces ran even faster. Can't stop them? Then don't stop them, just run like crazy.

They already had some advantages, so if they ran like crazy, no one could catch up with them in a short time. After all, there were already many secretaries in the Nine Heavenly Palaces.

"Why don't you speak up?!"

Seeing that he was running farther and farther, Qi Mozi became a little anxious. His speed was fast, but he didn't dare to chase him alone, otherwise he would become a living target.

"Li Yan, stop them. As long as you stop them, we can surpass them!"

Li Xiuyuan: “…”

I really want to make a statement!

He opened his mouth and said something, but unfortunately Qi Mozi didn't understand lip reading.

The point is, this place is fucking silent!

God is my nemesis!

The two hundred or so people in front were running madly, and the people behind were chasing them.

Seeing that most of the people in Wusheng Valley had already run away, the people behind them also became anxious and began to counterattack...

"Everyone, the Nine Heavenly Palaces do make us all wary, but they cannot represent the Nine Heavenly Palaces. Moreover, they are the ones who broke their promises first."

"In that case, what if we take action? Even though the Nine Heavenly Palaces are high above us, they can't destroy all our forces and worlds!"

"This time, it is reasonable to stop them!"


"Take action~~~"


Nearly 1,800 people, everyone took action, although many of them were just slacking off, but even so, this wave of attack was terrifying. Even the nine disciples of the Heavenly Palace were frightened and turned pale, and then they all used various means to resist.

“Be careful!”

"Don't give up, it's just ahead!"

"Damn that Fifth Zhongmou. He spread the news so widely. So many people came. Even if someone got the foundation of the Heavenly Dao, how could he take it away?!"

"This is not something we need to know. Quick, stop it!"

There is no longer 'peace' between the two sides.

Start using long-range skills, and occasionally fly a few magic weapons out to attack.

However, the Nine Heavenly Palaces were clearly at a disadvantage, and the disadvantage was getting bigger and bigger.

They had nothing to say about this, and no one jumped out to make a fuss.

After all, they all knew that they were the ones who broke their promise first, and they all witnessed and participated in the Fifth Zhongmou's incident. If they were still shouting at this time, it would mean that they really didn't want to live.

"We're here. According to Diwu Zhongmou's memory, it's just around the corner ahead!"

Just now, the soul-searching Fifth Zhongmou's people excitedly said: "Let's make it clear first, although we nine heavenly palaces are not of the same blood, we also recognize each other's existence."

"If one of us is destined to obtain this foundation of the Heavenly Dao, others should not try to snatch it away."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"That makes sense."

At this moment, everyone's faces were excited, their eyes were full of anticipation, and they responded immediately to express their agreement.

However, although what he said made sense, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.