What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 763: Kunlun and the Abyss of All Worlds (10,000 words)


Qi Zifan pondered: "Zhou Xiaoran respects you and me very much, at least from what we can see now, her personality should not change."

"Even if she respects me instead of you, if she knows of your existence, she will definitely know the relationship between you and me. If so, she should also respect you very much."

“At the beginning, the words of the remnant spirit of the female fairy did not contain any respect.”


Qi Zixiao cried out in shock, and then said: "If this is the case, the Earth has been clear since ancient times, but why is this foundation of the Heavenly Dao in her hands?!"

Suddenly, a strange emotion came over me.

The two turned their heads to look, but it was Sister Wu who was frowning and thinking hard, and the figure she manifested was a little blurry...

"Sister Wu, are you okay?"

No response.

"Sister Wu?"

The two called out anxiously.


Sister Wu came back to her senses and recovered: "What's wrong?"

"Are you okay?" Qi Zixiao asked with concern.

"I... just feel like I've forgotten something." She frowned. "Listening to your speculations just now, I always feel like there's some fog that seems to be able to be cleared, but can't be done."


Qi Zifan and Qi Zixiao stared at Sister Awu, both a little surprised, but they didn't know what to do, so they could only look at her quietly.


After a long while, Sister Wu sighed, "I can't remember."

Everything in the past is too far away for me after all.


Unable to recall the past, Qi Zifan and Qi Zixiao naturally would not force it, so they began to speculate other details.

"If that female fairy is the empress, or in other words, the empress has become a fairy, then the empress must be a fairy in her later life. If there is a cemetery, it must be a fairy tomb."

Qi Zixiao pondered and said, "You got the foundation of the Heavenly Dao from the coffin in his tomb?"

Qi Zifan nodded, and then said quietly: "If the earth was in ancient times, and that female fairy was really the empress, then the foundation of the heavenly way that you and I have now may be the same!"

"It's just that they are in two different timelines."

"If so, there is some evidence. For example, before, when I was enlightened, I always felt that after you obtained the foundation of the Heavenly Dao in Kunlun, I felt like a fish in water when I comprehended the Dao."

"It seems to be very easy, and it is very consistent with the path you and I are practicing."

"Does this mean that part of the Dao was left behind by you, or by my original self? Is that why they fit so well together?"

"Doesn't this mean that it is really the same path?" Sister Wu whispered, "The same foundation of the Heavenly Path was obtained by the two of you at different times."

"So that you two got in touch at some stage?"

"That should be it." Qi Zixiao pondered, "Perhaps it is precisely because this foundation of the Heavenly Dao is related to time and contains the law of time that we were able to connect by chance at that stage and enter that mysterious space together."

Qi Zifan frowned and thought for a long time.

"That makes sense, but before that, that is, before you obtained the foundation of the Heavenly Dao from Kunlun, the Dao in it was not the Dao of you and me."

"In other words, before you obtained this foundation of the Heavenly Dao, this foundation of the Heavenly Dao did not belong to me?"

"The future has been changed?!"


Qi Zixiao was stunned, and also thought for a long time before saying: "It is possible."

"If we make a guess, if there is no intersection between you and me, the Earth should still be a mortal planet now?"

"Even if someone else creates a spiritual energy revival, the strongest person will not be you. Similarly, even if Kunlun reappears, the foundation of the Heavenly Dao may not be obtained by me, let alone fall into your hands."

"Based on this calculation, the most likely owner of the Foundation of Heavenly Dao is the Empress, or other cultivators who walked out of Earth."

"But you and I are in each other's body, everything is changed, the past is altered, and the future has also changed a little bit?"

Qi Zifan frowned and said with a headache: "The way of time is too profound."

"Even though our control over the way of time far exceeds that of ordinary mortal immortals, we still cannot tell whether changing the past will significantly change the future."

“I can only say that this is indeed possible.”

Then, Sister Wu sorted out the clues she heard and came to the final conclusion.

1. The female fairy is most likely the empress.

2. The basis of the Heavenly Dao is most likely the same Dao, but it is just in different timelines.

3. The original owner of the Foundation of Heavenly Dao might be the Empress, but she changed in the past. As for whether it has any impact, it is still unknown. After all, the Empress has passed away...

The three clues reveal more problems.

Qi Zixiao whispered: "If so, then the problem also arises. The foundation of the Heavenly Dao between you and me is the same. When we both realize the Dao, the other party will feel it, which can also serve as evidence."

"But if you and I lived in the same era, who would own the foundation of the Heavenly Dao?"

Qi Zifan: “…”

Sister Wu: “…”

No one knows the answer to this question; it cannot be explained clearly.

"Second question, since the Foundation of Heavenly Dao was obtained by your original body under my control, it will not belong to the Empress. According to the previous analysis and conclusions, if the past is changed, the future will also change. At least the Dao principles contained in the Foundation of Heavenly Dao have changed."

"If that's the case, why would the Foundation of Heaven appear in the tomb of a female fairy who is suspected to be the Empress?"

"The foundation of heaven's way should be in you."


Qi Zixiao's expression changed slightly and he suddenly became nervous.

Sister Wu took over the conversation: "Unless something happens to Lin Fan, the foundation of the Heavenly Dao becomes ownerless again, controlled by the Empress, and hidden in her coffin."

"Or, did you voluntarily hand it over to the Empress, leaving it for the future generations to obtain by Zixiao himself?"

"There is a third possibility. The Empress took action and seized the foundation of the Heavenly Dao."


Qi Zifan and Qi Zixiao were silent.

Among the three possibilities, the second one is okay, but if it is the first or the third one, no matter which one it is, it is not good news.

Because, basically, this means that Lin Fan is GG.


Qi Zi Fan spoke, his voice unusually hoarse: "I was prepared, because after guessing that we belonged to different timelines, I have been thinking about it."

“No matter who is in the past or who is in the future, I believe that we will never give up looking for each other.”

Qi Zixiao didn't say anything, but kept nodding to express his determination and indicate that he would not give up the search.

"Whether it's a thousand years, ten thousand years, a million years, or even tens of millions of years..."

"But, I have never seen your future self, and you have never seen my future self."

"Perhaps, this means that something happened to one of us."

"And judging from the current clues, the person who got into the accident should be... me."

Although Qi Zifan felt a little bit stupid, judging from the current clues, it was true.

In the Tui Bei Tu, there is a female figure crying in front of a lonely grave. That figure looks very much like Qi Zixiao. This is the first clue.

The Foundation of Heavenly Dao had clearly been obtained by Qi Zifan himself, but it still appeared in the Empress's Tomb. Regardless of the process, it can be basically concluded that something had happened to Lin Fan. This is the second clue.

If the two asked themselves honestly, neither of them would give up looking for each other, but neither of them had seen each other in the future in their respective timelines. This is the third clue.

Logically speaking, there has been a long period of time between them, and now both of them have become immortals!

No matter who is in the ancient times and who is in the future, after such a long time, if the 'person in the ancient times' is not dead, his cultivation should have been unparalleled, so why wouldn't he go looking for the other person

This is the third clue.

Adding these three clues together, plus some supporting evidence, Qi Zifan can basically conclude that the one who came into the world, or died, should be his own self!

After these words were spoken, all three of them fell silent.

This is speculation, but it is well-founded and there is no words or arguments to refute it.

Is this still speculation

It’s pretty close to the truth, right

Qi Zixiao looked at Qi Zifan. Although she looked like her original self, she seemed to see Lin Fan's shadow, her eyes full of reluctance.


She opened her mouth, her voice becoming hoarse, her red lips opened and closed several times, but she didn't know what to say, and it seemed that she would choke as soon as she opened her mouth.

The illusory figure of Sister Wu frowned, and for a moment, she didn't know how to comfort her.

She wanted to find some theories or evidence to overturn Lin Fan's guess, but found that she couldn't find any.

Seeing the two of them like this, Qi Zifan felt uncomfortable.

Who the hell can feel good about this!

After some speculation, I suddenly realized that I was "really" dead

Although people have died since ancient times, that was for ordinary people! Now that I have become an immortal, I am going to die, which is naturally hard to accept.

Haven’t you seen those immortal quasi-emperors who are occupying the toilet but not doing anything, trying to stir up a dark chaos to refine the essence of life and live out one era after another

Moreover, he had never actually met his own saint, and before he could even meet her in person, he fucking died

It would be strange if I could feel good about it!

Fuck it!

This guy cursed in his heart: "Am I not working hard enough? Or what the hell is wrong? What happened in the future?!"

"Did I die in the catastrophe? Or did the news of the foundation of the Heavenly Dao leak out this time, and those powerful people in the cultivation world came to kill me?"

"No, that's not right. If those strong men had killed me, the foundation of Heaven's Way would not be in the hands of the Empress. After all, according to Zixiao, the current Empress should not be a match for me."

"If I were dead, how could the Empress keep the Heavenly Dao Foundation? It's impossible that she cultivated faster than those immortals who seized the Heavenly Dao Foundation and killed them in seconds, right?"

"So, I must have died in that so-called catastrophe? But what the hell is this catastrophe? No one can explain it clearly!"

Lin Fan had a big headache.

There are so many problems here that they are impossible to analyze clearly. Moreover, knowing that he is going to die and will not be able to meet his own Saint Girl in person until his death, he feels even more upset.

When your mind is confused, you can't help but attach some emotions when deducing clues. With these emotions, it will be difficult to analyze carefully.

However, when he looked at Qi Zixiao, their eyes met, and he saw her red eyes, his heart instantly calmed down, and then a sense of heartache arose.

If I really died, based on my understanding of my own saint, how sad would she be

Especially when the news is confirmed...

The figure crying in front of the lonely grave, even if it is just a painting, seems to express all the sadness and sorrow in the world.


He was silent, and then suddenly laughed and said, "Hey, don't be in a hurry to cry!"

This guy grinned: "Actually, it's not necessarily me who died. If I were in ancient times, well... maybe I suddenly fell in love with someone else?"

"I suddenly don't like you anymore, so I left the foundation of the Heavenly Dao to you, so I haven't come to look for you yet."

"If that's the case, maybe I'm flirting with a certain female fairy right now?"

This guy touched his chin with a smirk on his face.

“You dare!”

Qi Zixiao immediately glared, bit her red lips, and her face was full of anger.

The excruciating pain just now disappeared without a trace.

"Hehe, that's hard to say~!"

Sister Wu: “…”

Qi Zixiao rolled his eyes almost to the sky: "Come on, what other female fairy can tolerate you, a bastard, except me? Not to mention being with you, if you fall in love with someone else, you will be a single dog for the rest of your life!"

"Haha, what if someone has the foresight to recognize this gem? And I believe there will be one."

This guy was shaking his head and laughing heartily.

Qi Zixiao rolled her eyes even wider, but after a moment, she calmed down again and said softly: "If that's the case..."

"In contrast, I would rather you fall in love with someone else."

Sister Awu exclaimed.

Qi Zifan smiled bitterly without saying a word.

What should I do when you are so infatuated with me

He was helpless and shook his head: "Let's take it one step at a time. Besides, you also said that the Empress once said that you and I are the ones who are destined to be calamities. We are variables and are changing all the time."

“In fact, we are born to change.”

“No one can accurately predict our future. Only we ourselves can control our future.”

"Although that sentence is a bit cliché, I really want to howl a few times now."

Qi Zixiao blinked: "You mean..."

"Yes, that's it!"

"Which one?" Sister Wu expressed curiosity.

"Ahem." Qi Zifan was embarrassed and said with a stiff upper lip: "My fate is in my own hands, not in the hands of God~~~!"


Sister Wu immediately looked disgusted: "It's really ridiculous and embarrassing!"


Qi Zixiao was shocked: "Sister Wu, you also think this is ridiculous? Have you heard this before?"

Sister Wu was stunned and thought: "I don't remember, I probably haven't heard of it, but I always feel that it is a bit melodramatic and embarrassing."

Two people: “…”

Wow, has this sentence become so ridiculous? Even someone like Sister Wu, who has never heard of it, would feel embarrassed out of nowhere

"You are right." Qi Zixiao said silently: "Indeed, the empress has said many times that you and I are destined to be calamities. Our existence is a variable. As long as we are alive, everything is likely to change."

"And since we have already suspected of changing the past, then we may be able to change the future. In other words, the future is not certain at all! The partial clues we have seen and known are just one of the countless possible futures."

"Yes, the fact that the blind man couldn't figure out even the slightest bit of our future is also a proof that the Great Derivation of Heaven and Earth is not just for fun. Since he couldn't figure out anything, it proves that our future has never been set and can be changed at any time!"

The mood of both of them was improving, and they had stepped out of the "sad future" where Lin Fan might die and the two of them would never be able to meet each other.

"Then, let's discuss and speculate what the next catastrophe will be, and in which era will it begin?!"

"I estimate that it should be in the Earth era. After all, the Empress and the others have already calculated that the catastrophe is about to come. There is no reason for it to happen in the unknown future - the era of the heavens and myriad worlds."

They gave code names to the two eras.

They are the Earth Age and the Myriad Worlds Age respectively.

To be honest, it is more appropriate to call the Earth Era the 'Cultivation World Era', but... the two said that they just had a preconceived notion, so what?!

I just like to talk about the Earth Age~!

Then, the two of them and Sister Awu analyzed the situation from all aspects, but they still had no clue what the next catastrophe would be.

Even Sister Wu didn't know what the word "liangjie" meant. It was only after the two of them explained it that she understood.

"According to what you said, the calamity is a disaster that sweeps across the heavens and the earth, affecting countless races. No living being can remain immune to the calamity..."

Sister Wu frowned: "I don't know what the era or background is like on Earth, but since you two can travel through time and space, plus you have a lot in common."

"I boldly speculate that this catastrophe should be directly related to the foundation of the Heavenly Dao, or the Heavenly Dao."

Qi Zifan raised his eyebrows.

Qi Zixiao's eyes were dim.

Then, they said in unison: "It is very likely."

What exactly is a kalpa? Where does it begin and how will it end? No one can explain it clearly.

But analyzing from the current clues and known situations, the possibility that it is related to the foundation of heaven's way is the greatest.

"In the Age of the Heavens and Myriad Worlds, the twenty-seven foundations of the Heavenly Dao were widely circulated, and a full fifty-four were missing."

Qi Zixiao whispered: "I don't know how many of these are widely circulated on Earth, but there must be some hidden story behind them."

Qi Zifan was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "You made me think of something. The foundation of the Heavenly Dao is of great benefit to the Heavenly Dao, right?"

"Of course." Qi Zixiao was puzzled: "From the clues we have learned so far, the foundation of the Heavenly Dao can help the Heavenly Dao recover and help the world advance!"

“That’s where the problem lies!”

Qi Zifan's eyebrows danced with joy, feeling that he had grasped some secrets: "If that's the case, why doesn't Heaven allow us to reveal all the ninety-nine eighty-one ways?"

"Anyone who reveals this will be destroyed by the way of heaven?"

"That was the case with the descendants of the Nuwa clan, and the remnant soul of the female fairy. After they spoke the names of the Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Foundations of the Heavenly Dao, they were immediately attacked and killed by the Heavenly Dao."

“That’s contradictory, isn’t it?”

"Yes!" Qi Zixiao understood.

Sister Wu also understood: "Indeed, since the foundation of the Heavenly Dao is of great benefit to the Heavenly Dao, shouldn't it be made public as much as possible? Tell everyone how much the foundation of the Heavenly Dao is. It would be even better to proactively tell some more precise clues so that the creatures within the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Dao can seize it."

"How could they hide it? Even if someone reveals the names of all the foundations of the Heavenly Dao, they will be killed by the Heavenly Dao?"

“That doesn’t make sense!”


Qi Zifan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Among the eighty-one foundations of the Heavenly Dao, there is a part that is not beneficial to the Heavenly Dao, but is harmful?"

"So, the Heavenly Dao does not allow people to reveal the names of all the foundations of the Heavenly Dao, and even avoids them like snakes and scorpions. Anyone who dares to violate them will be killed?"

The three looked at each other and nodded.


There is no other possibility.

Since the Foundation of Heavenly Dao is of great benefit to Heavenly Dao, why does Heavenly Dao avoid it like the plague and forbid people to pronounce the names of all the Foundations of Heavenly Dao

There is a cause for every effect.

What is the cause? We don’t know yet, but if we unravel, guess, and analyze, and summarize the clues and information obtained by both sides, we can always find some clues.

These clues may not be enough to support them in finding the final truth, but it is not impossible to analyze some useful clues.

For example, right now...

They learned that among the eighty-one foundations of the Heavenly Dao, there must be a part that is detrimental to the Heavenly Dao or that is hated by the Heavenly Dao.

"It is also possible that the current Heavenly Dao is unwilling to allow too many Heavenly Dao foundations to coexist?"

Sister Wu speculated: "For example, if there are too many foundations of the Heavenly Dao and they are complicated enough, they will restrict each other? Or even restrict the ability of the Heavenly Dao?"

"Well, it is indeed possible. Through this direction, we can..."


It was at this moment that a bolt from the blue resounded through the hearts of the three.

Is this a warning from Heaven?!

The three of them looked at each other, and their eyes said it all. Then, they kept silent and never talked about the matter again.

For some things, it is enough to have a guess and understand them in your heart. If you continue to talk about it... it may really trigger a thunderbolt from the sky, and that would be troublesome.

They immediately changed the subject and never mentioned the matter again, but they already had an idea in their minds.

"The catastrophe may revolve around... this."

Sister Wu whispered, "You need to be careful."


The two nodded, and then said: "At present, we can know that the foundation of the Heavenly Dao that we have is not among the Nine Dao Immortals, Nine Dao Ancients, and Nine Dao Gods, but it is still beneficial to the Heavenly Dao."

"Of course, it could be three, or four or even more. As long as it doesn't exceed the limit, it will be beneficial." Qi Zixiao whispered, and his words were not very clear, but Qi Zifan and Sister Wu could understand.

The fact that it is beneficial to the Way of Heaven can be confirmed from the increasingly rich spiritual energy in the world of immortal cultivation, the various amazing natural treasures that keep popping up everywhere, the ever-growing world of immortal cultivation, and the massive merits that come down from heaven.

As for N...

Since the nine ancient ways, nine immortal ways, and nine gods are widely circulated, it means that one of the three must be beneficial.

As for how many kinds of problems will occur...

There is no conclusion yet, but there should be no more than five types

Because Qi Zifan was warned after Lianxu mentioned five or six kinds of things before...

Of course, this is just one of the speculations, and it is also possible that some of the foundations of the Way of Heaven are harmful to the Way of Heaven.

"At the same time, if the Earth was in ancient times, Zixiao girl obtained the foundation of the Heavenly Dao from the tomb of Zhulong, who is suspected to be one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, then this foundation of the Heavenly Dao might be one of the 'Nine Dao Witches'!"

Sister Awu gave an inference.

Qi Zifan and Qi Zixiao both nodded, this was very likely.

After all, Zhulong is the ancestor of time.

The ancestor of time, the wizard who controls the foundation of heaven - the 'time attribute' of the nine wizards is reasonable.

In other words, if part of the foundation of the Heavenly Dao is harmful to the Heavenly Dao, or is resisted by the Heavenly Dao, then the harmful part will not be the Nine Dao Shamans, Nine Dao Immortals, Nine Dao Ancients, or Nine Dao Gods.


Qi Zifan sighed: "What a magical place that is. If I have the chance, I will definitely explore it."

"Unfortunately, time is running out. A major war will come in half a month at most. There will be no chance in the short term."

"If you want to know, I'll tell you all the details." Qi Zixiao said softly, "The pictures I sent you before are almost the areas I have explored."

"But I never told you the whole thing."

"There are still some details, and Kunlun is still changing and growing. So... I can't tell you everything about Kunlun. I can only tell you everything I know."

"As for exploring Kunlun again, if there is a chance, I will definitely go. I always feel that Kunlun is not that simple. The Empress even found the remains of Mount Buzhou in it!"

"Perhaps, there are other foundations of heaven..."

"Yes." Qi Zifan nodded and agreed: "Then tell me, it will be of great benefit for me to know more."


An exchange of ideas.

Qi Zixiao told everything he knew about Kunlun, and then Qi Zifan was silent for a moment, and then suddenly his mind opened up.

"It's strange."

"Now that you mention it, the Myriad Worlds Abyss that I went to does have some similarities with Kunlun."

"For example, you said you met a snake girl from the Nuwa clan in Kunlun, but I found a skeleton that looked like a snake girl in the Abyss of the Ten Thousand Worlds."

"You found the ruins of Wuzhuang Temple in Kunlun, and discovered a tree pit in the ruins. There was also an unknown small tree growing on the edge of the pit."

"I also found a ruin in the Abyss of All Realms, but it has been completely abandoned and has long lost all its divinity. I don't know what kind of building it is, but in the ruins, there is a strange human head fruit tree!"

“Come to think of it, when I first saw the human head fruit tree, my first reaction was---Ginseng fruit tree?!”

"The ginseng fruit tree is the treasure of Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of earthly immortals, and Wuzhuang Temple is Zhen Yuanzi's Taoist temple, where ginseng fruit trees are also planted..."

"That human head fruit tree is naturally not a ginseng fruit, but if you think about it carefully, it is a bit of a coincidence."

At this point, Qi Zifan himself began to frown.

Qi Zixiao was stunned and also in deep thought.

Sister Wu touched her empty chin: "Different timelines..."

"Could it be that these two places were originally the same place, but in different timelines, so the names are different, and the 'appearance' has also changed?"

"There is a question here."

"The Empress is in the Tianshu Star Region. She was born on Earth and has been to Kunlun. She later became famous in the Tianshu Star Region, so she must have been to other star regions as well."

"Then why did the tomb that is suspected to be the Empress appear in the Abyss of Ten Thousand Worlds and be found by Lin Fan?!"

"Laughter plus some vague similarities between the two places."

"If the two places are actually the same place, but they are in different times, so there are two different names..."

"It seems to make sense, right?"

"Kunlun is on the other side of the Earth. It is the 'Home of All Gods' and the real place of present value. It is reasonable for the Empress to be buried there."


Qi Zifan and Qi Zixiao were both shocked and frightened.

Those who are involved are often confused, while those who are not involved can see clearly.

Being in the middle of the situation, until just now, they just thought it was 'what a coincidence', there are so many similarities

But now after being reminded by Sister Wu...

Oh shit!


Qi Zifan's expression changed slightly, and he waved his hand and took out a jade talisman from the storage magic weapon. After injecting some immortal energy into it, a projection appeared on the jade talisman.

"What is this?" Qi Zixiao was puzzled.

"A map of the Abyss of All Worlds."

Qi Zifan said solemnly: "One of the nine heavenly palaces, Taixuan Jiuqing Palace, is formed by the confluence of many places explored by the first sequence over the years, and it also needs to be supplemented by me, Ji Chutong, and Lu Yao."

"Take a look, maybe we can find similar terrain in Kunlun?"

"If you say that..."

Qi Zixiao pondered for a moment, then waved his hand, using the true energy in his body to simulate a large terrain projection.

"This is a map of the places I explored in Kunlun. Part of it was shared by the Empress after her exploration."

Two maps are placed before us.

Both of them were a little nervous for a moment.

Are Kunlun and the Abyss of All Realms the same place

If so, then the reference point appears!

For example, we can agree to meet near the Abyss of All Realms after XX years...

But after comparison, the two found that there was a huge difference.

Occasionally there are places that barely match, but both maps are not small, and it is too normal to have similar places occasionally, and they cannot be confirmed by these similarities.

Afterwards, Sister Wu directly simulated two maps separately and overlapped them.

It turned out that the difference was huge.

It really doesn't seem like the same place.

"We cannot rule out the possibility that the two places are the same. It could be that time has passed too long and the terrain has changed. Or perhaps we are exploring different places, so..."

Qi Zifan whispered.

"Don't jump to conclusions."

Sister Wu suddenly spoke.


The two were stunned.

"Don't forget, Qi Zixiao said that neither the Earth nor Kunlun has truly returned to its original state."

"So far, it has been growing, so we can conclude that the current Kunlun map is not accurate, at least not compared with many years later."


Qi Zixiao's eyes lit up: "Yes, the map drawn by the Empress and I is wrong!"

"For example, Kunlun has changed a lot between ten years ago and now. Perhaps in another ten years, there will be earth-shaking changes again."

"And now, who knows how many years have passed?"


Many mysterious symbols flashed in Sister Wu's eyes: "We might as well extend and lengthen the map of Kunlun..."

"We don't know what will happen to Kunlun after it 'grows up'. We will replace everything with nothingness and mark out the currently known and relatively obvious reference objects."

The map of Kunlun began to expand and grow. At the same time, some reference features such as mountains, water, and canyons were marked, making it more solid.

"Then, we will mark the suspected ruins of Wuzhuang Temple and the ruins of the human head fruit tree that you found separately and overlap them."

“Then use other reference points to compare similar places.”

"As you can see, when the Kunlun map is magnified nearly a hundred times, it can be found that many of the reference objects marked match the Myriad Worlds Abyss."

"After eliminating factors such as the passage of time, changes in the years, and human destruction of the environment, we can roughly determine that the two... are the same place!"

"Isn't that right?"

Qi Zi Fan raised his eyebrows: "It seems that the marking points of both parties do not overlap."

"I forgot."

Sister Wu smiled and then waved her hand.

The Kunlun map, which was magnified a hundred times, began to rotate counterclockwise. After rotating about one hundred and twenty degrees, many reference objects began to overlap!

It’s not that the valleys, peaks, lakes, etc. overlap 100%, but the locations of these marked points are almost identical!

There are differences in size, height, fatness and thinness.

But this doesn't mean anything. As Sister Wu said, time factors and human factors are all likely to change.

What's more, Kunlun is still "growing up", and the reference objects may change as it grows up.

Therefore, what should be compared is the location and general shape of the reference object, rather than pursuing complete consistency.

At least, now the three of them are almost certain that Kunlun and the Abyss of All Worlds are the same place, just in different timelines, so there is such a big difference.

Both the name and the details have undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, the fact that it contains the foundation of the way of heaven and various amazing opportunities has not changed. It’s just that there are many more dangers in the abyss of the ten thousand worlds.

But no matter what, it's really the same place?!

So, judging from the current situation, everything is connected.

Qi Zifan sighed in his heart.

It is certain that the earth is ancient.

Those buried in the tombs of female immortals are most likely female empresses...

At this moment, the shock in their hearts was difficult to express in words. At first, neither of them had thought that the place where they had been for the past ten years was actually the same place, just... in different times

“No wonder!”

"No wonder we can meet in that mysterious space. Maybe it's not just because of the law of time, but it may also be because we are in the same place!"

Qi Zifan sighed.

Qi Zixiao nodded and agreed very much.


Determine the 'reference point' and make sure that both parties are actually in the same 'world' but at different times.

But, it was not as happy as I imagined.

Especially for Qi Zixiao.

She had personally experienced all the mysteries of Kunlun and knew how beautiful and fairy-like every place in Kunlun was.

But what about the Abyss of All Worlds

According to what Qi Zifan said and the images it transmitted, what kind of place is that

Without vitality, plants cannot exist...

And no one except those holding the first-sequence token can enter, not even immortals.

Even without talking about the latter point, just the huge change.

Qi Zixiao, who had stayed in Kunlun for nearly ten years, found it really hard to imagine what kind of changes could have turned Kunlun into the Abyss of Ten Thousand Worlds

A big war

What a horrific war that would be

You must know that the abyss of all worlds is many times larger than the world of immortal cultivation!

Moreover, this place is known as the hometown of all gods, and Lin Zixiao has personally experienced how stable the laws are. Does he want to beat it into that state

Even a group of True Immortals, or even Heavenly Immortals and Golden Immortals, can’t do it, right

"Don't think too much."

Sensing Qi Zixiao's heavy mood, Qi Zifan shook his head gently and consoled him: "No matter the mystery or crisis, we will eventually solve it."

"Look at it from a bright side. At least we have learned a lot of clues and identified reference points. When we have enough strength, we will be able to meet each other eventually."


Qi Zixiao nodded: "Only if you don't become a heartless person."


Qi Zifan was almost choked to death: "Do you still remember this?"

"Of course?"

Qi Zixiao rolled his eyes and said, "You said this yourself, so of course I remember it."


"If you become an unfaithful person, when I become stronger and can roam the world, I will definitely find you and beat you to death!!!"

“??? Didn’t you say that you would rather I be a heartless man?” Qi Zifan shouted.

"I changed my mind, okay?!"


Qi Zifan means vomiting blood.

"The analysis is concluded."

After a long time, seeing that the two had stopped making noise, Sister Wu smiled happily and acted like a referee, putting an end to this brainstorming session.

"We have already analyzed the reasons that can be analyzed."

"Next, we will work hard to change everything based on these clues..."

"Lin Fan, please don't die."

"I'm still looking forward to the day when you meet Miss Zixiao."


Qi Zifan nodded heavily.

Who wants to die?!

Anyway, he didn't want to die, but there were too many dangers in the future. What should he do if he didn't want to die? Try your best to change everything!

"However, in the future, both of our worlds will face a great crisis. There are mortal immortals everywhere, and the kind of crisis that is not uncommon among immortals and true immortals."

Qi Zifan frowned: "For a moment, I really have no thoughts."

"How should both of our worlds survive this crisis?"

"The Empress once said that she and the First Emperor would do their best to help, but their fighting power could not stop the immortals from many star regions. This was inevitable."

"In the world of immortal cultivation, the only two immortal-level fighters currently are you and Ji Chutong, and both of them are just mortal immortals."

"Even though you have the foundation of the Heavenly Dao and your combat power is far beyond that of ordinary mortal immortals, the situation is still not optimistic. In other words... you are in danger of death."


"The temptation of the foundation of heaven is too great." Qi Zixiao sighed: "According to the clues you have learned, if there are enough opportunities in the world with the foundation of heaven, it can achieve the position of 'Heavenly Palace' and surpass all the worlds."

"The current strength of the Xiuxian world is so weak, there must be many people who want to snatch it. On the other side of the Earth...if we don't count the Empress and the First Emperor, they will be even weaker than the Xiuxian world."

"How to resist? This is the top priority and requires advance preparation and long-term planning."

This is the difference in absolute strength.

Logically speaking, the world of immortal cultivation simply does not have the strength or foundation to obtain the foundation of the Heavenly Dao, let alone two.