What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 806: Death? Are you worthy? (W word)


Ordinary people have limited knowledge and abilities, so they have no way of participating in it. Naturally, they don’t have so many ideas, and they can only endure it.

Perhaps there are some people who are ambitious and ready to change all this, but their abilities obviously do not allow it.

However, for those with super powers, especially those who have become immortals, the existence of the underworld and reincarnation makes them extremely angry, and they all want to overthrow it all.

Haven’t you seen that in a certain beautiful country, even when the epidemic is extremely serious, many ordinary people feel that it is more unacceptable to ask them to wear a mask than to kill their entire family. They hold rallies, make trouble, and shout for freedom every day...

What's more, these are immortals who have already become immortals and have never had such "shackles" before

However, they were not in a hurry to take action, because, you exist, but whether I listen to you or not is my business.

Just like the common people in the imperial court, facing the emperor's newly issued decrees, they can only obey. But what about the princes, powerful bandits, and forces in various places

No matter what decrees the emperor issues, there are so many ways to deal with them: pretend to obey but secretly disobey, the emperor is far away, and obey orders but not announcements...

Strict? As long as I have the ability to resist, I don’t have to obey!

My life span is over, and you send someone to capture my soul

Just come and see if you can handle it!

This is confidence that comes from strength.

These immortals also want to take direct action to destroy the underworld and end the cycle of reincarnation to solve the problem once and for all.

But the problem is that the voice just now was clearly transmitted through the extremely grand rules of the origin of heaven and earth. In other words, this means that the rules of heaven and earth recognize the existence of the underworld and reincarnation.

In this case, if we go and destroy the underworld and reincarnation, wouldn't that be going against the rules of heaven and earth and singing a different tune

Although almost everyone who cultivates immortals says, "Cultivating immortals is against the will of heaven," and "My fate is determined by myself, not by heaven."

But if you ask him to really fight against the Way of Heaven, few people have the courage to do so, not to mention the 'original rules of heaven and earth' that are above the Way of Heaven.

Therefore, in addition to their anger, most of them sneered and openly stated that they would not obey the orders of the underworld and would not enter the cycle of reincarnation.

As for going straight to destroy the underworld...

It’s not that no one has this idea, and there are people who do this, but there are really not many such people.


At the same time, Earth, China.

Whether they were outsiders or locals, they all heard the words conveyed by the rules of heaven and earth.

That’s why everyone is confused.

If we talk about which people know the most about the legends of the underworld and reincarnation, it must be the Chinese.

Almost everyone grows up listening to various legends and myths. Even if they don’t understand them, they still know something about them.

Even if it is very one-sided, it does not mean that we are completely ignorant.

In this situation, everyone was confused.

The Internet was boiling with excitement.

“Oh my God!”

"The First Emperor became the Son of Yin??? He also reopened the underworld and reshaped reincarnation? Oh my god, so these ancient myths and legends about the underworld and reincarnation are all true?"

"Nonsense, immortal cultivators and even immortals have come out, there is the underworld and reincarnation, is it hard to understand?"

"That's true, huh?"

"I'm more concerned about another thing. You all know the Terracotta Warriors, right? I remember there was a saying that the First Emperor built so many Terracotta Warriors just to allow himself to be crowned emperor in the underworld... So, has this saying come true now?"

"Fuck, now that you put it like that, it's true!!!"

"But it's not just that. There's one more thing you haven't noticed, which is... the reincarnation cycle has begun. In other words, after we die, we can all enter reincarnation!"

"Yeah, I don't know if I will suffer in the eighteen levels of hell after I die, and I don't know which path I will be reborn into. But I must not become an animal in the animal realm, and I most definitely cannot become a chicken..."

"Well, upstairs, I have a bold idea. I want to know what kind of chicken you are talking about."

"Get lost, you bastard, you can drive on any crappy road!"

"Hahaha, there's no need to drive. I personally think this is an opportunity for ordinary people like us, especially those without the talent for cultivating immortals!"

"We don't know a lot about the six realms of reincarnation, but we do know a little bit. We all know that after we die and go to the underworld, the judge will reward us for our good deeds and punish us for our evil deeds based on what we did in our lifetime!

To put it more intuitively, if you do too many bad things, you will be punished in the eighteen levels of hell and sent to the "three evil paths", where your future will be miserable.

However, if we do more good deeds, that is, accumulate more good karma, then we can enter the 'Three Paths of Goodness' and have a promising future!

So... I won't say any more. I decided to start doing good deeds like crazy from now on and accumulate good karma! In this life, I am an ordinary person. I can't even cultivate to become an immortal. Seeing my neighbors flying with swords, I still have accomplished nothing..."

Just when someone was about to reply to offer comfort, they saw that person send another reply: "What's the point of guarding billions of assets?"

"I can't do what I want to do, let alone cultivate immortality, ah!!!"

"I have decided to give away all my wealth and only seek the afterlife..."

Seeing this, netizens were stunned.

"What the hell?"

"Fuck it three times in a row!"

"Damn it, I thought you were a loser like me, but I didn't expect???"

"I actually want to comfort you?"

"What's the point of guarding billions of assets... Versailles is alive!"

"You are really fucking invincible, but there is some truth in what you said. In the past, everyone knew about the legend of reincarnation, but they didn't know whether it was true or just a legend. Now that the legend is confirmed to exist, we can indeed 'look forward to the afterlife'."

There is nothing abundant on the Internet, just a lot of people!

Moreover, due to their understanding of the underworld and the six realms of reincarnation, they quickly figured out some key things.

In addition, people in Shenzhou have grown up listening to these legends and stories. In fact, they are not as resistant to the underworld and reincarnation as people from other places.

Isn’t it that after death, ghosts go to the underworld to be judged and then enter reincarnation

What's up with that

It would have been fine if I didn't know it before, but now that I know it, I naturally need to take good care of it, such as doing more good deeds, so that I can become rich and powerful in the next life~

Is there something wrong

There's nothing wrong!


The First Emperor 'exploded' on the Internet.

I don't know how many people praised the First Emperor, saying that reopening the underworld and reshaping reincarnation was a great thing and gave people expectations for the afterlife.

Department of Residents’ Happiness and Life.

Eleven ministers gathered together. Now, their cultivation has all reached the level of Xiantai or above, except for... the seventh deputy minister.

The Seventh Deputy Minister practiced the Hundred Battles Sutra with the soldiers at that time.

This is a martial art that advances very quickly in the early stages, but it almost cuts off the way back.

Fortunately, with the increase in the number of people practicing, the various skills have become more and more, and the data modeling has been gradually improved. After the deduction with supercomputers, the Hundred Battles Sutra has also been improved. However, it will take some time to catch up with others.

But the seven deputy ministers are not in a hurry.

The other ministers also never neglected the seven deputy ministers due to their lack of strength.

On the contrary, they all showed great respect.

At this moment, they got together for a meeting again, and everyone was a little confused.

"It has been confirmed that everyone, even some spiritual beasts that have gained intelligence and can speak, have heard the news about the restart of reincarnation."

"So, it should be true." The second deputy minister looked a little annoyed: "I never thought that something like this would suddenly happen."

"The First Emperor..." The Seventh Deputy Minister sighed, "Based on the clues in the bronze coffin, we speculated that the First Emperor was still alive, but had gone to fight in outer space."

"Later, the news brought back by the empress confirmed this, but we never expected that the First Emperor would suddenly become the Son of Heaven, and even restart the underworld and reshape the cycle of reincarnation."

"I don't know what happened in that dusty mythological history that even the underworld and reincarnation that have been passed down from generation to generation have been 'interrupted'?"

After these words were spoken, the ministers were silent for a moment, and then nodded one after another.


They are in high positions, so naturally they think differently from ordinary people.

Whether the reappearance of the underworld and reincarnation is good or bad is not discussed for now.

What they need to consider is what impact it will bring in the future, and at the same time, try their best to figure out what happened and what is hidden!

Only in this way can we ensure that no major changes occur as much as possible. Even if some changes occur, we will have an extra trump card and be more calm.

This is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

“There’s a gap in history and culture.”

The minister sighed softly: "Five thousand years of history, haha, the ancient history that seemed so glorious and proud of the world now seems like a joke."

"Before that, we in China had an incomprehensible number of years and a brilliant and glorious history and era."

"It's a pity that there was a cultural gap. Even the Empress and the others don't know much. I really don't know what happened during that gap."

"Even the legendary underworld and reincarnation disappeared until they were restarted by the First Emperor today."

"There is also Kunlun. There must be a big secret hidden in Kunlun. It is the hometown of all gods. There are countless things waiting for us to discover. Unfortunately..."

"There's no rush!" The Third Deputy Minister said in a deep voice, "Our relevant personnel and equipment are already 70% to 80% ready. In about half a month at most, we will be able to dispatch a large number of personnel and professional equipment to Kunlun."

"By then, all kinds of clues, intelligence, and resources will be sent back continuously."

"Based on our understanding of both the mysterious and technological sides, I believe we will learn more and more, and the future will be better and better."

"Yes, yes."

The minister shook his head and said helplessly: "But, I don't know how many casualties this trip will cause. All I can say is... try to be as safe as possible."

"There is nothing we can do about it. In such a major event, there will inevitably be sacrifices, and there will be quite a few."

The ministers all sighed.

This is a fact.

In ancient times, whether it was a country expanding its territory or researching some high-tech weapons, there were actually many dangers.

Many people will die, and many people’s lives will be sacrificed!

Now, if we want to uncover the dusty ancient history, in the process, we have to go to Kunlun, and we will inevitably encounter the dangers of Kunlun itself and the strong people from other worlds and planets. How can there be no sacrifice

"There is no such thing as a peaceful life. It's just that someone is carrying the burden for us."

The minister whispered, then said: "Next, let's analyze what changes will be brought about by the reappearance of the underworld and reincarnation."

After these words were spoken, the expressions of the four deputy ministers became particularly strange.

"I think this should be great news for our country."

"Why?" The other ministers were puzzled.

"You can find out by looking online." The fourth deputy minister shook the 'card' in his hand: "I don't know how many netizens are discussing topics related to 'doing good deeds and improving one's afterlife'."

"There are even quite a few 'great masters' who have started selling so-called 'strategies' on certain cats, dogs, and Xi..."


The ministers were stunned.

What does this mean

Simply put, everyone will cry and beg to do good things afterwards


Deputy Minister Seven had more contact with Lin Fan, so his personality was relatively lively. At this moment, he couldn't help but cough and said, "Will there not be such a scene later?"

"An old lady wanted to cross the road, and a group of people helped her across. But just as she was crossing, another group of people helped her back?"

"Pfft, it's possible!"

"Then the old lady has to say: I have been pushed back and forth by you for more than ten times, are you going to let me go home?"

“Ha... this is really...”

The minister suddenly said: "This situation cannot happen."


"Because... where can we find old ladies now? We'll have to wait for another few dozen or a hundred years!"


The deputy ministers were stunned for a moment, then they all reacted.

you do not say.

With the full recovery, people's health is getting better and better, and all the elderly people are "rejuvenated".

Even the oldest person in the world, who was around 120 years old, has now returned to his prime.

Especially as the concentration of spiritual energy becomes higher and higher, people's lifespan will increase slightly, and the average lifespan of ordinary people may exceed 300 years!

Compared to a life span of more than 300 years, the oldest person alive on Earth today is only about 100 years old...

Where did this old lady come from

But won't we have to wait for dozens or hundreds of years


Kunlun, the underworld.


Outside the sky, there are astonishing laws and magical powers pressing down, and there are also ferocious beasts appearing, carrying earth-shaking power, which is very shocking.

"Sure enough, someone couldn't help but take action." Lin Zixiao looked at the shocking vision in the sky with a dim gaze, and whispered: "No, it's not a person, but some kind of ferocious beast?"

“That makes sense.”

The Empress spoke in a deep voice: "I have long guessed that some people will be dissatisfied with the reshaping of the underworld and reincarnation. After all, even if this shackle cannot affect them, it will still have some restrictions."

"Ferocious beasts have extremely low IQs. Even if they become immortals, they often act on instinct. It's not surprising that the first to attack is a ferocious beast."


The First Emperor nodded, holding the Book of Life and Death in his hand, and emitted endless... It was unknown whether it was ghost light or fairy light, but in the eyes of Lin Zixiao, Lin Fan and others, it looked very extraordinary.

"However, if that's all, you're underestimating me!"


He pointed, and then...

Lin Zixiao and Lin Fan felt that they saw something like the legendary "Great Wilderness Sky-Breaking Finger".

A giant finger shadow rose into the air from the underworld, and then instantly broke all attacks and strange phenomena, returning the world to clarity.

"The underworld has been restarted."

The First Emperor had an aura of great power and was very astonishing.

“Reincarnation has also been reshaped.”

"I have the foundation of heaven and the Book of Life and Death in my hand. I can gather the power of the entire underworld and reincarnation in one body. Even a Daluo Jinxian can fight against me!"

At this moment, the First Emperor was extremely confident.

This is not because he is arrogant, but because of the confidence of the First Emperor, or in other words, Emperor Yin!

When he possessed the foundation of the Heavenly Dao, he was already a true immortal relying on himself. When he gathered the strength of a million troops into one, he could kill a golden immortal if he tried his best.


Naturally, if he goes to the next level, even if a Golden Immortal comes, he will not be afraid as long as there are not many of them.

Even if he didn't want to, he could just ignore the attack just now.

With the current combat power of the underworld, it can definitely defeat the enemy.

Not to mention other things, just Meng Qianfan, also known as Meng Po, is enough to resist. After all, the fighting power of that ferocious beast is at best that of a Xuanxian.

Meng Po under the command of the First Emperor is a golden immortal!


Hearing the words of the First Emperor, the Empress couldn't help but smile: "With the Golden Immortal in charge, the Underworld can truly protect itself."

"Thank you very much, too."

The First Emperor looked at Lin Zixiao, Lin Fan and the Empress with a serious expression: "Without your help, this would never have been so smooth!"

"Especially the Book of Life and Death. If there is no Book of Life and Death..."

"I am absolutely unable to reach this level at this moment, and the underworld and reincarnation will not be truly reshaped so quickly!"

The First Emperor knew very well how many dangers and troubles were involved.

If there was no Book of Life and Death, he would have no way of making all those ghosts and immortals obey his orders and work in the underworld in such a short period of time.

Without them, many positions in the underworld would remain vacant.

You can indeed select from the old Qin people, but the old Qin people are only good at team fighting, and there are very few strong and truly useful decision-makers.

Except for a few people like Meng Tian, it is basically impossible to find them.

Therefore, even if they were allowed to take office, the benefit to the First Emperor would not be as great as it is now!

To restart the underworld and reshape reincarnation, the three most critical points lie in the foundation of heaven - ghosts, the incomplete two layers of hell, and the Book of Life and Death!

With the first two, you can barely succeed.

However, only by adding a third party can it be truly complete.

"I owe you this favor first."

The First Emperor said to Lin Zixiao solemnly: "Whenever you need it, just ask me. I will never delay."

"And now, you don't have to hide anymore. Even if your identity has been exposed, in this underworld, no one can touch you unless the saint comes out."

This is the self-confidence that comes from a powerful Daluo Jinxian level person.

This is especially true for the Daluo Jinxian who holds the innate spiritual treasure, the Book of Life and Death.

The foundation of heaven

In this underworld, how many people dare to rob

"We'll talk about this later."

If it is left in the underworld, no one will be able to rob it? The First Emperor did have this confidence, but the underworld did not mean it was 100% perfect.

For example, is there a Daluo Jinxian who is unhappy with the underworld and suddenly decides to take action? Or is there more than one

Of course, this possibility is very low. When one reaches the level of Daluo Jinxian, the Foundation of Heavenly Dao is no longer needed. There is no reason for them to take action because of the Foundation of Heavenly Dao.

But even without these reasons, Lin Zixiao and Lin Fan were destined not to stay in the underworld forever, just as she would not choose to stay in the Sword Palace to practice for a thousand years.

It seemed as if there was always a feeling guiding them to keep moving forward and not stop.

What's more, Lin Zixiao was still thinking about the Zhu Xian Sword Pit.

Lin Zixiao smiled but did not respond directly: "As for human feelings, you are too kind, First Emperor."

"That's not an exaggeration at all!" The First Emperor shook his head, his expression extremely serious.

"Okay... I understand."

Lin Zixiao agreed.

In her and Lin Fan's opinion, the Book of Life and Death was prepared for the First Emperor and it was useless for the two of them to hold it.

He is simply the 'First Emperor Destined by Heaven'.

But for the First Emperor, it really helped him a lot.

If you insist on refusing this favor, it would seem like blackmail.

What's going on? You did me such a huge favor, and I said I wanted to repay you, but you said it's not worth mentioning or even unnecessary

Do you look down on me, or do you want me to owe you a lifetime


At this time, someone in Kunlun attacked the underworld again.

The First Emperor snorted coldly: "Where is Meng Tian!"

"Your Majesty, I will be here!"

Now, General Meng Tian has transformed into Meng Tian, the leader of the Five Ghost Emperors. After being "deified", his combat power has risen to a higher level.

The most amazing thing is that he can mobilize the power of many ghost soldiers and generals into his body, and his combat power is very strong.

"Whoever attacks will be killed without mercy!"



Meng Tian led a large number of ghost soldiers and ghost generals to disappear...

The First Emperor then smiled and said, "I know you still have many questions. Leave them to them. We can have a long talk and hopefully I can answer your questions."

Lin Zixiao nodded immediately: "That's exactly what I meant."

She did have many doubts that she wanted to uncover, and asking the First Emperor was undoubtedly the best choice.


outside world.

Several Xuanxians took action and tried to attack the underworld...

They were not prepared to risk their lives. After all, everyone knew that this was a place that was allowed to exist and "announced to the world" by the original rules of heaven and earth. Who would dare to mess around

However, not daring to act recklessly does not mean that they dare not try, especially when prompted by some powerful Golden Immortals. Even if they dare not or are unwilling to do so, they have no choice but to take action.

But no one expected that the huge finger just now would directly destroy everything and even kill a Xuanxian on the spot.

So at this moment, several Xuanxian took action together, and even the Golden Immortal Tianjian was standing by, indicating that they would save them if there was any danger again.

However, just as they were about to make their move, they suddenly felt a gust of cold wind, accompanied by a gloomy and eerie aura.

A strong gust of cold wind blew by, and before their eyes, the Five Ghost Emperors, led by Meng Tian, and a large number of ghost soldiers and generals appeared.

"Who are you to dare to attack the underworld? Are you seeking death?"

Meng Tian roared loudly, his voice shaking the sky, and was accompanied by a gloomy and ghostly aura. Even the immortals felt a chill all over their bodies and their hair stood on end.


The offensive that the Xuanxians had been planning for a long time came to a halt at this moment.

They both felt a little awkward when looking at each other.

To fight or not to fight

They really wanted to fight, but they felt a little guilty, especially because of that one move he made just now. It seemed so casual, but it killed a Xuanxian in an instant.

In addition, the underworld and reincarnation are existences recognized by the origin of heaven and earth, so they already feel a little insecure.

Now he was yelled at again, and felt the opponent's strong strength...

For a moment, I was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

Then, they looked towards the Heavenly Sword.

Just now, Tian Jian threatened them to take action and said that if there was any danger, he would stop them...

However, Tianjian looked away expressionlessly, as if he didn't see them, and as if saying, it has nothing to do with me.

Oh shit!

This beast!

Damn it!

You bastard, you have no shame!

At this moment, the Xuanxians learned the essence of various national curses without any instruction, and cursed Tianjian countless times in their hearts.

Damn it, it was you who coerced and bribed us to take action, and now that he has come out, you pretend not to know him and pretend that this matter has nothing to do with you

How the hell do you do things like this

That’s too much!

The Xuanxians were bitter in their hearts, but they did not dare to give up Tianjian. After all, once they did, Tianjian would definitely bear a grudge against them, and they might even be hunted down by him...


The Xuanxians were so embarrassed that their faces turned red. They said calmly, "We'll wait..."

"We... don't intend to attack the underworld, but we just noticed something is wrong, so..."


I can’t go on!

The Xuanxians were in agony.

Don’t we have any fucking face

As a Xuanxian, where ever I went, wasn't I respected by countless people? Even the celestial beings had to bow and lower their heads in front of me.

That is to say, only when encountering Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals, one has to bow down a bit.

How majestic is that

But now, I have to admit defeat...


Meng Tian snorted coldly: "Do you think I'm easy to deceive?"

His gaze gradually locked onto the many magical powers and spells that were still brewing in the sky.

The Xuanxians followed his gaze and burst into dry laughter.

"Haha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

“It’s all a misunderstanding.”

"I just had nothing to do, so I planned to set off some fireworks, you see."


One Xuanxian actually exploded his own magic spell, releasing a huge firework in the sky. It was quite beautiful.

The other Xuanxians immediately trembled.

Tian Jian's eyes twitched as well, but... he finally held it back.

The stronger you are, the clearer you can see.

As for what the First Emperor had just pointed out, he asked himself honestly, he couldn't do it!

He can coerce or bribe these immortals to test the underworld, but he will never jump out and confront the underworld himself.

So at this moment, it was naturally impossible for him to expose himself.


He had never expected that these Xuanxians were so shameless.

The immortals were also embarrassed...

Everyone was very angry at first, and everyone was shouting and calling for the destruction of the underworld. But when it came time to take action, no one was willing to take action except for a few brainless ones.

These Golden Immortals used threats and bribes to get the Mysterious Immortals to take action. But now the real bosses haven't shown up, only a group of subordinates have come out, and the Mysterious Immortals just gave in.

Isn’t it embarrassing

So embarrassing!

As an immortal, who doesn't want face

"... This matter is over. I can't stay here any longer. Everyone, we will meet again in the future!"

One of the True Immortals couldn't stand to stay any longer, so he said goodbye and left with his face covered.

He thought very clearly that he was a true immortal and came here just to try his luck. Although he now knew that Lin Fan and his Heavenly Dao Foundation were also in the underworld, did he dare to go up

Judging from the situation, even the seven Golden Immortals present are scared. Who dares to go up

If you don't dare to go, why stay? Try your luck? Fish in troubled waters


It would be embarrassing to stay!

It's better to leave early to avoid embarrassment...

If there is one, there will be two.

With this true immortal taking the lead, more and more immortals left. Soon most of the "group of immortals" had left, and the rest had already decided to retreat.

Meng Tian crossed his arms and looked at those Xuanxians who were like jumping clowns with a cold look in his eyes.

He never took the initiative to attack.

Because there is no need.

The order given by the First Emperor was to resolve the matter, but he did not tell him to kill all the people, not to mention...

If a real fight breaks out, the Underworld may not gain much benefit, after all, there are seven Golden Immortals here!

The problem can indeed be solved if the First Emperor takes action, but once the Golden Immortals take action and slaughter these Golden Immortals to "fill the underworld", the nature of the underworld will change!

Even the First Emperor was not so "domineering".

If this were to happen, it would very likely attract other Golden Immortals to encircle and suppress the underworld, and only then would real trouble begin.

Therefore, Meng Tian can fight back, but he cannot take the initiative to attack unless the opponent's lifespan is over.

Now, the Xuanxians simply used all their magic spells to unleash fireworks, so Meng Tian naturally had no reason to take action.

"If you still make noise and attack here."

Meng Tian snorted coldly: "I will not let you off easily!"


"I'll leave now."


The Xuanxians had already been feeling embarrassed and depressed, but they were caught in a dilemma and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Now that there were stairs, even though it was embarrassing, they all went down the stairs and said goodbye and left.

Golden Immortal, Heavenly Sword

Go to hell with the Golden Immortal and the Heavenly Sword!

They also realized that these Golden Immortals did not dare to provoke the Underworld, so they used them, the Mysterious Immortals, as guns to test them.

If something goes wrong, will the Golden Immortals come to our rescue

Protect his uncle!

They don't even dare to admit that they were the instigators of this, so how can you expect them to take action

Since everyone has come out and you don't express yourself, you can't blame us. Whoever wants to fight in this underworld can fight, but I won't fight.

You guys can have fun by yourselves if you want, we are leaving anyway.


Damn it, he’s so embarrassed!

The Xuanxians cursed the ancestors of Tianjian and other Jinxians countless times in their hearts, and left quickly without looking back.


Meng Tian's gaze gradually locked onto Tian Jian and the other seven Golden Immortals. He didn't say a word, but just stared at them, with a gloomy aura surrounding him.

If he fought, he naturally could not defeat these seven Golden Immortals.

Although there is the bonus from the underworld and the assistance of many ghost soldiers and generals, the gap in realm is still too big.

However, he represents the underworld! He represents the First Emperor, the Son of Heaven!

At this moment, the underworld is just being established, so naturally we cannot show weakness. Otherwise, how can we do things in the future


Tianjian snorted coldly and wanted to attack several times, but finally he held back and turned into a sword light and flew away.

Seeing this, the other Golden Immortals didn't know what to say.

Some people do want to leave a few harsh words, but... no one else left any, so why should I leave them

Isn't this the first one to stick his head out

Although face is important, there is no need to get angry here.

Therefore, the Golden Immortals also retreated.


All the gods in the distant Western Pantheon were embarrassed.


"Oh, damn, what do we do?"

"Why did they all leave?"

"What on earth is going on?"

They come from completely different systems, do not speak the same language, and even have very different rules.

Looking at the underworld at this moment, I have no idea what it is.

They just watched as the opponents they had just fought to the death suddenly all left, leaving them standing in the distance staring blankly...

"I always feel like something is wrong."

"They don't seem to want to steal our faith."

The God of Light even said: "I have just carefully felt it. This place is not a completely unfamiliar place, but... the territory of immortal cultivators, the Tianshu star field in the world of cultivation."


The gods were confused.

"Is this... the territory of immortal cultivators?"

"Tianshu Star Region? I know this place. It is indeed the territory of immortal cultivators."

"So, aren't we... invaders?!"


All the gods were dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on here

The reason they came here was for the so-called faith of billions of people. Then when they arrived here, they saw so many "immortals" and thought that they had also discovered this new territory and wanted to grab it.

The Western Divine Court is actually inferior to the entire cultivation world, and they are aware of this, so at the beginning, they were a little afraid to fight.

However, when I think of the billions of people who have no faith...

For them, faith is strength, life, and everything.

So, they fought!

It is true that we are a little weaker, but we are not so weak that we dare not fight.

As a result, after a lot of gods died, they found out that this was not about stealing the "New World", but the entire Western God Court was sending out to invade the world of immortal cultivation


The Dark God's face trembled: "I remember that these Eastern immortals are extremely united when facing foreign invasions, and they are extremely vengeful..."


The gods almost cried at this.

What the fuck is this?!

What a huge misunderstanding!!!

The key explanation cannot be explained, because both sides suffered casualties, and will people listen to the explanation? No matter how you look at it, it seems that the Western Divine Court came to invade and grab territory!

"If they want revenge..." muttered a surviving god.

The gods looked even uglier.

“Where is Jehovah?!”

Feeling depressed and confused, they thought of the instigator of all this - God Jehovah.

Then, they both try to contact each other.

It turned out that I couldn’t get in touch with him.


"Damn it, it's too easy for him!"

"He died just like that? You screwed us so badly, you should be put in my purgatory and suffer forever!!!"

“It’s too bad!”

All the gods were cursing.

What the fuck is going on

He was just a mid-level god of Dogecoin, and he was about to fall to a lower-level god. But he ended up pitting them so badly that at least half of the gods and main gods in the entire Western God Court died...

"Well, he doesn't seem to be lying."

At this time, the surviving god whispered: "There are indeed billions of humans in the land of immortal cultivators, and they have no faith."

Gods: “…”

"Shut the fuck up!"


"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

You're just fucking smart, right

At this moment, all the gods threw away their self-cultivation and started cursing.

Who the hell doesn't know that the people in the land of immortal cultivators have no faith and can be harvested? But can we harvest them

If you have this ability, why wait until now

You want me to rub salt into our wounds

"Prepare the teleportation array and go back!"

The Lord of Life said with a dark face: "We can't stay here any longer. Go back and prepare your excuses and compensation. We must not conflict with the immortal cultivators again..."


"That's all we can do."

The main gods all expressed their approval with serious faces.

What else can we do at this time

However, at this moment, Meng Tian flew towards this side, followed by countless ghost soldiers and generals, like an army approaching!

Finally, Meng Tian's eyes were fixed on a deity who was surrounded by black air, wearing a hood, and carrying a huge sickle.

"Interesting, you actually have such a strong ghost aura..."

"Who are you?"

Of course, I can't understand the words, but I can communicate normally through the fluctuations of my soul.

The god's heart skipped a beat when Meng Tian asked him about it, but he still responded, "Western God Court - God of Death!"

"grim Reaper?"


Meng Tian suddenly had an epiphany, and when he thought about the information that the empress had brought back from Earth to the Great Qin Dynasty, his eyes immediately flashed with murderous intent.

"You are the god of death, right?"

"You dare to compete with our underworld for business?"

Death was stunned: "??? What?"

What the hell

Death was confused.

I'm the god of death, what's wrong

I have been the god of death for who knows how many years. What's the problem? Why am I competing with the underworld for business? What business are I competing for

I'm not a businessman or a psychopath, am I

He was stunned and said, "I don't do business."


"Give Ben checkmate!"

Meng Tian didn't care about that and immediately led his men to attack. The five ghost emperors joined forces, and nearly 100,000 ghost soldiers and ghost generals joined in...

"not good!!!"

The Grim Reaper's expression changed drastically.

The other Western gods were also very surprised. No one expected that Meng Tian would suddenly take action, causing them all to be a beat slower.


Death is fighting back desperately, but it's useless!

His sickle exploded instantly, followed by his black robe shattered into pieces, and then the iconic skeleton body also cracked.

In the end, all that was left was a broken head and two balls of flickering ghostly fire in the eye sockets.

But, he was not dead, and the broken skull still wanted to escape.

However, Meng Tian had arrived nearby at some point, raised his foot, and stepped lightly.


The broken skull shattered, and the two flickering faint will-o'-the-wisp flames went out in an instant.

Meng Tian curled his lips and ignored the Western gods: "God of Death?"

"You deserve it!?"