What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 824: Go and kill them until they are terrified! (W word)


Qi Zixiao suddenly understood.

It seems that he cannot say it, but in fact he is reminding himself. Just now, Emperor Qingping said that the purpose of those old guys might be to force himself and others to go to the front line and fight on the battlefield.

The reasons and excuses used by those old guys were that the three of them were sinners of the heavens and myriad worlds, and they had committed great sins, so they should go!

When hearing this kind of statement, whether it is yourself or others, the first reaction is naturally displeasure and disapproval.

I was acting in self-defense, how could I become a sinner

But what if, on this basis, we were told the news of the war between the Yin and Yang worlds and this strange 'reincarnation' of both sides

Perhaps, some people with decent minds would directly accept the title of "sinner"

By then, will he go to the battlefield and go to the first line of defense

Very likely!

"It's really interesting. Those old guys are so shameless."

Qi Zixiao sneered.

Ji Chutong and Lan Cai'er had never thought of this, and looked at him curiously: "What do you mean?"

"They themselves don't want to go to the battlefield. Even if there has been no war for a long time, once the war starts, the people on the first line of defense will be in endless danger."

"Giving us the name of 'sinners' means you want us to go there and do the so-called 'meritorious service at the cost of our crimes', right?"

“Haha, that’s really interesting.”

"They themselves don't want to go, and are unwilling to go, but criminals should guard the border. And according to what those old immortals say, aren't we 'sinners' at this moment?"

Qi Zixiao's voice became even colder, with a strong hint of sarcasm: "If I am not mistaken, the people guarding the first line of defense are also the so-called 'sinners of the heavens and myriad worlds', right?"


The Great Elder sighed softly: "Sure enough, I guessed it."

"Hey." Emperor Qingping smiled and did not comment.

Seeing their expressions, Qi Zixiao knew that he had not guessed wrong, and couldn't help shaking his head: "Decadent..."

"Yes, it's rotten." Emperor Qingping sneered: "The heavens and the myriad worlds, from top to bottom, have long been rotten beyond recognition."

"If there is no war, everything will be the same as before, with the nine great heavenly palaces high above and all the heavens and worlds submitting to them."

"But if the war breaks out again, the world will be in chaos. By then, many enthusiastic monks may go to fight, but it will be useless."

"Unfortunately, our demon race has long been in decline. After all, the human race is still the 'master' of the universe. The nine great heavenly palaces are high above us. Who dares to disobey?"

“That’s why I’m actively looking for traces of the True Dragon and the Three-legged Golden Crow. They are all the leaders of the demon race, and they are a race of extremely powerful people who lived countless years ago!”

"I am looking forward to the reappearance of the true demon clan leader, leading our demon clan... leading all the heavens and the worlds to get rid of these decadent years and truly rise up!"

The Great Elder remained silent.

His status is neither low nor high.

In the Sword Palace, he is the grand elder, but not in the Taixuan Jiuqing Palace.

He knew some of the secrets of the Nine Heavenly Palaces, but not much. He could neither agree nor refute what Emperor Qingping said at this moment...

Qi Zixiao and the other two listened to these words and felt complicated for a moment.

The message hidden in these words is really scary, and it takes some time to digest it.

Especially Ji Chutong and Qi Zixiao, they were still shocked by Qi Zixiao's guess and the tacit approval of Emperor Qingping and the Great Elder.

Emperor Qingping then said something like this, indicating that the heavens and the worlds ruled by the human race have long been corrupted...

"What does the underworld look like?"

At this time, the Great Dragon Tail Lion asked with a hint of curiosity: "It is also the myriad worlds, but they are just in opposition to each other?"

"Or is it different, with its own complete heritage and historical traces?"

“No one from the Yang Realm has ever been to the depths of the myriad worlds. Even if they tried to get in, they would be stopped before they got very deep, and would either be killed or repelled.”

"So, I don't know much." The Great Elder recalled the records in the Heavenly Palace and said, "The other party is the same in this regard."

"Then...are there any real dragons among the powerful warriors on the other side?"

"Especially, female ones."

The little dragon-tailed lion took over the topic.

These two sentences made Qi Zixiao and the other two's heads buzz. Others didn't know what she meant, but how could they not know? !

This is obviously a plan to reach the underworld!

But then again, it’s not really their fault.

If you want to find a 'wife' for a real dragon, it must be a female real dragon. Otherwise, at most she can be a 'concubine' or a mistress like the mother and daughter of the dragon-tailed lion.

During this period of time, Qi Zixiao and the other two also inquired about some information about true dragons, but unfortunately, at least in the heavens and all worlds, they did not find any clues related to the mother true dragon.

Not to mention a female real dragon, even if it was a real dragon, no one knew, otherwise Emperor Qingping would not have come to them to ask.

You must know that Emperor Qingping has been looking for the real dragon for a long time, but unfortunately, he has found nothing until today.

In this case, how should we find the mother dragon? !

If you don’t know, then forget it.

Now that we know the existence of the underworld, and both sides are "interdependent"...

Naturally, the mother and daughter began to think about the underworld. If there was a female real dragon there...

Although we are in a hostile relationship, there may be some solutions.

If it really doesn't work, at worst, you can just pass the news to the 'ancestor' and let him decide for himself. Whether you ignore it or go and rob it, you can try it~

But they are destined to be disappointed.

The Great Elder and Emperor Qingping both said that they had never been to the battlefield and had not fought a war for a long time.

There is no record of a 'real dragon' appearing in the underworld in any of the relevant records and legends.

“What a pity.”

The dragon-tailed lion mother and daughter sighed.

Qi Zixiao and the other two: “(⊙o⊙)···”

"Do you have anything else to ask?" Emperor Qingping looked around and sighed softly.

“Not for now.”

Qi Zixiao shook his head and then said: "But, if you have some news about the prehistoric times, or some clues about the ancient times, please let me know."

"There is naturally no problem with this."

Emperor Qingping nodded: "Exchange the sound transmission jade talisman?"

"Use the magic machine."

Qi Zixiao took out a newly made immortal machine: "The coverage area is about the same as the nearby three thousand worlds, and we can contact you at any time."

"It has an operating guide, you will understand it after reading it. It is simple, easy to use and convenient. With this device in hand, the world is at your disposal."


"Your advertising slogan is a bit exaggerated." Ji Chutong frowned.

Why are they starting to promote this again

Thinking back to what Qi Zixiao did at the gathering of geniuses, she was truly speechless.

Later, she dared to sell the Immortal Machine, which cost one thousand spirit stones, for millions or even tens of millions at the Tianjiao Festival!!!

In the end, Qi Zixiao distributed some magical secrets to the Great Elder, Emperor Qingping, and the mother and daughter of the Dragon Tail Lion, asking them to give them to people they trusted.

As Sister Wu successfully evolved into an innate merit spiritual treasure by integrating the foundation of the Heavenly Dao, her "signal" skyrocketed. Now, even on a large map like the universe, the signal can cover half of the map. As long as the distance is not too far, the fairy machine is already very useful.

Moreover, Qi Zixiao was also looking forward to it.

I hope that one day in the future, the Sky-viewing Mirror will be upgraded again, and the "signal" can directly cover the entire universe.

Only then will the immortal secret be truly immortal.

"Grand Elder, Emperor."

Qi Zixiao bowed gently: "If there is nothing else, let's part ways now."

The elder hesitated for a moment and asked, "What are your plans?"

"We underestimated you before. With your current strength, you can go to all the heavens and worlds."

"The so-called enemies of the world are nothing but a joke. Now, these 'enemies of the world' should be worried about you going to cause trouble."

"It's just that you already know about the friction between the Yin and Yang worlds, and you have guessed the role played by the 'sinner'."

"I'm curious, what will you choose?"

"Is it really as you said before?"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Qingping and the big and small dragon-tailed lions all looked at Qi Zixiao, wanting to know her answer.

Although Ji Chutong, Lan Caier and Qi Zixiao are on the same side, everyone knows that Qi Zixiao is the one who makes the decisions.

“It’s natural.”


Qi Zixiao smiled, with a hint of coldness in his smile: "Originally, I had not made a complete decision, but after I learned what the so-called 'sinner' meant, I made up my mind."

"None of those old guys will survive."

"I will go there, find them, and send them off one by one!"

"Even if we are guilty, it is not their turn to point fingers or judge us!"

"They use the excuse of justice to cover up their own incompetence and cowardice, and persecute people like us who should be the victims..."

"What's the point of keeping them?!"

"Killing them can also allow the power in their bodies to return to the world and give birth to other geniuses."

"Perhaps, it is possible that among these geniuses, a few passionate people will emerge."

"Well said."

Emperor Qingping clapped his hands in approval: "I knew that you, Qi Zixiao, are definitely not that kind of pedantic person. Once you hear about the righteousness of the world, you will forget all your hatred and grievances. Even if you feel wronged to death, you will work for them..."

"It's just stupid!"

The big and small dragon-tailed lions nodded silently.

The Great Elder sighed and said, "Since you have made your decision, I will not ask any more questions."

"This is your own path, and you have to walk it by yourself. Just don't regret your decision today in the future."

"Of course I won't regret it."

Qi Zixiao responded, and Ji Chutong and Lan Caier nodded, expressing their approval and attitude.

"In that case, let's part ways now."

The big dragon-tailed lion said, "Emperor Qingping, if you want to see a real dragon, we will take you to see the ancestor, but we cannot guarantee whether the ancestor is willing to be the so-called leader of the demon clan. It is even possible that the old man will eat you in one bite."

"Think about it carefully."

"No matter what happens, we will stand on the side of our ancestors, even if they ask us to kill you."


Emperor Qing Ping bared his teeth and almost rolled his eyes as he said, "I will bear all the consequences myself."

"A powerful being like a real dragon, I must meet him no matter what."

"Then I will return to the Sword Palace."

"The nine great palaces have been sealed off by the Lord Sword Master for a thousand years and are not allowed to leave. Although our Sword Palace has not been restricted by the Lord Sword Master, it is not easy for us to go out casually, otherwise it will be easy for the other eight great palaces to catch us."

The Great Elder's worries are not unfounded.

This is a fact.

The Nine Heavenly Palaces were not allowed to leave, but you, the Sword Palace, were able to leave...

If someone brings this up, someone quick to say, "That means you're not one of the Nine Heavenly Palaces!"

How should I answer in this situation

How to deal with it

It was heard before that Qi Zixiao and the other two were too dangerous, so the Great Elder naturally didn't care about anything else. He just waved his hand and brought people over.

And now, not only has the crisis of Qi Zixiao and the other two been resolved, they have become terrifyingly powerful, so it would be best for them to return to the Sword Palace and "hide".

"As for us..."

Qi Zixiao looked at Ji Chutong and Lan Caier, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Find those old guys who are shouting, and kill them all the way!"

"If they are not eliminated, or if no one stands up, this matter will gradually become an 'unspoken rule', causing the already corrupt world to sink into complete depravity!"

“Someone has to stand up, and someone has to break the rules.”

"Originally, we actually had no interest in any of this. What old rules, what standing up? As long as they don't provoke us, what does it have to do with us?"

"But they are targeting us now..."

"Then we don't mind standing up once. Hopefully, they won't collapse too quickly and can hold on a little longer."

"This way, we can kill to our heart's content!"

Lan Caier smiled sinisterly, which made her look even more sinister with her brightly colored clothes and the blood mosquitoes floating around her: "Speaking of which, I discovered in the battle just now that the flesh and blood of the Golden Immortal, especially the blood essence, can breed blood mosquitoes very quickly..."

"Those old guys are almost dead and don't have much time left, but they are still Golden Immortals after all. A decayed Golden Immortal would be a perfect match for breeding blood mosquitoes, right?"

"You're disgusting."

Ji Chutong complained: "I just want to kill all those old immortals who are targeting us, not to mention..."

"Accusing the border guards who took huge risks as criminals, these people and this behavior deserve to die!"

Three parties respectively.

At the end of the blood river, the water is surging.

Its intensity is more than ten times stronger than before this battle!

Even part of the river water was dyed golden, with red in gold and gold in red, but in the end, it all flowed into the end of the Blood River and disappeared.

Qi Zixiao did not build any buildings to cover up the wonder of the end of the Blood River, because in this battle, too many people saw the original appearance of the end of the Blood River.

There's no point in covering it up, it's better to put it here openly.

Anyway, it is not easy to master the way of time and space and find the sea of blood.

Moreover, perhaps when the next Blood Demon Lord is born and comes out, he will find a way to build something here

Qi Zixiao and the other two left.

The Great Elder also led all the sword immortals in the Sword Palace to rush upwards.

Emperor Qingping dismissed the demon tribes from different worlds with a wave of his hand, and followed the big and small dragon-tailed lions to the Sea of Beasts.

The starry sky gradually became quiet.


Not long after, someone showed up.

There are true immortals, celestial immortals, and mysterious immortals.

They didn't come for a big fight, but to 'pick up trash'.

The place where Golden Immortals fell in large numbers, although Qi Zixiao and the other two had already cleaned up the battlefield, some things would still remain.

As for the Golden Immortal's items, even if they are 'trash' or 'broken fragments', they still have a high value.

At the same time, they also developed a strong interest in the strange sight at the end of the blood river.

After all, this scene is so bizarre that few people who see it would have any thoughts about it.

However, it is not easy to explore its mystery.

One after another, immortals descended, each using their own methods and displaying their magical powers.

But no one could discover the mystery, nor could they find the location of the sea of blood. Even no clues or leads were found.

In the end, you can only come with excitement and return in failure.

Everyone knows that there must be something wrong at the end of the Blood River!

There are even many immortals speculating that the reason Qi Zixiao and the other two suddenly became so powerful and that their astonishing killing sword came from the secret place here.

Moreover, this statement has been recognized by many immortals.

But it still doesn't work.

You can guess as much as you want, and you can agree as much as you want, but if you can't get in, everything is in vain.


At the same time, in the sea of blood, in the land of the Asura clan.

Cang Momo was paying attention to the scenes in the 'ten areas', and only when he found that many Asuras were pregnant did he show a look of relief.

But soon, he appeared in the distance.


Above the sky, blood poured down, as if there was a super waterfall in the sky, causing the blood to flow down three thousand feet.

Cang had seen this place and this scene many times before.

But at this moment, he looked surprised.

There is gold mixed in the blood!

Killing, death, resentment...

All kinds of auras are countless times better than before!

If the benefit of the blood river flowing into the sea of blood was "one" before, then now, it is at least more than "one hundred"!

“Such changes...”

After Cang silently deduced, he showed a surprised expression: "It is enough to increase the growth of our Ashura clan many times!"

"Not only that, the expansion of the entire blood sea will also grow rapidly."

"Many creatures in the blood sea will benefit greatly. From this moment on, earth-shaking changes will occur."

"How could such a change happen?"

He groaned, and then thought: "Could it be that Qi Zixiao and the others did something to that person in the outside world?"

"Blood River..."

"Even if we kill several Golden Immortals and pour all their blood into the blood river, such a shocking change won't happen, right?"

"What kind of killing disaster did they create? How many powerful people did they kill?"

At this moment, even Cangdu felt a chill on his spine and his whole body was cold.

"In that case, I underestimated them. After Qi Zixiao obtained the Yuantu and Abi swords, I'm afraid her strength will be stronger than mine."

"However, under such circumstances, perhaps..."

“Maybe I might take that step, but who knows.”

"I accept this favor and karma on behalf of the Ashura clan..."

Soon, Cang sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Before this, he had not practiced for many years, because when he reached the peak, the road ahead was blocked and the bottleneck was extremely hard, and he could not break through at all.

But at this moment...

The bottleneck that was like a natural chasm seemed to loosen a little.

Even if there is only a slight glimmer, there is hope after all.


Inside Kunlun Palace.

The three palace masters gathered together. Old Zhou seemed like a peaceful corpse, lying on a bamboo chair beside the pond with his eyes closed and sleeping.

His feet were submerged in the water, and the fish in the water were swimming around his feet, looking very lively.


The three of them looked at each other, feeling a little awkward.

"It's not a good idea to disturb Mr. Zhou, isn't it?"

"But this matter is important, and we can't just make a decision casually. Even though it will disturb Elder Zhou, it's better not to make a decision casually."

"That's right, then you go."


The person in the middle was confused, but seeing that both of them were looking at him, he could only move closer and whispered, "Mr. Zhou."

"Mr. Zhou?"

The calls continued, and the volume continued to increase.

Unfortunately, no response.

Mr. Zhou didn't react at all, even the rise and fall of his chest disappeared.


The three people's faces changed slightly. The one who was closer was even more shocked after sensing it: "Oh no, Mr. Zhou doesn't have any breath at all. Could it be that he has already..."

"Sitting in meditation and passing away?"


"But Mr. Zhou has clearly already..."

"But he is too old after all. I don't know how many years he has lived. Even if he takes that step, it may not be possible..."

"But, this, this..."

The three were stunned.

They are all Daluo Jinxian, and they are powerful Daluo Jinxian.

But even so, faced with the current situation, everyone was panicked and at a loss, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Ha ha!"

However, just when they were a little panicked, a loud laugh suddenly broke out.

Then, the suspected dead Zhou Lao suddenly stood up and laughed: "You were fooled by me, right?!"

The three palace masters were stunned for a moment: “ ̄__ ̄||···”

"It's fun, it's fun, it's really fun."

Mr. Zhou was in great spirits, clapping his hands and looking very happy.

However, under the helpless and depressed expressions of the three people, Mr. Zhou could only stop smiling, and the corners of his wrinkled mouth twitched slightly: "It's just a joke."

“Not cooperating at all.”

The three of them didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but they could only say: "Mr. Zhou, you'd better not scare us like this..."

Although he is a Daluo Jinxian, they have great respect for the person in front of them.


This is a being who is suspected to have survived from the previous era!

He was too old, no one knew how long he had lived, and no one knew how strong he was. The first half of Kunlun Palace's history was almost entirely written by him alone!

Later, not many people knew about this old man.

Because he no longer manages the affairs of the Heavenly Palace and does not show up to the outside world. Even within the Heavenly Palace, no more than ten people in the world have seen him.

This is a living fossil, a real antique.

It would be fine if you didn't know, but after knowing the history of Kunlun Palace, how could you not admire it

"What's up?"

Mr. Zhou grabbed the fish bait at hand and threw it into the bathtub. He watched the fish fighting for food and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seeing this, the three palace masters all looked convinced.

With his strength, he can calculate with his fingers and there are almost no things in the world that can be hidden from him.

But he never did that.

Someone once asked why it was not the whole world.

But Mr. Zhou said, if everything in the world was known, what fun would there be in this world

Therefore, he never counted.

Even when it comes to the comfort of the entire Kunlun Heavenly Palace, he never calculates anything and always realizes it later.

But it is precisely because of this that the three palace masters admire him so much.

What kind of person and what kind of state of mind do you have to be in to be able to let go of everything

Although they are powerful among the Golden Immortals, they still find it difficult to understand.

"Something happened. The latest news is that recently, Qi Zixiao, Ji Chutong, and Lan Caier, the current saints of the Wu Gu Saint Realm, have been killed."

"The three of them joined forces and killed nearly a hundred Golden Immortals at the end of the blood river. The blood of the immortals flowed and the blood river surged..."

"The backbone of the universe has fallen to its lowest point in history at this moment."

"And if this news gets out, we're worried that the underworld..."


"Three little girls, killing a hundred golden immortals?"

Elder Zhou was shocked and blinked his eyes: "Have the current Golden Immortals become so weak?"

The three palace masters: “…”

Does this mean that the current Golden Immortal is weak

It's obviously that Qi Zixiao is too perverted, right

Besides, is your focus a bit off? The point is not this, but the result, okay, the result!

One of them whispered, "Mr. Zhou, it's not the Golden Immortals' fault for being too weak. According to the news, Qi Zixiao has two powerful weapons, one black and one white bone sword. They are so murderous that even a peak Golden Immortal can't take a single blow."

"Moreover, Qi Zixiao becomes more and more courageous with the help of this sword. It seems that he will never be exhausted. His spiritual power is even suspected to be stronger than that of a golden immortal. He can often predict the enemy's moves first, so..."

"Isn't it because the current Golden Immortal is too weak?"

Elder Zhou asked back, "If the Golden Immortal was strong enough, how could he be killed by her?"


The three palace masters were even more speechless.

Before he could say anything, he heard Elder Zhou ask again, "You just said there were two bone swords, one black and one white?"


Another palace master waved his hand and used his immortal energy to outline the appearance of two swords in the void: "This is the scene that was transmitted. The two swords look like this."

"It is really hard to imagine what kind of peerless and vicious sword this is."

"Just looking at its phantom can make me feel cold all over..."

The palace master looked very surprised, but also a little cautious and incredulous.

Killing a Golden Immortal would be fine, but he himself is a Golden Immortal who has been a Golden Immortal for more than five million years. But he is so frightened that his hair stands on end just by looking at the phantoms of these two swords? !

"These two swords..."

Mr. Zhou's focus was not off this time. He looked carefully, and then...

He lay down on the bamboo chair and said, "I haven't seen it before."

The three palace masters: “…”

Then, Mr. Zhou said, "But it feels a little familiar. I should know it, but I can't remember some of it."

The three handsome palace masters were speechless.

"Why can't you remember anything?"

They murmured in their hearts, but they dared not say it out loud.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you think... should we intervene?" He changed the subject, hoping to draw Mr. Zhou's attention back to the right place.

"Intervention what?"

Mr. Zhou asked back.

"...Now, many old guys who had been in seclusion have come out, and they keep accusing Qi Zixiao and the other two of being sinners of the heavens and myriad worlds."

"It looks like they want to push them to that point just like they did back then."

"Should we add fuel to the fire?"

"What waves are we pushing and what waves are we helping?"

Elder Zhou narrowed his eyes and curled his lips: "I, an old man, did not approve of what happened back then, but the Palace Master of that generation said that it was for the good of the Heavenly Palace."

"If we don't get them there, something bad will happen sooner or later. Besides, this way, we can also preserve the strength of the Heavenly Palace."

"At that time, my old bones had already retired for many years, so naturally I was too lazy to care about it."

"Moreover, those people are also Golden Immortals, and they do have the ability to guard the border gate."

"But do Qi Zixiao and the other three little girls have the qualifications?"

"What are you forcing them to do? To send them to their deaths?"

The three of them were not surprised, and immediately asked tentatively: "Then... Mr. Zhou, do you mean to suppress this matter?"

"What are you pressing?"

"What does this have to do with us, Kunlun?"


"I'm tired, walk, walk, don't disturb me to rest."

Mr. Zhou started to chase people away.

The three of them could only leave.

When they left the villa, the three of them still looked confused and helpless.

"Mr. Zhou is becoming more and more mysterious. He always tells half the story."

"Eh? That's not right. There's one thing I haven't mentioned yet. Over at the border... I'm afraid things are not going to be peaceful!"

"How about going back?"

"Why are you going back? If Mr. Zhou doesn't want to see us, you won't be able to get in even if you try your best."

"What should we do then?"

"Obviously, what Elder Zhou meant is that we at Kunlun don't need to get involved in Qi Zixiao and the others' affairs. So we should just let nature take its course."

"Although Mr. Zhou has not calculated everything in the world, with his strength and realm, I am afraid that whatever he says is vaguely in line with the great way, so we just need to do what he says."

"As for the border..."

"I'm afraid we need to send a few disciples who are proficient in space to keep an eye on it. If a war breaks out, we must be prepared."

"By the way, those guys, are they still alive?"

"If a war breaks out, they should be able to hold out for a few years..."



Old Zhou casually scattered a handful of fishing baits, but unknowingly, he simulated the phantom of the two bone swords he had just seen.

Watch and watch.

He suddenly slapped his forehead and asked excitedly: "Huh?"

"Like the legendary Yuantu and Abi!"


"Why am I so excited?"

"What are Yuantu and Abi?"

"Where's the legend?"

His excitement disappeared, replaced by confusion and bewilderment. His brows slightly furrowed, "Why do these two names appear in my mind?"


Sun and Moon Palace.

Senior executives gathered together to discuss the major events that happened today.

"In my opinion, we should just go with the flow. Even though we can't leave, the many worlds under our jurisdiction, do they dare not obey us?"

"Let them go with the flow and, for the sake of justice, send Qi Zixiao and the other two to the border gate."

"What if I give the foundation of heaven to them?"

"Now, Qi Zixiao is invincible below Daluo and is qualified to guard the border pass."

"I still think the foundation of the Heavenly Dao is more important. Don't forget, they have mastered the three Daos!"

"As for our Sun Moon Qiankun Palace, as long as we master two more techniques, we will definitely surpass Kunlun..."

"Even if I only get one, I may still have this chance. There are less than 999 years left..."

"By then, if the princess takes action personally, are you still afraid that Qi Zixiao will be able to turn the tables?!"

"Don't be careless. Qi Zixiao is only in the early stage of the Celestial Immortal. She has been practicing for less than thirty years, but she has been able to cross two realms and kill a Golden Immortal. Killing a Golden Immortal is as easy as butchering a dog! If she is given nearly a thousand years, she may not be able to kill even a Daluo."

“Although the gap between the Golden Immortal and the Daluo is as huge as a chasm in the sky and extremely difficult to cross, Qi Zixiao is obviously not an ordinary person and should not be viewed with the eyes of an ordinary person.”

"It's better to send them to the border."

"Otherwise, it might cause disaster!"


The senior executives were divided into two factions.

One group suggested forcing Qi Zixiao and the other two to the border pass, and letting them guard the border as "criminals", and never allow them to return. Otherwise, what if Qi Zixiao "develops" too well

Today's Qi Zixiao is no longer a 'rookie' who has just stepped into the world of immortal cultivation. She is already invincible below the Daluo level. Given another thousand years, who knows how powerful she will be

The other group believes that the foundation of heaven's way is more important.

It would be more appropriate to kill people and seize the throne later.

After much arguing, there is still no conclusion.

In the end, it was the current Palace Master who said quietly, "That's enough."

"I already know your thoughts, but they are not appropriate."

"Pass the order down, let the world we rule add fuel to the fire and force Qi Zixiao and the other two to the border."

"As for the foundation of the Way of Heaven..."


“When the Sword Master’s power dissipates, this Palace Master will judge based on the situation at that time whether to destroy them and seize the foundation of the Heavenly Dao.”

"The Palace Master is wise!"

"In this way, it is absolutely safe."

"This is truly a foolproof plan..."

Everyone flattered him and thought it made a lot of sense.

What if we can’t win after a thousand years? If we can’t win, then don’t fight!

Send him to the border first, and wait until the time comes to see the situation. If you can kill him, then kill him. You can also pretend to be someone from the underworld...

Can't beat him, can't kill him? Then just pretend it never happened, and it can also provide a layer of protection for the heavens and the worlds and the Sun Moon Heavenly Palace. After all, he is a strong man stronger than the palace master. Guarding the border, aren't we very safe

No loss either way.


It is at this moment.

Black and White Palace, Gods and Ghosts Palace, Liangyi Palace, Yin and Yang Palace, Four Symbols Demon-Suppressing Palace, Taishang Wuji Palace...

Almost all of them were like the Sun and Moon Palace, where the top leaders gathered together and secretly discussed how to deal with the matter, but their conclusions and decisions were different.

The only exception is Taixuan Jiuqing Palace!

When the Sword Palace was separated, the power of the Taixuan Jiuqing Palace was almost reduced by half. If it weren't for the Palace Master, I'm afraid countless people would have jumped out and shouted that the Taixuan Jiuqing Palace was not worthy of being a Heavenly Palace...

After all, the Golden Immortal is too powerful. Currently, no one has the courage to do so, and the other eight heavenly palaces have not yet "spoken".

Even without someone to take the lead, Taixuan Jiuqing Palace can still maintain its status as one of the nine heavenly palaces.

At this moment, the Palace Master had not discussed this with anyone.

However, the hand holding the sound transmission jade talisman was shaking slightly.

"Palace Master, you are harming me!"

"Is Qi Zixiao so easy to kill? If I hadn't been lucky today, I'm afraid it would be..."


The sound transmission jade talisman exploded.

The Palace Master looked normal, but there was a coldness in his eyes that almost overflowed.

"Qi Zixiao, invincible under Daluo, killing a Golden Immortal is as easy as butchering a dog..."

"You're growing up so fast!"

"But, when you get to the border, what will you do?"


"Is it a fairy secret?"

On the way to the Sea of Thousand Beasts, Emperor Qingping was playing with the magic machine, showing curiosity: "It seems that the 'guidance' is indeed very useful, let's give it a try."

It added the Great Elder as a friend, and then sent a message.

"Do you think they will go?"

"It's a matter of early or late." The Great Elder responded quickly.

"Then tell me, if we do this... and they regret it one day in the future, will they hate us?"

"Why do you think they will regret it?"

"Because, in my opinion, no one would regret going to that damn place."

"Especially when the universe has become so corrupt..."


"Everything depends on them."

“The road is under their feet.”

"Yes, the road is under their feet."

The two no longer communicated.

Emperor Qingping, who was using this kind of "text chat" for the first time and even tried to send a few emoticons, found it particularly novel.

"It's really good and interesting."

"It's just that Qi Zixiao..."

"How will you choose?"

Beep beep.

Suddenly, a message came from a mysterious source.

Emperor Qingping took a look and realized that it was a demon under his command. When they parted just now, he gave them the secret of immortality.


"Emperor, the latest news."

"Regarding Qi Zixiao and the other two who killed nearly a hundred Golden Immortals, the old fellow who made the most noise and accused them of being the sinners of the heavens and myriad worlds - Immortal Lord Haodong... was killed in his own lair."

"According to eyewitnesses, a blood-red sword energy pierced through the sky and earth, swept away countless stars, and slashed through the void..."

"He also killed Immortal Lord Haodong."


Emperor Qingping's eyelids twitched and the corners of his mouth twitched.

“It starts now?”

"Are they really women?"

"This murderous aura and killing intent, they are simply murderous embryos!"

"But, that's fine."

"If the old doesn't go, the new won't come."

"What's more..."

"It's time to clean up this corrupt world. Although we can't touch the 'roots' yet, it's a good thing to blow off some of the corrupt leaves."

"I don't have the confidence, but you guys... Tsk, should we say that youth means courage? You do what you say, without any hesitation."

"But, once you do this, it means you have made up your mind."



Emperor Qingping simply responded: "If you have any similar news, please inform me at any time."

Then, he didn't think about it anymore.

Because the teleportation array has arrived.

Soon, we will arrive at the Sea of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"True dragon, the former leader of the demon race..."

Emperor Qingping showed hope on his face: "If this trip goes well, it will be much easier afterwards."