What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 833: Changes of the Earth (W)


There's no way around it. Everyone would feel guilty about this.

That's what they call "if you stomp on it you'll feel numb too."


When Lin Fan returned to the underworld, the empress had already returned.

The three said goodbye to each other without any nonsense. After a brief greeting, they set off to return to Earth, which is the "ancestral land" mentioned by the First Emperor and the Empress.

Today, the distance between Kunlun and the earth has become increasingly farther.

This is actually quite metaphysical.

Because, there is still a "relative size" between the two. Maybe it's a bit strange to say this, but the problem is that even if Kunlun is now countless times larger than it was before, from the perspective of the Earth...

When I looked up, the moon still looked the same as it did back then.

It was as if Kunlun was still the moon and had not grown any bigger.

At least, that's what it looks like to the naked eye.

However, since Kunlun has become countless times larger, the distance between the two sides has become N times greater.

Unfortunately, there is no teleportation array between the two, so the only way is to fly there.

On the way, Lin Fan suddenly became curious: "By the way, why do you call the Earth your ancestral land? Is it because that is where you originated? Or is there another explanation?"

"It's been said since ancient times, right?"

The Empress looked at the First Emperor: "At least that was the case in my time."

"It is indeed a saying that has existed since ancient times."

The First Emperor nodded and said, "In my time, the so-called Earth, or the ancestral land, was not what it is today."

"Just the land of Kyushu is larger than the entire earth when you returned to your ancestral land."

“The topography is also different.”

“However, the ancestral land now is much larger than it was in our early days.”


Lin Fan was a little surprised, but only a little.

It has long been confirmed that the earth has been getting bigger after the revival of spiritual energy. We also know that there were still cultivators in the world during the time of the empress, so it is easy to understand.

Apparently, over the next thousand years, the Earth's spiritual energy was completely exhausted, and it became smaller and smaller...

Until it became the Earth of modern times.

After the revival of spiritual energy, the earth began to gradually restore its original appearance. However, even up to now, the earth has not yet completely restored its original appearance.

So, why is the earth called the ancestral land

Why has this saying existed since ancient times

There is currently no answer to this mystery.

"Waiting for me to reveal it? Not bad."

Lin Fan muttered to himself, then without further thought, headed towards the Earth.


Outside the world barrier, Lin Fan once again saw the figures of many immortals. In fact, it has only been three years since he left.

Three years is just a blink of an eye for an immortal.

Many immortals are far from giving up and want to wait here for Lin Fan to return.

Little did they know that Lin Fan was not far from them at the moment, but...

His strength is no longer what it used to be, and he now has the First Emperor by his side.

"They haven't left yet."

The Empress said unhappily, "Many Daluo have issued orders for all immortals to prepare for battle in the underworld, but they never expected that these people are still waiting here."

"He really deserves to be killed."

"He deserves to be killed." After Lin Fan carefully felt it, he laughed and said, "Old Zhao, do you want to do it, or should I?"

"Let me take action. I can kill these ignorant creatures and send them to the underworld. They can still be of some use."

The First Emperor snorted coldly. Although he had never been deep into the underworld and was not as powerful as he was in the underworld, the strongest people here were only two or three Xuanxian...

Naturally, there won't be any problem if he takes action.

Almost at the same time as the cold snort sounded, a horrifying scene appeared in the starry sky. Ghostly shadows and Taoist principles intertwined in pieces, strangling the immortals hiding in the dark!

"What's this?!"

“Damn it!”

"How dare you sneak attack us? You are really seeking death!"

Angry shouts rang out, accompanied by the explosion of pieces of starry sky, and people took action one after another, it was very terrifying.

But, it's of no use.

Even though they shouted loudly and made a lot of noise, they could not break the emperor's offensive.

Soon, the shouts turned into pleas for mercy and even screams.

Unfortunately, the First Emperor was not moved.

All these immortals who were waiting for the opportunity were killed, without leaving a single one alive.

Even their incarnations were all killed according to the law of cause and effect, and their bodies and souls were truly destroyed. Even the seals of their true spirits that were supposed to report to the underworld were taken away by the First Emperor and thrown into the underworld...

This is the most horrific method.

He continued to completely kill the opponent and turned the opponent's "ghosts" into the underworld. And because of the existence of the foundation of heaven, the First Emperor could completely control the opponent 100!

Even if I kill you, you still have to work for me!

Lin Fan found this kind of "tragic situation" quite terrifying just thinking about it.

"Fortunately it's on our side."

He muttered softly, and the empress couldn't help but look at him and then nodded silently.

"So, Queen, you agree with me, right?"

Lin Fan chuckled.

“You guys.”

The First Emperor shook his head for a while, and then he said, "Let's go."


Lin Fan stretched out his hand to stop him: "Old Zhao, wait for a moment."

Then, in the puzzled eyes of the two, facing the huge formation that seemed like a barrier between the worlds, he said: "Ji Chutong, are you there?"


The formation fluctuated slightly, and soon, Ji Chutong appeared from an inconspicuous corner and came towards Lin Fan.

Her face was full of fear and vigilance, but the one she was vigilant about was not Lin Fan, but the First Emperor and the Empress.

"Is this the legendary zombie who saved your life?"

The First Emperor was very considerate and stepped back directly, then spoke with great curiosity.

"Out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, not affected by cause and effect... It's really strange." The empress was also retreating, not because she was necessarily afraid of the zombie limited edition Ji Chutong, but because there was no need to.

The other party is obviously afraid of them, so why should they insist

It doesn't matter if you step back a little.

At the same time, they were more curious about Ji Chutong herself rather than her strength or anything else.

After all, the emperor duo did not know Ji Chutong's origins, they only knew that she was a zombie that had lived for many years.

Even during the conversation, they all felt that this zombie was actually a drought demon!

"That's her."

Lin Fan nodded, and then took the initiative to approach the zombie limited edition Ji Chutong.

The last time they met was in Kunlun. Ji Chutong came to give him a sword. Although it was only at the level of a post-natal spiritual treasure and could not be considered too amazing, for Lin Fan at that time, it was like timely help and was extremely useful.

"Have you ever remembered anything?"

When they met again, Lin Fan took the initiative to ask Ji Chutong if she remembered anything.

It can be seen that Ji Chutong's strength is also growing.

So, Lin Fan was looking forward to it.

Even if Ji Chutong encountered a bug when going against the flow of time, she must have suffered some damage, which led to problems with her 'memory' and even her 'brain'.

Therefore, he could only hope that with the growth and recovery of his strength, Ji Chutong would become more normal.

"The foundation of Heaven's Way..."

The zombie limited edition Ji Chutong's statement is still "difficult", intermittent, and even very vague. It depends half on listening and half on guessing.

But this time, there was indeed some new content.

The foundation of heaven!

Apart from that, the rest of the words were basically what I had heard before, but they were relatively more "complete".

There were no other new gains.

"Emphasis on the foundation of heaven's way?"

Lin Fan took a deep breath: "I will try my best to collect more and control as much as possible!"

While he was speaking, he was always paying attention to the changes in Ji Chutong's facial expression and look. Although it was very "stiff", he could still see some changes.

Sure enough, when Lin Fan said this, although Ji Chutong still looked confused, she was actually a little more relaxed.

She herself might not have noticed this relief, but Lin Fan, who had been paying attention to her, could see it.

"Is it a feeling from the heart or the depths of the soul? Or is it 'instinct'?"

"However, this is at least enough to prove that she, or they, also hope that I will collect more foundations of the Heavenly Dao in this era, right?"

"In that case, my Saint Daughter and I have chosen the right path."

“Just look…”

"Will the rest of the journey be smooth?"

"I see."

Lin Fan spoke again: "On Earth, we will trouble you again. We will go back and communicate with the Heavenly Dao using the foundation of the Heavenly Dao. By then, there will definitely be a huge movement, and perhaps... there will be a war."

"However, by then, if there is an accident, we will also take action."

"Don't try too hard."


In response to him, Ji Chutong let out a dry howl.

There was still a confused look on his face, and I didn't know whether he understood or not.

Most likely you didn't understand, right

Lin Fan smiled bitterly and thought to himself: Okay, I'd better pay more attention to it next time to make sure nothing goes wrong.

"Then, we'll go back first."

He waved his hand and was about to enter with the First Emperor, but suddenly stopped and turned back: "At the beginning, I remember you bit a space-based True Immortal and transformed it into a zombie, which became the center of the formation."

"Can he, or it, still use the abilities and rules of the space system now?"

Ji Chutong: “(⊙o⊙)···”

"Don't you understand?"

Lin Fan was helpless.

The discovery at the end of the blood river gave him an idea. The combination of time and space is time and space! If he could use time and space means and step into many time and space dimensions, it would be of great help in finding the foundation of the Heavenly Dao!

At least, it will be of great help in today's Kunlun!

Unfortunately, Ji Chutong did not respond.

Just when Lin Fan felt a little disappointed...

"I can."

A very matching and 'hollow' voice came.

Too weak, even weaker than the legendary kidney deficiency... no, it's even weaker than the emptiness itself. He speaks weakly and seems like he's going to fart at any moment.

Above the light curtain of the formation, the face of the space immortal appeared. He had two more fangs than before and was thinner.

He was just skin and bones, his face looked like it had barely any flesh on it, and his expression could hardly conceal his fatigue.

"I can. I can."

"Please be kind and take me away. I can't hold on any longer..."

So what if I’m a true immortal

Even zombies with strong bodies are no match for them!

How big is the solar system today? !

The appearance of spiritual energy, and its gradual thickening, coupled with the spiritual energy storm sweeping across...

The Earth has grown thousands of times larger, and the solar system has naturally undergone many changes. Along with the development of the mystical monks, and the rapid development of the technological side after digesting the Zerg mothership...

Plus some 'Xiankai' products that combine the two.

The changes are really big!

Even the sun has been moved, and all the original planets have been set foot on by humans.

Various materials and resources have been utilized.

Today's Earth civilization, even from a technological perspective, is infinitely close to a Level 3 civilization - able to perfectly utilize all the energy in the galaxy!

This speed is simply incredible.

It should be noted that more than ten years ago, we were still far from even the first-level civilization, but now we are close to the third-level civilization.

However, when it developed to this point, we found that the original "speculation" was not accurate.

The so-called third-level civilization is definitely not the end.

Is it enough to be able to make perfect use of the resources of the galaxy you are in

Far from it!

In fact, this is just the beginning!

It just declares that this civilization has truly begun to set foot in the universe and the sea of stars.

Therefore, the many problems encountered in the process of the earth's expansion have all been solved by the earth... or China.

For example, it is about to collide with other planets, it is too close to the sun, etc.

Currently, only China has this capability.

The situation in other countries...is not going very well.

They don't have cultivators and they don't have the Zerg's technology.

Although many people with special abilities and believers in the gods are becoming stronger, they are still far behind in relative terms.

It can only barely guarantee that they can survive normally and continue to reproduce.

To say that it is very nourishing is obviously not possible.

And during this process, the Milky Way is also expanding.

The formation that encompasses the entire Milky Way is naturally expanding, and the True Immortal zombies that are one of the core sources of the formation...

Naturally, things become more and more miserable, with more and more energy being extracted every moment.

At this moment, he felt that he might be drained of his last bit of 'energy' at any time, and then die.

So, he almost cried and begged Lin Fan to take him away.

"Not yet. Just hold on a little longer. You can do it."

After Lin Fan roughly understood the whole process, he couldn't help but chuckle and encouraged him, "You can do it!"

other side:"···"

I can be a ghost!

He was speechless.

"Well, after that, there should be another surge in the amount of energy inside, so you have to be prepared in advance. You must not let it be drained out and then burp."

"I'll come take you away later."

Space Zombie: “···???!!!”

(ΩДΩ)? ?

"Still, it's going to skyrocket???"

"Well, that's fine!" Lin Fan nodded and blinked. Looking at the other person's miserable condition and sad expression, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

But this matter is imperative, there is no other way~


The space zombie opened his mouth, but finally became speechless and disappeared with a dark face.

"I hope I won't really be drained by the formation."

Lin Fan had no choice. At least he couldn't remove the formation before the three people successfully resonated with each other, otherwise he would not be able to react in time if something went wrong.

"Let's go."

Lin Fan did not delay any longer. After saying goodbye to Ji Chutong, he reunited with the First Emperor and the Empress, stepped into the formation, and headed towards the Earth.

Once we get here, it will be almost there.

Almost as soon as they took a step, the space became blurred, and they "traveled" to the Earth and the Chinese region.

With just one thought, the entire earth is under your control.

“Is it already this big?”

Lin Fan was a little surprised.

After three years away, the earth has become bigger.

It is tens of thousands times larger than before the revival of spiritual energy!

However, thinking of what Li Bai had said before, "a million times", he felt a little confused again.

"Tens of thousands of times, millions of times, and dozens of times of difference. What is going on?"

He stroked his chin and thought for a long time.

"According to Li Bai, such a dramatic change occurred in just a few years. However, in the era I have experienced, the Earth's spiritual energy has been revived for more than ten years, but there has still not been such a shocking change."

“Could it be related to the foundation of heaven?”

"Perhaps it is possible. Perhaps, in that history, after the Empress obtained the foundation of the Heavenly Dao and resonated with the Earth, the Earth underwent such changes within a few years?"

"After all, the Heavenly Dao Foundation that I possess has only been in resonance with the Earth for three years. It is not impossible for it to grow dozens of times larger in another three years."

This kind of change, such as the speed getting faster and faster in the later stages, is not difficult to understand.

For example, after the Earth has grown tens of thousands of times larger, it may seem almost impossible to tell from a distance that it has grown larger, but in fact, the multiple has already increased by +1.

Lin Fan even wondered, if the diameter of the earth is one inch larger now, would it be several times larger than it was a moment ago

He hadn't calculated it in detail, but he thought it should be about the same.

While thinking, his spiritual consciousness was mainly focused on three places.

The first is Zizhu Academy, the second is the Residents’ Happiness Life Department, and the third...

It is also the most important place, and even the place that makes Lin Fan most nervous, his hometown!

My hometown has changed a lot now.

From the original ordinary deep mountains and old forests, it has turned into a towering mountain with the top of the mountain covered with snow, like a world of ice and snow.

It even seems like a world straight out of a fairy tale.

When his consciousness reached here, it kept wandering around, feeling uneasy.

Parents...how are you

It has been more than three years since then, but they haven't even called back. I don't know if the two elders are angry

Are they okay in the face of such a shocking change

He hesitated. His spiritual consciousness had already "seen" the villa on the top of the mountain, but he had not entered for a long time and was very hesitant.

Until the door opened.

Dad shows up.

He carried a hoe, went to the backyard and started digging.

Lin Fan then saw that there was no snow in the backyard, and there were even birds singing and flowers blooming, just like a spring scene.

Many birds gathered in the backyard, chirping and looking quite lively.

Some common side dishes are also grown in the backyard, but they are all lush green and look full of vitality.

Obviously, both animals and plants were nourished by the spiritual energy and underwent tremendous changes.

Dad was wielding a hoe in the backyard.

Compared with three years ago, there is almost no change.

At least that's how it looks.


"Is he already in the Spiritual Severing Stage?"

Lin Fan smacked his lips, surprised at his father's progress, and at the same time very happy.

"In that case, I don't need to hesitate any longer. Since I have already walked a long way on the path of cultivation, a mere three years is really nothing."

"Perhaps three years have passed in their seclusion?"

While this fellow was comforting himself, his spiritual consciousness 'broke into' the villa.

Almost at the same time, he found his mother's trace.


The scene was somewhat unexpected.

It’s not that my mother has given birth, but that she is still pregnant!

Even her belly isn’t that big, it looks like she’s only four or five months pregnant at most, but the problem is, she’s been pregnant for more than three years!!!

“Is this a Nezha?”

Lin Fan blinked, a little confused: "Nezha has only been pregnant for three years?"

"Is there going to be any problem?"

His heart tightened, and he observed carefully with his spiritual sense, and then confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the fetus, but it was still a long way to go before it was born, and it still had to grow!

At the same time, this guy discovered that it was a sister.

And my sister is now very smart. Although she is still in the belly and very small, she is like a ghost. Not only that, there is even spiritual energy flowing in her body...

"have to."

This guy gradually reacted.

"The Earth is no longer a mortal world. Cultivation has long been popularized. Some powerful immortals have lived for thousands or even tens of thousands of years."

"Mom just stayed pregnant for a few more years. Considering her current Nascent Soul Peak cultivation, it is reasonable."

"But, there seems to be a saying that the longer the fetus stays in the womb, the more talented it is, right?"

"If that's the case, then my unborn sister must be a genius at least."

The fellow stroked his chin and said, "In that case, I'll help you."

"Although I really hope you can come out earlier, so that your parents can have some thoughts and stop urging you to get married..."


This guy looked in the direction of his hometown, his eyes seemed to penetrate the long distance and landed accurately on my mother's belly, and then he opened his mouth and exhaled.

He exhaled a breath of colorful fairy air, which instantly penetrated the void and sank into my mother's dantian.


My mother was immediately furious.

A violent wind burst out from his body, shocking the old father so much that he rushed over. Then, the couple looked at each other, both stunned.

"You...made a breakthrough?"

"Didn't you say before that you didn't feel anything?"

"I don't know. I was just watching TV here, and suddenly I had a breakthrough. I really didn't feel anything..."


The couple were both dumbfounded.

And that breath of "immortal energy" settled in my mother's dantian, peeling off a little from time to time and flowing into my mother's meridians, nourishing her body while also being absorbed by the fetus...

It was at this moment that Dad was confused again.

"You, your belly?!"


My mother looked down in confusion, then: "Ah?! My belly!!!?"

It got smaller!

Originally it looked like a normal five-month pregnancy, but now, it looks like three months at most, and only a little bulge can be seen...

"how so?"

"Quick, go down the mountain and find a doctor."

"What's wrong with Mo?"

"Lin Fan's son is not obedient at all. He still hasn't found us a daughter-in-law or a grandson. We can't let anything happen to our youngest daughter..."

"What are you talking about? He is a turtle's son, so you are the old turtle and I am the turtle's mother? You turtle fool!"

"I, you..."

The two were so nervous that even though they were arguing, they still quickly flew down the mountain to find a doctor.

However, their conversation made Lin Fan frown.

"Why is this brought up on me again?"

He shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Then, the spiritual consciousness was withdrawn.

There are no problems with the Department of Residents’ Well-being.

The eleven ministers are all doing well, and the seven deputy ministers have also gotten rid of the aftereffects of the Hundred Battles Sutra and have truly embarked on the path of cultivation. Their future achievements will not be low.

At the same time, they are also dealing with various periods, and everything is in order and very stable.

As for Zizhu Academy, the changes are quite significant.

The first batch of students were not in the school and went to Kunlun.

But this does not mean that Zizhu Academy has become deserted. In fact, it is just the opposite. Today’s Zizhu Academy is very lively!

There are more than two hundred students, ranging from three to thirty years old, divided into several classes, and it is a lively group.

The Department of Residential Well-Being has selected some teachers to serve as ordinary substitute teachers.

The old master of Demon Rice and Old Chen are both there. Although the old man does not teach cultivation, Taoist Zhang is still in charge of Zizhu Academy, so the teaching staff is not bad.

Old Chen's formation class was also very lively. When Lin Fan was observing, this ageless old man simply took off his shirt, revealing his upper body covered with formations.

"This... the sense of déjà vu is so strong!"

He muttered to himself.

No matter how you look at it, it gives a feeling of "Chen Haonan teaching students". Once the clothes are taken off, wow~ a dragon crossing the river appears.

This is, the tattoo on Old Chen’s head is not a dragon crossing the river, but a dense array of formations.

"Look, this is the seventh killing array. Isn't it amazing?"

"Thinking back then, I..."

On the podium, Old Chen was spitting all over the place, looking very excited, totally unaware that Lin Fan was "spying" at him from a distance.

However, as he watched, Lin Fan suddenly became curious.

"It seems that he is talking about the seventh killing array, and he is using his own experience to illustrate..."

"But as far as I know, Old Chen has all kinds of formations carved all over his body, even the bird is no exception. If the formation was not carved on his upper body... would he take off his pants to attend class?"


The guy's mouth curled up and he almost burst out laughing.

Zizhu Island is also much larger than it was before.

However, the types of plants are still somewhat monotonous.

Except for a few trees transplanted from Kunlun, and the spiritual grains and medicinal herbs planted by the old man, all of them are purple bamboo.

However, the seedling suspected to be the ginseng fruit tree has grown up, but unfortunately it has not yet bloomed. As a result, there is no clue at the moment, but just looking from afar, a large amount of spiritual energy gathers. It seems that even if it is not a ginseng fruit tree, it is extremely extraordinary.

The Wudao tea tree has grown less than one foot taller, which seems very slow, but for a tea tree, especially a Wudao tea tree, growing about one foot taller in three years is already quite good.

Ye Qingcheng also planted a seedling that looked like a peach tree on Zizhu Island. At the moment, it was the best growing one.

It is even full of peach blossoms, looking very sacred.

"I don't know how far this peach tree will be from the real fairy peach after it bears fruit, and whether it can really prolong life."


"I don't have anything else important to do this time, so I'll help these three trees grow faster."


As he waved his hand, immortal energy flew out in pieces and finally landed on three trees.

The old man was digging in the distance when he suddenly noticed that three trees began to tremble, and then began to grow wildly!

Even the slowest growing Wudao tea tree seemed to have taken stimulants. It grew to more than one meter in height and was still growing slowly.

The densely packed principles on its many leaves are even more mysterious and extraordinary.

Peach blossoms are originally extremely bright and have extraordinary vitality.

Perhaps, even if you wait for hundreds of years, you may not be able to wait for these peach blossoms to fade and bear fruit.

But now, these peach blossoms seem to have completed a journey of many years in an instant. Although they have not yet faded, they have all wilted, as if they are about to reach the end of their life.

At the connection with the branches, the rudiments of fruits are also brewing.

The suspected ginseng fruit tree even sprouted some flower buds!!!

“Why…why did this change happen?”

The old man was dumbfounded, he moved closer and observed carefully, but he didn't see anything wrong. He just felt comfortable all over, as if he was also "inhaled", and his whole body was floating in ecstasy.

“What the hell is this???”



"So why is it that from ancient times to the present, when one person attains enlightenment, all his family members will ascend to heaven?" Lin Fan withdrew his consciousness with satisfaction and said to himself, "From the perspective of a true immortal, a breath of 'immortal energy' can be of great help to people and things that have not yet become immortals..."

The so-called immortal energy is actually immortal essence.

Xian Yuan is one "level" higher than Zhen Yuan, and the gap between the two is huge.

A piece of immortal energy condensed by a true immortal would be of great benefit to creatures that have not yet become immortals.

Lin Fan estimated that by the time the three trees had absorbed the immortal essence he had given them, it would be equivalent to at least two hundred years of growth!

At least two hundred years!

At most...it’s hard to say.

After all, those three trees are very extraordinary and are rare treasures of heaven and earth. The later they grow, the slower they grow.

Such as ginseng fruit.

If it really is the legendary ginseng fruit tree, then we will have to wait a long time.

Three thousand years to bloom, three thousand years to bear fruit, three thousand years to mature...

If you don't cheat...just wait!

"However, I never thought that the old man would do research in this area."

While muttering, Lin Fan was even more curious and excited.

Because he found that there were many 'cutting' branches near these three trees, which came from these three trees.

Some branches on the tree have been 'grafted'.

Obviously, these are all attempts made by the old man.

If successful, we might be able to grow more of these trees using modern, scientific methods!

However, Lin Fan felt that it was unlikely that the Enlightenment Tea Tree could be cultivated using these methods.

What is important about the Wudao tea tree is the "Tao" and the charm, not the tree itself.

However, the two trees that look like ginseng fruit trees and peach trees are worth a try.

What if it succeeds


Daimao was very excited to know that Lin Fan had returned.

Today, it is green in color, having long shed its kingfisher shell, and looks more like a green divine bird.

His realm has even reached the peak of Mahayana, and he may be able to break through to the Immortal Stage at any time!

Around it, there are groups of wives and concubines, all of whom are exotic birds. Their tail feathers shine with different lusters, looking colorful and extraordinary.

Daimao was very excited and wanted to come find Lin Fan, but was stopped by Lin Fan.

"I have something important to do right now, you don't need to come."

"However, you have made great contributions in protecting the Purple Palace, so you deserve this reward!"

Lin Fan's telepathic voice made Daimao stand there in a daze.

Then, it saw a large piece of seven-colored "fairy air" flying towards it and enveloping it.


Almost at the same time, Daimao's aura surged and his body shape was also changing. In just a moment, he stepped into the immortal platform, and his growth momentum did not stop.

Not far away, many strange birds saw this scene and were all stunned.

Excitement, envy, and so on.



When Lin Fan stopped thinking about these questions, he turned around and looked at the First Emperor and the Empress beside him.

At this moment, they are at the top of Mount Everest!

However, Mount Everest is now much higher than it was before.

As for the cold and hurricanes...

For them, there will naturally be no problem.

"Everything is ready." The empress whispered.

The First Emperor said: "Although I have heard you and the Empress talk about it before, it is still hard to imagine."

"More than two thousand years have passed, and the ancestral land has turned into this scene."

"science and technology···"

He whispered: "Perhaps, we, and even the entire cultivation world, have underestimated the power of technology."

"It's likely."

Lin Fan pondered and said, "According to my understanding, there is actually no distinction between strong and weak in any power system."

"Such as sword cultivation, talisman cultivation, body cultivation..."

“Although there are differences, when you reach the highest point, they are actually almost the same.”

"Of course, the Western Divine Court appears to be much weaker, but that's just because they haven't reached the end of their own system."

"Or, are they lacking a pioneer who can open up the road that has already come to an end?"

"Technology is actually a kind of power system, right?"

“Although I don’t cultivate myself, when technology develops to a certain level, even an immortal may not be able to stop their attack.”

"It cannot be said that technology is not advanced, at most it has not yet developed to that level, like the Earth at this moment."

Lin Fan's eyes were dim, penetrating the distant distance and looking at all parts of China.

Technology has advanced tremendously!

Various flying cars are everywhere, and they don't emit "exhaust gas". They all have built-in small controlled nuclear fusion as energy.

Some of the more advanced ones can even directly absorb and store spiritual energy, and then be driven directly by the spiritual energy.

Even some floating buildings appeared one after another...

As controlled nuclear fusion becomes more and more popular, energy is no longer a problem.

These changes could only be seen in science fiction movies more than ten years ago, but now they have become a reality.

In fact, many scenes have never been seen in previous science fiction movies.

Perhaps for me, such a scene is not too shocking, but what about the First Emperor who had never known modern technology

"Old Zhao." Lin Fan smiled and said, "If you have any ideas, you can try them."

"Perhaps, the immortal transformation that combines immortal cultivation with technology will explode with its own unique splendor between you and the underworld."

Immortal change.

Lin Zixiao had this concept and idea a long time ago.

He even thought about equipping Zifu disciples with a large number of them.

However, due to the many changes caused by the events of the first sequence, they were never implemented.

By now, it seems to be of no use.

After all, the two of them don't have that much time and energy to study. Although there are many ordinary immortal-modified earths, how can they learn from them or even use them directly in the world of immortal cultivation


The power is too low!

But if the First Emperor had this idea, then he could push the underworld and the Ministry of Residents' Happy Life to join forces.

They are a strong alliance, with many people and many ideas~~~

When the time comes, I will learn from their achievements, ahem.

For example, a super-immortal-changed Big Ivan...

I guess it should be quite useful even in the universe, right

Furthermore, the causal weapon I saw at Wu Nianxiang's place before, and the Qingming grave-visiting picture were inspired by the two-dimensional foil...

In fact, these two "weapons" are both "Xiankai".

The law of causality involves cause and effect, and when it comes to playing with cause and effect, only those on the mysterious side are experts.

Two-dimensional foil is a scientific term that means reducing a three-dimensional object into two dimensions, but from a mysterious perspective, it is the application of the laws of space plus some other laws.

If you want an immortal to achieve the effect of two-dimensional foil independently with his own Taoism, it will be very difficult!

But technology can make up for this shortcoming...

Therefore, we really cannot underestimate technology, and we must not underestimate the changes made by the gods.

The First Emperor exclaimed in amazement: "It is worth a try."

“Perhaps, it will really create new sparks.”

"But that's all for the future. Right now, the most urgent thing is..."

The First Emperor raised his head, looked at the clouds and mist, and raised his lips slightly: "I really want to see the true appearance of my ancestral land."

“I don’t know, if the three foundations of the heavenly way all resonate successfully this time, to what extent will the ancestral land be restored?”

"I guess if we want to 'achieve it all in one go', even with the three Heavenly Dao foundations in our hands, it's not enough, but a big change is inevitable."

"Let's get started!"


The time and space around the three people suddenly stopped!

Even the entire earth was frozen for a moment.

Then, a wonderful feeling spread from the hearts of all living beings on Earth...

As for the few foreign monks who remained on Earth, they did not have this feeling. However, they were shocked to find that the sky had changed!

The original sky may be clear and sunny, with white clouds floating in the sky, or with dark clouds and heavy rain.

But at this moment, all the original celestial phenomena disappeared.

It was obscured by dense laws and runes.

Then, golden light shone from an unknown distance, making it impossible to open one’s eyes. Even the monks on the immortal platform could not look directly at it!

Suddenly, there was a fairy sound in the air!

It's like there are fairies singing in the sky...

Auspicious and strange phenomena appear in pictures!

What about the golden lotus sprouting from the ground, the bright moon rising from the sea, the rising tide in the blue sea...

What is the rain from heaven, what is the purple air coming from the east, what is the phantom appearance of the four sacred beasts...

Too many. Too many.

Many strange phenomena descended at the same time, too numerous to count, and stunned all living beings.

The sides of Lin Fan, the First Emperor, and the Empress were even brighter, as if they were about to be drowned by the auspicious vision in the sky.


The three of them 'exert their strength' at the same time.

Tension and anticipation.