What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become Immortal

Chapter 844: Test, immortal death



The space zombie hesitated for a moment, still a little confused.

It can feel the throbbing coming from every cell in its body, making it eager to lie dead in this sea of blood and improve itself.

But after being reminded by Lin Fan, he took a closer look...

I want to vomit!

This is so fucking disgusting!

Various highly decayed corpses floated in the sea of blood, and from time to time a piece of rotten meat fell off and drifted away with the undercurrent...

Luckily there is no deworming!

Otherwise it would be disgusting.

Although it is a zombie, as a zombie at the level of a true immortal, from the outside it actually looks more handsome and more lively than a human.

But it’s not the lowest kind of zombie, covered in rotten flesh and smelling terrible.

It still cares a lot about its own looks and appearance, but it also feels disgusted by these things.

It's like a person with memories reincarnated as a dog...

It’s okay for a local dog to eat shit, right

And I like to eat it!

Maybe a person is reincarnated as a local dog. When he sees fresh shit, he will be a little "excited" out of his body instinct, but will he eat it

It will eat a ghost!


The space zombie felt more and more uncomfortable: "You...please stop talking. I can bear it."


Lin Fan smiled and said, "Why don't you just stay? Don't force yourself."

“Absolutely not forced!!!”

"However, I can indeed take some of the blood away. According to your Earth's saying, I will try to filter it before using it..."

“A wise choice.”

Lin Fan grinned and gave a thumbs up.

It’s not that he was trying to trick the space zombies, but all of this was fact, he was just bringing it up.

Besides, he really needs the help of the space zombies, so he cannot be left in this sea of blood forever.

Under Lin Fan's 'hint'.

The more the space zombies looked at the blood here, the more disgusted they felt and wanted to vomit.

He gradually calmed down after he stopped being excited and collected a large amount of blood using his 'portable space'.

But at this moment, Ji Chutong had already calmed down.

Lin Fan said nothing more. He led the two zombies through the sea of blood and made speculations based on what he saw and heard along the way.

“It can further determine the issues before and after the time.”

"The Earth is 100% ancient. The sea of blood has never appeared in this era, and there are still many corpses that have not decayed."

"Obviously, some of the previous speculations were correct. The Blood Sea, the Styx, and the Asura clan all experienced that war, and the battle even led to the death of the Styx and the disappearance of the Blood Sea."

"Otherwise, there wouldn't be any living creatures in this huge sea of blood after I flew so far!"

"The blood in the sea of blood would not be so foul and foul-smelling."

"The Asura clan is truly extinct."

"Perhaps, after a period of time, the blood river from the outside world will take shape and merge into the blood sea. After another 100 million years or so, this blood sea will regain its 'clearness', no longer be polluted, and will give birth to the Asuras, Blood Mosquitoes and other tribes again..."


"When the truth of the past is revealed bit by bit, and when I know more and more, this feeling is really..."

“It’s getting more and more terrifying.”

He grinned, feeling a little terrified for a moment.

"What are you looking for?"

The space zombie tilted his head with a curious look on his face.

"Me? Looking for..."

"Two swords."

"It should be in this sea of blood."

Space Zombie: “???”

"Why don't you say find two needles?"

“How is this different from looking for a needle in a haystack?”

"We are not ordinary people. So what if we are looking for a needle in a haystack?"

Lin Fan, however, was very calm.

Isn't it hard to find

No big problem!

However, he thought about it and said, "Destroy all the corpses you see."


Faced with the space zombie's question, Lin Fan just shook his head without explaining.

Thinking of Cang in later generations and the help Cang had given to his own saint, he felt that perhaps he could help 'purify' the sea of blood earlier.

For example, destroy these corpses.

Without the rotting corpses, the 'water quality' of the sea of blood would recover a little faster, right

Perhaps, this could help Cang and the Ashura clan to reappear.

Of course, it was just an unintentional act.

Whether it will succeed or not is uncertain.



The First Emperor looked solemn.

He whispered: "Today, the true spirit of the third Golden Immortal has entered the underworld..."

"The test has begun!"

The Empress sighed softly, "This day has finally arrived, but it seems that the other party has already made some preparations. This catastrophe has already begun."

In just one day, the true spirit of the third Golden Immortal entered the underworld.

This is amazing!

You must know that under normal circumstances, a Golden Immortal may not die even after thousands of years.

Today has not even passed yet, but three people have already died!

"Let me ask."

When the First Emperor waved his hand, three groups of true spirit marks flew before his eyes and then manifested into "entities".

Very weak.

It's like three balls of mist, quite mysterious.

The empress was surprised when she saw it and asked, "Is this the mark of the true spirit? It really looks mysterious. If it weren't for you, the First Emperor, I'm afraid even Daluo wouldn't be able to see it, right?"

"Daluo should be able to sense it, but he cannot control it or do anything to it." The First Emperor pondered, "The True Spirit Seal is the true origin of all living things."

"Logically, it is only under the control of heaven and earth."

"I see."

The empress nodded slightly.

The First Emperor said: "The True Spirit Seal is in an unconscious state. Even if it is a Golden Immortal, it has already lost consciousness in this state."

"If I want to make them speak... it would be impossible if I didn't control a ghost."


He pointed three fingers in succession.

Three dark rays of light fell into the three true spirit marks respectively.

Then, the three spirit marks quickly turned black and transformed into three human figures.

They looked at each other, then all looked at the First Emperor, and everyone had a strange look on their face.

All three are men and in their prime.

At this moment, looking at the First Emperor, their expressions were very complicated.

Once upon a time, how many people didn't want to seize the foundation of the way of heaven

When the underworld was first created, many immortals wanted to overthrow the underworld and break the cycle of reincarnation. Only when they learned that after becoming immortals they would not have to enter the underworld or the cycle of reincarnation, did they calm down a little.

But no matter what, they still have some hostility towards the underworld, reincarnation, and the First Emperor who caused all this.

But I never expected that an underworld would eventually emerge.

Now, they have to rely even more on the underworld, reincarnation, and the First Emperor.

With all these emotions added together, the moment is naturally very complicated.

But in the end, the three of them still sighed softly and bowed slightly to the First Emperor: "Meet the Lord of the Underworld."

"No problem."

The First Emperor spoke calmly and with great authority: "What's the situation at the passage between the two worlds?"

"But the war has started?"

“There was no war.”

In this situation, the three of them have already taken the initiative to enter the underworld. Even their future, reincarnation, or transformation into ghosts and immortals, all depends on the First Emperor's decision.

Therefore, they naturally would not act rashly, and would tell almost everything they knew with a very good attitude.

One of them smiled bitterly and said, "It's just that both sides have stockpiled heavy troops on both sides of the passage and deployed many means."

"I have excellent escape skills, so I was chosen by the Daluo to be the first to pass through the passage between the two worlds and go to the underworld to investigate the truth."

"Unfortunately, I just passed through the passage and didn't even have time to release my spiritual sense to detect the surroundings. Many masters in the underworld have already died and disappeared."

"Even the incarnation was killed."

"If you had not already firmly believed in entering the underworld, you would have already entered the underworld, preparing for a new life?"

"Come to think of it, the confused state just now was really..."

His words made the First Emperor and the Empress narrow their eyes.

They looked at each other without saying a word, but they both understood what the other meant.

Just as we guessed!

The test has begun...

The First Emperor nodded slightly, then looked at the second person: "How did you die?"

"I'm the second one." The person in the middle smiled even more bitterly.

"Just like fellow Daoist Honghu, he disappeared before I could see anything clearly."

The person on the left was even more direct: "I'm the third one."


Good one Ditto.

The First Emperor's eyelids twitched.

"I understand."

"What are you going to do?"

He did not make any difficulties and said directly: "According to the agreement between me and the many Daluo, you can make your own choices when you come to the underworld."

"And now, I give you one more choice."

"One is to stay in the underworld and become a ghost immortal, serving the underworld and reincarnation. One day, you may be able to restore the glory of the underworld and become an elder or important official of the underworld."

"Second, enter the six realms of reincarnation and reincarnate according to the rules of reincarnation."

"Third, retain your memory, reincarnate as a human, and cultivate again in this life."

"One is the benefit I give you. Once you become a ghost immortal, you can still maintain your previous state in life and remain a golden immortal. You will just be transformed from a 'human' to a 'ghost'."

“The second is routine operation.”

"Third, it is the 'welfare' that Daluo fought for you."

"What choice do you make?"

There was a slight expectation in the eyes of the First Emperor.

After all, the underworld is short of people.

The three in front of him are all Golden Immortals. Once they become Ghost Immortals, they will be of great use.

This is, he also knows, difficult!

As expected, the three of them chose the third point without much hesitation.

Reincarnate with memories and rebuild!

"Thank you for your kindness, sir. However, we are used to being 'humans' and do not want to be ghosts. Therefore, we choose to reincarnate with our memories."

They refused and gave a 'reason'.

When the First Emperor heard this, he didn't say much.

With a wave of his hand, the entrance to the reincarnation cave appeared before his eyes.

"Go ahead, enter this door, reincarnate as a human, and don't drink Meng Po soup, your memories will naturally remain."


"However, I have no say over your talent in the next life. I don't know whether you can cultivate to the current level or not. It is possible that you will never be able to embark on the path of cultivation at all."

"We know."

"See you again if we are lucky."


The three of them bowed, and soon threw themselves into the reincarnation channel and disappeared.

Upon seeing this, the First Emperor waved his hand and removed the reincarnation passage without showing any disappointment.

He had guessed this result long ago.

Although he wanted to keep them, as Golden Immortals, they were used to being free and unfettered, and most of them were local tycoons. Who would be willing to be under their command

Staying in the underworld can retain the strength of a Golden Immortal and is extremely safe, but you will ultimately be restricted by yourself.

There are people who would agree with this, but they definitely aren’t many.

The proportion...must be only a very small part.

The First Emperor would be surprised if any of these three people agreed, or if all of them agreed.

"They finally chose to fight for a future."

The Empress sighed softly: "However, the success rate is not small. It may be extremely difficult to become a Golden Immortal, but for them, becoming an Immortal is really not difficult."


The First Emperor nodded.

Golden Immortal, the highest level of immortal below Daluo.

They actually have quite a lot of methods, and each of them is worth a lot of money. Those who are sent out as the 'vanguard suicide squad' will definitely be taken care of.

So, they will definitely have a backup plan!

All kinds of resources, treasures, etc. may have been hidden, waiting for reincarnation and repair to "take back your own divine equipment" and then rise up.

And there will be no shortage of techniques.

It is even possible that they have already started practicing in the womb...

You have to know that in the womb, that is the 'innate' state!

Among these Golden Immortals, one by one, even including the Daluo, who has started practicing since the womb

Not one!

However, if one cultivates again with memories, one can easily reach the level of practicing in the mother's womb, unless there is no spiritual energy at all in that place!

Otherwise, it means that one has been practicing since the womb, and his future achievements will definitely not be low.

Even if it is impossible to achieve the Golden Immortal, it is definitely not difficult to become an Immortal.

Thinking of this, the empress suddenly murmured something.

"So... the Fallen Immortal Emperor is 'reborn'?"

"What?" The First Emperor was stunned, then reacted: "Those online novels in the ancestral land?"

"Don't you think they look alike?"

The empress smiled.

"Golden Immortal, can we also say he is the Immortal Emperor?"

"Reincarnation with memories is the same as rebirth, isn't it?"

"To use the words of online novels, there are a lot of things waiting for them to pretend to be."

"Especially if you are reincarnated into a technological world..."


The First Emperor opened his mouth and said in a slightly speechless tone: "You still have such a bad taste?"

"This is not a bad taste, but an understanding of the current culture of the motherland."

"Besides, it's fun, isn't it?"

"Oh." The First Emperor chuckled: "I am not interested. I still need to practice. Please do as you please."

He shook his head and disappeared.

Upon hearing this, the empress looked indifferent and walked away with light lotus steps.

Almost at the same time, in the Yin Tianzi Palace, the First Emperor stretched out his hand and made hand gestures, muttering to himself, "It does seem quite interesting."

"Let me see, um..."

"The first one to reincarnate was an ordinary cultivation planet? The strongest person on this planet is only at the Tribulation Crossing Stage?"

"Hiss, it's in the belly of a woman with a deep blood feud? Her father and the entire paternal clan were killed by a cultivation family, and no one was spared."

"It took all the strength of the mother's clan to send her mother away. Even so, she is now in danger of death..."

"According to the date, the baby will be born in two or three months?"

"Looking at his mother's appearance, I'm afraid he will only live for half a year. In other words, his mother will be hunted down and killed when he is only a few months old?"


"What a revenge drama! Although he has memories of his past life, since he has been reincarnated, he must shoulder the cause and effect of this life. I'm afraid this planet will..."

"Tsk, tsk, it's really interesting."

"And the second one?"

The First Emperor muttered to himself, pondered for a while, and then looked at the 'second one'.

He controls reincarnation, so he can naturally see where these people are reincarnated...

After seeing this, I was even more speechless.


"Why does it look so familiar?!"

"Looking at his future, I'm afraid he won't end the engagement?!"

"A Nascent Soul, after ten years or so, at most he will be able to cross the tribulation or attain Mahayana. How dare you do that!"

"The third one..."

"Wow, a modern city with high technology?!"

“There are no immortal cultivators???”

"Pfft, the Empress really got it right?!"

The First Emperor was a little dumbfounded.

"But it seems quite interesting."

"You can take a look at it in your spare time later."

He shook his head and smiled, not paying any more attention to it.


Time is passing and years are passing by slowly.

More and more immortals are entering the underworld.

But they are all immortals from the Yang world, not the Yin world.

Above the immortals, one can still retain some "thoughts" after death, for example, whether to follow the "call" of the underworld and reincarnation and enter the underworld and reincarnate.

People from the Yang Realm naturally came over eagerly.

But in the underworld, it is impossible to put the true spirit of the immortal into the underworld...

But, if you don’t want to go to the underworld, you must go to the world of the living!

Therefore, the underworld is always at a loss.

Therefore, although no large-scale fighting has broken out so far and neither side has begun to force its way into the other's territory, everyone knows that this day will not be far away.

The underworld will definitely not be able to sit still.

They have been losing money all the time and there is no way they would allow such endless losses to continue.

With this idea in mind, the Yang Realm was actually lagging behind.

Since there will be no news to be found out by investigating, and it would be a waste of the immortal's life, I won't go.

Anyway, we can wait.

But, can you afford to wait

During this period of time, the First Emperor was not so "bored".

Besides practicing, I would take time to look at the experiences of those "reincarnated immortals" after they were born...

For example, the first Golden Immortal was extremely gifted when he was born.

Auspicious signs descended directly from the sky, and immortal music lingered in the air for ten days.

The whole world is going crazy!

Everyone knows that a Qilin child has been born. I don't know how many old monsters and evil cultivators want to take over his body and chase him madly...

It just made his mother suffer.

He was already hiding from place to place and was almost exhausted, and now he was being hunted by the strongest people in the entire planet. He was in unbearable pain.

Fortunately, this golden immortal was able to speak and think clearly after he was born. After learning about the situation, although he was extremely angry, he also began to do his utmost to help his mother and himself out of the predicament.

After all, although he now has the memories and past of a Golden Immortal, he is still just a newborn baby. He is in the Qi Refining Stage, not even the Foundation Establishment Stage. Can he rely on himself

It's almost like waiting to die.

Therefore, he taught his mother advanced skills, instructed her in cultivation, taught her how to set up formations, hide her whereabouts, search for natural treasures, and look for opportunities to fight back...

At the same time, he was also practicing and improving himself madly.