What’s Your Gender, Princess?

Chapter 40



Although Mr. Wumin didn't admit that he wanted to help me give birth to a child, he didn't deny it either. I was so excited that I immediately sent people to start looking for Situ Youqing.

Regardless of whether or not I and Wumin-jun want to get back, just for Liu Liang, I have to thank her well. If it weren't for her, I'm afraid I can't say what kind of situation I am in with Wumin-jun now.

Situ Youqing appeared quietly every time, or met us by chance, but we couldn't find her when we wanted to find her. I guess maybe she finally found her master.

Although I, Gui Shui, have already left, since I always remember Situ Youqing, I still forbid Mr. Wumin to touch me. Mr. Wumin was silent for a long time, and only said one sentence: "You have committed evil, so you must not live. "

Not long after, Mr. Wumin suddenly told me that he had found Young Master Hou.

He was actually in Xiyang.

Yicheng in the west.

Yicheng is not far from the capital city, but the scenery is very good, even more beautiful than the capital city. This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers. Many literati and poets love to live here for a short time to find inspiration. It is like spring all year round, and all kinds of flowers are in full bloom. Although I did not go Yes, but also heard a little.

This is a very miraculous thing. I think that instead of staying in Beichang, the young master came to Xiyang. There is no need to talk about his thoughts, but Mr. Wumin said with an unpredictable expression, not necessarily.

The little duke came to Xiyang, perhaps because of the beautiful scenery in Yicheng.

Mr. Wumin had such a romantic speculation, which really surprised me. At night, I secretly took off his clothes while he was asleep, trying to check if there were any suspicious red spots on his body. In the end, I was caught by Wumin. Jun pressed on the bed with a dark face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know what you are doing?"

I said, "I, I'm checking to see if you've been tricked..."

Lord Wumin said: "Oh? Then don't I want to prove it?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah... yeah!"

Lord Wumin suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and said: "I originally wanted to follow your wishes and wait until I found Situ Youqing... Now it seems that in order to prove that I have not been bewitched, I have to 'do it myself'." .”

I:"… "

What? !

Before I could react, Lord Wumin's kiss was pressed down. I subconsciously wanted to push him away, but after putting my hand on his shoulder, I felt that it was unnecessary. Anyway, in the future... he will be the one who will give birth!


Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that I was the winner, so I was relieved a lot. I became more courageous. I squinted my eyes and kissed back unceremoniously. In the end, I pressed too hard, and my lips touched his teeth, which hurt me so much. Tears are about to burst out. Mr. Wumin let out a chuckle, stretched out his tongue and licked my lips as if comforting, I immediately forgot the pain in my mouth, but felt a headache from embarrassment...

Just like last time, Mr. Wumin's kiss stretched out on my body densely and densely. I seemed to be familiar with this kind of touch. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, quietly feeling all this, slowly, The clothes were falling off, and I tore off his clothes in a daze, following the memory of the last time, and touched the groove I liked the most.

The ambiguous and hot breath spread around us, and the sound of panting surrounded me gently. When he took me into a field I had never imagined, I could only turn around without a trace of strength.

I was lingering all night, and the next day I woke up with a sore back and a sore back, as if ten carriages had run over me. Lord Wumin was gentle last night, but I still felt very... unbearable.

As soon as I opened my eyes, Lord Wumin's face appeared in front of me, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, obviously he was in a very good mood. He supported his head with one hand, and played with a strand of my black hair with the other. I stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Lord Wumin smiled at me, leaned over and kissed my forehead: "Are you awake?"

For some reason, I was blushed by his slightly hoarse voice in the morning, so I could only stammer and reply with the tricks I used before: "Otherwise..."

Mr. Wumin's smile deepened, and he said: "Well, it's nothing... I have already ordered my servants to prepare hot water, and you can take a bath."

"… it is good."

My voice was as thin as a mosquito, I wanted to get up, but found that I really had no strength, Mr. Wumin smiled and got out of bed first. He seemed to have taken a bath, and he was wearing clean underwear. He reached out and hugged me, but I found that I was naked and screamed: "Smelly rascal!!!"

Lord Wumin laughed loudly, stretched out his hand and randomly grabbed a piece of clothing, and draped it lightly on my body.

Well, Mr. Wumin has fully proved who he is.


In the shower, because of my soft hands and feet, Mr. Wumin kindly offered to rub my back and give me a massage as well. I agreed without thinking about it. Of course, it turned out that I was wrong...

Although Mr. Wumin gave me a massage, but... it's better not to press...

Stinking rogue… !


Today is a ten-day holiday, Mr. Wumin doesn't have to go to bed early, so he accompanied me to do nothing in the palm hall. I was limp and had no strength. Mr. Wumin was reading a book beside me, looking back at me from time to time, smiling very... cheaply.

Although cheap, but relying on that appearance, it is indeed very good-looking. I lay on the soft couch and said: "Mr. Wumin, I think of one thing."

Lord Wumin said: "Huh?"

I said, "If I really find Situ Youqing, I want to try what it's like to be a man."

Lord Wumin: "...what did you say?"

I said seriously: "I'm serious! Look at you, yesterday... Well, I woke up today with a sore back and a sore back. I was so sad that I was dying, but you are in good spirits. Is this fair? Unless you find Situ Youqing, let's change, or we... cough, we must keep our distance from now on."

Lord Wumin: "..."

After a while, he came over and comforted me: "Yunjiao, the main reason is that yesterday was the first time... the first time, it will be a little uncomfortable, and I promise it won't happen in the future."

I was dissatisfied and said, "You guarantee that I won't feel uncomfortable? Where do you have the confidence?"

Lord Wumin twitched the corners of his mouth: "It's the confidence in myself."

I:"… "

Shameless, to secretly turn against an army like this...

I don't bother to pay attention to Mr. Wumin's shamelessness, but Mr. Wumin did take care of my feelings that night, and slept very honestly, without doing other things.

It was the same on the second day, so I recovered pretty well, and on the third day, Mr. Wumin said that he would take me out.

I was a little confused, I didn't know where I was going, so I asked Lord Wumin, but he was mysterious and refused to tell me.

We sat in a carriage and drove south for a certain distance, so I probably guessed that we were going to Yicheng. The carriage stopped suddenly on the way, and the driver also got out of the carriage, replaced by a woman, she was wearing a bamboo hat, and the black cloth hanging down covered her face, but she had a good figure and was easily recognizable. Hoof.

"Are you going to look for the young master?" I understood in my heart and said.

Lord Wumin smiled: "Yes."

I was a little surprised, and said: "You just tell Hu Fu the location, why do we have to come in person?"

Lord Wumin lifted the curtain of the car, and a comfortable breeze came in. He said softly, "The scenery in Yicheng is beautiful."

I was a little baffled, but I knew that Mr. Wumin probably had some intentions, so I didn’t ask any more questions. Mr. Wumin rolled up the curtains of the car. Sure enough, the scenery along the way became more and more beautiful. A large sea of flowers swayed and bloomed on both sides of the trail. The purple and blue flowers of the plant cover the ground like a blanket, releasing a refreshing fragrance in the breeze.

Coming from the capital, we took small roads. I probably guessed that the young master lived in the countryside of Yicheng. In the afternoon, we left the car and walked instead. When we walked down, the feeling was exactly the same as in the carriage. The difference is that the soft soil is under our feet, and the neither hot nor hot sun is pouring down, shining on our bodies, everything is quiet, only the horse utters two calls softly, it seems that the world is quiet.

I walked together with Mr. Wumin and Hu Fu. Hu Fu deliberately slowed down and walked behind Mr. Wumin and me. Her bamboo hat had not been taken off, and she lowered her head slightly, as if her thoughts were disturbed. She thought that she would see her later. When it came to the young master, I was also a little worried. I didn't know how the thunder would stir the fire.

In the sea of flowers not far away, there is a small wooden house, which seems to be newly built, and it is a bit out of place with everything around here, Mr. Wumin stopped slightly, and said: "It should be here."

Hu Fu paused, then took off the bamboo hat, and strode towards the cabin.

I stood where I was, not knowing whether to follow or not, Lord Wumin smiled, took my hand, and said, "Let's go together."

I said, "Wouldn't it be nice for the two of them to meet and let's intervene?"

Lord Wumin said indifferently: "It's not in the way."

...Of course you don't think it's a nuisance, but others will definitely think that we are a nuisance!

I silently followed Mr. Wumin and walked towards the cabin. Hu Fu had already opened the door and walked in. Mr. Wumin and I walked slowly to the cabin. Locked, with a puzzled look on his face, he said, "There's no one inside."

Lord Wumin said: "Oh, it must have been transported away."

Both Hu Fu and I were stunned. She said, "It's been transported away? What do you mean?!"

Lord Wumin said: "When my subordinates found him, they found that he was terminally ill. It was probably because you injured him that time. He never recovered. Afterwards, he came to live here half-dead."

Hu Fu's eyes widened, and she tremblingly said, "You mean...he..."

Lord Wumin nodded: "He died, the day after I sent someone to notify you."

Hu Fu's tears flowed down instantly, like a very thin stream, a bit dazzling in the sunlight. Without a word, she re-entered the deserted wooden house and looked for the little prince like crazy. I was a little worried I followed closely, and saw that she seemed unwilling to believe that the young master was dead, and kept calling a person's name indistinctly. I couldn't hear it clearly, but I could probably guess that it was the young master's name.

In the end, Hu Fu found a picture scroll on the bed, and she suddenly stopped crying and said, "It's her."

what did I say?"

Hu Fu said: "He was also holding this painting at that time... He said that the one in this painting was her favorite woman."

The young master actually died holding another woman's portrait before his death. This blow was probably not a small blow to Hu Fu. She searched for the trace of the young master, but found his love for another woman. Infatuation, it's God's will.

Hu Fu closed her eyes, and said, "I'd like to see who can make this heartless person remember this kind of time..." Then he gently rolled up the scroll, and the woman's slender ankle , the flowery dress, and the graceful waist are revealed in front of us little by little.

In the end we all froze.

Because that woman has a pair of water-cut autumn eyes, holds a short sword, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, with a smile that is not a smile, it is not Hu Fu.

At the bottom is a line of poem written by Yan Ti: I am now in a state of insanity due to illness.

Hu Fu held the painting, her eyes widened, her hands trembling slightly, as if she was about to be burned by the painting in the next moment. She bit her lip and said, "She..."

Although I was also stunned, I still nodded and responded: "The woman in this painting is indeed you..."

Lord Wumin stood on one side, not surprised at all, he said: "Young Lord has died of illness, you don't have to kill him yourself. The country's hatred and family hatred has been avenged, so you can take care of yourself in the future."

After finishing speaking, Lord Wumin stretched out his hand and led me away.

I blankly followed Mr. Wumin out of the wooden house, but I still couldn't help but look back at Hu Fu, she was still sitting there, holding the painting in her hand, her back was facing us, I don't know what expression she had , I can only see that her back is very straight, like a wooden statue.

I said: "How could this be?"

Lord Wumin looked at me sideways, and said, "What?"

I said sadly: "They obviously like each other...but there are so many things between them, even if the young master told Hu Fu that he actually likes Hu Fu, the two of them might not be able to be together after all."

After a pause, I said again: "It's really similar to us back then."

Lord Wumin said: "We have better luck."

I froze for a moment and said, "Is luck better?"

Lord Wumin smiled at me: "Well, what?"

I said, "It's nothing, I just think... Well, you're quite right."

Lord Wumin led me into the carriage, I was a little worried about Hu Fu, he said: "It is impossible for her to leave now, I will send someone to look for her later... But I guess, she probably won't leave."

This place is so beautiful, but it will be a sad place. I was deeply moved, and sighed as I looked at the sea of flowers and the cabins that gradually moved away from my sight.

Lord Wumin patted my head lightly, and said: "That's someone else's business, don't think too much about it."

I said, "Well..."

Mr. Wumin was lazily sitting on the chair, I couldn't help but move closer, and then Mr. Wumin stretched out his arms to wrap my arms around me, he said: "Now you know I'm fine, huh?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah, although you are mean-spirited, cruel-hearted, and a bad person..."

Lord Wumin: "..."

"But at least you are honest, you have not lied to me about anything, including that you like me, you miss me, and you are willing to have children for me."

Lord Wumin: "..."

He paused for a while before saying: "My husband reluctantly accepts your compliment."

I laughed: "I'm still a husband... Then what do I call myself, old lady?"

Lord Wumin: "..."

He leaned over, and a kiss lightly imprinted on my ear, accompanied by a low, smiling voice: "Lady."

All right.

I, Yun Jiao, have lived for more than seventeen years. I grew up without a mother, and my father didn't love me. I suffered from martial arts training, and I had headaches when studying literature. I was dull and ordinary-looking.

But I guess, among all living beings, I must be the luckiest person.