What Should I Do if the School Bully is Interested in Me

Chapter 91: Lost the body and broke the golden song


Lin Jiang felt that he had been prostituted for nothing, and he was in a very unattractive mood.

However, what annoyed him even more was that after the cleaning lady entered their room, she found that the landline beside the bed had been smashed. When Gu Ming left, he had only paid the rent, so he had to pay for the landline. One hundred and fifty dollars.

-H-| ”

Lin Jiang was detained in the hotel, as if he would not let him leave without paying any money. He gritted his teeth and took out the remaining two hundred yuan from his pocket and gave it to the other party. ,

What a fucking loss of body and money!

Lin Jiang cried and chirped.

When he came out of the hotel, he rubbed his stomach and exercised for more than an hour. He had already digested his lunch, so he turned to Student Street to pack a fried noodle. Lin Jiang went back to the dormitory while looking at the bank account on his mobile phone, but there was no transfer information in it. ,

"It's not even as good as a duck." He walked with his head down, muttering softly.

Although he said that he sold it to Gu Mingren, but if he really asked him to ask Gu Mingren for money, Lin Jiang couldn't do this kind of thing. He felt too shameless. He wanted to keep a little bit of dignity for himself.

But I only have thirty-two yuan on me.

Lin Jiang sighed, and caught sight of a recruitment advertisement in a milk tea shop. He rolled his eyes and ran over in small steps. ,

He tapped his knuckles on the table, "Are you recruiting here?"

The owner of the milk tea shop is a young woman who said softly, "Only freshmen are recruited." Freshman courses are relatively easy and will take a little more time.

"I'm a freshman." Lin Jiang happily showed her the meal card, "Can I?"

The young woman saw that he was quite handsome, especially with a youthful look on his body, and his overall image was above average, so she immediately negotiated the price: "It's calculated by the hour, fifteen yuan an hour, do you want to do it

Lin Jiang frowned, is it only fifteen yuan an hour? !

so low

Only then did he realize how extravagant and wasteful he was before, and he didn't want to bend down to pick up ten yuan after dropping it. ,

But you can't sell your ass all the time, who knows when Gu Ming will get tired of him

Lin Jiang thought for a while, and agreed: "Okay. When can I go to work?" He was shy, and it was best to go right away. ,

The young woman said: "If there is no class in the afternoon, you can familiarize yourself with the operation here, and it will count as your salary." She liked Lin Jiang very much, he was cheerful and healthy, and he was very good at seeing things: "Call me Miss Wei from now on. That's it."

Lin Jiang simply didn't go back to the dormitory. After eating the fried noodles he packed in his hand, he went to the milk tea shop to familiarize himself with the work. In fact, there is no difficulty, just ordering and operating, you can understand after reading it twice.

Lin Jiang started to receive guests. He was not good at studying, but he was good at hands-on, and he got started quickly. It's just that he has to keep smiling on his face, and he feels that his little tiger teeth are about to laugh off.

Life is really not easy, not only you have to sell your body, but you also have to sell your smile. ,

Lin Jiang middle school two thinks that he is very strong, and he would die if it were someone else, so that he is happy to do things. ,

When the class starts, the peak flow of people in the milk tea shop has passed. Lin Jiang finally had time to rest. ,

On the high chair in front of the table sat two girls chatting. Lin Jiang had no intention of eavesdropping, but they were loud and didn't seem to shy away from it, one of them said excitedly: "Do you know who I saw in Moon Lake last night?!

Moon Lake is a dating holy place topi for big couples.

Another girl asked her cooperatively, "Who is it?"

"Gu Ming from the Department of Economics and Management!! And a girl! I don't know if it's his girlfriend!

"Certainly not!" The girl Gu Ming is undoubtedly a fan of brains, "How could our male god Gu fall in love with ordinary girls in the world, I would rather he go gay!" It must be the ambiguous period!


Lin Jiang was so stunned that the guest called him three or four times before he realized: "What do you want

He barely managed a smile.

Did Gu Ming take the girl to Moon Lake

what is he

Is it all for men and women? t

Lin Jiang's face froze, feeling that he was low in the dust at the moment, the white moonlight he thought was Gu Ming's man turned out to be nothing more than a grain of white rice.

The pervert still pretended to be affectionate in front of him, and even made him feel guilty. ,

Lin Jiang let out an "ah", feeling that he was so fucking stupid.

After working for four hours, new people came to take turns.

After Lin Jiang got off work after handing over, his phone was vibrating wildly in his pocket, but he didn't care about it. ,

As soon as he left the milk tea shop, Gu Mingren walked towards him quickly, with an extremely gloomy face, pressed his palms on his shoulders, and pushed him back hard, until he was at the door of the milk tea shop.

This action attracted the attention of many people. Lin Jiang's heartbeat was extremely fast, and he quickly escaped from the place surrounded by the other party. ,

"What are you doing?!" His tone was very aggressive, with disgust towards Gu Mingren's hypocrisy.

"Why didn't you answer my call!"

The other party's voice was more aggressive than his, and with that stern expression on his face, Lin Jiang faltered immediately, and muttered softly: "The hand is on me, can't I take it if I don't want to?"

"How dare you not answer it!" Gu Mingren gritted his teeth, wrapped his palm around his arm, and exerted a little force. "

How flustered was he just now? He almost fell when he rushed down from the teaching building. He has always been calm and unhurried. If it wasn't for this bastard, he would be in such a mess? !

"Who allowed you to work part-time here?!" Gu Mingren asked coldly, thinking that the other party didn't answer his phone because of part-time job.

"I allowed it myself!" Lin Jiang was also a temper tantrum, how could he bear such oppression by the other party? He immediately retorted, "Who the hell do you think you are? Gu Ming, what right do you have to control me?!"

Lin Jiang's eyes are red, because he helped him, so he can control him at will? !

Who does he think he is? .


Or the savior? f

Gu Mingren quickly took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingertips. He realized that he was too emotional. In fact, it was not a big deal, but Lin Jiang usually answered his calls normally, but today he suddenly failed to answer several calls, and he panicked, afraid that something might happen to the other party. ,

"Sorry, I was so worried about you.

His voice was a little hoarse because of the outrageous scolding just now.

Lin Jiang is not a person who pushes forward. The other party bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and he quickly put away his temper. Turning his face away, Lin Jiang turned his head and left. The wrist was held by Gu Mingren, and with a little force from him, Lin Jiang turned around and slammed into his arms. ,

Gu Mingren hugged him, and said softly: "Don't do this next time, do you know how much I am?"

I love you so much.

Within a second of Wen Cun, Lin Jiang pushed him away vigorously, "Are you sick?! Are you sick

Did he hug the girl from Moon Lake in the same way

As long as he thinks that these hands have hugged others, he will feel disgusted. ,

Lin Jiang was full of resistance, with a disgusted expression floating on his face, like a sharp sword, scratching Gu Mingren's naked heart, he said disgusting.

He said he was disgusting. ,

Gu Mingren thought that he was so scarred that no matter what happened, he would not be in more pain than before, but he was wrong, Lin Jiang still had a way to trample his bloody heart under his feet and twist it hard.

Gu Mingren gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. ,

Lin Jiang realized that he was speaking too seriously, and wanted to explain, but stopped talking. ,

After a while, Gu Ming finally spoke again, and asked him calmly: "If I let you move out of the dormitory, would you be willing?" Lin Jiang muffled: "No." "Okay." Gu Ming turned around and left.

Those who have no nostalgia leave with their backs to Lin Jiang.

Looking at the cold back of the other party, Lin Jiang felt a little pain in his heart. 7

He whispered, did he give up on him

It doesn't matter if you give up, he doesn't like him anyway. ,

When Lin Jiang returned to the dormitory, it was dark and the lights were not turned on. Hao Meng opened his laptop, and the reflection from the screen hit him on the face, making him look like a big-headed ghost. ,

Lin Jiang was taken aback, and quickly turned on the light.

The dormitory brightened up, and Hao Meng closed his notebook in a panic, and the earphones were pulled out because of his excessive movements. ,

Immediately afterwards, the notebook reverberated with the sound of a man panting. ,

Lin Jiang laughed. Watching AV in the male dormitory is a common thing. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but it seemed that only the men were panting, but what about the women? !

Hao Meng's face was flushed, he slept on the lower bunk, and his height of 189 could hardly move a lot, but now because of panic, he knocked against the top of the bed several times, and finally pulled out the battery of the laptop.

Lin Jiang later realized why this clip was so familiar. Isn't this the frequency of the sound he made when he was doing it with Gu Mingren? !

"Are you watching GV?" Lin Jiang was incredulous, "Do you like men?!" 0

Hao Meng is from Tianjin, with a height of 189 and a weight of 140. He is tall and big, with an honest appearance. He looks straighter than a steel bar. He is actually gay

"Don't be afraid, I don't like you." Hao Meng said quickly.

I'm afraid that Lin Jiang will also move out because of his sexual orientation. He is timid, and he will not be able to sleep if he lives alone in this house. "

"You hide quite deeply." Lin Jiang couldn't look directly at him anymore, why did he feel that after a gay, everyone around him was gay? !

"I'm in the closet, no one knows about it." Hao Meng is a rough guy, now because of his shyness, his face is flushed strangely, and his whole person looks rough and cute.

Lin Jiang felt that he might be blind.

Hao Meng watched half of the film and wanted to continue. But being discovered by Lin Jiang, it is not very kind to enjoy it all by himself, so he warmly invited: "Would you like to watch it with me?!

"Look at that, I'm a straight man! How can I read such things." Lin Jiang refused without thinking.

Hao Meng stroked his chin: "You don't look like a straight man, you look quite zero." Lin Jiang replied with a greeting: "You are zero! Your whole family is zero!" Hao Meng generously admitted: "I am Zero, it’s hard work to find one.”

He is a little sad, recently he has taken a fancy to No. 1, but the other party thinks he is too tall and is not willing to get along with him.

Lin Jiang was taken aback: "Are you zero? You are so tall and mighty, are you fucking zero?!" It was a waste of his height.

Hao Meng is helpless, the world has misunderstood him too much, in fact, he is really zero, and he can even whisper. 1