What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 126: Offensive and defensive reversal


The kitchen of Linxuan Palace is not located in the main body of the palace, but a separate row of rooms outside the main body.

At this time, the maids including Xing'er were all gathered around the stove, chattering about His Royal Highness Nan Zhu's affairs.

Suddenly there was a small muffled sound, like someone falling to the ground.

The voice was mixed in the gossip, unobtrusive.

"Is the meal ready?"

"It's already done."

"Don't worry, do it for a while."

He Yunxiao, who was still furious at first, looked down at Nan Zhu's wife begging for forgiveness so pitifully, and he had already forgiven her a thousand times in his heart.

It's no wonder that He Yunxiao's attitude is fickle.

Let me ask, who can withstand Nanzhu's wife's begging for mercy

Imagine, a beautiful seventeen-year-old girl standing beside you, holding the corner of your clothes with her small hand, looking at you with her pretty face raised. On the stunning face, a pair of big watery eyes.

Both timid and pitiful.

Those beautiful eyes are full of you, and there is a bit of guilt in those clear eyes, but they are more flattering to you.

Waiting anxiously for you to forgive her.

Who can stand this

He Yunxiao just wanted to ask, who can stand up to this

He Yunxiao didn't blame Nanzhu's wife at all in his heart. To take a step back, Nanzhu's wife also took the risk in order to preserve the medicinal materials used to give him the Soul Eater Pill.

However, forgiveness in my heart is forgiveness in my heart.

On the surface, He Yunxiao still had to put on a show.

If every time Nanzhu's wife made a mistake, she could be fooled by being cute and coquettish, then if she made mistakes unscrupulously in the future, wouldn't it be blamed for spoiling her

Don't say anything else, let's just say that today, as soon as I first indulged her a few times, Nanzhu's wife started to get a little swollen, always putting on face for herself, and sometimes she didn't even speak well.

He Yunxiao admits that he made a mistake first, but even if he makes an apology to Nan Zhu's wife, she can't make her proud.

You have to teach yourself a lesson.

He Yunxiao shook his face and snorted coldly: "I know I'm wrong? I know I'm wrong, so I just talk about it?"

Seeing that He Yunxiao didn't intend to forgive herself at all, Meng Qingrou asked timidly, "Then, what do you want to do?"

He Yunxiao continued to snort coldly.

"I don't want to do anything. I know you are taking risks for medicinal materials. But no matter what it is for, you can't risk your life. Just now, if I didn't have good lightness kung fu, maybe I went to save you, and we both had to Being crushed below. I have martial arts, and I can't die if I'm crushed for a while, but you, a little girl, will die if you get hit like that."

Meng Qingrou shrank her head and said, "Nan Zhu knew he was wrong."

He Yunxiao said: "I know I made a mistake, what should I do?"

Meng Qingrou put down the medicine basket, ran to search elsewhere in the pharmacy, and then came back with a ruler.

She gave the ruler to He Yunxiao with both hands, and then put the little fingers of her two little hands together, palms up, and handed it to He Yunxiao.

"Nan Zhu made mistakes before, and mother used this ruler to teach Nan Zhu a lesson."

He Yunxiao weighed the ruler and asked, "How many strokes?"

"At that time, Nanzhu was slack in studying medicine, so my mother hit Nanzhu five times. Now... Nanzhu made a big mistake, you, you can hit him ten times."

He Yunxiao touched the solid wooden ruler, and then looked at Nan Zhu's wife's tender little hands.

After all, he didn't make up his mind to hit her hard. Concentrating on his hand, He Yunxiao tapped Nanzhu's wife's palm with a ruler.

Even so, Nan Zhu's wife's little palms were still red from the beating, and her two little hands kept trembling.

He Yunxiao's heart aches terribly, but this blow has been considered very hard, and there are still nine more blows to hit, what should I do

"Nanzhu, does it hurt?"

Meng Qingrou said with a hint of tears: "Yes. Nan Zhu knew he was wrong. Nan Zhu shouldn't risk his life. You should fight quickly."

He Yunxiao didn't want to fight any more. Although this hit Nanzhu's wife, it hurt not only her, but also his heart.

I have to find a way to teach her a lesson without making her feel so uncomfortable.

He Yunxiao put the ruler in Nanzhu's wife's hand, did not hit her, but said: "Hold it with both hands, don't let go."

Meng Qingrou obediently held the ruler, her arms no longer needed to be raised, so she naturally hung down in front of her body. At this time, it looked like his hands were tied with a rope.

He Yunxiao sat on the chair, patted his thigh and said, "I really broke your hand, so no one will cook medicine for me. Another way, come here, lie on your lap."

Seeing He Yunxiao like this, Meng Qingrou vaguely knew that he was planning to teach her a lesson in another way. He subconsciously clenched the ruler with both hands, and walked to He Yunxiao's side hesitantly.

Then hesitantly bent down and lay on He Yunxiao's lap.

Because the hands need to hold the ruler, they can't protect the poor buttocks. In this way, it is tantamount to handing over this important point to He Yunxiao's hands and letting him teach him a lesson.

He Yunxiao kindly reminded: "Nanzhu, nine strokes."


Meng Qingrou made such a shameful gesture, and she was about to face an even more shameful lesson, she was already blushing and speechless.

He Yunxiao wasn't too pretentious, and there was a crisp sound when he waved his hand.


Meng Qingrou held the ruler tightly with both hands, lowered her head and did not speak. Compared with spanking, spanking is not painful, but the numb feeling caused by the contact with big hands is very strong. This is something that the lesson of playing palms does not have.

Moreover, Meng Qingrou understood that the spanking this time was different from the previous ones.

He used to hit him secretly while he was not paying attention. But this time, he took the initiative to put on a good posture and sent it to the door to let him teach him a lesson.


Soon, the new numb feeling interrupted Meng Qingrou's thinking, and now her mind was full of this crisp and numb feeling signal that spread throughout her body with the sound.

He Yunxiao was memorizing "The Tale of Peach Blossom Spring" in his heart, while questioning Nanzhu's wife on his lips.

"Know it's wrong?"


"Do you still dare in the future?"

"Don't dare."

"What if I make a mistake again in the future?"

Meng Qingrou bit her lip and did not speak.

He Yunxiao slapped again, and asked again: "What if I make another mistake?"

"If you make a mistake again, please punish me, my lord."

"How to punish?"

"Slap, spank."

"Who did you hit?"

Meng Qingrou didn't speak again.

He Yunxiao punched out the ninth "lesson" and asked, "Who did you hit?"

"Nan, from Nanzhu."

It's almost there, if the fight continues, it's not punishing Nanzhu's wife, but punishing himself.

He Yunxiao said: "Nan Zhu, get up, and from now on, you must put your own life first. Anything else is not as important as your life."

Meng Qingrou blushed and got up from He Yunxiao, and after standing still, she still held the ruler obediently with both hands.

He Yunxiao said: "Nanzhu, you don't need to hold this ruler."

Meng Qingrou blushed and replied, "Oh."

Then the whole person seemed to be restarting, the ruler in his hand was still held, and he did not intend to let go.

He Yunxiao reached out to get the ruler, and said, "Hey, let go and give me the ruler."

At this time, Meng Qingrou honestly let go of her hand and gave the ruler to He Yunxiao.

He Yunxiao put the ruler on the table and turned his head to see that Nan Zhu's wife was still the same as before, without saying a word, standing obediently beside him.

Although the obedient Nanzhu wife is very good, is the current Nanzhu wife too obedient

Recently, some readers have always said that river crabs are watery. One has to say, are river crabs still river crabs without water? (`へ)

Are these two chapters out of water? (`へ)

Is it too much to ask for a vote

In addition, we adjust the update time to the early morning of every day, 00:20.

(end of this chapter)