What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 132: Writing begins with acting


Sister Ziwei is not Chuchu.

Although Chu Chu looks fierce, she is actually very easy to coax. As long as she has a good temper, she can be coaxed with a few words. It was not easy for sister Ziwei.

First of all, she is very smart, and she doesn't follow many routines. Secondly, she has strong observation skills. Generally, she can't be fooled by lies that she doesn't even believe.

Especially now, in front of Chuchu who was about to explode at any time, to coax younger sister Ziruo. Its difficulty can be imagined. It is no less than making He Yunxiao indifferent to beautiful women.

The current situation is that sister Ziruo wants the three people in the study to sit in front of the desk, and she sits between He Yunxiao and Chu Xiaoxiao. But Chu Chu didn't want to rely on Fan Ziruo, Chu Chu wanted to maintain the status quo.

He Yunxiao's own thinking is to maintain the status quo.

He Yunxiao asked himself, maintaining the status quo is not because he wants to get closer to Chuchu, and then alienate Ziruo, but the desire to improve his strength is more urgent now. Sitting with Chu Chu, you can pass on the skills in a safe and legitimate way.

If he lost the opportunity to hold hands with Chu Chu in the Fan Mansion's study, then it would be difficult for He Yunxiao to find such a long-term contact with Chu Chu in his day.

"Zi weak girl..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, He Yunxiao felt a little restlessness in the delicate little hands in his hands.

So he immediately changed his words: "Miss Fan, I..."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, He Yunxiao met Fan Ziruo's shocked, puzzled, self-pitying eyes.

"Young master, you..."

Of course, He Yunxiao himself didn't want to be so unfamiliar, but now Chuchu is particularly concerned about this, and he can't help it.

He Yunxiao said: "Miss Fan, listen to me..."

Hearing the title "Miss Fan" again, Fan Ziruo's mood immediately became negative.

Seeing the change in sister Ziruo's expression, He Yunxiao secretly thought something was wrong. Taking the actual case where Nanzhu's wife's current favorability of 50 exceeds the previous 90 favorability, sister Ziruo's favorability is now stuck by "heart knots", but in fact it must be more than 75.

Maybe it's already over 80.

Although He Yunxiao knew that he could greatly influence younger sister Ziruo's emotions, he never thought that a mere title could directly change her emotions from happiness to sadness in an instant.

This kind of influence can be called terrifying. It can be said that sister Ziwei's mood is completely in her own shape now.

When Fan Ziruo heard that He Yunxiao called her "Miss Fan" in such a way, he felt mixed feelings in his heart.

She said sadly: "Young Master, Zi Ruo has become a 'Miss Fan' to you. Isn't that right?"

At this moment, He Yunxiao's brain was spinning fast.

It must be called "Miss Fan". Chu Chu was coaxed by herself, and just got over her anger, if she called Fan Ziruo "Zi Ruo" or "Miss Zi Ruo" at this time, Chu Chu would have to explode again.

He Yunxiao experienced Chu Chu's bad temper again, and he became more determined in his heart that he had to find a chance to change her temper. But now is not the time to entangle Chuchu's temper, now he has to hurry up and appease sister Ziruo.

Now that Chuchu is by the side, it is impossible for him to transmit voice to sister Ziruo.

Is there any way to explain "Miss Fan" more intimately by hinting

He Yunxiao suddenly thought of "Fan Zi"!

"Fan Zi" is a secret that only sister Ziruo and herself know.

This will definitely work!

He Yunxiao deliberately put on the character of "He Xiao" written by Fan Ziruo, pretending that he is an honest and stable character who doesn't like to talk and laugh. Said: "Miss Fan is obviously an extrovert, why does she have such a sad expression now? Xiao, I thought that the girl should love to laugh."

Chu Chu heard He Yunxiao call "Miss Fan", although she didn't quite understand what he meant after that, but she didn't care about it. As long as he stays away from Fan Ziruo, it doesn't matter what he says.

After taking a cold look at Fan Ziruo, Chu Chu put more thought into teaching and performing the exercises for He Yunxiao.

Fan Ziruo didn't understand what He Yunxiao was talking about at first.

Her own character is clear in her heart. Even if they can let go and joke with each other when they get along with He Yunxiao, they are far from the evaluation of "extroverted". Until the word "Xiao" appeared, Fan Ziruo suddenly realized why He Yunxiao called her "Miss Fan" before.

It turned out that the young master was pretending to be the hero and heroine of the novel with himself.

Now that I understood it, Fan Ziruo not only swept away his gloomy emotions, but also cleared his mood again, and at the same time, his heart was as sweet as eating sugar.

[Fan Ziruo's favorability degree changed from 75 to 75]

When He Yunxiao saw the system prompt that was still stuck in favorability, he knew that Chu Chu and Zi Ruo had barely escaped the catastrophe.

Fan Zi smiled weakly and said to He Yunxiao: "'Miss Fan' thought that the young master was so unfamiliar because he didn't like 'Miss Fan'. But I didn't expect that I was not smart enough to understand the meaning of the young master."

Chu Chu captured the key word "like". It turned out that part of the mind that was devoted to imparting and exercising skills was dragged out again.

The little hand held by He Yunxiao also began to feel a little restless.

He Yunxiao naturally cared about Chu Chu the most.

Of all the heroines known so far, He Yunxiao only has Chu Chu and Xiao Xiao, who really can't handle it. Others, such as Nanzhu's wife who is quarrelsome. Although there was a lot of awkwardness, but taking a step back, He Yunxiao could directly force the marriage by relying on the power of the Houfu. Forcibly marry Nanzhu's wife home. Coax slowly after marrying home.

Another example is the antidote girl. No matter how bad the antidote girl is, no matter how thoughtful she is, she is just a weak woman with no power to restrain her. With He Yunxiao's martial arts and his deep understanding after reading the novel that "the villain dies because of talking too much", as long as He Yunxiao catches her, the game will be over.

But He Yunxiao really has no choice but to take Chuchu and Xiaoxiao. Facing Chuchu and Xiaoxiao, I can only coax them, but I may not be able to coax them.

He Yunxiao felt Chuchu's restless little hands immediately, so of course the two heroines couldn't let the situation of fighting each other happen again.

He immediately pretended to be the introverted "He Xiao".

"Miss Fan, I'm devoted to martial arts, and I'm not interested in Miss Fan's relationship with my children."

Chu Chu heard that He Yunxiao was straightforward and refused Fan Ziruo nakedly, she didn't move on the surface, only the corners of her mouth raised slightly. And moved the palm held by He Yunxiao, and chose a comfortable position for him to hold. Then calm down and continue teaching the exercises.

Naturally, Fan Ziruo knew that He Yunxiao was playing "He Xiao", so he also pretended to be "Fan Zi", and said generously, "I said 'I like', but I just saw that you are handsome, and there is no other meaning."

He Yunxiao played the role of "He Xiao" and took advantage of the situation: "In this case, I will continue to practice. Miss Fan is also free, as long as you don't get too close to me, so as not to hurt the girl when practicing."

When Fan Ziruo heard what He Yunxiao said, he didn't think about changing seats for a moment, but said with a smile: "Okay."

Thanks: Half Dream Floating Life 1, book friend 20201025174602424, young writer. The rewards and support of the three big guys!

(end of this chapter)