What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub

Chapter 31: Koi carp


He Ruge put the props back into his backpack in a complicated mood, turned off the game codewords with amazing self-control, and saw a lot of unread penguins keep beating.

Emotionless coding machine: "Congratulations on your clip!"

"Clip" is Jinjiang's thousand-word income list. In the upper left corner of the bookshelf, each V article has only one chance to go up, that is, from the early morning to the evening of the fourth day of entering V, it can stay for a full 24 hours, which is equivalent to listing.

The clips cover all subjects, and the first six are the first pages of the clips. There is no more list in Quan Jinjiang, which will have greater exposure than clips.

There is a saying in the writer's circle, that the clip is determined to live and die.

He Ruge has been addicted to the game until late at night, and even forgot about his clip.

Sure enough, the game is wrong.

He pulled down the chat log very calmly, and his composure was shattered when he saw the next message.

Emotionless coding machine: "Clip No. 3! You are on the first page! Be steady! You are going to fly!!!"

Emotionless coding machine: "Picture jpg."

This is a screenshot of the clip just refreshed in the early morning. He Ruge's text ranks third, and the first and second are both excellent authors.

The hand holding the mirror frame trembled slightly, and He Ruge continued to look at the next news tremblingly.

Emotionless code word machine: "Ah, you are counterattacking! You are counterattacking to the second place! Duck! I don't allow you to stop!!!!!!"

The message time is three in the morning.

The ranking on the thousand-word income list changes. When the thousand-word is higher than the previous article, it will advance one place, but the situation of counterattack is not very common.

Emotionless code word machine: "Ah, I'm so excited and nervous to see you rise, why don't you get back to me, you stinky pigeon, you shouldn't forget that you're going to get caught!"

Emotionless code word machine: "Good night! I'm sleepy! I'm going to bed first!"

The message logging ends here.

He Ruge opened Jinjiang in a trance, and when he saw the thousand-word income list for the first time, he realized that—

Hey, why is the cover of the first article so familiar? … It seems to be the cover that he made by himself.

He, He Ruge, the writer of Pujie, Pujiewen, at 9 o'clock this morning, counterattacked to the first place in the thousand-word income list.

The collection of articles is soaring every minute and every second. Last night, it was a four-digit collection, and now it has skyrocketed to five digits.

Emotionless code word machine: "I will soon have a super good friend who is known by the whole world for writing!"

Twelve o'clock at noon, 15,000 in the collection.

At half past ten in the evening, I collected 19,000.

At the last minute before twelve o'clock, I collected 20,000 whole pieces.

So far, the clip's collection has increased by more than 10,000 a day. In recent years, when the traffic of the Internet literature circle exploded, an article with a price increase of over 10,000 appeared for the first time on Jinjiang Clip, which caused a sensation in the author forum. Although it is not uncommon for the clip to increase by more than 10,000 now, it is not common.

He Ruge took off.

In his desperate first year full-time after graduation, he took off smoothly.

There are new lines on the legs, in addition to becoming more red lines, there are also silver-white lines.

Is this the change brought about by the "collected power of belief" that Bazuo said at the beginning during the "Awakening Period"

He Ruge also discovered another thing, that his hair has grown longer.

He Ruge's hair never went beyond his ears before, but now it grows to the sides of his shoulders. He Ruge wanted to take a pair of scissors to cut his hair, but when the knife was aimed at his hair, He Ruge hesitated again.

After all, this is the first time to be a demon, so don't be too reckless.

Is there any particularity to the monster's hair

The raised scissors are put down silently.

Looking at himself in the mirror, He Ruge also noticed that his ears had become pointed, a bit like the elf ears in the second dimension.

Weird feeling. Although his appearance hasn't changed much, his hair has changed slightly, his ears have become sharper, and his overall temperament has suddenly changed.

In the idea of asking if you don't understand, He Ruge went to Penguin to contact Octopus.

Ru Ge: "I have some questions, is the monster pattern only one color, or will there be multiple colors? After turning into a monster, will the hair suddenly grow longer and more?"

Octopus: "… "

Octopus: "If my hair will grow thick after turning into a monster, I don't have to worry that I will be bald when I write late at night. We are monsters, not hair freaks. You ask, can you make your hair grow longer and more? (suddenly excited jpg.)”

He Ruge subconsciously touched his lush hair, and glanced at the octopus on the screen that he could not wait to rush out of. His eyes fell on the head of Octopus, the octopus whose head was big and round like a light bulb.

If the prototype is like this, it seems that the excitement of Octopus is indeed understandable.

Ru Ge: "I don't know very well, but my own hair has become, by the way, my ears have also become pointy."

Worried that the text description was unclear, He Ruge took another photo showing only her ears and long hair and sent it over.

Octopus: "I think I've seen this kind of ear before. Don't you look good?"

Such as song: "... um."

Octopus: "You may belong to the merman family, but the merman family has not appeared for a long time. The conditions for the fish monster to become a merman are very harsh. I have not seen the remains of the merman family, so I don't know. specific conditions."

Octopus: "But I know that the sharks are all better-looking than the other, their average appearance is better than that of a vixen, their ears are pointy, and their hair is long... What the hell, I really want to run over and take a look at you. , and personally identify whether you are a merman."

Mermaid? Mermaid? Mermaid

He Ruge looked down at the patterns on the ankles. These red and white patterns were indeed very similar to fish scales. It was as if the edges of the fish scales were outlined with paint, and the lines were drawn, but it was only a matter of coloring.

Bazuo: "Also, the first question you asked me, the demon pattern will have different colors, what color is on your prototype, what color is the demon pattern. That's what I said, don't give the demon pattern to outsiders casually. The reason for looking at it is that the demon pattern is a very private thing, and its nature is almost like our household registration book. If someone else sees your demon pattern and glances at the information exposed in it, it is easy to guess your race. "

Octopus: "The prototype cannot be exposed casually. The rat demon and a cat demon have been together all the time. Even if they have the same strength, the cat demon will easily win. A weak aquatic family like us is going out and being caught by a cat. What should you do if you stare at a tiger, you are right."

The amount of information in these words is a bit large, He Ruge looked at the red and white lines and fell into contemplation.

What fish has red and white, talent skills or become lucky

The answer is just about to come out-

Isn't this a koi? !

Bazuo: "I just checked the chat history. You told me before that every time the demon pattern glows, you become lucky, right?"

Octopus: "I thought about it, I think your prototype may be a koi."

Bazuo: "When can I face the base? I want to shake hands with Koi Jing to transfer QAQ"