What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub

Chapter 85: The grey dove is awake


He Ruge was so worn out by Xi Guican that he could only change the rebirth cool essay from the perspective of his male protagonist into a pure love essay. Now the difficulty is coming. For an author who is named a waste, he often thinks of a stalk. It takes ten seconds, but it takes ten days to name the protagonist.

Do you really want to call the protagonist "Xi Guican"? But the military-themed articles in the interstellar era are generally realistic autobiographical. If he directly named the attack Xi Guican, would it cause misunderstanding by others, or would it make Xi Guican's fans a kind of idol? The anger of being YY by others.

Xi Guican rested her chin on He Ruge's shoulder, her blue eyes watching He Ruge's slender fingers sliding on the light screen, she could see it, "It's better to call him No. 20."

"Only those who have been involved in those things know that my code name is No. 20." The thin lips came to He Ruge's earlobe, and the low and hoarse voice was like a lover's hand touching the auricle: "You said, when Does a man have a moment of panic when he sees his crimes being made public?"

He Ruge turned his head and met those dark blue eyes, maybe it was the steam from the hot spring, which obscured his vision, or maybe the eyes of the other party were too deep, as if a thousand words were hidden, He Ruge's thoughts were captured. Dissolving in the deep blue, without communication, he was blessed at this moment and understood what Xi Guican meant.

Only those who participated in those things in those days, and those who are still alive now, know. This is too unfair. People with deep sins can step on the corpses of the past and live with peace of mind, enjoying honor and rights.

"Okay. His name is No. 20. He is an experimental subject with a tragic past. The villain of this article is a dehumanizing demon, the leader of the scavenger organization. He organized human experiments that are prohibited by the federal government. The wings were transplanted on the experimental body, and the experimental body on the 20th was considered to be a failure, so they were thrown into the Star Wars as cannon fodder, not only can they be used as waste, but also can be destroyed."

The inspiration continued, He Ruge said softly: "However, what the villain didn't expect was that the experiment did not fail. No. 20 is a precious experimental body. Every death is a nirvana rebirth. After rebirth, he becomes stronger. ."

"He has the ability to read other people's memories and change his face every time he is reborn, disguising himself as another person. The first time he disguised himself as a low-level member of a scavenger in Star Wars, he knew a little about the organization. secret."

"Every time he was reborn, he disguised himself as a member of the scavenger organization, from the fringe to the core."

Xi Guican rubbed He Ruge's face with nostalgia, and asked in a low voice, "Why do you want to set this ability?"

"Maybe this will make this organization infighting?" He Ruge said uncertainly: "What do you think of such a plot?"

"Very good." Xi Guican hugged the person in his arms, "Maybe we can first find out the members of the Scavengers organization, adapt it from a real person, and write it into this story. Actually... I may have some guesses about their identities. You Remember the kill list for the last experiment in the game?"

He Ruge would naturally not forget the "Killing List" experiment. When he saw that the first name on the list was himself, his inner shock almost turned into a screen full of shit.

"Your name appears on the kill list in the game, it should be just a bad taste of the game. The real kill list I saw didn't have your name on it back then. The people on the kill list were all famous people in the interstellar space."

"Although I can't remember many of the names on the list, I can still vaguely remember the first few. The people on the kill list are the targets of the organization to eradicate. Just find the people on the list and combine them. The common denominator of identities, is it possible to follow the clues and find the mastermind who is hiding in the dark?"

The corners of his lips twitched, and where He Ruge could not see, a cold smile formed on that handsome face, "Let me think about it, what is the name of the first person on the list? Ah, I remembered."

"His name is Shang Chaoqi."

Shang Chaoqi is sorting out the detailed information. If anyone can see his database, they will be shocked by the detailed information of each federal celebrity in the database.

Shang Chaoqi is the intelligence chairman of the Grey Dove Corps. As the backbone of the Federal Military Intelligence Department, his sense of presence has always been weak. Perhaps this has a lot to do with his dovish identity. The military has always been dominated by hawks, and doves always have a feeling of being outnumbered and being squeezed out.

But Shang Chaoqi has never cared about these things. He takes fame and fortune very lightly, and everything that can make a big splash will be given to his colleagues by Shang Chaoqi.

A narrow-minded, stingy snake clan, the opponent is a typical hawk with a hawkish style. He has been smooth sailing in the intelligence department for many years.

In fact, on the task of monitoring No. 20 back then, Shang Chaoqi’s attitude was not to push too hard. No. 20 was an experimental subject who had just come out of Xinghai Orphanage. is abhorrent.

No. 20 can't be pushed too hard, and there is no need to push too hard. Shang Chaoqi's opinion is that they want No. 20 to feel the goodwill of the Federation. As long as they know the general whereabouts of No. 20, they will not make him make a big mistake. Just do it.

But Zheng Chaochen doesn't think so. The arrogance and meanness in his bones make him prejudiced against existences like No. 20. He must closely monitor the little monster No. 20. From diet and daily life to all aspects of life, anyone who has contact with No. 20 must record it. , as if the researcher were recording the mice.

There is one thing Zheng Chaochen said rightly. No. 20 was born with sinful blood. If he didn't pay attention, he would easily make irreparable mistakes.

For example, digging out the eyes of Zheng Chaochen's most prized subordinates is equivalent to digging Zheng Chaochen's heart.

When Zheng Chaochen was unlucky at first, Shang Chaoqi really couldn't help laughing. In Shangchao Kai's intelligence record list, No. 20 is an extremely special existence, with a tragic past, amazing talent, rapid rise and rapid fall.

Just like a shooting star, when he finally appeared in front of the world, it was also the moment he fell.

In fact, when the 20th named Xi Guican the name he had chosen for himself, Shang Chaoqi really thought for a moment that this young major general had a bright future and a bright life.


It's a pity that he suffered from swirl mental emptiness.

It is a pity for Xi Guican to fall, because in these two star wars, the hawks were too popular. When the star wars came, most of the resources of the federation went to the hawks, and most of the excellent The generals are all hawks, and over time, the doves' right to speak will become weaker and weaker.

Xi Guican is undoubtedly the most dazzling existence in Star Wars. Although he rejected the olive branch thrown by the doves, at the same time, he also rejected the hawks. A rare neutral existence, if the doves can make good friends with them, is equivalent to an extra helper to check and balance the hawks.

When Qi Zheng got the information on "Xi Guican", he couldn't help shaking his head when his eyes fell on the word "recuperate", and his face showed regret.

Until he saw the latest information—

Xi Guican recovered.

This news is like a bombshell, alarming the top of the federal government, and it is about to disrupt the current precarious balance between doves and hawks.

"Who is Shangchaoqi?" He Ruge asked curiously.

"An old pigeon, the military is in charge of intelligence." Xi Guican stroked He Ruge's waist-length black hair, "He is a dove, and many of the people on the list are doves."

"Very well, now we can get a key piece of information. The man behind the scenes may be a hawk." He Ruge said.

"Not necessarily, it may be the doves who are eradicating dissidents." Xi Guican shook his head.

"How many can you remember?" The kill list was the key to breaking the game, He Ruge said nervously.

Back then, Xi Guican didn't look at the kill list carefully, he just glanced at it casually, because he didn't plan to carry out the mission from the beginning, "Three or four."

He Ruge was in a bit of trouble. It was very uncomfortable to let key clues be cut off in front of him. He couldn't help but pin his hopes on the game. This game seems to know a lot of things. If you ignore the kill list that spoofed him, the kill list that didn't appear in the game should be the original list.

Will he get the kill list from the game and see Ruan Ruan again? Where the Ruan Ruan in the Poke Ball went, He Ruge wanted to know but didn't dare to delve into it. He is afraid that the past is the past, and the game is the game. He clearly knows that people cannot be resurrected from the dead, so He Ruge still pinned a glimmer of hope in the game, hoping that a miracle will happen.

As long as Ruan Ruan is still there, even if Ruan Ruan exists falsely in the game, this is a consolation to the cruel reality.

He Ruge turned on Guangnao to log in to the game, and read all the content of the game carefully, hoping to find that there were Soft and Killing Lists in the part that he had missed.

Yet nothing was found. Eh, there seems to be something wrong-

[Dear player, your cultivation mission is to influence Xi Guican with love, and there are many rewards for the mission. In order to help players complete the mission, this game has realized the barrier-free conversion of language for you, and provided interstellar identity and dual cultivation methods. Every time you complete a tier, there will be rich rewards]

Every time you complete a level, you will be provided with generous rewards.

He Ruge slowly widened his eyes, and a truth that he thought was impossible but very possible surfaced.

Shouldn't it... These rewards are the key to breaking the game, right? ! Just like when he opened the pink gashapon in the game, all the props drawn will be used. With the urination of this spicy chicken game, the rewards after the double repairs are likely to be what he and Xi Guican need the most right now.

He Ruge was greatly shocked. He raised his head blankly and said to Xi Guican, "I-I may know a way to obtain the complete kill list of that year."

In front of Xi Guican's serious expression, He Ruge couldn't say the words in his mouth for a while. He said with great difficulty: "But this may require you to cooperate with my dual cultivation."

The blue eyes instantly brightened, and Xi Guican cooperated extremely: "I am willing, I am willing!"

He Ruge: "… "

He always felt that this was a conspiracy of the spicy chicken game.