What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes to Reality

Chapter 26: lack of concern


Olivia finally understood now that personal systems cannot be bound to people randomly, but must be based on the needs of the host, so that the host's subjective initiative can be fully utilized.

If you tie a football player to the NBA's 2K system, wouldn't it be a joke? It's simply asking for a fish in a tree.

As for the system bound to Sun Xiaofei and Zhang Jiao, it is basically a spoof system used to punish them. At the same time, they are used as experimental subjects to test and further improve the system. It is considered an internal test. The useful data collected can be Paving the way for future system production.

"Since the system cannot be disseminated for the time being, we cannot meet the growing demand for magic power of the 'Universal Translator' app. Moreover, Alice also needs time and magic power to grow, which forms an endless loop. What do you think we should do?" Olivia frowned. She was better at research and development than operations.

Li Shushan doesn’t seem to worry about this problem at all. Even though the number of users of the “Universal Translation” app is growing faster and faster, more and more people are curious about this app, and it will soon be truly exposed to the public. , by then more people will inevitably fall into the trap, and the officials will really pay attention to it.

In fact, ever since Luo Ji, the computer guru, sent a message to the person behind the "Universal Translation" app but received no response, he had a vague feeling that the other party was invincible, and he didn't even care that the "Universal Translation" app was being used. Officials targeted and banned them.

Come to think of it, how can icons be banned? Even if it is blocked on the Internet, as long as a user has the "Universal Translator" app, it can be spread in the form of pictures.

Luo Ji didn't bother to worry anymore, and simply submitted his findings to the big company that hired him, which was worthy of his salary, and of course the official department. He wanted to see how this guy hiding behind the scenes dealt with the official department. .

What left Luo Ji speechless was that those large companies controlled by capital were extremely concerned about this matter. They spent money to invite linguists and scientific researchers, hoping that they could decipher the "Universal Translation" app icon. The meanings of those mysterious runes and complex patterns.

It would be better to let this "technology" be mastered by their company and then use it to develop new things. If this "technology" is really the brainwave technology rumored in the market, then the products derived from this "technology" will be More than just a translation app, this is simply overkill!

But the result is naturally not optimistic. Almost all experts are confused about the principle of this thing...

Not to mention how enthusiastic big companies are about the "technology" of this "universal translation" app, the official response seems very real and slow.

In fact, the official department received "reports from the masses" very early on. There is no way. This "universal translation" app is really weird. Anyone with a little bit of scientific knowledge will find it weird, but many people just I only care about my own use and don't bother to investigate further let alone report it.

The official departments are also made up of people. They receive too many various and messy reports every day. The first person who handled the report information about an evil translation app simply ignored it and thought it was really true. It's too bullshit, the reporter may have a mental problem.

This is probably like the official receiving a report that a certain place is haunted. It seems that they have noses and eyes, but who would believe it? Unless that ghost really caused a major safety incident.

If he really reported this nonsense like nonsense, he might even be criticized by his superiors, who thought he didn't even have the most basic judgment ability.

It wasn't until the officials received a report from an expert like Luo Ji that they finally took action and set up a team specifically responsible for this matter. However, the action was still delayed, and some so-called specially invited experts have not yet arrived. Get in position.

It is said that an elderly leader of this official department still does not pay enough attention to this matter. He probably regards this app as one of those pornographic apps that are spread in private, and it will definitely not cause any trouble.

Not to mention that there are not many users of it now. Even if there are more users in the future, just ban it directly. Is this necessary? Besides, it is not a pornographic app and there is nothing disharmonious about it, so there is no need to make a fuss about it.

Fortunately, there are still knowledgeable people in the official department. Her name is Xu Lingxue, and she has a doctorate from a top domestic university. Of course, her family background is also very good, otherwise it would be impossible to join the officialdom.

Xu Lingxue is the leader of this group named "515 Incident Group". Unfortunately, due to the lack of attention paid by the top leaders to this matter, not all members of her current group have been recruited, and some members' attitudes are also very loose. Some people optimistically said that there are now big companies following up on the research, and they just need to wait for the results. Anyway, the "Universal Translation" app has not caused any adverse effects, right

Xu Lingxue strongly criticized this attitude. She is the kind of official who really wants to do things. She can be said to be enterprising rather than just sitting there.

Xu Lingxue criticized everyone: "The 'Universal Translation' app may not have any adverse effects on users now, but who can completely guarantee its security? This app, no, it should be said to be a mysterious thing, no one understands it How it operates means that it is uncontrollable, so we must pay attention to it and dig out the secrets behind it!"

Perhaps because she is a woman and also very young, her prestige is ultimately insufficient, so that when she assigns specific tasks to group members, everyone can put off doing them.

Xu Lingxue didn't have any good ideas. The fundamental reason was that the higher-ups didn't pay enough attention to it. The team members they were given were all just messing around, and the funds were completely insufficient.

But even so, she still tried hard to get the contact information of Luo Ji, a famous expert, and kept in touch with him. They both wanted to figure out the secret behind the "Universal Translation" app, and they were like-minded.

Xu Lingxue firmly believes that one day the higher authorities will take this incident seriously, as long as this "Universal Translation" app causes a huge public controversy.