What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes to Reality

Chapter 30: Online concert


As a programmer, Tang Lin is certainly no stranger to the "Universal Translator" app that is rapidly becoming popular in the industry. He even couldn't help but top up the money and enabled the permission to "understand and write computer languages".

Then when he worked after the "Universal Mode" was turned on, his work efficiency was astonishingly high. He felt that this "Universal Translation" app was really great.

If it turns out that when he writes a program, he needs a thinking process, then in the "universal mode", as long as he wants the program he writes to achieve whatever effect he wants, the movements of his hands can keep up. The code he wrote does not have any bugs, so he really loves this app!

However, as more and more people use this app, some of his colleagues and friends in the industry have expressed concern more than once that such a useful tool may not be used for long because it is obviously not human. Behind the tools that technology can develop, there may be huge secrets hidden...

People are always wary of this completely unknown thing. Even if it seems so harmless to humans and animals now, who can guarantee that the "universal mode" will have negative effects on the user's body if used for a long time

After all, this "universal translation" app is a three-no product. The key is that its principles and functions are far beyond the scope of human cognition. It is really unscientific. How can such a weird thing be left alone

And with the launch of another amazing feature in the "Universal Translator" app, it can no longer be ignored, and its popularity has truly exploded!

This function is the function of communicating with animals and plants, and its activation price has reached an astonishing half a million!

After some outdoor anchors discovered this magical app, they directly spent money to activate the highest permissions, and then they started doing all kinds of tricks...

Tang Lin just watched this video uploaded by a rich B-site up owner. The content was that the up owner had various "woof woof woofs" and actually communicated with his pet dog. He also translated to the audience his relationship with his pet dog. What Dogs Communicate About.

As long as the audience has some logical judgment ability, they will know that the up owner is not talking nonsense, because the dog's actions prove everything.

This video went viral instantly, and the comments from the audience were like this -

"The first up owner in history to learn dog language appears!"

"Didn't it say that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become a spirit? Is this dog a spirit?"

"It's really hard to believe. I feel like there is too much tacit understanding between the up owner and the dog. The up owner's serious translation of dog language is too ridiculous..."

"I suggest that if you don't believe in the up owner, you can download the 'Universal Translation' app yourself and don't become a cloud player!"

"It's great to have money! If I have half a million, I will also activate this permission, and then I will fall in love with my cat!"

"Haha, this 'universal translator' takes jujube pills! As soon as it becomes a hot search, the relevant departments will definitely block it! Can't those who enjoy the benefits just keep silent and make a fortune?"

"Don't block it. With it, I no longer have to worry about foreign languages. I used the money from cram school to recharge the app, and the effect is great!"

“It’s already on trending searches, but it’s still outside the top 50, but it’s rising very quickly!”

There are generally two types of barrages. One is that people still don’t know the “Universal Translator” app. This is actually normal. After many people leave their school days, they basically have no contact with foreign languages. Of course, they don’t. Go pay attention to translation software.

The other type is, of course, the members of the "Universal Translation" app. They are obviously very worried about the increasing popularity of the app, and are afraid that it will be harmonized by the relevant departments, so that their money will be wasted. .

It is normal for them to have such worries, because as long as members who have used the "universal mode" in this app know how magical it is, even if some members force it to use "brain wave technology" to explain it, this kind of A nonsense explanation, it is better to just say that it is a kind of magic, a kind of magic that directly contains rules.

Tang Lin is undoubtedly one of the latter. He is not worried that the money he deposited will be wasted, but he is worried that after the "Universal Translation" app is gone, his work will not be so easy.

It's as if now he has time to catch fish and go to station b, that's because he completed today's work very efficiently, which gives him enough confidence to catch fish.

While he was still reading the comments below the video that were already arguing about the "Universal Translation" app, a new interface suddenly popped up on the browser he was using!

At first, he thought that he accidentally clicked on an advertisement and a new interface would appear. He subconsciously wanted to close this interface, but when he saw the content in this new interface, he couldn't move his eyes away.

Just because his favorite virtual singer, Luo Tianyi, appeared in this interface, and the paintings of this Luo Tianyi were more exquisite than all the Luo Tianyi he had seen before. She seemed to be completely on this plane. , come alive in the Internet!

In addition, as an otaku, Tang Lin is certainly no stranger to Hatsune Miku. This futuristic sci-fi-style virtual singer is also so lifelike. If those ardent fans of Hatsune Miku see it, no one will be able to calm down. , and then immediately asked who the painting master was.

And then, a scene that made Tang Lin unbelievable happened. Luo Tianyi and Hatsune Miku, who were originally motionless, seemed to feel his gaze after he fixed his gaze on them, and smiled at him, then They all said in unison: "This is our invitation letter. Are you willing to participate in our online concert?"

This newly opened interface seems to have turned into an animation. In addition to the two virtual singers, the background is the vast starry sky, full of a mysterious charm. Then the invitation letter appears with the words "willing to participate" and "no". Would like to participate" button.

Tang Lin was dumbfounded at this moment. Which technology giant created this? This is definitely a big deal. Could it be that this is to use the IPs of Hatsune Miku and Luo Tianyi to develop a new web game? Scamming fans out of their money

Tang Lin thought like this, looking at the extremely beautiful two-dimensional image, and he thought "Ah, I'm dead" in his heart, so he clicked the "willing to participate" button with the mouse without hesitation. He thought that after clicking, he would The main body of the web game will appear...

As a result, the body of the web game did not appear at all. His consciousness seemed to have left his body at this moment, following the Internet and entering a new world!

It’s still a new world with two-dimensional painting style!

This process was completely beyond his imagination!

By the time he reacted, he was already sitting in a seat very close to the stage. There were two fluorescent sticks prepared on the seat. Around him, there were also surprised and uncertain human spirits.

"You call this an online concert? This is too hardcore!"