When a Bossy CEO Meets Gary Stu

Chapter 60


It's the kidneys and not the heart, which is different from you..."

"Do you want to lose your heart? Well, you actually cheated on them!"

"Young master, count me as wrong."

He Junle obviously didn't want to get entangled with Murong Jihua, and occasionally he was curious why this man always had a 95% pure love brain—

The Murong family's property can still be carried forward in the hands of this man, is it because he is so handsome that the opponent can't bear to attack

How can it be

—Okay, He Junle substituted himself as Murong Jihua's business rival...

It seems that I really can't let go.


Here, Murong Jihua spent a lot of effort to switch his energy to the part of reason that only exists in 5% of his brain—

He asked: "... What can I do for you?"

"Yes, I have,"

He Junle's face was full of "I'm just waiting for you to say this",

He showed a kind and majestic smile like a class teacher, stretched out his hand and patted Murong Jihua's shoulder:

"Jihua, please be quiet, be obedient, don't mess around, and play a good father who is worried about your partner, okay?"

"Master Ben—"

"Remember, be quiet, obedient, and don't mess with things!"


"Quiet, obedient, and don't mess with things."


"Say important things three times."

"I know, I know, noisy."

"And one last thing—"

He Junle moved closer and closer to Murong Jihua——

"Please return the missiles you ordered from abroad."


Murong Jihua teased with a bit of deception: "I thought you would like it, I specially prepared a surprise for you..."

"Ordinary fireworks are fine,"

"Guide bombs, atomic bombs, bombs, etc., Ji Hua, I appreciate your wishes."


The final battle is less than 24 hours away.

Cui Guanshi is busy milking, settling the wet nurse, handling chores, and leading the whole family, so busy;

Su Xiaomo is busy attending class and taking care of her younger brother, and she burns incense three times a day to pray for her brother Le and the "children";

Shaz is busy reshaping the world view, following Princess Elizabeth to visit her different palace equipment;

Princess Elizabeth, busy with make-up and dressing up to enhance her charm, making the greatest preparations for the battle,

By the way, he took Shaz to visit his research institute,

Although apparently Prince Shaz didn't quite understand Elizabeth's determination to let flies and dragonflies mate...

He Junle, sitting on the carousel and eating cake;

Murong Jihua, sitting on the carousel -

Feed He Junle to eat cake.

Murong Jihua: "..."

Murong Jihua: "???"


This, this, this is too peaceful, sweet and sour!

Is this the atmosphere that should exist before the decisive battle? !

Ask He Junle... We dare not ask, we dare not say,

He Junle, today is the day, it is not very reasonable to ask;

Let's say he has something on his mind, he doesn't look like it, it tastes delicious, and he will pester Ben to feed him cakes...

It can be said that he has nothing on his mind, he should not be so bored that he has been sitting on the merry-go-round since he woke up in the morning, thinking and remembering...

I still don't pay much attention to Ben Shao.

Is it okay to gossip and scold


Murong Jihua asked unwillingly: "...Jun Le, are you nervous?"

He Junle glanced at him, the meaning was very clear:

You boss, you don't know how to write the word nervous since you were in junior high school.

Murong Jihua: "Then you are not confident?"

Well that's even more unlikely.


Elizabeth Palace.

Elizabeth dressed gorgeously and turned around: "Do I look good?"

Shaz smiled and rubbed his hands: "It looks good, it looks good."

Elizabeth smiled and grinned: "Am I beautiful?"

Shaz echoed: "Beautiful, beautiful."

Eliza's cheeks were flushed: "Will I meet someone who won't fall in love with me tomorrow?"

Shaz's yellow teeth gleamed: "No, no."


Ni Haofan, who watched the foolish princes and daughters of the two countries interacting with each other every day, was about to collapse.

Her Royal Highness is okay, at most her hair will be bald—

Here's another foolish Prince His Royal Highness!

Ni Haofan has already bought a coffin online for himself and arranged it for his hometown.

What's even more frightening is that when His Majesty the King and Queen came to visit Princess Elizabeth a few days ago...

Do you think the interaction between Her Royal Highness and Prince Shaz is very loving? !

And on the spot, he called an official email to the king of Xiyugo, saying that these two people are in full swing in their relationship

Let me be good, look at this, is this what it looks like to be in love


—Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth played the reality version of Miracle Nikki-Dress against the He Junle pregnancy report card plastered all over the wall,

Why put a man's pregnancy report all over the walls of the palace, Your Highness? !

—His Royal Highness Prince Xiazi flattered and praised the pillar, those words were so greasy that no one could listen to them...

Ni Haofan still doesn't quite understand why Xia Zi would rather see Zhuzi as a princess than to get himself a pair of glasses.


"Tomorrow is the day of the decisive battle, it's really exciting,"

Princess Elizabeth put on a brand new skirt, and the emerald green skirt outlined her figure as beautiful and graceful as an elf:

"What kind of clothes should I wear to fight He Junle... ah,"

"Actually, I don't have to worry so much at all,"

Princess Elizabeth compared her own shadowy figure on the wall:

"Anyway, he is too, it is impossible to beat me."


"While you're loafing, your opponents are turning the pages."

This sentence was heard by Murong Jihua when he was still a high school dog on earth. When he was in the second year of middle school, he was inspired by this sentence for a long time—

Now that I think about it, I actually don't have to work so hard.

joke! Why rely on talent when you can rely on appearance to make a living

But now it's different.

Murong Jihua is almost certain and certain that Elizabeth is probably changing her costume and making unremitting efforts to conquer the hearts of boys and girls tomorrow.

The ultimate goal is to get Ben Shao's love.

And He Junle...

It seems that he is not bothered at all by the sound of his opponent flipping the pages of the book.

After he had had enough of the merry-go-round, he even stretched comfortably, and walked off the horse without saying a word.

Of course Murong Jihua followed: "He Junle, do you want me to invite the most famous designer to design a battle uniform for your decisive battle tomorrow?"

He Junle: "No need."

Murong Jihua grabbed his sleeve: "Then do you need to hire the best nutritionist for you to ensure your energy supply for tomorrow?"

He Junle shook his head: "No need."

Murong Jihua's scalp was numb: "Man, what do you need Ben Shao to do for you?"

He Junle stopped and repeated for the fourth time:

"Be quiet, be obedient, and don't mess with things, and wait for my triumphant return."



"Then what are you going to do now?"



He Junle really fell asleep,

Well, Murong Jihua is now sure that He Junle is really on his mind...

As soon as you touch the pillow, you lose consciousness. If you are not confident enough, or your heart is really big enough.


Anyway, Murong Jihua couldn't sleep.

He walked up and down the whole mansion in a bored way, with two voices in his head shouting and arguing.

A voice said: "Don't worry about him letting you relax. He doesn't want you to worry. As a superior, how can you really ignore it and leave such a big burden on him?"

Another voice said: "Just listen to Brother Le and don't cause trouble. He is so invincible and confident, he will definitely be fine. What's wrong with being a big baby who stands behind Brother Le and calls 666 quietly and obediently?" good?"

"You have an ostrich mentality, hedonism!"

"You have a big heart and no brains, you are talking about it!"

Murong Jihua suddenly stopped in his tracks: "Shut up, Master Ben!"

—Scared the head maid Sophia who was sweeping the hallway with a broom.


Murong Jihua: "..."

To be honest, after the disturbance in the haunted house last time, Murong Jihua's love for Sophia...

There is really a little more embarrassment and guilt that I can't explain clearly.

Thinking about it, I haven't been too modest to others,

— can’t say it.


Sophia carefully looked at Murong Jihua's expression, and asked, "Boss, what's on your mind?"

Murong Jihua frowned and asked: "Sophia, I would like to ask you, if it were you, what kind of dangerous challenges you are facing, do you hope that your boyfriend will not be involved, or do you hope that he can face it with you?"

Sophia was stunned for a while, she didn't know what she was thinking, and she became serious:

"My rationality would tell me not to involve him, but since we are a couple, that is, the most important person to each other... To be honest, of course I still hope in my heart that he can bear it with me."

Murong Jihua bit the corner of his lips, thinking to himself:

… Makes sense, we’re a couple, how could he selfishly want to keep me out of—

Sophia continued: "...but only if,"

"What is it?" Murong Jihua asked seriously.

"I need a boyfriend first."



Yes, that's right, well said, makes sense!

What is love, what is a lover, what are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai

What is sharing weal and woe, what is standing together through thick and thin, what is sharing the same bed