When A Destructive Wolf Joins An Escape Game

Chapter 75


The main god of the abyss game is probably the laziest of all the infinite stream main gods.

In the morning, the Lord God sleeps until the sun rises, and naturally there is a butler system to serve a hearty breakfast. After breakfast, it is the routine time for the main god to play. While the weather is still not so hot and the sun is not so bright, he will wander around in the space of the main god, sometimes to board games, sometimes to escape clubs, sometimes to amusement parks...

In short, life in the morning is very fulfilling. Then at noon, there was another hearty lunch, and I went back to take a nap after eating, feeling very happy.

After waking up in the afternoon, Lord God finally has time to receive the small systems who have something to report. If there is any ghost who wants to sue a certain system for using power for personal gain, he will also receive it. But ordinary small things would not bother him, only big problems, because the main god would not care about the small things, and would only ask them to go to the system of the corresponding department to deal with them.

Big things are rare, so of course it doesn't take a whole afternoon to deal with them. Why does he maintain so many systems? Of course, it is to liberate himself. If he needs to do work every day, then what's the point of him having those systems.

So today, the Lord Lord God confidently announced to thank the guests behind closed doors, and asked his system and ghosts to go to the housekeeper if there was anything to do. Occasionally, when he doesn't want to work, the housekeeper can help him deal with major issues.

The Master God, who is not working, has been free this afternoon, and he can start playing games at this time. Whether it's keyboard online games or holographic online games, whether it's mobile games or board games, he is particularly interested, playing for an entire afternoon. After taking the time to eat dinner, it was time to sleep.

The salted fish's day passed just like this, and the Lord God squinted his eyes happily, thinking about what to eat for lunch tomorrow.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the Lord God received a message from Gu Mozhi before he could go out the next day. Since getting acquainted with the devil Gu Mozhi, the Lord God felt that his workload had doubled several times. If it wasn't for the sake of the money he gave, the Lord God wouldn't bother to talk to him.

"What are you doing?" The Lord God looked at the "Are you there" sent by the other party, and found it very annoying. When there is something to talk about, I hate the person who asks if he is there or not.

Gu Mozhi quickly replied, "Nothing."

Lord God: "... Get lost."

Gu Mozhi: "I won't tease you anymore, A Yuan and I may not go back after a while. Things have changed, we are left behind to be teachers for the kids."

Gu Mozhi is quite familiar with the situation of the demon clan. After all, he has cooperated with the Goddess of Purgatory, and has a relationship with a goddess under the Goddess of Purgatory. He has also known the Devil Academy for a long time, but he has never planned to visit it. After all, he doesn't really want to be the target of little devils' pranks in the past.

Thinking of the extra money Gu Mozhi brought him, the Lord God felt a little regretful. But after thinking about it, if Gu Mozhi didn't come, his workload would be reduced a lot, which seemed to be a good thing.

So the Lord God became happy again, and happily replied: "That's good, you come later, and be a teacher there. I won't tell you, I'm going to eat something good to celebrate."

Gu Mozhi:? ?

What kind of plastic friendship is this? break up!

Obviously, in the eyes of the main god, the friendship between them and the temptation of money are not as good as the little salted fish enjoyed by the main god.

But soon, Gu Mozhi also became happy, because it didn't take long for Pei Yuan to inquire about a piece of news.

"You said the Lord God is going to start working overtime?" Gu Mozhi was very surprised, "How do you know?"

Pei Yuan turned on the purgatory communication system, which has always been used in purgatory to communicate with something similar to a chat system, and it is said that this system can also contact people on other interfaces. Gu Mozhi used it to contact the main god before, and later slipped to the world of the Jian brothers and sisters, and gave them one, and then the four of them formed a chat group to exchange interesting things they encountered from time to time.

Now, there is an extra group in Pei Yuan's chat system.

The top group is the blocked "Purgatory Family", which was established by the Goddess of Purgatory, and every purgatory creature is there, and it is set to only manage speeches. The leader of the group is the Goddess of Purgatory, and the management is naturally her sub-god, goddess and son of God.

Gu Mozhi is quite familiar with these administrators, although they don't send messages often, usually goddesses and demigods will make announcements. But as ordinary people, you still have to keep in mind who the "big and powerful" are, so as not to accidentally offend others.

In particular, the status of gods and gods in Purgatory is equivalent to that of the queen's grandson, and ordinary demons can't afford to offend them.

The group of Pei Yuanduo was established by one of the goddesses.

Gu Mozhi looked at the head portrait of the goddess named "Jiang Yuexuan", and asked, "When did you hook up with His Highness?"

"She and the main god are good friends." Pei Yuan quickly kicked the pot out, firmly refusing to admit that he was the one who hooked up, otherwise he would be finished if the jealousy turned over, "It was she who heard that we went to Ye Xu's game and took the initiative to pull me into the group."

Gu Mozhi frowned, he was not so easy to deceive: "Why did you only pull you?"

"Because you set up to refuse strangers to pull you into the group."

Gu Mozhi: "..." It seems like this.

Of course, it is impossible for them to add Goddess friends, after all, they are not qualified. So Goddess was a stranger to them, and was automatically blocked by the system.

Pei Yuan hurriedly pulled him into the group to prevent the vinegar jar from continuing to emit a sour smell.

There are not many people in the group, and they are basically well-known bosses from various clans in Purgatory. Highnesses like the Goddess and the Son of God can form a party, choose powerful people from various ethnic groups as their subordinates, and the other party will swear an oath to His Highness forever.

If some highnesses like to have fun, the subordinates of the party members may become their harem. But Purgatory has always had no morals, and often has group parties, or changes bed-partners a day, so this is not a big deal. Those who insist on 1v1 like Gu Mozhi and Pei Yuan are just as rare as Jiang Qunzhu, who doesn't like to take subordinates as harem beauties.

After Gu Mozhi entered the group, a demon elder in the group greeted him out of nowhere.

This kind of demon who has become His Highness's subordinate will not be counted in the number of elders in the demon group, because he only serves His Highness and does not fight for the demon group. Otherwise, the number of demon elders would not be as few as dozens, at least hundreds of them.

"You have also become His Highness's people?" The other party asked, the wording was a bit strange.

Pei Yuan clarified: "We are Her Highness's friends."

Gu Mozhi: "???"

Pei Yuan turned his head and explained to him: "Pull Ye Xu's tiger skin."


Sure enough, the demon elder didn't ask, and Gu Mozhi and the others couldn't say that they and Ye Xu were friends, because it's not very reliable for a demigod to be friends with a demon elder, and it's easy to make people think too much. It's better to just be vague, anyway, they are just strangers, there is no need to exchange shallow words, what kind of relationship they have is none of the other's business.

There are quite a lot of "His Royal Highness's friends" like them in the group, Gu Mozhi guessed that the goddess should have a private group that only adds her own people. This is more like a large alliance group, telling everyone that we are all in the same group, and don't flood the Dragon King Temple when we meet in the future, because the family does not know the family.

This is where Pei Yuan got his news. Goddess seems to like water groups very much, so Pei Yuan recorded the previous news for him. He flipped through and found that the goddess seemed to often exchange all kinds of fresh information (eight) news (gua) in the group. For example, what stupid things did a certain son of a certain temple do, and what big things did a certain inheritor of a certain temple do.

The atmosphere in the group is also very active, and everyone is very happy to share information (eight) news (gua). The latest big event is that Goddess, one of her best friends who is in charge of parallel time and space, is in trouble again.

The goddess gloated: "It must be because he usually does too many good things. The main gods all think that he is a warm-hearted person, and all the bad things are left to him."

There are not many people like him as a holy father these days. At the beginning, because of the destruction of certain worlds, an existence with the nature of an infinite game was needed to receive these hapless humans. Many people knew about this, but they were willing to open a game to collect people There are really not many demigods. People below the demigod level are unable to start the game, and most of the old demigods are gearing up to retire. The number of new demigods is rare. It seems that the goddess surnamed Jiang avoided it early, and she never took the initiative to take over the game like Ye Xu. Errands.

So after working for a short time, this Master Ye became a salty fish. I tried my best to be lazy, and made a bunch of systems to help me work. Thanks to the fact that he has three older brothers who have contributed money and efforts to help him, otherwise he would not have been able to gather so many systems to do things for him in such a short period of time.

This time, something went wrong in the newborn world, no, the higher-ups thought of Ye Xu who was for the country and the people again.

The stable world will be included in the three thousand worlds, and the new world that has not been stabilized will be temporarily excluded as a "minor". These nascent worlds are easy to fall apart, especially recently because of a little turbulence, the big bosses think it can't go on like this.

Worlds are dying every once in a while. If the new world doesn't mature enough, there will be fewer and fewer worlds in the future. If the world is less, there will be fewer people, and if there are fewer people, there will be less emotional energy that can be provided to them. Of course, those who gather wool don't want the number of sheep to decrease (cough), so they decided to find a way to solve this problem.

"Ye Ye happens to be in charge of the laws of parallel time and space. It would be the most appropriate to ask him to set up a space-time bureau or something." The goddess plausibly said, "I'm afraid he will have to work overtime for a long time. It's too miserable hahahahahahahahahaha .”

If she didn't hit him a few times, Gu Mozhi would still believe that they were good friends.

Hey, the main god is surrounded by such bad friends. Forget it, it may be that birds of a feather flock together.

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