When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 10: Raise the price


Xiao Kui couldn't hold his breath, he made up his mind today to show Yi Xichen and his eldest grandson Zijun some color. Anyway, he brought enough spirit stones, and he would raise the price of whatever the eldest grandson wanted to buy later, and he must let the two go back empty-handed. In addition to fighting for a breath, it is also for the sword competition seven days later. Going out to visit the market at this time must be to prepare for the sword competition. Although the eldest grandson Zijun is a disciple of Medicine Pavilion, his strength should not be underestimated. If he buys all the equipment, I am afraid that he will be able to get a ranking in seven days. Let him not be able to buy things, relying on a tattered copper and iron, it is much easier to suppress him.

Yi Xichen had an idea, and suddenly had another idea. He sneered: "Didn't Xiao Kui think that we brought few spirit stones, I want to see how many spirit stones he brought out."

So he whispered to the eldest grandson Zijun underestimated a few words, the eldest grandson Zijun nodded clearly, and Yi Xichen separated from him.

Seeing them split up, Xiao Kui was a little confused for a while. He doesn't know how to clone, and he can't stare at two people at the same time. If they buy goods separately, he really can't stop them all. But he noticed that Yi Xichen made a relatively secret move before leaving, that he stuffed the purse into the eldest grandson Zijun.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain plan! Xiao Kui was immediately alert. It seemed that Yi Xichen wanted to lure him away and let the eldest grandson Zijun go shopping by himself. Humph, how could he be fooled like this!

So Xiao Kui didn't even look at where Yi Xichen went, and made up his mind to follow the eldest grandson Zijun.

The eldest grandson, Zijun strolled leisurely in the market, looked at this, looked at that, seemed interested in a certain product, picked it up and played with it, looked back and saw that Xiao Kui was still following him, and put it down again .

Haha, be afraid! Xiao Kui was elated.

Finally, the eldest grandson Zijun stopped in front of a certain booth.

"I want this mountain black iron." said the eldest grandson Zijun.

The stall owner was a young man in black. Hearing this, he raised a slap: "Five intermediate spirit stones."

Before the eldest grandson Zijun took out his pocket, Xiao Kui rushed up and threw six spiritual stones: "Six, I want it!"

The eldest grandson Zijun found eight pieces, and Xiao Kui threw ten pieces generously: "Mine!"

The eldest grandson Zijun stopped raising the price.

The stall owner accepted Xiao Kui's ten spirit stones and handed Zongshan Black Iron to Xiao Kui.

The eldest grandson Zijun did not leave, and asked, "Is there any more?"

The stall owner pulled out another piece of Zongshan black iron like a juggler: "Is there any, do you want it?"

Xiao Kui frowned and threw ten spirit stones again: "I want this one too!"

Both the money and the goods came to an end, and the stall owner slowly took out the third piece.

Xiao Kui: "..."

"How much money do you have here, I want it all!" Xiao Kui angrily grabbed the purse in his hand.

The stall owner was in a hurry, one after another, and discharged a full five pieces of Zongshan black iron.

Xiao Kui hesitated. He didn't bring so many intermediate-level spirit stones, but if he didn't buy everything, as long as his eldest grandson Zijun bought one, then the price he had raised before would be in vain.

"This is all, right? You don't have more?" Xiao Kui confirmed to the stall owner.

"No, brother, only the last five pieces left." The stall owner said with a smile, "Today, my family still sells Zongshan black iron in the Jinge market. If you don't believe me, go to other places to see it, and you missed me. Here, you won't be able to buy it anymore."

Xiao Kui loves hearing these words, but he just wants the eldest grandson Zijun not to be able to buy them. So he took out the high-grade spirit stone from his body, and bought all five pieces of Zongshan black iron at the converted price.

Although he spent much higher than the market price to buy something that he couldn't use, Xiao Kui was still very happy. If the spirit stone is gone, he can earn more. Anyway, as a disciple of Lianjian Pavilion, he is much richer than a disciple of Medicine Pavilion. The most important thing is to deflate the eldest grandson, Zijun.

Xiao Kui was waiting to admire how the eldest grandson Zijun was angry, but he would have expected the eldest grandson to be very calm, and he still stood in front of this stall and refused to leave: "Zongshan black iron is gone, do you have Hunyuanzhu?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" the stall owner said, "It's a coincidence, a new batch of goods just came in a few days ago, there are still one left, a high-grade spirit stone and a mixed yuan pearl, do you want it?"


Xiao Kui was anxious: "You Hunyuanzhu sells a high-grade spirit stone? Why don't you grab it?"

"Hey, senior brother, this is a poor statement. You can't buy it if you can't afford it, and the poor don't do the business of buying and selling by force." The stall owner lifted his eyelids and glanced at Xiao Kui, and smiled meaningfully, "You love me. I would."

This price is far higher than the market price. It is estimated that the stall owner saw that they raised the price, thinking that he had encountered two fat sheep and wanted to take the opportunity to slaughter one. Xiao Kui felt a little pain in his flesh. He glanced at the eldest grandson Zijun, but he did not expect that the eldest grandson actually took out a high-level spirit stone.

Fighting must be fought to the end. If you lose your breath halfway through, it will be useless no matter how big the advantage you had before. Xiao Kui squeezed the high-level spirit stone in his hand painfully, gritted his teeth, and handed it over: "The Primordial Pearl is mine!"

Unexpectedly, the stall owner didn't hand over the Hun Yuanzhu: "Senior brother, won't you raise the price?"

"You sell so expensive, how dare you raise the price?!"

"That's a bad statement. It's not that I want to raise the price, it's my brother who wants to raise the price." The stall owner said, "There are rules for doing business. This handsome brother came first. Since you don't raise the price If the price is too high, then I can only sell this Primordial Pearl to him."

After he finished speaking, he put Hun Yuanzhu in the palm of his eldest grandson Zijun.

Xiao Kui grabbed it with his hands, and in addition to one high-level spirit stone, he threw out a few more elementary-level spirit stones: "Take it! Carry you to death! No matter what he wants to buy today, I'll take them all!"

"Really?" The stall owner Yingying smiled and put out the second Primordial Pearl.

Xiao Kui: "...!!!"

It is not so easy to get a high-level spirit stone even for a disciple of the Sword-Refining Pavilion who has no worries about food and clothing. At first, Xiao Kui only thought that the disciples of the Medicine Pavilion were all poor ghosts, and it would not be difficult for him to rule the eldest grandson. I didn't expect it to be a while, and my purse was almost empty. He no longer had any high-level spiritual stones. In order to block his eldest grandson Zijun, he had to pour out all the primary spiritual stones and bought the items at a reduced price.

The eldest grandson, Jun, sighed softly.

Xiao Kui was almost smoking above his head, but when he heard the sigh of the eldest grandson Zijun, he was like drinking the nectar and jade liquid, and his fighting spirit was high again.

The eldest grandson Zijun asked, "Is there really no black iron in Zongshan?"

"I can't say it's gone." Seeing Xiao Kui's eyes about to kill people, the stall owner hurriedly added, "Only the last two pieces are left for me and my friends, and I really can't sell them. Want something else?"

"Oh." The eldest grandson Zijun said, "I don't have Zongshan black iron. Do you still have the ore from Zongshan black iron? I will buy it and make it myself."

Xiao Kui: "..."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The stall owner opened the Qiankun bag and poured it on the ground, pouring out two kilograms of iron ore, "I just got it from the stall next door, I'll give it to you at a cheaper price. You can tell the price yourself."

The eldest grandson Zijun glanced at Xiao Kui: "How many spiritual stones do you have left?"

Xiao Kui was already confused, and subconsciously counted his surplus food, only the last dozen primary spirit stones were left.

"That's not enough." The stall owner looked at Xiao Kui, and stretched out his finger to the belt made of white tiger tendons around his waist. "A dozen elementary spirit stones and this belt are almost enough."

"You!" Xiao Kui covered his belt and glared at the stall owner. This belt was made by himself when he beheaded a white tiger beast in Cangshan when he participated in the trial of the disciples of Lianjiange. Wearing trophies into accessories is something that many swordsmen do. Although it is not very valuable, it is a symbol of strength and honor.

"Don't change it? That's fine." The stall owner pushed the iron ore in front of the eldest grandson Zijun, "It's yours."

"Change!" Xiao Kui gritted his teeth. Isn't it just a belt, go back and find a replacement first, and then go hunting for a more powerful monster!

When untying the belt, Xiao Kui asked, "This is all your iron ore, right? You won't sell these and make a few kilos?"

"No, it's really gone this time. Besides, if I still have it, can you still exchange your saber? If you don't change the saber, you can also get your clothes and pants!"

"Do your daydream in the blue sky!" Xiao Kui threw his belt over in a rage.

The eldest grandson Zijun turned around and looked at Xiao Kui: "No more spiritual stones?"

Xiao Kui stared back not to be outdone: "Who, who said that I have no spiritual stones! Anyway, you have no black iron! I see what swords you use!"

"Tsk." The eldest grandson said contemptuously, "You dare to go out to the market with such a few spirit stones."

Xiao Kui: "..." Didn't he say this to his eldest grandson Zijun just now? How could he be returned!

"He's out of spirit stones. Let's go." The eldest grandson Zijun raised his chin at the stall owner: "Go back to practice swords." Xiao Kui was startled, and saw a cloud of white smoke popping from the stall owner's body. The white smoke dissipated, and the boy in black sitting there was Yi Xichen! It turned out that Yi Xichen and the eldest grandson Zijun had a secret discussion just now. Since Xiao Kui is planning to bleed a lot today, it would be better for other stall owners to earn this money than to earn it himself. So the two acted separately, no matter who was stalked by Xiao Kui, the other went to buy some things and came back to set up a stall with a blind eye. This in and out, I made twice the price difference in a blink of an eye, and the business is really easy to do.

Xiao Kui almost fainted! Such a simple trick, as long as he pays a little attention, he will be able to see through it! However, he just focused on fighting with his eldest grandson, but he didn't notice it at all! ! !

He rushed over angrily and wanted to teach Yi Xichen a lesson. The eldest grandson Zijun stopped slipping his hands and feet this time, and Xiao Kui fell at Yi Xichen's feet. He grabbed Yi Xichen's trouser legs with a sullen face: "You! You lied to people with magic! You give me back the spirit stone!"

Yi Xichen shrugged and broke his fingers apart one by one: "This senior brother, I just said that the business is about your love and my wishes, I use this technique on myself, and I don't care It's on Senior Brother. I'm sorry, Shuxiaodian does not provide return service."

Yi Xichen rolled up the sold-out stall and turned it into a Qiankun bag, shook the bag full of money in front of Xiao Kui, and said with a smile: "Thank you Brother Xiao for your praise, and if Brother Xiao wants to buy anything in the future, feel free to come and find it. Junior Brother, I will be the first to think of you when there is something good! Let’s go!”

As soon as Xiao Kui got up, he felt a sweetness in his throat. He supported the wooden pole on the side, and barely stabilized his body, otherwise he would vomit blood again and fall to the ground.

The eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen were far away, and the sound of the conversation could still reach his ears, irritating his weakened nerves.

"Zijun, we were lucky today. We knew that the two pieces of black iron we left behind would also be sold to him. With so many spirit stones, we can directly buy a new and better sword."


"Oh yes, he changed his belt to us. When Yu Jian returns later, when the wind blows, will his pants fall off?"


"Pfft hahahaha..."

"What are you doing with his belt?"

"The little wild boar raised by the elder Yao is running around all over the mountain all day long. Take this tiger tendon back to tie the pig."


"Senior Brother Xiao!" Yi Xichen turned back and waved to Xiao Kui, "Remember to hold up your pants! Don't drop them!"

"Eldest grandson Zijun! Yi Xichen!" Xiao Kui roared in disbelief, "Let's wait and see!"