When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 2: 100% miscarriage


The eldest grandson Zijun woke up and saw the half-bed empty beside him, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Last night, he fought with Yi Xichen all night. According to common sense, Yi Xichen should not be able to get out of bed for three days and three nights. His back was sore and he was waiting for him to knead and knead, and then he would go off and start again. Three days and three nights - In fact, sometimes the eldest grandson Zijun is also very confused. According to this development, Yi Xichen should have grown up with the bed. Why is it that sometimes all of a sudden he is just like a no-nonsense person, and makes all those wolves drool outside

Sun Zijun, the long-time timeline leader himself, can't understand. As the protagonist of the story, he cannot see through the author's settings. When the story needs to develop, Yi Xichen will be automatically dismissed. The curse of the "bed", when the storyline doesn't know how to develop, then three days after three days, how many are three days.

The eldest grandson Zijun couldn't understand, and he didn't bother to think about it, so he got up to wash up. A strange feeling lingered in his heart, as if something had changed, but at the same time as if this was the right thing - at this moment, the poor eldest grandson Zijun didn't know yet, although he was still the same person, his The setting has been distorted by a mysterious force from another dimension - including his memory, various functions of his body. But moreover, he was the only one who was twisted.

Dressed properly and changed into disciple clothes, the eldest grandson Zijun went out.

At this time, it was still very early, and most of the disciples in Tianjian Mountain were still sleeping. The most diligent disciples in the sect were him and Yi Xichen. This is why he and Yi Xichen walked the highest and furthest. There is talent and talent, and it is also a reward for diligence.

The eldest grandson Zijun came to Taohuaping and saw a disciple in Tsing Yi who was practicing swordsmanship in the sea of flowers. Yi Xichen - The setting added to him by the author is that as soon as he sees Yi Xichen, his lower body will be as hard as black iron. Therefore, to generally judge whether Yi Xichen appeared within a hundred meters of him, the eldest grandson Zijun did not rely on his eyes to see, no nose to smell, no ears to hear, but only by looking up with a silver spear.

The eldest grandson Zijun frowned in displeasure. This Yi Xichen is still so restless when she is pregnant with a child. First, she actually sucked her fingers during dinner last night, causing her to fight him for 300 rounds. She woke up so early this morning to practice swordsmanship. !

At the same time, he was a little puzzled: such a beautiful movement and swordsmanship, he should purely uphold an attitude of appreciation, where did these physiological reactions come from? Since when did he become a beast whose happiness and unhappiness depend entirely on his lower body? - Out of the distorted world, the eldest grandson Zijun suddenly has an IQ online, and he will reflect on unreasonable things.

The figure stopped, and Yi Xichen's cheerful voice came over: "Zijun, you're here!"

Yi Xichen ran over, looked at his eldest grandson Zijun, and said with a wicked smile, "I spent the night tossing with me last night, did you rest well?"

The eldest grandson Zijun glanced at Yi Xichen's seemingly flexible waist and butt: "Your butt doesn't hurt anymore?"

Yi Xichen touched his buttocks blankly: "Why does my butt hurt?"

The eldest grandson Zijun was silent, and secretly wondered if Yi Xichen was mocking himself for not working hard enough.

Yi Xichen didn't bother with the topic just now, smiled and said, "Zijun, come and practice swords with me."

The eldest grandson, Jun, shook his head. Practicing swordsmanship with Yi Xichen is the most boring routine, and the author added the setting that "as long as they practice swords together, they will practice on the bed 100%". In other words, no matter what they do together, they will automatically fall into the "100% end in bed" setting. The eldest grandson Zijun felt very tired.

Yi Xichen was startled. This was the first time he had invited his senior brothers to practice swords with him, but was rejected. The eldest grandson Zijun was a sword idiot, and their senior brothers practiced together like a melody.

Yi Xichen teased him with a narrow face: "Zijun is afraid of hurting me, will you feel distressed?"

Did you know that jumping up and down with a baby is easy to get hurt? The eldest grandson Zijun became more and more irritable, and took a scolding tone: "You don't know what's going on with yourself? You are so nonsense!"

"Ah?" Yi Xichen was stunned by his training. What is your situation? Bullshit? What happened to the eldest grandson Zijun today

The eldest grandson Zijun turned around and wanted to leave, but Yi Xichen didn't let him go so easily, and shouted, "Zijun, look at the sword!" After speaking, he stabbed his waist with a sword!

Yi Xichen was sure that the eldest grandson Zijun could catch the sword, and he just became interested in training. The eldest grandson Zijun really didn't take his little trick in his eyes, he drew his sword and turned around, easily blocking his move.

A light flashed in Yi Xichen's eyes, he smiled, the eldest grandson Zijun felt his hand was hot, and the sword in his hand almost fell off. It turned out that when he hadn't turned back just now, Yi Xichen secretly added the Dao Fire Talisman to the sword, and as soon as he moved the eldest Sun Zijun, he followed his Dao.

But this was just a little trick he was playing to tease the eldest grandson Zijun. Yi Xichen quickly backed away, and then he made a serious move.

After fighting for a few rounds, the eldest grandson Zijun couldn't help feeling novel. Today's Yi Xichen is very wrong! In the past, when practicing swordsmanship, Yi Xichen always twisted his waist and twisted his buttocks, like dancing a dance. But he didn't like it in his heart. A sword is a sword, it is the sword of a cultivator, and it is also the heart of a sword cultivator. It should not be involved in obscene things, so he didn't think highly of Yi Xichen's sword before. Today, Yi Xichen's exhilarating sword moves are what he appreciates.

"It's rare that you look like a man." The eldest grandson Zijun praised lightly.

"???I am a man!" Yi Xichen's mouth twitched. What's wrong with Zijun today? Not his character!

A sharp sword energy swept across Yi Xichen's side, Yi Xichen hurriedly dodged, and a piece of his clothes was cut off. The eldest grandson Zijun was startled and hurriedly closed the move - he couldn't help but threw himself in, showed some real skills, and almost really hurt Yi Xichen.

However, Yi Xichen didn't take it to heart at all. With a pointed sword, a small rocket shot towards the eldest grandson Zijun's toe. The eldest grandson Zijun hurriedly stepped back and stepped on a stone that Yi Xichen kicked just now. The eldest grandson Zijun thought it was a stone, but he didn't take it to heart. Who knew that when he stepped on this foot, he suddenly felt that his foot felt wrong, and his heart was not good, but it was too late.


The brown mucus splashed from the "pebble" stained the shoes of the eldest grandson Zijun, which made him feel extremely sick.

"Hahahaha!" Yi Xichen burst out laughing.

In Tianjianmen, Yi Xichen is probably the least talented disciple. He is a pseudo-spiritual root of the fire attribute. If it weren't for the elders of the Medicine Pavilion of Tianjianmen, for the sake of his relationship with his parents, he would never have accepted him as a disciple with poor aptitude.

Although Yi Xichen works very hard, it is difficult to make up for his lack of talent. His sword qi and sword intent can't keep up with others anyway, which makes him go sideways and often play some tricks that make people laugh and cry. Always be able to win.

Yi Xichen saw that the eldest grandson Zijun was being recruited, and swaggered towards the eldest grandson Zijun with a sinister smile. He inadvertently stepped on the dew-filled haystack, slipped under his feet, and fell on his back in shock.

The eldest grandson, Zijun, was even more anxious than him, and immediately abandoned the shoes that were stuck with the mucus and flew over: "Be careful of our children!!"

Yi Xichen was startled: "Gah???"

Finally, the eldest grandson Zijun put his arms around Yi Xichen's waist before he landed.

The eldest grandson Zijun reprimanded with a stern face: "I don't care if you hurt yourself! But the child is not yours alone! Why are you always so willful!"

"...Me, our child, child?! What??" Yi Xichen's expression cracked.

"If you hate me, come at me, the child is innocent!" The eldest grandson Zijun put his hand on his abdomen with a solemn expression, but after a while, because he didn't feel the fetal movement, his expression also cracked: "Yi Xichen, you have a miscarriage again??!!"

Yi Xichen: "???!!!"