When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 22: I scare him


After the eldest grandson Zijun and Gongsun Di finished the competition, the next few rounds of competition also proceeded quickly, the only ones who had been entangled for a long time were Yi Xichen and Wu Mo. Just like the previous game, although everyone was looking forward to seeing Yi Xichen perform exceptionally again, Yi Xichen played extremely conservatively and was almost chased by Wu Mo.

Until everyone thought that Yi Xichen had lost, and Wu Mo started to be arrogant, he suddenly found out that he was entangled!

It turned out that Yi Xichen was constantly making arrangements when he was avoiding his edge, leaving extremely fine crystal spider silk wherever he went, and he suddenly attacked when Wu Mo was completely introduced into the game. Wu Mo was trapped and could not make a move for a while, Yi Xichen took this opportunity to knock Wu Mo out of the field with a sword.

Although Yi Xichen won the game, he got a lot of scorn. He still didn't care about it. He knew in his heart that this was not his problem, but that Tianjianmen had formed such a strange atmosphere under the leadership of Master Yuying and Qiu Jian. And Tianjianmen, for these young disciples, is only a temporary shelter, in the future, the whole world of self-cultivation will be a place for them to show their strengths.

After all the competitions were over, the disciples dispersed, and the twenty disciples continued to go to the Shennong Hall to draw lots to decide the opponents for the next round of competitions.

The next match will be decided according to the strength of the disciples and the previous winning percentage. The opponents who are matched are often people with the same strength as themselves, and the atmosphere in the hall is much more relaxed than the previous two days, because the disciples There are already speculations about the opponent after him.

Xiao Kui was very confused. He has won two rounds in a row, and the opponent in the next round will only be decided among four people.

He secretly glanced at the eldest grandson Zijun.

Will his opponent be the eldest grandson Zijun? If so, he must lose. If not... If not, if he can't win the next game, he will miss the chance to play against the eldest grandson Zijun. It might be a good thing for him, but...

As he struggled inside, he sensed another wave of hostility. There is no doubt that this hostility still comes from Yi Xichen.

Xiao Kui gave Yi Xichen a puzzled look. So, why is Yi Xichen so hostile to him

After Mu Yuan flew up, the eldest grandson Zijun's Mu Yuan first fell into Lu Ziyao's hands.

Seeing this result, Lu Ziyao smiled kindly at his eldest grandson Zijun. For him, the outcome is not so important, the competition itself is the most important.

The wooden kite in Yi Xichen's hand flew through the hall and fell into Xiao Kui's hand.

Xiao Kui was stunned for a moment when he caught Mu Yuan, and then he was ecstatic: it wasn't Lu Ziyao or the eldest grandson Zijun, he could win another round!

After the lottery was over, the disciples left the hall and looked at their opponents tomorrow from outside the hall. Some were happy and some were sad.

Inside the Fengqi Pavilion.

The real Yuying was meditating in the hall. He never watched the competitions of the disciples. For him, the gestures of the younger disciples were like child's play. He didn't care, as long as he knew the final result.

Several wooden kites flew in from the window and landed at his feet.

Immortal Yuying opened his eyes: "Is the lottery over?" He picked up a wooden kite, lost his mind for a while, his two thick eyebrows were gradually knotted, and muttered, "Yi Xichen... I didn't expect it to be him..."

Outside the Shennong Temple.

Xiao Kui swaggered in front of Yi Xichen and said arrogantly: "Junior Brother Yi, your luck is probably over here." In his opinion, all the competitions won by Yi Xichen's methods are all It's luck.

"Oh?" Yi Xichen smiled disapprovingly.

Xiao Kui was really irritated and was about to attack, but suddenly calmed down, squinted his eyes and sneered: "Yi Xichen, do you think you can be arrogant if you beat Junior Brother Wang? Don't pretend that I don't know, the more arrogant you are, the more arrogant you are. The more guilty you are!"

Yi Xichen looked back at his eldest grandson Zijun: "Am I arrogant?"

The eldest grandson Zijun shook his head: "He is more arrogant."

Xiao Kui: "..."

Xiao Kui said angrily: "Do you really think that you can hide the sky and cross the sea by using such a tricky technique?!"

That day, Yi Xichen was able to beat Wang Qingqiao with a sword. Everyone felt strange about this, but most people couldn't see the clue and didn't get into it. However, the higher the cultivation base, the more eccentric people can see. Based on Xiao Kui's cultivation, he just thought it was strange, but of course he didn't know what was going on, so he went to inquire in various places, using Lu Ziyao's words and Qiu Jian's words, and finally found out the truth - Duoyi.

For this reason, in the interval after the competition, Xiao Kui consulted many classics on the method of stealing the mind. He has already roughly understood what the so-called swindling is all about. Although he still doesn't understand why Yi Xichen's pseudo-spiritual root can be swayed by others, but after watching Yi Xichen's two-day competition, he knows that he is the same as Wang Qingqiao's. The war was just a flash in the pan, and he couldn't bear another slap in the face.

Yi Xichen was not too surprised to be seen through by Xiao Kui. For these sword cultivators in Tianjianmen, the most important thing is to improve their own cultivation. As for what means to use to improve, there are not too many restrictions on this. Disciples who voluntarily suffer from others, or even voluntarily explode a body blow, are not violating the rules of the sect. Moreover, it can only be useful to a person like Yi Xichen who cannot exert his greatest potential. If others suffer, they will only be attacked. He said calmly: "Since I can be taken once and taken a second time, if Senior Brother Xiao likes it, I can take it too."

Xiao Kui was anxious: "You lied! You can't bear the second devastation in a short time! Unless you don't want to die!"

Naturally, Xiao Kui is not concerned about Yi Xichen's body, but about tomorrow's game. He originally thought that Yi Xichen could not be captured again, but he did not expect Yi Xichen to be so determined, could it be possible that he could really be captured again? ! It's hard to say who will win or lose tomorrow!

The eldest grandson Jun frowned invisibly. He would not refute Yi Xichen in front of Xiao Kui, so he said to Yi Xichen with the method of sound transmission: "No."

"Don't worry." Yi Xichen also responded to him with a consonant voice, "I just scare him."

For sword cultivators, in addition to cultivation, state of mind is also very important. What Jian Xiu pursues is the unity of the human and the sword, and the sword is driven by the heart. Once the mood is disturbed, it is difficult to control one's own sword. Today Gongsun Di just wanted to disturb the eldest grandson Zijun's mood, but unfortunately he didn't succeed. And now, Yi Xichen is also scaring Xiao Kui, the effect... It's very successful.

Sure enough, Xiao Kui's face turned red and then black, looking at Yi Xichen in disbelief.

At this moment, the pass token on Yi Xichen's waist shook.

Every disciple of Tianjianmen has a pass token, which is convenient for the elders to summon the disciple at any time. Since there are four elders in Tianjianmen, the color of each elder's token is different when giving orders. Generally, the elders will only summon their own disciples, so Yi Xichen's first reaction is to look for him if there is something wrong with the medicine. However, when he looked down, he was stunned when he saw that the pass token turned red.

Not only Yi Xichen, but also the eldest grandson Zijun and Xiao Kui were stunned. At the same time, they looked at their pass tokens, but their pass tokens remained unchanged.

"The head is looking for you?!" Xiao Kui looked incredible.

-Red is the most important color in Tianjianmen's order, it belongs to the real person Yuying, the head of Tianjianmen. A leader like Zhenren Yuying, who is devoted to cultivation and never accepts disciples, doesn't care about his disciples, so he has never summoned any of his disciples. It is often a more serious event that allows the sect master to use the upload order. For example, if a foreign enemy attacks, the sect master needs to quickly assemble his disciples to resist. Therefore, Xiao Kui and the eldest grandson Zijun will immediately see if they have been summoned.

Xiao Kui looked at Yi Xichen vigilantly: "Why did the head look for you?"

Yi Xichen said: "After I defeated Senior Brother Wang the day before yesterday, the head of the sect called me over, intending to accept me as a disciple of the inner chamber. I'm afraid it's still for this matter."

"What?!" Xiao Kui almost fell to the ground with a butt, "The Sect Master wants to accept you as his disciple?!"

Xiao Kui felt like he was going crazy! He admitted that Yi Xichen had potential, but how deep the potential was, he couldn't tell from his cultivation. However, the real person Yuying never accepts apprentices, and Yi Xichen can actually make him want to accept apprentices, which is against the sky! Could it be that Yi Xichen is already strong to this extent? !

Xiao Kui's breath was completely chaotic, and the sword in his scabbard began to vibrate.

Yi Xichen smiled and said, "I don't dare to make the head wait for a long time. I'll excuse you. Brother Xiao, see you tomorrow in the game."

Admiring Xiao Kui's stunned expression, Yi Xichen snorted slightly, and Yu Jian walked towards Fengqi Hall. As soon as he left, he received a voice from the eldest grandson Zijun.

"You lied to him?"

"Of course." Yi Xichen replied, "I scare him."

The eldest grandson Zijun glanced at Xiao Kui's shaky saber. He was still a little worried about tomorrow's game, but now he seems to be worrying too much. He calmly tipped off: "You scared him to death."

"Ha ha!"

Yi Xichen was overjoyed, looking at the Fengxi Hall that had appeared in front of him, but he also had doubts in his heart: Why did the real Yuying who didn't care about his disciples come to him