When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 26: Skyfire


Almost at the same time, Immortal Yuying moved with the fierce fire, teleported off the field, and pulled Xiao Kui away!

The fierce fire fell into the air, and the crimson flame was burning faintly in the air.

"Go away!" Master Yuying pushed Yi Xichen and other nearby disciples away, and shouted sharply, "Go away all! Don't touch that fire!"

No one had ever seen Master Yuying look so angry, the disciples were frightened and scattered.

Yi Xichen was pushed and shook, but did not move, his eyes fixed on the crimson flame. This is a very strange fire, it comes from the sky; it does not need to rely on anything to burn; it is so red, like blood... But it is such a strange fire, but this is not the first time Yi Xichen has seen it. arrive!

He pulled the red mark on his fingertips hard. It was such a fire back then that quietly burned his parents to death and sealed the power in his body!

Qiu Jian also fell from a height, and said incredulously: "This... this is the fire of the sky? The eldest grandson, you can summon the fire of the sky!" He could see clearly just now that Xiao Kui was going to attack Yi Xichen, and the long Sun Zijun raised his hand angrily, and the sky fire fell!

Yi Xichen turned back suddenly and looked at his eldest grandson Zijun. This fire from the sky was summoned by the eldest grandson Zijun? !

"This is the sky fire?!" The surrounding disciples retreated in panic, while others looked dazed.

Heavenly fire is a natural force from heaven and earth. It does not burn anything, but it can burn living beings. Once touched by it, the human soul will be quickly annihilated by it, leaving only an unconscious empty shell. The power of skyfire is so powerful that it exists in the realm of nature. No one can create it, but someone can summon it.

And within these six realms, there are no more than ten people who can summon the Heavenly Fire! Therefore, Skyfire is rare, and not everyone knows how powerful it is. And those who know how powerful it is, are all facing the enemy.

There was nothing to burn, and the sky fire floated in the air for a while, then slowly melted into the ground. However, no one dared to stand on the land that was taken away by the sky fire, for fear that his life would also be sucked by the land.

"Eldest grandson Zijun!" Master Yuying said sternly: "Where did you learn this technique of summoning fire from the sky?!"

The eldest grandson Zijun frowned slightly and said nothing. He really never learned to summon the fire of the sky, he just blamed the author for being too casual, letting him use whatever moves were powerful, so he naturally knew how to do it. This is really out of the question.

His silence was seen in the eyes of the real Yuying and Qiu Jian, but he refused to explain. However, he really refused to explain, and the Sect Master and the elders had nothing to do. In Tianjianmen, which pays attention to personal cultivation, there is not so much control over the disciples' cultivation. The disciples in the sect are also allowed to learn from teachers and arts, but they are not allowed to do things that are contrary to morality.

But even if he didn't investigate where the eldest grandson Zijun stole the sky-reaching technique that he learned from his teacher, just based on his actions just now, it is impossible for Master Yuying to let him go.

"You actually want to use the power of Heavenly Fire to kill your fellow sect! Do you still have Heavenly Sword Sect in your eyes?! But there are still two words of morality?!"

The eldest grandson Zijun remained silent. He didn't want to kill Xiao Kui, but when he saw Xiao Kui doing something to Yi Xichen, the anger came together, and the fire came spontaneously. If he was hit by the fire, Xiao Kui would definitely die, so he had nothing to say.

Yi Xichen was in a trance for a while when he saw the sky fire, but now he came back to his senses, and hurriedly stood beside the eldest grandson Zijun: "Head, it was Xiao Kui who intended to hurt people first, and Zijun was in a hurry to protect me. It's not entirely his fault for summoning Tianhuo."

The real Yuying was still furious: "Xiao Kui wants to hurt you, but he wants to kill Xiao Kui! Yi Xichen, you step aside, this has nothing to do with you!"

In the face of the anger of the head, if he changed other disciples, he would have already admitted his mistake and retreated. Yi Xichen did not retreat, and still stood side by side with his eldest grandson Zijun: "How to define wounding and killing? Brother Xiao didn't hit me, and no one knows if I would have been killed on the spot if I had just received his slap. The skyfire didn't hit Senior Brother Xiao either. Maybe Senior Brother Xiao is talented and not afraid of skyfire. It's all unfinished business, how can we discuss it?"

This is obviously a rhetoric. If Xiao Kui could kill Yi Xichen with just one palm, how could he be so embarrassed when he competed with Yi Xichen? Xiao Kui is talented and is not afraid of skyfire? This is even more ridiculous! But these words can't be verified. We can't let the eldest grandson Zijun try to burn Xiao Kui to death, right

The eldest grandson Zijun, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up and said lightly: "Xiao Kui just became murderous." It was when he noticed Xiao Kui's murderous aura that he became so angry, otherwise Tianhuo would not have been so easily summoned.

Xiao Kui took a slight step back, clenching his palms into fists and hiding behind him. He really lost his temper just now. He didn't want to be so angry, but he was fooled so much that he did show murderous aura. The eldest grandson Zijun was not talking nonsense. At this moment, the fire had subsided a little, and the mood began to be complicated again.

The eldest grandson, Jun, was beyond his expectations. Not to mention his enviable roots, he could even summon a fire from the sky! He is so powerful, how he has provoked him these years, he has never done anything, but just now, in order to protect Yi Xichen... If he hadn't done those things at the beginning, maybe at this time, the person he was trying his best to protect should is himself.

Xiao Kui knew that Yi Xichen and the eldest grandson Zijun deliberately said to him the words he heard through Ting Sheng Zong last night. But what he said intentionally may not necessarily be all false. For example, the reason why the eldest grandson Zijun trespassed in the forbidden area, Xiao Kui thought about it for a night, and believed that it was true. Over the years, he had already discovered that the eldest grandson Zijun didn't care about the jade pendant he stole.

But now, the eldest grandson, Jun, not only summoned Tianhuo to protect himself, but also summoned Tianhuo to kill Yi Xichen... Xiao Kui squeezed his fists even tighter, his eyes filled with hatred.

When Yi Xichen and the eldest grandson Zijun heard these words in the ears of the real person Yuying, they only used their strong words. He shouted, "Yi Xichen, get out of the way!"

Yi Xichen just wouldn't let it go. If he was the one who made the mistake today, the eldest grandson Zijun would definitely stand in front of him and not give in an inch. His kindness is definitely not too much.

"Sect Master..." Qiu Jian called out in a low voice. His mood was extremely complicated, one was a disciple he had taught for many years, and the other was a talent he loved and wanted to win over. Although he was afraid for Xiao Kui, he was reluctant to see the eldest grandson Zijun being expelled from the mountain gate.

The situation was stalemate for a moment, and the real person Yuying said coldly: "Okay, Yi Xichen, according to your opinion, Xiao Kui should be guilty of the same crime as the eldest grandson Zijun. Both of them murdered the same family and violated the rules of my Tianjian Sect. And punished!"

Xiao Kui was really unlucky today, he was almost burned to death, and he had to be punished for a serious crime. But it really started from him, and he couldn't find a word to defend himself for a while.

"Sect Master," Yi Xichen softened his attitude, "Zijun must have learned the technique of summoning the fire from an expert, presumably because the expert refused to let him reveal his identity, so he didn't want to say it. But he is still young, so it is reasonable that he cannot control such profound spells. I believe he never meant to hurt others. And I was the one who provoked Senior Brother Xiao first, and I was also wrong. But now it is better than the Sword Conference It’s not over yet, why don’t you wait until it’s over to discuss right and wrong?”

In fact, Yi Xichen knew in his heart that the eldest grandson Zijun would use Heavenly Fire, but he was afraid that it had something to do with his strange magic barrier, so there might not be any masters. He fabricated a master, just to bluff the real person Yuying, so that he might think that the eldest grandson Zijun has some backing behind him, and the real person Yuying might be taboo. Moving out of the Sword Competition again, it took a long time to think about the countermeasures carefully.

These remarks really touched the real person Yuying. He hesitated for a moment and looked unconvinced, but agreed: "Okay. Then we will discuss your sins after the ten rounds of competition today are over!"

Several people were relieved.

I saw Yuying's real sword drawn from its scabbard, and it was horizontal in the air. He jumped on the sword a little under his feet, and flew away without looking back. He was not interested in watching the next rounds of competition.

After Master Yuying left, Qiu Jian also went back to supervise the battle. The competition between the eldest grandson Zijun and Lu Ziyao is in the eighth round, and it is still very early.

Xiao Kui left angrily, and the other disciples also retreated far away, vigilantly keeping a distance from the eldest grandson Zijun, for fear of being hurt by him. The eldest grandson Zijun didn't mind those people at all, just stared at Xiao Kui's back and whispered, "Xiao Kui is weird."

Yi Xichen said: "I think I saw black gas in his palm, but I didn't see it clearly. You don't know what's weird about him?" Naturally, his question was to ask if there was anything about Xiao in the world that the eldest grandson Zijun knew because of the magic barrier. Quiet.

The eldest grandson Zijun shook his head: "I don't know."

Yi Xichen was also puzzled. It didn't look like a sword cultivator's technique just now. Could it be that Xiao Kui still hid a hand? If this hand is very powerful, why has he never seen him use it

The eldest grandson Zijun said again: "The head is not ordinary to you." Even if his IQ is not often on the line, as long as it is about Yi Xichen, he can see it clearly. The real person Fang Cai Yuying obviously did not want to pursue Yi Xichen, and kept letting him leave.

Yi Xichen was even more puzzled: "I don't understand, why did he suddenly want to accept me as his apprentice. The old guy likes me?"

Of course he was joking, although the eldest grandson Zijun didn't take it seriously, he couldn't help but snorted softly.

Yi Xichen sighed: "Ignore this for now, let's go to Master and ask Master if there is a way."

In Tianjianmen, slaughtering fellow sects is a serious crime. It’s fine if he accidentally falls down, but if the eldest grandson, Zijun, who directly summons the fire of the sky, really wants to be seriously investigated, he will definitely be expelled from the sect, and he may be punished by depriving his cultivation.

The eldest grandson Zijun didn't care: "If it's a big deal, leave Tianjianmen."

Yi Xichen smiled and said: "Okay, okay, then we can go out of the mountains a few months earlier and help me find those Five Elements Tianbao. I can't wait! It's just that the master must be angry." - He never I never thought about separating from the eldest grandson Zijun, if the eldest grandson Zijun left, he was bound to follow.

The eldest grandson Zijun didn't feel anything wrong with what Yi Xichen said, because his thoughts were exactly the same as Yi Xichen's.

The two stopped delaying time, and hurried to the medicine house to find medicine that was not poisonous.