When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 32: Magic repair


Yi Xichen got out of the arms of the eldest grandson Zijun, and was thinking about what to say, when he saw the eldest grandson Zijun carefully observing the four directions, and then slashed in a certain direction with his sword!


The illusion was torn apart, the scenery suddenly changed, and a passage appeared in front of him.

The eldest grandson Zijun frowned slightly, and continued to look around as he walked forward.

He couldn't find the cat demon that used the illusion, because the demonic energy in this Cangming Cave was too strong, and demonic energy was attacking from all directions, and even the spiders crawling on the stone walls had strong demonic energy gas. When this person cultivates, he pays attention to outstanding people, and the same goes for demons. Cangming Cave is a treasured place. When living creatures arrive here, they must become demons quickly.

Can not find the perpetrators, they are always in a passive position. Even if the eldest grandson Zijun could keep splitting the illusion, he wasted time and spiritual power. If it was consumed like this all the way, it would be a little troublesome when meeting the cave master of Cangming.

Yi Xichen suddenly said, "Look at me."

I saw him take out an incense burner and put an incense burner on it. After a while, the demonic aura suddenly increased in some places. The eldest grandson Zijun's figure flashed, and in no time he caught three cat demons and threw them at Yi Xichen's feet. The three cat demons were drunk and blurred, rolling around around the incense burner. One suddenly sobered up and struggled to take a few steps outside, but after all, he couldn't resist his inner desire.

Yi Xichen said triumphantly, "Amazing, right?"

The incense burner burns the incense made by his enhanced Mutianli. Yesterday he inquired with Master of All Things, and there was a cat demon in the Cangming Cave, so he prepared some Mutianlian in advance. Don't look at these kittens who have been practicing for decades and finally become demons, but no matter how powerful cat demons are, they will like Mu Tianli, it is nothing more than a change in the strength of self-control. Just like no matter how high a person's cultivation base is, he still likes good-looking affairs.

The eldest grandson, Jun, slapped three palms on the top of the heads and the hearts of the kittens. The three kittens fell down as soon as their bodies softened, and it would take two or three days to wake up at least. They came to look for the Snow Tiger Spirit, and the rest of the little demons were just following the orders of the Snow Tiger Spirit, and they didn't need to kill them.

So the two continued to walk inside.

In a short while, a few black shadows flashed in front of you, and the speed was extremely fast, like lightning!

The eldest grandson Jun frowned: "It's the fist monkey."

Although Yi Xichen had never seen Boxing Monkey before, he had heard of this monster. Boxing monkeys are like cultivators among monks. Their spiritual power is not strong, but their movements are as fast as lightning, and their fists are extremely powerful. The boxing monkey with the most powerful body training can smash a hill with one punch!

"Then Xuehu Jing has a lot of younger brothers!" Yi Xichen still had the heart to joke.

Just as a black shadow passed by his side, Yi Xichen took a step back. He noticed that the place where the Boxing Monkey flew over left a silver thread that was hard to detect, like a crystal spider silk. He immediately understood in his heart: Taking advantage of the speed of action, Boxing Monkeys are very suitable for formation, first trap them with crystal spider silk and cannot move, and then Boxing Monkeys can use them as sandbags!

Yi Xichen immediately drew his sword and slashed the crystal spider silk around him to avoid being entangled.

The eldest grandson Zijun hesitated. The speed of these boxing monkeys is too fast, and it is difficult for him to catch them. If he unleashes his sword energy, he can cut them all down. However, the cave is fragile, and there are many stalagmites hanging on its head. If the cave collapses, they themselves will be buried in it.

In a blink of an eye, there were more and more black shadows scurrying around and faster and faster, and more and more silver threads were laid in the hole.

They gradually discovered that the fist monkey separated the two of them.

There are more and more crystal spider silks around Yi Xichen, which has trapped him in a place, and these boxing monkeys are gradually closing in and surrounding him. When Yi Xichen wanted to draw his sword and cut the spider silk, a fist monkey would immediately attack him to stop his movement.

"Damn!" Yi Xichen exclaimed, "These monkeys are so shameless!! Shameless!!!"

The eldest grandson Zijun turned his head and saw Yi Xichen's face flushed with anger, the hand holding the sword in front of his crotch.

These boxing monkeys don't beat people in the face, they only focus on the key points. As long as he dares to raise his hand to cut the spider silk, the monkey will immediately attack his crotch with a big fist, so that he can't even lift his hand up, watching helplessly. The encirclement is getting smaller and smaller.

The eldest grandson Zijun didn't know what was going on, but Yi Xichen was obviously in trouble.

He grabbed the sword and slashed at the spider silk blocking the two of them, but the wooden sword was not as sharp and cold as the iron sword, and it was a bit blunt with the extremely sticky spider silk. He poured the sword energy into the wooden sword, and the sharp sword energy immediately cut off the spider silk without any hindrance.

"Be careful!" Yi Xichen exclaimed!

A fist monkey hit the eldest grandson Zijun's eyes with a big fist, but Yi Xichen could see clearly that the fist monkey was only trying to confuse the eldest grandson Zijun, and the one who really struck the fatal blow was the one below. The monkey who ran to the point of the eldest grandson Zijun!

The eldest grandson, Jun, looked in all directions, and naturally noticed the tricks of the monkeys. However, he just tilted his head calmly, avoiding the fist that hit his eyes, and didn't even block it with his hand.


Hearing a loud bang, the boxing monkey that attacked his vital spot flew out suddenly, and bumped into one of his companions. The two monkeys were bounced into the stone wall, and a burst of stone dust was thrown up!

The Boxing Monkeys have always been united. Seeing that their comrades were actually beaten up, they were instantly angered. Many Boxing Monkeys abandoned Yi Xichen and went straight to their eldest grandson, Zijun!


A fist monkey flew out!


The two fist monkeys flew out!

Bang bang bang!

The three fist monkeys flew out!

Even the "culprit" eldest grandson Zijun twitched at the corners of his mouth: "Such a dead-hearted monkey..."

The monkeys went up one by one, but they all identified the key points to hit, and even if they occasionally hit other places, they were just to cover their companions who were attacking the key points. The eldest grandson Zijun didn't do anything yet, and most of the fist monkeys had already been bounced back by his own tenfold force, smashing deep pits one by one on the stone wall.

Yi Xichen was dumbfounded.

The number of boxing monkeys is getting smaller and smaller, and Yi Xichen's siege is naturally relieved. He cut off the crystal spider silk wrapped around his body, and together with his eldest grandson Zijun grabbed the remaining few fist monkeys. The eldest grandson Zijun patted it with a few palms, and the Boxing Monkeys fell to the ground again.

After dealing with the boxing monkeys, the eldest grandson, Zijun, was about to walk to the next hole, but was pulled by Yi Xichen.

"What's the hurry!" Yi Xichen said, "You have defeated the little monster, you need to pick up the spoils, you know? You have to always remember that we are poor!"

After he finished speaking, he ran over, pulled the monkeys that had been bounced off the stone wall, and placed them side by side on the ground. The monkeys were lined up in a row, Yi Xichen spread out their palms, pulled out clumps of crystal spider silk, and stuffed them into his bag contentedly. After doing this, he clapped his hands: "Let's go!"

Cangming Cave is one hole after another, and there are countless little demons, but they can't stop the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen.

Some of the little demon eldest grandson Zijun who was not a threat to them were too lazy to take action, but Yi Xichen didn't let any of them go. Even when they walked through an ice silkworm cave, the ice silkworms didn't attack them at all, but Yi Xichen pulled his eldest grandson Jun with his eyes full of light and refused to leave: "Quick, quick, hit them!"

The eldest grandson Zijun was speechless: "How many bugs are you going to hit?"

"Of course, the loot is huge! If they beat them, they can sell a lot of spirit stones!"

The ice silkworm babies were so frightened that they vomited silk on the spot.

This road is almost unobstructed, the little demons are either packed up by them looking for their teeth, or they hide away and refuse to come out as soon as they see them. Yi Xichen was overjoyed, guessing that they were not far from the main cave where the Snow Tiger Spirit hid. However, after walking for a while, the two suddenly stopped.

Yi Xichen frowned and looked around: "We've been here before."

The eldest grandson hummed, and he obviously found it too.

Sure enough, walking one step further, I saw a cave full of stone walls and a row of fist monkeys on the ground, but no one had moved yet.

"First and last formation." Yi Xichen said.

This first and last formation is to connect the beginning and the end of a certain section of the road, people walk in it, and then return to the beginning after the end, so the road that has been traveled has to be re-traveled, even countless times. If you want to break the head and tail array, you must find the broken "tail". There must be a teleportation method there. If the method is destroyed, the formation will naturally be broken. Or if you want to leave the head and tail formation, there is another easiest way, that is to go back. The tail end is connected to the head end, but the head end will not return to the tail end. If you turn around and leave honestly, you will not be trapped.

However, how could the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen give up, and they continued to move forward decisively.

However, it didn't take long for them to return to the cave where Boxing Monkey was.

The place where the first and last teleportation methods are located will naturally have spiritual power fluctuations. However, the problem is that the demonic energy in the Cangming Cave is too strong, and there are fluctuations in spiritual power everywhere. It is really not easy to find an eye.

"Let's go again." The eldest grandson Zijun said.

For them, it is nothing more than wasting some time, walking a few more times, and sooner or later they will find an eye.

However, it didn't take long for them to come to another road that they had never traveled before. The two of them are confused. Could it be that this came out of the first and last line? However, after walking a few steps, three fainted kittens appeared in the cave in front of them - they returned to a place further ahead!

Yi Xichen immediately frowned again: "This is the joint first and last formation."

The word "joint" is added in front of this first and last array, which makes it more complicated. This means that there is not only one teleportation door in the cave, but many. The teleportation method at each end will teleport people back to the beginning, but the beginning is not necessarily the beginning of this road, but the beginning of another road. In this way, even if one Dharma door can be found and destroyed, there are many Dharma doors in other places, which is really difficult to pass.

The eldest grandson snorted: "This little demon cave has a lot of tricks."

Suddenly, the two felt an aura approaching behind them, and immediately put on a parrying gesture. After a while, Jin Wu and Zhang Luan appeared in front of them.

The four of them were stunned when they met.

I saw Jin Wu's appearance was very embarrassed, his Taoist robe was tattered, and his spiritual power was not as good as before. It seemed that he was very reluctant to get here. Zhang Luan, who was behind him, looked much better and didn't look damaged.

Yi Xichen narrowed his eyes.

When Zhang Luan first saw the two of them, he was surprised at first, and then overjoyed: "Invincible! I will win! I didn't expect to meet you guys. It's great, let's go together!"

"Partnership?" Yi Xichen raised his eyebrows, "That Youyun Treasure Sword..."

Zhang Luan hurriedly said: "We've been in many dangers along the way, and we can't hold on anymore. Now we just want to leave this ghost place. I'm a dan xiu, and I didn't want any sword. Jin Wu doesn't want that sword anymore. Besides, if we can follow you, maybe we can help you too, right?"

Both Yi Xichen and the eldest grandson Zijun were a little surprised, their eyes turned to Jin Wu, Jin Wu actually nodded dumbly: "I don't want the sword anymore, let us go with you."

Yi Xichen and eldest grandson Zijun looked at each other. Since there are many teleportation doors in this cave, it is difficult for Jin Wu and Zhang Luan to go back if they want to go back. If that Zhang Luan was not a demon cultivator, they might still believe it, but since they knew Zhang Luan's identity, they naturally wouldn't believe it.

Zhang Luan hurriedly said: "If you don't want to believe me, I will give you my dandelion stone! Just leave the dandelion stone and return it to me." Then he took out a dandelion stone. , and stuffed it into the hands of the eldest grandson Zijun.

As soon as the eldest grandson Zijun got the condensing stone, he noticed that its aura was mixed with a wisp of demonic energy. He squinted his eyes, but still took the condensate stone, and a glimmer of light flashed in Zhang Luan's eyes. He smiled and said, "Then let's go together?"

The eldest grandson, Jun said, "Yes."

Since the eldest grandson Zijun has agreed, Zhang Luan hastily looked at Yi Xichen with inquiring eyes. If he has no opinion, then this is done.

Yi Xichen didn't know what the eldest grandson Zijun's plan was, but he heard the eldest grandson Zijun whisper to him: "Two little monsters, the spoils are very rich."

Yi Xichen almost burst out laughing. In a hurry, he said to Zhang Luan: "Okay, with your help, we can also relax a lot. Then let's go!"

After getting the approval, Zhang Luan was naturally overjoyed, and without saying a word, he dragged Jin Wu to the front.

Yi Xichen followed slowly and said, "Daoyou Zhang, there is a joint front and end formation here. We have been trapped in it for a long time. I wonder if Daoyou Zhang has a quick solution?"

Zhang Luan said: "To break the joint head and tail formation, we need to find a way to break through them one by one, and the formation will break naturally. It's just that the way in the demon cave is hard to find, and we are likely to be trapped here for three or five days." He thought After thinking about it, he continued, "I do know a method. Maybe I can solve the current predicament and find the method quickly. I need to use white candles or flammable incense, but unfortunately I don't have it with me."

Yi Xichen flipped through the Qiankun bag and took out the incense burner he had just ordered from Mu Tianlian.

Zhang Luan said in surprise, "I didn't expect a sword cultivator, fellow Daoist Bisheng, to bring something like this with him!" He blew on the smoke, and the smoke went in the direction of the airflow.

Yi Xichen immediately understood what he was going to do: "Blow the smoke with the wind-inducing technique, and wherever the smoke breaks, it shows where the teleportation door is!" After passing through the Dharma door, it will naturally return to the beginning, and in their opinion, the smoke will naturally stop.

Zhang Luan said: "The Taoist friend is really smart, and this is the way!" He turned to the eldest grandson Zijun and asked, "Can I trouble the invincible Taoist friend to use the wind-calling technique to carry the incense?"

Yi Xichen said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, even if you are an alchemist, you won't even be able to use basic spells such as Feng Feng, right?"

Zhang Luan was already prepared, and said, "I naturally know how to recruit wind, but my cultivation base is low. If I call this way, I'm afraid that before reaching the main cave, my spiritual power will be exhausted. It is dangerous, and you have to be tired to protect me. Invincible Daoist has deep spiritual power, and the cultivation of the wind technique is nothing to him."

Yi Xichen thought that we are still tired of protecting you in the event of danger? Too ignorant, right? We are lazy if we don't make up for you later. However, he was too lazy to fight for this trivial matter, not to mention the eldest grandson Zijun had reached out to pick it up.

Zhang Luan clearly saw that he had already handed over his hand, but he still said, "Reach out and catch it!" Only then did he put the incense burner in his hand.

The eldest grandson, Zijun, was about to draw the wind, but heard Zhang Luan hurriedly interjecting another instruction: "Use the wind-calling technique!"

The eldest grandson Zijun summoned the wind, and Zhang Luan said again: "Go forward!"

For a time, several eyes were focused on him.

Zhang Luan said with a dry smile, "I'm afraid that the invincible Daoist will break the formation for the first time, and I don't know what to do, so I'm a little more detailed.

The eldest grandson, Jun, was too lazy to care about his nonsense and walked forward.

Zhang Luan was overjoyed in his heart: The plan is in! Sure enough!

The technique he used was called the magic bewitching technique, which was extremely sinister. He hid the gu that the demon beasts had made into the condensing stone, and when someone else took the condensing stone, he had already been invaded by the demonic energy and hit his Gu. Afterwards, as long as the person hit by the gu does three things in a row according to his instructions, the gu will invade the person's consciousness and slowly control him. That Jin Wu is now a puppet, and he will be obedient and obedient if he tells Jin Wu to do Jin Wu, and soon, the eldest grandson Zijun will become his next puppet!

The eldest grandson Zijun took the censer and lit the smoke, and naturally walked in the front.

Yi Xichen wanted to follow, but Jin Wu's feet suddenly softened and he fell to the ground, Yi Xichen supported him.

Jin Wudao: "I am injured, please help me."

"Okay." Yi Xichen agreed.

The two fell behind, and Zhang Luan hurriedly took the opportunity to walk to the eldest grandson Zijun's side.

Zhang Luan said: "Invincible Daoist friend, when you get the Youyun Treasure Sword, is it for you?"


"I don't think the sword of fellow Daoist Bisheng is very good. He is also a sword cultivator. He is willing to find a sword for you. Your relationship is really good."

"Hmph, it's just normal, hum."

Zhang Luan: "..."

Zhang Luan is overjoyed! He originally planned to provoke the relationship between the two slowly, but he didn't expect their relationship to be not so good? That's simply too good!

The eldest grandson Zijun felt that the magic energy of the condensing stone increased slightly, but he remained calm.

"Ah, so it's just ordinary? I thought you were brothers and sisters from the same school, and they trusted each other very much. It's just that it's inconvenient to reveal your identities. I won't say it. It seems... that Daoist Bisheng came here with you just for the sake of the hole. Chinese immortal material?"

His nonsense was too much, and the eldest grandson Zijun was too lazy to answer.

Zhang Luan thought his silence was the default. Invincible's cultivation level is obviously much higher than that of Sure Win. The brothers in the same sect have different talents, but the gap is not so big, so Zhang Luan is more certain that he guessed right. He lowered his voice again and said: "Invincible Daoist friend, you have a good heart, but if I say something unpleasant, it is necessary to guard against others. After all, Daoist Victory Daoist is also a sword cultivator. A dan cultivator like me is naturally I'm not interested in swords, but Jianxiu, who doesn't want a good sword?"

The eldest grandson Zijun stopped suddenly.

After the smoke drifted to the front, it broke. There is a teleportation door here!

Several people also saw it and quickly gathered around. After determining the location of the teleportation gate, it is much easier to find out the formation. After a short while, the eldest grandson Zijun noticed something strange about a stalagmite, cut it with a sword, the stalagmite broke, and a magic circle was revealed behind it.

Destroying the magic circle, the four continued to move forward.

With cigarettes leading the way, finding the way to teleport is much easier. The four of them traveled unimpeded. In a blink of an eye, most of the way to the cave has passed, and the demonic energy ahead is getting heavier and heavier. It must be not far from the main cave where the cave master of Cangming is located.

Just as everyone was looking for the main cave, suddenly, there was only a buzzing sound, and another group of poisonous bees attacked!

The swarm of poisonous bees was threatening, forming a huge poisonous net that surrounded everyone!

The eldest grandson Zijun immediately stood in front of everyone. This poisonous bee is quite similar to the Boxing Monkey just now. There are so many of them that it is difficult to kill them with a single sword. However, the cave was narrow, and the eldest grandson Zijun did not dare to make more moves, for fear that the cave would collapse, so he recited a tactic in his mouth and summoned fire techniques to form a wall of fire, blocking the poisonous bees on the opposite side of the wall of fire!

Zhang Luan was both surprised and delighted. He knew that the invincible cultivation base was profound, but this person still exceeded his expectations. Ordinary people can only summon a fireball when they launch the fireball technique. Only those with the root of fire spirit are more capable of manipulating fire spells than others. But Wudi used water-based techniques when dealing with snakes before, and it was equally sturdy, indicating that his water and fire roots were strong!

Invincibility can't be a double spirit root or a triple spirit root. The more and more complex spiritual roots, the weaker the strength. Although the double spiritual root is also stronger than others, the strength is only half compared to that of the single spiritual root. There is no weakness like Wudi, it can only be a talent more powerful than Shan Linggen! Is it the body of Sanyang? Or the Tianlinggen that makes people terrified when they hear it? !

Zhang Luan felt that he had found a treasure!

The eldest grandson Zijun was using the wall of fire to defend against the poisonous bees, when Zhang Luan suddenly said, "One step to the left."

The eldest grandson Zijun took a step to the left.

Zhang Luan suppressed the ecstasy and said again, "One step to the right."

The eldest grandson Zijun took another step to the right.

done! Zhang Luan almost jumped up. The eldest grandson Zijun has been completely controlled by his demons and has become his puppet like Jin Wu!

The poisonous bee is afraid of fire, and after being surrounded by a wall of fire, it rams around, but has nowhere to escape, and it falls with a crackle. Finally, there were fewer and fewer poisonous bees, and only a few escaped from the fire and flew away immediately.

Further on, a stone wall blocked their way. The demonic energy in front of you has reached its peak - Cangming Cave Lord is among them!

Zhang Luan's body suddenly increased in demonic energy, he turned around and pointed at Yi Xichen, and shouted sharply, "Kill him!"

Jin Wu and eldest grandson Zijun moved when they heard the sound!

Jin Wu stabbed Yi Xichen's heart with a sword!

The eldest grandson Zijun also rushed towards Yi Xichen, but he slashed at Jin Wu's forehead!

A golden seal hit the top of Jin Wu's head, and his figure flew out and hit the stone wall. This hit was extremely heavy, and he looked in pain. He opened his mouth and vomited several mouthfuls of black blood, his eyes lost their vigour, and the black air slowly overflowed from the top of his head.

Zhang Luan was shocked, thinking that something went wrong with his own magic, and he kept stirring up the magic!

Yi Xichen breathed a sigh of relief, and stood beside his eldest grandson Zijun with a wicked smile: "Fortunately, he just told you to go left and right. If he asks you to sing and dance, it's really difficult."

The eldest grandson Jun snorted.

Yi Xichen looked at him and said cautiously, "He should tell you to have a baby on the spot. If you can't give birth, he will definitely see through it!"

The eldest grandson Zijun: "..."