When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 42: exchange and plunder


A grey wolf demon sleeps under a tree. Qiao Jue lit the incense not far away, and after burning it for a while, the gray wolf fell to the ground softly and was fully conscious. Qiao Jue just walked over.

He raised his sleeves, the black hexagram mark on his arm flashed, and he put his hand between the brows of the wolf demon.

After a while, the wolf demon seemed to have had a nightmare, and his expression became extremely painful.

"no no!"

The wolf demon opened his eyes in horror, his hair soaked in sweat. He rolled on the ground in pain, as if he was going through the most painful thing in the world.

The black light on Qiao Jue's arm kept flashing. He implanted a demon in the wolf demon, and he was constantly inspiring the power of the demon.

The inner demon itself does not hurt people. Its horror is that it can make people see the most painful and feared things in their hearts. When people are completely bound by the emotions of fear and pain, they will lose their fighting spirit and will to live. When the inner demon is strong to a certain level, there is a great danger that people will go into the devil and explode to death.

The wolf demon saw Qiao Jue and said in horror, "You... what have you done..." He opened his mouth and wanted to pounce on Qiao Jue, but he didn't have the strength to do that.

"No... help... stop..."

Qiao Jue was in a very happy mood: "I can stop. Are you willing to form a contract with me?"

The wolf demon is reluctant.

The black hexagram shines brighter!

"Knot! Knot! Please, stop! Don't let me see those things!"

Qiao Jue posed on the ground.

"Drop your blood on this stone." Qiao Jue said, "I will stop after you make a contract with me."

The wolf demon had no power to resist, and walked into the formation with a twisted expression, dripping his blood on the stone.

After a while, the slave contract was formed, and Qiao Jue finally received the power of her inner demon.

Once the inner demon stopped, the wolf demon immediately rushed towards Qiao Jue angrily!

"Crush your own right leg!" Qiao Jue shouted!

The wolf demon's expression became distorted and painful again.

This time, it is not the power of inner demons, but the power of Nuqi. He was made a slave by Qiao Jue, and the orders given by Qiao Jue would continue to echo in his mind. As long as he tried to disobey, his internal organs were like being pinched by a hand, making him unbearable. This indescribable pain was far worse than the severed limbs. After weighing it, the wolf demon had no choice but to bite his right leg.

"How you bit me before is how you bit yourself!"

The wolf demon bit his right leg and forcibly tore off a piece of flesh!

Such a bloody and cruel scene made Qiao Jue extremely happy. He laughed and said: "Didn't you teach me what plunder is? Now I teach you too!"

He took the wolf demon and came to the bottom of the mountain again. And the blood lotus has long been picked, but he still ordered: "Climb up!"

His heart is as small as the tip of a needle. Now that the wolf demon has been put under a slave contract by him, he can completely order the wolf demon to do more things for him, but he doesn't. breath!

The wolf demon struggled in pain. One of his legs is still injured, and climbing this mountain is afraid that there will be no return. However, the price of disobeying the order is huge. Qiao Jue violated his consciousness, and he could even experience the pain of backflow of qi and blood at any time. That kind of feeling is better than death, and he really would rather die. So he had to take a risk and start climbing.

The mountain was steep and the peaks were steep. Not long after the wolf demon climbed, all the injured legs were covered in blood. But when he paused for a while, Qiao Jue immediately urged Nuqi, so that he had to bite the bullet and climb up.

The higher the climb, the more difficult it is to climb. The steep mountain wall has almost no foothold, and there are occasional bulges that are sharp as knives. The flesh has been ground down. Qiao Jue looked up and saw that the paws of the wolf demon had already exposed the bones, and he laughed happily.

"Where on earth do you want me to crawl!" The wolf demon finally couldn't bear it any longer, and roared down with his head down. When he lowered his head, he saw that he was already a thousand feet off the ground, and he was afraid. He stepped on the air and slid down a few feet.

When Qiao Jue saw his embarrassed appearance, he laughed again.

The wolf demon struggled desperately, trying to grab a foothold, but the stone rolled down, and he finally stepped on it completely and fell straight down from the middle of the mountain!

"You lunatic! You will regret it!" The wolf demon screamed!


The wolf demon fell heavily to the ground, its flesh and blood flying, and after a few twitches, it didn't move.

Qiao Jue stepped forward, looked at the wolf demon's breathless corpse, and said with a soft laugh, "I will never regret seeing you fall to this point."

Yi Xichen wandered in Qiao Jue's sea of knowledge, and finally realized that Qiao Jue had borrowed the power of a demon from a demon. This power was borrowed by him, not his own, so he did not fall into the devil's way. But those who have been planted with inner demons are equivalent to having a curse planted in their bodies by that demon, with endless troubles. This is probably the "sacrifice" that the devil said.

Who is the devil? Could it be that he has something to do with the inner demon planted in Zijun's body

Yi Xichen looked for more memories related to the devil in Qiao Jue's memory, but saw Lang Yue.

Qiao Jue was injured because of cultivating evil ways and making many enemies. He ran for his life all the way, and in order to get rid of the pursuers, he fled into the ice field in the extreme north.

Although this icefield is full of spiritual energy, there are ice and snow storms here all year round, which are unbearable for ordinary people. In addition, there is the Bingfeng Giant Wolf, the descendant of the ancient immortal beast. It is rumored that this beast likes to be clean, and has a violent temperament.

Although Qiao Jue was afraid in his heart, but there were chasing soldiers in the back, and going out was a dead end, so he broke into the icefield without turning back.

The ice field was full of ice and snow, and the cold wind wrapped in the ice cone hit him. He was originally wounded, and the medicine for the wound had already been consumed, so he fell into the snow not long after he left. .

"Go away." A voice without the slightest warmth sounded above his head.

He raised his head and saw a giant silver wolf. It was the most beautiful wolf he had ever seen, with a strong and tall body, smooth silver hair, and awe-inspiring presence. His pupils were as bright as obsidian, and there was a fiery red mark between his foreheads.

Qiao Jue was stunned.

Yi Xichen was also surprised. It turned out that the mark between the brows of the giant ice peak was so bright red, like the rising sun, but when he saw Lang Yue, the scorching sun had already fallen into the dust.

Qiao Jue thought to himself: Another damned wolf demon! -Since he was betrayed by the wolf demon, he has been held a great hatred by the wolf clan.

The Bingfeng Giant Wolf looked at him indifferently for a moment, and suddenly found a whirlwind, wrapped around Qiao Jue, and rolled him out a few feet away!

Lang Yue said again: "Get out."

That technique was not very powerful. Qiao Jue landed on the thick snowdrift and should have been unscathed. However, he was seriously injured. When he fell, he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and was unable to move.

In just a moment, the sky that was still blue just now suddenly darkened, the surrounding wind was blowing violently, and the blizzard and ice plummeted!

The ice was like a knife, and it only rubbed on the body, and the blood immediately flowed. Blizzard seems to be taking all the temperature away from people. Qiao Jue lay in the snowdrifts, with old wounds adding new ones, and it was unavoidable. The blood flowed more and more, the body became colder and colder, and his consciousness was gradually losing. I didn't expect him to die in this place. There are many more damned people than him, he is not reconciled!

However, at this moment, something warm suddenly wrapped around him. He was so dazed that he couldn't open his eyes, only to feel that the blizzard and wind around him had disappeared.

When he woke up again, he was already in an ice cave. Although the cave was made of ice, it was unexpectedly not very cold after being isolated from the blizzard outside.

The Bingfeng Giant Wolf was lying not far from him. Seeing that he was awake, he said lazily, "Get out."

Qiao Jue chuckled in her heart.

Since he saw the big wolf, the big wolf said three words to him in total, one to get out, two to get out. If you really want him to get out, why save him back

He said weakly: "I'm injured and can't move. Are you the cave owner here? I beg the cave owner to accept me to rest for two days, and leave here immediately after I recover."

In the sea of Qiao Jue's knowledge, Yi Xichen naturally couldn't see what Qiao Jue looked like, but listening to his pitiful voice and imagining the expression of Qiao Jue's skin, he knew that he was extremely deceitful at the moment. sex. Yi Xichen wanted to shout to Lang Yue: Big Wolf, don't be fooled by him! If you keep him, you will be hurt badly by him!

It's a pity that things are in the past, Yi Xichen is just a spectator, but he can't change it.

Lang Yue glanced at him a few more times, as if he was too lazy to answer him, but he didn't force him out, and actually fell asleep by himself.

Qiao Jue lay down for a while, guessing that the Bingfeng Giant Wolf was asleep, so he covered the wound and gently moved over, lifted his sleeves, and lightly tapped his finger on the fiery red mark between the brows of the Bingfeng Giant Wolf . This is an extremely powerful monster. If he can be driven by him, those outside who want to trouble him will be dead!

The black mark on his arm shone with light, and he carefully looked at the look of the Bingfeng Giant Wolf, but after a long time, the Bingfeng Giant Wolf did not respond at all, and the mark on his arm also darkened.

Qiao Jue was stunned. The power of the inner demon is useless to this half-immortal, half-demon, ice peak giant wolf! This is the first time he has encountered this situation!

Just when he was stunned, Lang Yue opened his eyes.

Qiao Jue was so frightened that he immediately retracted his hands, put his back behind him, and covered the mark left by the devil with his sleeves.

The Bingfeng Giant Wolf didn't speak, just stared at him with indifferent and suspicious eyes.

"I'm a little cold." Qiao Jue said weakly, "Can I sleep with you?"

Ice Peak Giant Wolf: "Go away."

The ice peak giant wolf lay on the ground for a while, then got up and went out. After a while, he picked up some spirit stones and threw them on the ground. Those spirit stones instantly burned into a raging flame, which made the entire ice cave extremely warm.

The fire was lit, and the Bingfeng Giant Wolf returned to the side and lay down.

Qiao Jue thought to himself, this Bingfeng giant wolf is not as fierce and cruel as the rumors from the outside world, but he is really withdrawn by nature, and he doesn't like to be in contact with others, and he will let people get away at any time. roll? I don't want to get out, if I want to get out, I'll get out with you too!

Qiao Jue strengthened her courage, and still walked towards the Bingfeng Giant Wolf and leaned down beside him. The Bingfeng Giant Wolf was covered in silver fur. It looked cold and hard, but it was actually extremely warm. It was warmer than any quilt he had ever covered. It was so comfortable that he really wanted to lie down there and sleep.

However, as soon as he touched the wolf's body, the Bingfeng Giant Wolf got angry, overturned him to the ground, and roared at him!

Qiao Jue rolled around on the ground, covering her chest weakly and panting. He's half fake and half really weak. He said: "You saved me, I am very grateful, I like you very much, and want to be closer to you. Why did you hit me?"

The Bingfeng Giant Wolf was silent.

Qiao Jue couldn't stop coughing, and the breath he exhaled was bloody.

After a while, the Bingfeng Giant Wolf walked to his side and fell down again.

Qiao Jue was pleased. He likes good people, especially Jianxiu, because good people do things with principles, and Jianxiu has a lot of rules and regulations. As soon as these rules restrict them, they will have the opportunity to frame people who are stronger than themselves again and again, and escape from the masters who are chasing him again and again.

This ice peak giant wolf is actually a good wolf. He doesn't like to deal with people, but he also doesn't like to owe others. As soon as he met, he blew himself out. As a result, he thought his injury was related to him. To make up for this, he brought himself back to the ice cave to recover from his injuries. He hurt himself just now, and as compensation, he allowed himself to touch it.

This is a very principled good wolf. Joey thought. This kind of mentality of not wanting to owe money is such a terrible character flaw. If you don't accept him, it will be a waste!

He was lying on the body of the ice peak giant wolf, wanting to feel the inner demon planted just now, but still did not respond at all.

It seems that the power of the inner demon cannot be used, so he can only find another way. Fortunately, that must not be too difficult.