When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 45: mwah


Yi Xichen opened his eyes, and the world in front of him turned into a thick black mist again.

Although he wandered in Qiao Jue's sea of knowledge for a long time, he was still full of doubts after he came out. Who is that black-eyed devil? What does Yue Xiaorou have to do with him

After a while, Qiao Jue's scattered eyes gradually became focused, realizing what had just happened, his face was shocked and angry. He had made up a set of nonsense before to deceive the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen, but now he has appeared in front of them as if he had been stripped, and there was no more nonsense to make up.

He gritted his teeth, and immediately laughed again: "Since that's the case, let's get straight to the point..."

Yi Xichen shouted: "See your ancestors!" He suddenly drew his sword out of the sheath, and slashed at Qiao Jue's right arm!

Qiao Jue was shocked and hurriedly tried to dodge, but how could he be faster than Yi Xichen's sword, only to see a light of blood flying out, Qiao Jue's right arm was cut off by Yi Xichen!

The arm with the black hexagram mark flew out and quickly sank into the sea of nothingness!

Qiao Jue wanted to scream fiercely, but his expression was distorted, and he swallowed the tragic roar. Because of the severe pain, he tightly grasped the wings of the bird and beast, and his body curled up into a ball, trembling uncontrollably. .

Yi Xichen threw out a rope and tied Qiao Jue. He saw in Qiao Jue's sea of knowledge that Qiao Jue gave all the seven monsters except Lang Yue a surrogate death technique. Although he saw how the spell was cast, he didn't know how to solve it. Therefore, he did not intend to kill Qiao Jue here, but tied Qiao Jue to see the emptiness of the sect master, presumably the emptiness of the sect master would have a solution.

Qiao Jue's arm was severed, and the pain was so painful that she was unable to resist, and was firmly tied up by Yi Xichen. He was gasping for breath and shouting silently, but he didn't struggle. Until he finally eased slightly from the severe pain, when he raised his head, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

He said intermittently: "We, trade. I saw you and sucked the devilish energy from Lang Yue's body. I don't know what you came from. Please help me absorb all the devilish energy from him. Don't let him be enchanted. You guys , what do you want? Spirit stones, monsters, anything."

Yi Xichen said in a calm tone, "I want your life."

Qiao Jue changed color slightly, but she was still calm: "Other than that, everything is fine."

Yi Xichen Yujian carried his eldest grandson Zijun and dragged Qiao Jue, thinking quickly in his heart.

From Qiao Jue's memory, he could not find the reason why Lang Yue insisted on going into the devil. If it was just to get rid of Qiao Jue's restraint, he only needed to find a way to die that would make his soul fly away. Although it was not simple, Difficulty is always lower than going crazy. At this time, Qiao Jue deliberately left Lang Yue alone to find them, and even refused to cry out when his arm was cut off, he was afraid that Lang Yue would be summoned. What is he afraid of

A flash of light flashed in Yi Xichen's mind, and he suddenly figured out Lang Yue's purpose!

"Zijun!" He immediately transmitted his voice, "Try quickly, can you absorb his spiritual power!"

The eldest grandson Zijun was just attacked by his inner demon, and now he has recovered. Although he didn't understand where Yi Xichen came from, and didn't think he had the ability, he still did as he did, pressing his palm between Qiao Jue's eyebrows.

The tacit understanding in Fang Cai Lang Yue seemed to flow into his body spontaneously. He is not a demon, he has no ability to plunder, and his attempts have no effect on Qiao Jue.

The eldest grandson Zijun was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Yi Xichen meant.

He cannot plunder because he is not a demon. If Lang jumped into the devil...!

The eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen looked at each other without any communication, but at the same time they determined the immediate priority - find Lang Yue and stop him!

"Big wolf!" Yi Xichen roared towards the thick black fog, "Qiao Jue is in our hands, come out quickly!"

But Qiao Jue's face changed: "What are you calling!"

"Shut up!" Yi Xichen directly punched Qiao Jue's broken arm, and Qiao Jue twitched in pain, rolled her eyes, and almost fainted.

"Big wolf!"

"Wolf, come out!"

With Qiao Jue in their hands, Lang Yue must be looking for them. However, the magic fog is thick, they can't tell the direction, and it is really difficult to find someone.

Suddenly, a wolf's clear howl came from the depths of the magic fog!

They immediately turned around and flew towards the direction of the wolf howling! However, the wolf howl made them tremble with fear. I'm afraid this sound is not very good.

They rushed to Yujian all the way, and finally, breaking through the thick fog in front of them, Lang Yue's figure appeared in front of them. However, when they saw Lang Yue clearly, their hearts sank!

Lang Yue's stature seems to be taller and bigger than before. When the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen first met him, he was already a little sickly and stooped, but now, he has regained the same feeling that Qiao Jue knew when they first met him. As majestic, as if reborn. However, at that time, his body was silver and white, and he was like a fairy in the snow, but now, he was surrounded by black energy, and in the black mist, he had completely fallen into the devil's way. The mark on his forehead was no longer red.


Qiao Jue led Lang to the Void Realm in the hope that the Void Sect Master could prevent him from becoming a demon. However, Lang Yue cooperated to break into the void, but it was to enter the devil earlier.

When Qiao Jue saw Lang Yue in the dark mist, the blood on his face faded away, and he said in a trembling voice, "Lang..."

The eldest grandson Zijun pushed Qiao Jue into Yi Xichen's arms, separated Yu Jian from him, and shouted, "Take him away first!"

Yi Xichen mentioned Qiao Jue, who was tied into a zongzi, and turned around and retreated, but the eldest grandson Zijun rushed up to meet Lang Yue!

Lang Yue has completely fallen into the devil's way, and I don't know how much sanity is left. Even so, he can only give it a try and try to absorb all the devil energy from Lang Yue's body. Even if this move may have serious consequences for him, he can't care about it at this time!

A golden light stabbed between Lang Yue's brows, and Lang Yue did not dodge or avoid it, and there was no turbulence in his black eyes, which made people doubt whether he could see anything. However, just when the golden light was about to touch him, he turned into a black gas and disappeared!

The eldest grandson Jun has a bad heart! Lang Yue, who was completely reduced to a demon body, was like a drop of water into a river in this demon fog forest. He could roam freely here, but it was difficult to catch him!

Yi Xichen was leading Qiao Jue to retreat, and suddenly felt a strong sense of compulsion invaded from behind him. He immediately opened his body guard, thinking about blocking the first block anyway, but the black mist that rushed over completely ignored him. And entangled Qiao Jue.

The rope tied to Qiao Jue's body suddenly loosened, but he did not escape - he was completely wrapped in the black mist and could not move. In his heart, black energy connected to Qiao Jue's body, as if it was invading him. However, if you look closely, you will find that the black mist is not pouring into Qiao Jue's body, but is drawing something from his body.

The devil is plundering.

Things have developed to this point, and Yi Xichen is powerless to stop it. He was suddenly very sad: "Big Wolf..."

If Lang Yue was willing to say earlier, they could suck away the demonic energy from him, grab Qiao Jue to find the Sect Master of Nothingness, there must be a way to unravel these sorcerers, and Lang Yue would not have to take risks and walk here. A road that cannot be turned back. However, the Bingfeng Giant Wolf was unwilling to owe anyone in his life, and never asked for help. The only time he prayed was in the ice cave that day. He noticed that the black hexagram mark on Qiao Jue's arm was different, and asked Qiao Jue to tell him the truth once. Unfortunately, his whole life was let down.

The Thunder Firebird, who had always followed Qiao Jue's side, suddenly burst into brilliance and flew upwards in high spirits! The sorcery that had imprisoned him for so long was lifted, and he was reborn!

Countless dots of light flew out of Qiao Jue's Qiankun bag, and all his magic tricks were sucked away by Lang Yue, who turned into a demon.

Qiao Jue struggled at first, but gradually, he stopped moving. He smiled slightly, and there was a sense of relief on his face.

He whispered: "I could have exchanged it, but I chose to plunder."

He added: "You are too stupid."

Yi Xichen also changed his face and lost his voice: "Big wolf..."

Lang Yue went crazy, and after finishing the last thing he was obsessed with, his deadline was approaching, and his figure began to gradually dissipate.

The eldest grandson Jun sent a sword, and with a puff, it pierced into Qiao Jue's heart! After losing the protective body of those magic arts, Qiao Jue no longer had any resistance, and fell straight back, and was swallowed by the sea of nothingness in a short while.

In a trance, they saw a silver-white ice peak giant wolf appearing in the black fog. It was the most beautiful wolf they had ever seen, with a strong and tall body, and its silver-white hair was smooth and smooth. His pupils were as bright as obsidian, and the mark between his foreheads was fiery red, as bright as the scorching sun. He looked around indifferently, unconcerned about everything. Then he turned around and ran into the distance, gradually disappearing between heaven and earth.

A strong demonic energy exploded in the sea of nothingness!

The eldest grandson Zijun suddenly pulled Yi Xichen into his arms and protected him to the death!

The Bingfeng Giant Wolf died, and his powerful demonic energy began to overflow, and many of them had penetrated into the body of the eldest grandson Zijun!

However, Yi Xichen was firmly covered by the eldest grandson Zijun's bodyguard, and his head was held in his arms by the eldest grandson Zijun. Hear the heart beating vigorously.

Yi Xichen earned it from the arms of his eldest grandson, Jun.

However, the eldest grandson Zijun closed his eyes and frowned, unaware.

Yi Xichen was stunned for a moment, and his heart was suspended. Affected by the death of the Bingfeng Giant Wolf, the eldest grandson Zijun was dragged into the realm of inner demons again.

"Zijun? Zijun!" Yi Xichen called his name, but he couldn't hear him.

It was also the first time that Yi Xichen had seen a demon. He didn't know how to help Zijun get out of the demon, and he was helpless for a while.

When the inner demon can make people see the most fear in his heart, he doesn't know what the eldest grandson Zijun saw, but from the tightly locked eyebrows, it can be seen that the eldest grandson Zijun is very sad.

Yi Xichen raised his hand and pressed his eldest grandson Zijun between the eyebrows.

"Xichen..." The eldest grandson Zijun murmured unconsciously.

Yi Xichen said: "I'm here." The eldest grandson Zijun clearly saw him in his heart, and he quickly took the eldest grandson Zijun's hand and rubbed it lightly.

Right now, he can only wait for the eldest grandson to get out of his inner demon. Yi Xichen held his hand to protect him and began to observe the surroundings carefully. During this period, he could not let the thunderstorm or other things hurt the eldest grandson Zijun.

After an unknown amount of time, Yi Xichen suddenly felt that the hand he was holding was holding him back.

Yi Xichen was overjoyed: "Are you awake?"

The eldest grandson Zijun slowly opened his eyes, but there was no focus in his eyes, as if he was still awake.

Yi Xichen took his hand out of his hand and shook it in front of him: "Zijun?"

However, the clenched hand suddenly loosened, the eldest grandson Zijun glared at him dissatisfied, and then the unclenched hand lifted up and pressed the back of Yi Xichen's neck.


Yi Xichen thought that the eldest grandson Zijun would squeeze the back of his neck as usual to appease him, but unexpectedly the hand added strength and pressed him forward.

"Hey... hey?!"

Yi Xichen opened his mouth in surprise, and before he could say anything, he was kissed domineeringly!

Yi Xichen: "!!!"