When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 47: Unconsciousness


The lead in Gao Tianzhuo's heart was ignited, and he yelled like a lunatic.

"I'm not talented enough! But I haven't slacked off for a day!! For decades, I've done whatever Master said! The person I admire most is Master, but why is he so tolerant of others, yet never willing to praise me? A word! Ah? Ah!!"

"Just because I'm a disciple of Master!! I have to be humble!! What I like! As long as others like me, I have to let it go!! Why!!!"

Yi Xichen was speechless. Gao Tianzhu is humble? This is really... what kind of people have to be humble enough to have the face to say that they are humble

"Why are the apprentices good for others!!! What am I! Ah? What am I!!!"

He lost his mind completely, all his emotions were vented, and his voice was almost hoarse when he shouted. Yi Xichen stood by and listened silently without interrupting, hoping that he would roar louder and call both Hong Yizhen and the eldest grandson Zijun.

Gao Tianzhu was tired from yelling, squatted down and buried his face in his hands.

After a while, Yi Xichen realized that his shoulders twitched slightly, he seemed to be... crying

Yi Xichen hesitated for a moment, then called out, "Hey, Senior Brother Gao!"

Gao Tianzhuo said in a hoarse voice, "My spiritual roots are going to mutate, and I'm no longer worthy of being a disciple of Master..."

Yi Xichen was taken aback. Spirit root mutation? He thought about it for a while, and kind of understood what was going on. I think that this Gao Tianzhu might not have such a personality before. The elders choose the chief disciple, in addition to the cultivation base, the character is also extremely important, which can be regarded as the facade of a sect. However, after the spiritual root showed signs of mutation, Gao Tianzhu felt that his spiritual root was going to deteriorate, and his personality also deteriorated.

"Has it changed?" Yi Xichen said, "What kind of spiritual root has it become?"

Gao Tianzhu shook his head.

Yi Xichen asked curiously: "Then what are you anxious about, what kind of spiritual root are you now? Maybe this mutation will become a body of three suns or even a spiritual root?"

Gao Tianzhu continued to shake his head: "No... I know... I'm going to give up... "

Yi Xichen didn't know what to say. This Gao Tianzhu can be the eldest disciple of Master Hong Yi, and his aptitude must be good. If the spiritual root suddenly mutates, it must be more likely to become worse. It didn't happen to him, he didn't understand.

Gao Tianzhu was emotionally unstable. At first, he sobbed softly, but finally burst into tears: "What's so good about him! What's so good about him! What's wrong with me!"

Yi Xichen shook his head. Although his cultivation is not as good as Gao Tianzhu, and although Gao Tianzhu has attacked the eldest grandson Zijun now, Yi Xichen is not afraid of him.

The negative emotions in the hearts of people who have been invaded by demonic energy will be greatly magnified, but it does not mean that the person's xinxing has changed greatly. This Gao Tianzhu originally hated the eldest grandson Zijun, and his maliciousness was magnified, so he attacked the eldest grandson Zijun. And he himself has no ill will towards Yi Xichen, so he chased after him all the way, but he just ran away, but had no plans to take action against Yi Xichen. What's more, he is like this now, and Yi Xichen may not suffer much if he really fights.

"Have you cried enough? If you have cried enough, go find your master."

"Don't go."

Yi Xichen had been holding him back for a while, now looking at his sullen face with snot bubbles, he finally couldn't help sneering: "Are you enough? If you don't go to your master, what else do you want? Are you dying in this ghost place? Why do you still enter the sea of nothingness if you miss?! Hurry up and wipe your neck outside to avoid causing trouble to others!"

Gao Tianzhuo said nothing.

"All the apprentices are good for others?! Why do you think Master Hong Yi brought you to the Netherworld?! Do you think the thunderstorm was all brought down by you?! Do you think you came here by yourself?!"

Gao Tianzhu finally moved, raised his head and looked at Yi Xichen blankly.

"Your master never praises you. Well, you are not deaf. But you are blind! Can't you see how good he is to you?!"

Gao Tianzhu stayed for a while, then began to cry again: "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy to be Master's disciple..."

Yi Xichen rolled his eyes.

This demonic person is really giving up and can't understand people's words at all. Why don't you take him away before he's ready

At this moment, a thunderstorm suddenly exploded above Yi Xichen's head!

This thunderstorm came very suddenly, and people were not prepared at all. When I saw the thunder light, I felt bad, and hurriedly strengthened my body protection. When I heard the thunder, my whole body was already tense.

However, when the thunder light dissipated, Yi Xichen was unharmed. He was stunned for a moment, thinking that his luck in shit today was really good. The two consecutive thunders that landed on him were so weak that he could even bear it himself. But when he opened his eyes to look at Gao Tianzhu, he was startled.

The thunder fell on him, and Gao Tianzhu, who was closer to him, was affected by the thunder and was ejected! His face was covered in blood from the blast, his body was swaying, and he was about to fall off the sword!

Yi Xichen rushed over to support Gao Tianzhu: "Hey, are you alright?"

Gao Tianzhu was stunned by the lightning strike, and the blood dripped from his head. Fortunately, he was not at the center of the lightning strike. Although he was injured, it was not life-threatening.

Now Yi Xichen is really puzzled. Even if Gao Tianzhuo was unconscious and didn't open his body protection, his cultivation during the fusion period was not something to look at, not to mention that he was injured like this when he was only affected. What kind of virtue and ability can he carry on his own without being hurt? Could it be that his talent is not afraid of thunder force? No, impossible, this is not his first contact with Lei Li!

Something must be protecting him!

That piece of heart protection gold armor? Even if the heart-protecting gold and iron armor can reduce the damage of thunder, how can the five high-level spirit stones be so powerful? Any piece of equipment on Gao Tianzhu's body is much more useful than him!

Someone secretly help

Yi Xichen looked around, but there was only a thick black fog around, and no one was seen.

"Zijun? Real Hong Yi? Can anyone hear me!"

No one responded.

Yi Xichen frowned.

He didn't understand, and he didn't have time to think about it at the moment. Although the thunderstorm just now didn't hurt him, it was a warning to him that the sea of nothingness is dangerous everywhere and should not be taken lightly. What's more, he was very worried that something happened to Zijun that he didn't follow up, and he was already impatient to find his eldest grandson Zijun.

"Let's go!" He pulled Gao Tianzhu, "Let's find someone else!"

Gao Tianzhu remained motionless.

Yi Xichen let go of him in disappointment, no longer reluctantly, and sneered: "Okay, then you can continue to feel sorry for yourself here alone! Your master only accepted an apprentice like you after eight lifetimes of blood mold! He protects you everywhere. , finally brought you here, but you died in this ghost place, what would he think? It's nothing, just a mess, struck by lightning a few times, and suffered a little injury. Anyway, you already know that you are a drag Someone else's bastard."

Hearing that Hong Yizhen would be injured, Gao Tianzhu finally raised his head again, sniffed, and burst a snot bubble.

Yi Xichen walked away from Yu Jian.

He Yujian walked slowly, and Gao Tianzhu finally staggered and followed.

Yi Xichen didn't know where Hong Yizhen was, but it was difficult to find someone in this vast sea of nothingness. He could only go back along the way he had just come, hoping to find his eldest grandson Zijun first.

The two flew with their swords for a while, Yi Xichen kept shouting the name of the eldest grandson Zijun, but never found the eldest grandson Zijun. He just left after chasing Gao Tianzhu, and he didn't fly that far. It stands to reason that he had already returned to the place at this time, but no one was there, so there were only two possibilities. One is that the eldest grandson Zijun has left, and the other is that it is difficult to distinguish things in the black fog forest. He is not walking the same way at all, and has lost his way.

No matter what kind of possibility it was, Yi Xichen was extremely irritable. He could not find his eldest grandson, Zijun.

"It's all your fault!" Yi Xichen burst out suddenly, yelling at Gao Tianzhu.

He was suffocating in his heart, burning with anger, wishing to beat Gao Tianzhu into a pig's head!

However, after a while, Yi Xichen put out the fire, frowning and holding his heart.

This feeling of blocking his heart is not entirely due to emotional excitement, or it should be said that his emotions become so emotional because of this feeling of blocking his heart. He was also invaded by demonic energy.

Even if the thunder in the sea of nothingness can't hurt him, but without the protection of the eldest grandson Zijun, with his cultivation, it is difficult to resist such a strong demonic energy, and even Gao Tianzhu has become crazy. Soon.

The more he thought about it, the more his mood fluctuated.

Yi Xichen shook his head, took a few deep breaths, suppressed his emotions, and took out some talismans from the bag. As soon as he short-circuited each line, he set off a fire. The demonic energy is strong, and the surroundings cannot be seen clearly. The firelight can travel farther than the human shadow. I hope that if there are people around, if they see the firelight, they will come to them.

After a while, they suddenly heard someone shouting.

"Gao Tianzhu!"

The two immediately held their breaths.

"Tianzhu, where are you?" It was the voice of the real Hong Yi!

Gao Tianzhu wiped the blood on his face and said excitedly, "Master!"

He immediately abandoned Yi Xichen and flew towards the source of the sound!

Yi Xichen quickly followed.

The surroundings were bright again.

The light of thunder traveled faster than the sound of thunder, Yi Xichen saw the dawn in the corner of his eyes, and knew that the thunder was coming again, and he didn't dare to fight, and immediately held his breath to strengthen his body protection.

This time, it was a continuous thunderstorm, and then three thunderfires exploded at his feet. The dazzling thunder light made him completely unable to open his eyes.

After a while, Yi Xichen made sure that Lei Ting would take a break, secretly relieved, and opened his eyes again.

It was pitch black all around, where is the figure of Gao Tianzhu

"...Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge!" Yi Xichen was angry again, "Unloading the mill and killing the donkey! Ingratitude!"

"Really Hong Yi?" Yi Xichen shouted, "Is there anyone!"

"Zijun, where are you!"

Alone in the dark, Yi Xichen's emotions were ups and downs. He was afraid. I am afraid of my own situation, and even more afraid that my eldest grandson Zijun will encounter unexpected events. Wouldn't it be great if he and Zijun had made a consonance contract early on? As long as they are connected, how can this damn black fog separate them

He stood slumped in place for a while, wondering if he should stay where he was or if he should continue ramming around like a headless fly.

After an unknown time, a shadowy figure appeared in the dark fog.

Yi Xichen was delighted at first, and then became vigilant. In this black fog forest, they haven't encountered any monsters and monsters yet, but the magic fog affects people's minds. If they meet a fellow who is as delirious as Gao Tianzhu, it may not be a good thing for him.

The figure broke through the layers of black mist and slowly approached him. The figure is getting clearer and clearer, Yi Xichen's heart is also hanging, and the attacking talisman is already in his hand.

Finally, the figure completely appeared in front of him.


Yi Xichen released his hand, and the talisman paper fell. He thundered to the top: "Master?!"