When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 6: The hymen


Yi Xichen and Lu Ziyao were helpless. If only the miasma invaded the body, the awakening pill would be enough to deal with it, but the eldest grandson Zijun did not show any signs of improvement.

"Let's go to Elder Yao." Lu Ziyao suggested, "After all, he is the elder of the Medicine Pavilion and your master. Maybe he will have a solution."

It's not that Yi Xichen didn't think about it, it's just that the eldest grandson Zijun's condition is too weird, and he thinks that he and him... have a child, it's too shameful, so Yi Xichen thinks he can solve it by himself, don't let more people know. It's a pity that until now, I can only find medicine and not poison.

The eldest grandson Zijun expressed his cooperation with the proposal of going to see the medicine without poison. Now it is obvious that the person in question is himself, and Yaobutoxic is the elder he trusts the most. He also hopes to quickly find out the crux of the matter.

As soon as he went out, Lu Ziyao's pass token shook. It was the elder of Lianjian Pavilion who had something to call him. He could no longer accompany his eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen, and those two didn't mind, so they left him and went to Yaolin.

Lu Yi Xichen told the eldest grandson Zijun: "I will see Master later, if you feel uncomfortable, just say it, including all the things you find strange. Master has a lot of knowledge, maybe he can know what's going on."

The eldest grandson Jun remained silent.

"—But, you are absolutely not allowed to mention any children!" Yi Xichen said threateningly, "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will... I will let Jin Toad urinate on your pillow!"

The eldest grandson Zijun couldn't help but say, "Are you really not pregnant?" Even in the Bingchen year, in his memory, Yi Xichen was pregnant with their first child in the Bingchen year.

Yi Xichen was furious: "I am pregnant with your ancestors! Remember! Never mention this matter!"

Just walked into the courtyard full of exotic flowers and plants, a stone medicine pestle flew straight to Yi Xichen's forehead, and a voice full of anger roared: "Yi Xichen! Did you steal me again? Herbs in the medicine field!"

Yi Xichen was about to dodge, but a figure was faster than him, and the stone pestle was cut off in mid-air.

The eldest grandson Zijun caught the hidden weapon and bowed respectfully to the middle-aged man standing in the yard: "Master." This person is the elder of the Medicine Pavilion, Yaobuxi, the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen's master. He is also the person most respected by the eldest grandson.

Yi Xichen stuck his head out behind his eldest grandson, Zijun, and said with a dog-legged smile: "Master, don't be angry, you listen to my explanation..."

Yaobu was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "Zijun, get out of the way, I must take care of this little bastard today!"

The eldest grandson Zijun did not move. Even if the other party is his own master, he will not allow anyone other than him to hurt Yi Xichen.

"Master Zijun has a strange disease. I stole medicine to treat him, but if I can't cure it, I can only ask Master for help!" Yi Xichen explained his purpose in one breath.

Yaobufu was stunned for a moment, and sure enough, his anger was immediately subdued: "Zijun is ill?"

Yi Xichen quickly pushed the eldest grandson Zijun over.

Yao Budu quickly walked to the eldest grandson Zijun, looked at his face, grabbed his hand to check his pulse, but his face was smooth and smooth, and his pulse was stable, and there was no problem.

"Last night, I took Zijun to accompany me to the Miasma Forest..." Yi Xichen took a step back calmly, away from the attack range of the medicine, "Zijun may have inhaled miasma, so he had Some... ahem, hallucinations."

"Miassis forest?" Yao Budu reached out and wanted to give this stinky brat a head start, but he hid too quickly, "So my breath-holding pill was also stolen by your kid?!"

If it wasn't for the eldest grandson Jun quietly blocking his face, Yao Budu would really want to rush over and slap that ignorant disciple to the ground and give him a slap. However, it is still more important to understand the illness of the eldest grandson Zijun.

"You inhaled miasma?" Yaobudu asked, "Do you still remember who I am?"


"Who is that kid?"

"..." In the eyes of Yi Xichen's ability to kill, the eldest grandson Jun silently swallowed the three words "child", "Yi Xichen."

"What year and month is it today?"

The eldest grandson pursed his lips and whispered: "I just went to Shennong Temple to see it, it's the year of Bingchen."

"But he originally thought that this year was the Jiazi Year." Yi Xichen added.

Yao Budu was stunned for a moment, pondered for a moment, and said, "The year of Jiazi... in eight years or in sixty-eight years?"

"Eight years later."

"Who are you eight years later?"

"The best swordsman in the world."

The medicine is no longer poisonous and happy: "As expected of my disciple, if you have the ambition, you will become the number one swordsman in the world in eight years. Good!"

"Hey, Master." Yi Xichen said with a black line, "That's not the point."

The medicine is not poisonous, but it is very interesting: "Who am I in eight years?"

The eldest grandson Zijun was slightly taken aback. In his worldview, Yaobudu has become a somewhat vague person from nowhere. When he is needed, he will appear, and when he is not needed, he seems to be hidden in the world. He had no choice but to answer: "It's my master."

Yaobudu originally thought that he would hear an answer like the number one medicine repair in the world, but he didn't expect it to be like this. He was very happy in his heart, but dissatisfied with his mouth: "You bastard, after eight years of mixing, you have become the number one sword cultivator in the world, but I'm just the master of the number one sword cultivator in the world? Forget it, you follow me first. Come in."

The three entered the house, and the medicine was not poisonous, so that the eldest grandson Zijun meditated opposite him, and asked him to enter meditation, and he wanted to enter his sea of consciousness to see what happened.

The Sea of Consciousness is the most secret place for monks. If they can't protect their Sea of Consciousness and are easily intruded by demons, the monks will go into trouble at light, or die suddenly. Therefore, all monks will only open the sea of knowledge to those they trust the most.

The eldest grandson, Jun, hesitated a little. It's not that he can't believe that medicine is not poisonous. Even if everyone in the world wants to harm him, the first person who won't turn his back on him is Yi Xichen, and the second is their master. If there was no medicine and no poison, he would already be a barren mountain now. It's just... He recalls the past himself, and there seems to be nothing else in his memory other than this and that with Yi Xichen... Not to mention Yi Xichen, even he himself feels ashamed...

"What?" Yao Budu saw that he had not settled down for a long time, and said dissatisfiedly, "Could it be that your kid has something else that you can't show your teacher?"

The eldest grandson, Zijun, thought that Yi Xichen's miscarriage was usually treated by Yaobutoxic for him, and he could not hide it from his master, so he calmed down and meditated, and opened up the sea of knowledge without defense against Yaobutoxic.

Yaobudu put his finger on his forehead, and took out a ray of sanity into his sea of consciousness.

With the invasion of other minds, the eldest grandson Zijun could not help being substituted into the memories of the past.

For the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen, Yaobudu is both a teacher and a father. At that time, the eldest grandson Zijun was framed by Xiao Kui and others, and broke into the forbidden area of Houshan by mistake. The forbidden area in the back mountain of Tianjianmen is said to be a place of seclusion and purification by a powerful man in the world. Therefore, there are many ferocious beasts guarding it, and they will kill any intruders without mercy. At that time, the eldest grandson Zijun was still a child. Even if he had outstanding talent, he did not have much cultivation. How could he be the opponent of those immortal beasts? He tried his best and finally escaped from the forbidden area with his last breath.

He was in a coma for seven days and seven nights, and the first thing others said to him after waking up was that he had violated the rules of the gate and had to be expelled from Tianjianmen. It has nothing to do with Tianjianmen.

He was imprisoned in the dungeon for seven days, and only the elder Yao from the Medicine Pavilion came to see him. Yaobudu said something to him, but he only said two words, which changed his future destiny.

Yao Bu Po said: "My child, from the first day you entered the Heavenly Sword Gate, I saw your eyes and knew that you were not a bad boy. This thing is too strange, I just ask you two questions. First, are you the one who wants to break into the forbidden area

The eldest grandson Zijun said the first word: No.

The medicine is not poisonous and asked again: So far, do you still want to continue to practice swordsmanship in Tianjianmen? Even if I can't stay in the Sword Refinement Pavilion.

The eldest grandson Zijun said the second word: think.

Yao Budu touched his head, gave him a few pills to heal his wounds, and left.

He still remembers the taste of those pills to this day. Bitter and astringent, so bitter that one's hair twitches, and one's intestines are knotted.

A few days later, he was picked up by the drug without poison. I heard that Yaobudu took all the guilt, claiming that he ordered the eldest grandson Zijun to go to the back mountain to help him collect medicines, which caused the eldest grandson Zijun, who was not familiar with the road, to enter the forbidden area by mistake. Because he did not deliberately violate the rules of the sect, so the self-destruction of a hundred years of cultivation was regarded as punishment, and all the punishments of the eldest grandson Zijun were exempted. From then on, the eldest grandson Zijun became a disciple of Medicine Pavilion.

His mind suddenly jumped out of his memory, the eldest grandson Zijun broke the state of meditation, returned to reality, and opened his eyes in confusion: "Huh?"

Yao Budu sat opposite him with a strange expression: "This is the first time I've seen this situation."

Yi Xichen was anxious: "Master, what's wrong with Zijun?"

Yao Budu touched the goatee and said: "I entered his sea of consciousness to see the past, and what I can see is not a problem. The problem is that many places are blurry and unclear. I tried to break in, but I entered. A grotesque realm, as if… as if…”

"Like what?"

"It seems that it is not within these nine thousand worlds, but another brand new world."

This answer made the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen look at each other. The Nine Thousand Realms are boundless, including all the heaven, earth, human beings, gods, demons, ghosts, and monsters. Is there a world beyond the Nine Thousand Realms

"This doesn't seem like a miasma anymore." Yao Buxi said, "Some of the hallucinations you have may have come from mysterious powers outside the Nine Thousand Worlds, which you have never heard of or seen before."

Yaobudu asked the eldest grandson Zijun some questions about cognition. Yi Xichen stared at the side, under his eye knife, the eldest grandson Zijun could not talk about their affairs, but the key to the difference was between them. Innocent little things.

Therefore, after asking about the drug, he touched the goatee again and said, "You did have some delusions, but you still remember who you are and who everyone is. It doesn't seem like the problem is too serious. In short, I Give you some refreshing medicine first, you should eat it every day according to the amount, and it should gradually improve."

When he heard that he was going to take medicine, the corner of the eldest grandson Zijun's mouth twitched again.

— Yaobutoxic has also been given a strange skill point in refining medicinal pills. All the medicinal pills he made have the best effect. As for the taste... 10 of the flavors of fried snake gall with bitter gourd and coptis Quan Da Bu Dan, a sock-scented qi-tonifying pill worn by sweaty feet, a belly button-scented concentrating pill of someone who hasn’t bathed in ten years…

The eldest grandson, Jun Yongsheng, will never forget that the pain he experienced when he was imprisoned in the dungeon for trespassing was not the pain brought him by the pain, but the medicine that was not poisonous.

Yaobudu pushed two pills in front of the eldest grandson Zijun: "Hurry up and eat."

The eldest grandson Jun dodged: "I'd better go back to eat..."

Yaobu poisoned his eyes: "Hurry up! If this medicine is effective, take this first. If it's not good, I'll make other medicines for you."

The eldest grandson Zijun couldn't disobey his teacher's orders, so he had to swallow the two pills with one bite. The smooth taste rolled down his throat, and in a short while, a strong taste came up, causing every pore in his body to open up.

Yi Xichen leaned into his ear and asked quietly, "What does today's medicine taste like?"

The eldest grandson Zijun said with a stern face: "The smell of menstruation."

Yi Xichen almost burst out laughing, holding back his smile: "Hey, how do you know what menstruation is like?"

The eldest grandson Zijun glanced at him as a matter of course: "Because you come every month."

Yi Xichen: "..." Can you hit someone? ah? Let's fight! Can you get through this day? !

Yaobufu asked expectantly, "How about this medicine?"

Sometimes the poor disciples don't even know whether Elder Yao really doesn't know whether the medicine he makes has a refreshing effect, or whether he is deliberately tossing people. Every time he refines the medicine, he has to be praised by others, but it is not enough to praise him for being delicious, the mouth is sweet and delicious, and the aftertaste is endless.

The eldest grandson Zijun resisted the nausea and boasted a few words against his will. He was really happy with the medicine, and he packed a bag of medicinal herbs and stuffed it into Yi Xichen, and told him to go back and watch the eldest grandson Zijun take the medicine. The two of them were sent out of the medicine house.

After a day of tossing around, it was already dusk. Seeing that it was getting dark, the disciples hurriedly went back to their rooms to rest. The eldest grandson Zijun walked slowly towards the disciple's room behind Yi Xichen, both of them were silent.

"Zijun..." Yi Xichen suddenly called out his name.


"Feel sorry… "

Although Yi Xichen looked heartless, since he found out that his eldest grandson Zijun was different, feelings of guilt and anxiety have been haunting him for a day. The eldest grandson Zijun has a cold face and a warm heart. After they became friends, even though he followed the eldest grandson Zijun every day, in fact, the eldest grandson Zijun paid more than him.

Tianjianmen will distribute some spiritual stones and immortal materials to the disciples every month, but the disciples of different pavilions get different shares. As medicine pavilion disciples, they have to bear more chores than others, but they get meager spiritual stones and immortal materials. They can only get a bunch of exotic flowers and plants that they don't know what they can use, so Yi Xichen gradually started to He went sideways and studied various small techniques. But no matter how much you save, cultivation still needs the assistance of a lot of immortal materials, and the disciples even have to get their own weapons. In order to get more fairy materials and magic weapons, Yi Xichen often took his eldest grandson Zijun to accompany him to go down the mountain to compete, gamble or venture into some more dangerous places. As long as he opened his mouth, no matter how dangerous the place was, the eldest grandson Zijun never refused.

He didn't think it was a big deal before, they were best friends, and they shared good and bad together. But now that the eldest grandson Zijun had a problem, he was helpless. He firmly believed that it was because he took the eldest grandson Zijun to accompany him to the Miasma Forest last night, and this feeling made him ashamed.

"Zijun." Yi Xichen turned around and stared at the eldest grandson Zijun's eyes, "No matter what, I... I will find a way to cure you."

The eldest grandson Zijun nodded. To be honest, he didn't even remember such a simple matter as accompany Yi Xichen to the Miasma Forest, and he didn't think it was because of Yi Xichen, but the gap between ideal and reality really made him still stunned. .

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, no matter what you say, I won't be angry, I will correct you patiently. After all, it is I who dragged you down... "

The eldest grandson Zijun nodded again. The setting sun was about to sink to the horizon. He didn't want to stand in the wind to speak, and urged, "Come in."

"it is good… "

Yi Xichen pushed open the door reluctantly, and was about to say goodbye to the eldest grandson Zijun, when he turned his head and saw the eldest grandson Zijun came in.

Yi Xichen: "...you have something to say?"

The eldest grandson Zijun glanced at him inexplicably, took off his robe and threw it on the bed.

Yi Xichen: "..."

Before the eldest grandson Zijun took off his coat, shoes and socks, and was about to take off his bun and go to bed, Yi Xichen finally couldn't bear to stop him. Yi Xichen asked uncertainly: "Zijun, this is my room, are you going to sleep here tonight?"

The eldest grandson Zijun was stunned for a moment: "Otherwise?"

Yi Xichen took a deep breath and said tactfully with his fingers, "You know...that...child or something...is your hallucination...so...you understand...we...that's it..."

The eldest grandson Zijun stayed for a while, suddenly realized what he meant, and jumped up like a thunderbolt: "So eight years ago, not only were you not pregnant, but also the hymen was not broken?!"

Yi Xichen almost hit his head on the head of the bed. What the hell is the hymen and his grandmother? ! What kind of monster is he in the eyes of the eldest grandson Zijun? ! Can he take back what he just said without being angry? Just about to blow up! ! !